Scientific Revolution~Quiz

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Proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation

-Renaissance people became educated and read the works of the ancients -learned about discoveries -plato stated that mathematics was the key to understanding the universe~Renaissance thinkers began applying math and reason to their world -emphasis on the individual led to new discoveries

Why did the Scientific Revolution take place now?

Francis Bacon

lord chancellor of England, lawyer, statesman, philosopher, and master of the English tongue

Nicolaus Copernicus

polish astronomer who proposed the sun was the center of the solar system and the planets circle the sun

Tycho Brahe

Danish astronomer who was best known for developing astronomical instruments and measuring and fixing the positions of the stars

Isaac Newton

English physicist and mathematician who was the culminating figure of the scientific revolution, discovered the three laws of motion plus the law of universal gravitation

Rene Descartes

French mathematician and philosopher, generally regarded as the founder of modern Western philosophy


Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the science of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials into the development of the scientific method

described the circulation of blood and the heart's role as a pump

Who was William Harvey?

-spent his life creating instruments to better observe the planets -still believed in an earth-centered universe

Who was Tycho Brahe?

-They changed the way we think about Science -followed plato, use of mathematics was key to learning nature's truth -Bacon stressed experimentation and observation -Descartes stressed human reasoning

What did Bacon and Descartes do? What did they stress?

observation and experimentation -don't have to accept the knowledge of the ancients -not necessary to make it fit with Christian understanding of the world

What did new methods stressed?

a sun-centered model, the planets including the earth circle it

What is a Heliocentric model?

a sudden complete or marked change in something

What is a revolution?

knowledge is derived from sensory experiences

What is empiricism?

had a geocentric idea of the universe: man/earth at the center man: God's crowning creation believed that any material could be changed into any other substance with alchemy time was wasted trying to change things into gold

What was the Medieval Science?

a new process of discovery 1. use reason to suggest a hypothesis 2. use observation/experimentation to test it 3. gather data and use math to form conclusions~scientific theories or laws 4. repeat experiments to confirm or improve the hypothesis

What was the Scientific Method?

a profound shift in scientific thinking in the mid 1500s -people's understanding of the physical universe changed -the position of the earth, planets, and stars -chemistry, medicine, and other fields

What was the scientific revolution? What changed?

-like in astronomy what was known about medicine was based on the ancients, like Galen -errors because he did not know much about anatomy -During the renaissance, doctors began performing autopsies -Vesalius published a detailed book on human anatomy

What were the Medical Advances?

Goa, India Plants

Where did Garcia de Orta travel first? What did he study?

Louis XIV of France

Who started the Royal Academy of Sciences?

developed a better ointment to prevent infection and use artificial limbs

Who was Ambroise Pare?

perfected the microscope and saw cells

Who was Aton Von Leeuwenhoek?

-the first to propose a heliocentric model of the universe -he realized that Ptolemy's math had problems that could be fixed if he changed the model to sun-centered

Who was Copernicus? What did he realize?

-father of empiricism -encouraged others to explore -did not make any of his own discoveries but changed the way people thought about science

Who was Francis Bacon?

-used the telescope to explore the skies~his telescope could see 30X further -agreed with Copernicus that the universe is sun-centered, it explained what he saw -this view challenged church teachings -he was brought up by the inquisition and when he refused to take back his views was placed under house arrest -the church exonerated him in 1992 -first person to observe the moons of Jupiter -father of modern science

Who was Galileo? (7)

-Theorized about gravity -all planets and objects in the universe are moved by gravity, a mutual attraction to each other -the earth is orderly and obeys certain mathematical principles -invented calculus - believed you must observe something before trying to explain it~test your hypothesis -practiced alchemy

Who was Isaac Newton? (6)

-believed Copernicus was right about a sun-centered universe -used Brahe's data to find math to support it -Created a new model that showed motion orbits are elliptical, not circular

Who was Johannes Kepler?

-used human reason to find provable knowledge -Reason was given to us by God, and therefore must be true -I think, therefore I am -Invented analytical geometry, believed the world was governed by mathematical laws -tried to prove his own existence -developed deductive reasoning

Who was Rene Descartes? (6)


a branch of mathematics that involves the study of roles of change


a cosmological model in which the sun is assumed to lie at or near a central point

scientific method

a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions

Johannes Kepler

german astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion


the universal force of attraction acting between all matter

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