Section 5: Bonding in Metals
can be bent easily & pulled into wires.
can be rolled into this sheets.
is a material made ot two or more elements that has the properties of a metal.
Metallic Bonding
is the attraction between a positive metal ion & the electrons surrounding it. When they combined chemically they usually lose valence electrons becoming postively charged metal ions & metal valence electrons are loosely held.
Heat Conductivity
is the freedom of motion of electrons in metals makes it easier for thermal energy to be transferred along the crystal.
is when valence electrons absorb the light and then give it off again.
Electrical Conductivity
is where metals conduct electricity easily because the electrons in ametal crystal can move freely among the atoms.
"Sea of Electrons" model
is where solid metals explains their ability to conduct heat & electricity, which makesit easier for them to to change shape & gives them their luster.
most have 1, 2, or 3 valence electrons, exist as crystal, are very close together in specific arrangement, postively charged ions, & valence electrons are free to drift.