Shrm acronyms & glossary

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What are the functions of management?

1. planning(formulating strategy) 2. organizing (creating a guide) 3. controlling (implementing) 4. directing (developing)

WARN Act requires employers with over 100 or more employees to give a ________ day notice for mass layoffs and plant closings

60-day notice

Process alignment is important to ensure there is a common platform being used across various business locations. pg. 25 workplace book: identity alignment (diversity of offerings) VS process alignment


T or F: The DACA program provides eligibility for work authorization but stops short of providing lawful status. It is renewed every two years.

True; Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals

T or F: Task migration leads to a flatter organization with less hierarchy.


T or F: The OECD (Org for Economic Cooperation and Development) Guidelines main goal is to boost the economies by EXPANDING TRADE. The OECD guidelines are the only COMPREHENSIVE SUPER detailed guidelines that exist


T or F: Vounteering helps the organization's brand and also helps employees with their skills


T or F: the Analytical Aptitude competency is all about Evidence Based Decision Making.



Employee Assistance Program

T or F: Anonymous feedback is a tool that builds silos.

False, anonymous feedback breaks down silos


state of being in accordance with national, federal, regional and local laws/regulations/other gov't requirements applicable to the the places in which an organization operates

What is an IDP?

Individual Development Plan a document that guides employees toward their goals for professional development

HR must understand how the ___ curve effects productivity and engagement during large shifts/changes.

J curve


mentoring is the relationship where one person helps guide a person's development

What is this calculation? Employees for entire period divided by number of employees at the start of the period times 100

Retention Rate Retention Rate = Employees for entire period divided by number of employees at the start of the period times 100

career development

progression through a series of employment stages characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks

During the _____________________ step of the workforce planning analysis, the need for X number of new employees is determined to forecast headcount needs.

Step 2 - Demand analysis

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

employee personnel data including name, postal address, birth date, SSN, medical information, payroll data, and other sensitive information that needs to be protected

T or F: Fall Protection violations are the MOST COMMON cited violation according to OSHA.


T or F: ISO 26000 is intended to provide organizations with guidance concerning social responsibility.


T or F: There are proactive interventions and remedial interventions (remedial/reactive interventions bring the org back on course). What type of analysis is used to identify if an intervention should be focused on performance requirements?

True A performance Gap analysis

T or F: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 aka Title VII applies to public sector, private sector, and unions with 15 OR MORE employees or members.

True The Civil Rights Act of 1964 aka Title VII applies to public sector, private sector, and unions with 15 OR MORE employees or members.


status of growing interconnectedness and interdepedency worldwide

T or F: Universalist perspective is a best practice within HR system and a simplest approach to HR management.

True universalism - based on written rules and contracts vs particularism - based on relationships, handshake agreements

T or F: CSR includes and encompasses environmental sustainability. The definition of CSR has broadened from the traditional areas of ethics, governance, corporate philanthropy, and volunteerism to include sustainability.

True, CSR includes and encompasses environmental sustainability. The definition of CSR has broadened from the traditional areas of ethics, governance, corporate philanthropy, and volunteerism to include sustainability.

T or F: ERGs or affinity groups are support/resource groups with formal charters.

True, ERGs and affinity groups are formal charters and also help with onboarding and employee retention

T or F: the "Five Whys method" is an approach to Root Cause Analysis.

True, the "Five Whys method" is an approach to Root Cause Analysis.

T or F: Laborers, mechanics, electricians will always be non-exempt no matter how much they are paid.

True. these blue collar workers should always be non-exempt

Job Analysis

a job analysis gathers info about job context, work environment, job responsibilities, job specifications and KSAOs needed for performing the job, performance criteria/desired behaviors and results job analysis can be done with observations, interviews, position analysis questionnaire PAQ, etc.

Hazard (controlled by risk mgt)

a potential harm, often associated with a condition or activity that if left uncontrolled can result in injury or illness

business case

a proposal/presentation to management ; tool or document that defines a specific problem, proposes a solution, and provides justification for the proposal in terms of: time, cost efficiency, and probability of success


a rule or order issued by an administrative agency of government which usually has the force of law


a scope of work roles and responsibilities associated with one or more people


a set of behavioral guidelines that a company expects of employees to ensure moral/ethical practices and business standards

Six Sigma/Lean Six Sigma

a set of techniques and tools for process improvement that aims to increase quality by decreasing process defects. Six Sigma also aims to increase speed by eliminating waste.


all the financial returns (beyond tangible benefit payments or services), salary and allowances

incentive pay what type of employees receive incentive pay?

form of direct compensation where employers pay for performance beyond normal expectations to motivate higher performance incentive/commissions pay is also called differential piece-rate pay sales employees - Incentive pay is used for sales commission situations. Pay for Performance

The ____________ ________________________ "sweet spot" is the overlap between career management and career development interests, representing the organization's and its employees' shared objectives. The greater the overlap, the greater the opportunity for joint satisfaction.

talent management


an employee is returning from an international assignment and is being reintegrated into their home country's culture, conditions, and employement

What are industrial actions?

various forms of collective employee actions/strikes taken to protest work conditions or employer actions

What are the types of global assignments/employees?

globalists: spend their entire careers going from one international assignment to the next; continue to be redeployed local hires/host country nationals short-term assignees: on assignment for less than one year but more than 1 month. They typically do not relocate their families international assignees/ expatriates: they fully relocate and are away for 1-3 years commuters: travel across country borders for regular work just-in-time expatriates: ad hoc or contract workers hired for a single assignment

labor union

group of workers who formally organize and coordinate to achieve a common goal with their employer or a group of employers; a trade union

time-based step-rate pay

the pay system in which pay is based on longevity in the job and pay increases occur on a pre-determined schedule

realistic job preview

tool used during the staffing/selection process to provide an applicant with an honest look at the job environment

T or F: Bureaucractic/mechanistic/hierarchy structures achieve predictable and stable environments.


A career development plan is a _____________ HR function. a. practical b. strategic c. administrative/transactional d. operational

b. strategic


individual who exchanges work for wages or salary

WARN Act, EEOC, Title VII, Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedurs, AAP (Affirmative Action Plan), and OWBP Act are the laws and regulations that are the MOST important to review and consult during a ____________ (aka RIF).

layoff or reduction in force

Communication is two ways because of the feedback mechanism. What is the feedback mechanism?

communicator > delivers message > across a medium > the receiver/audience receives the message > feedback is provided to the communicator


component of a message apart from the words; gestures, posture, vocal tones, volume, and speed

performance measures

data or calculations comparing current performance against KPIs

Qualitative data

data subjective to evaluation of actions, feelings, or behavior

Line Units vs Staff Units

line units = work groups that conduct major business of an organization; i.e. marketing, sales, R&D staff units = staff units SUPPORT the line units; i.e. HR, legal, accounting

define: line units

line units are work groups that conduct the major business of an organization Line units are a part of the functional organizational structure

gap analysis

method of assessing current state to determine what is needed to move to desired/future state

Key risk indicators (KRIs)

metrics that provide an early signal of increasing risk exposure for an enterprise

workspace solution

modification of a job, job site, or way of doing a job so that an individual with a disability has equal access to opportunity in all aspects of work and is able to perform the job essential functions

What do effective communicators try to minimize to ensure their communication does not have interference?


person-based pay

pay systems in which employee characteristics, rather than the job, determine pay

Evidence Based Decision Making has 6 steps:

1. Ask - define the problem as a question 2. Acquire - gather information 3. Appraise - see if evidence is valid and reliable 4. Aggregate - put into a table together 5. Apply - make logical decisions about data 6. Assess - monitor the chosen solution

What is the first step in (A)DDIE assessment/analysis?


Financial projections estimate an organizations financial performance for a ______-month period.


What is the difference between a group and a team??????


What is a semi-variable cost?

A semi-variable cost has both a fixed component and a variable component. An example of this is employee compensation, commissions, volume discounts

T or F: a Relational database is faster than Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

False, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is faster than a relational database. OLAP analyzes multiple variables

T or F: a KRI prevents and mitigates risk.

False, a KRI cannot prevent risk. a KRI monitors and warns about risk. a KRI is a monitor/alerts/signals/gives a warning about a potential risk that could emerge

T or F: Behavioral interviews focus on asking the candidate about hypothetical situations.

False, behavioral interviews focus on past performance and past REAL experiences

risk control

Action taken to manage a risk.

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)

Activity-related soft-tissue injuries of the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, and legs


Chief Human Resource Officer

Constructive Discharge vs Wrongful termination

Constructive Discharge: employee Resigns because they had no choice Wrongful Termination: employee is wrongfully fired by the employer

____________ Management identifies risks and ensures employee health and safety.

Crisis Management: ensures employee health and safety.

What type of culture focuses on going above and beyond the status quo?

Elite Corporate Culture

T or F: The equal pay act (EPA) discusses "comparable worth". The EPA is enforced by the EEOC and is an amendment of the FLSA.

False, the EPA doesn't discuss comparable worth, but some US states have laws about comparable worth.

A ____________________ corporate culture is good for startup companies that collaborate and pitch ideas.

Horizontal Corporate Culture: an example is collaborating and pitching ideas in a startup company


Human resource management

What are the 3 levels of (A)DDIE during the Assessment process?

Identify the goal and then during the Assessment/(A)DDIE phase three levels are assessed: 1. Organization level - analyzing span of control, chain of command, dept and business unit structure 2. Task level - analyzing the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for the job 3. Individual level - aligning employee behavior and competencies with strategy

How do you define employee well-being?

Physical, psychological, and social aspects of employee health.

What is a TN Visa? (hint: think NAFTA)

Trade visas for Canadians and Mexicans who appear on the NAFTA schedule


return on investment


the value that occurs most frequently a set of data

Successful leaders focus on the "__________" to influence, movtivate, and create buy-in for a change initiative.

"why" successful leaders focus on the "why"/the purpose to motivate others

Skinner's Reinforcement Theory

-Positive reinforcement -Avoidance learning/Negative reinforcement -Punishment -Extinction

Process alignment (v. identity alignment)

extent to which underlying operations such as IT, finance, or HR integrate across locations

What is critical for dealing with an interruption in operations?

Business continuity plan

root-cause analysis

the type of analysis that starts with a results and then works backward to identify the fundamental cause

What is DACA?

DACA = Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals


Fair Credit Reporting Act


an organizations debts and other financial obligations


average score or value

________________ law sets precedent and comes through court decisions

common law

What is a current ratio?

current assets divided by current liabilities

job ranking

job evaluation method that establishes hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on job's value to the organization


multinational corporation

What is another term for remuneration?

salary, wages, compensation, rewards

T or F: a Success ratio refers to the proportion of selected applicants who are later judged to be successful on the job


An HR director has been assigned to develop a program to support the opening of new retail stores. Which step in the ADDIE process identifies the desired behavioral results of the program?

A. Assessment B. Evaluation C. Development D. Design The DESIGN phase identifies the behaviors participants will practice at the end of the program. The goals state the purpose and intent of the program, while the objectives are the behavioral results expected from the program.

Bloom's Taxonomy (occurs during Design Phase of A(D)DIE Model)

Blooms concept that learning objectives proceed hierarchically and objectives should related to: 1. Knowledge (remembering) 2. Recognition/comprehension 3. Application to draw conclusions 4. Analysis of causes and outcomes 5. Synthesis to create new solutions 6. Evaluations - make judgements

What term describes how work groups are related in an organization? A. Hierarchy B. Process implementation C. Departmentalization D. Organizational process

C. Departmentalization Departmentalization describes the way an organization groups its Tasks and then aligns those groups for better effectiveness and efficiency.

What is an H1B visa for?

H1 B visa - is a visa for a specialty worker; they must have a bachelors degree at minimum; the visa typically lasts 3 years but can get extensions; H1B workers must be paid the prevailing wage

Third-party contractors are best used for which types of activities?

HR activities that are not strategic but are resource-intensive or that require specialized expertise are the best applications for using third-party contractors.

How does HR contribute to the organization's strategic plan?

HR serves the needs of the organization as a strategic partner and subject matter expert in a consultative way

What is a planning horizon?

Planning horizon is the time between Development and the Execution of the plan


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats this occurs during the environmental scanning process

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Under this law, each time a person is paid discriminatory wages, benefits, or compensation, a cause of action arises and the victim has 180 days to file a complaint. creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims

Weingarten rights

Union employees' right in U.S. to have a union representative or coworker present during an investigatory interview.

gig economy

a free market system in which temporary positions are more common and organizations hire short-term independent contractors instead of hiring full-time employees for the long-term ; Gig workers = independent contractor workers

In terms of risk management, what is a risk control?

a measure or step taken to REDUCE the probability or severity of the risk In risk management terminology, the most inclusive answer here is that a risk control is any measure that modifies risk by decreasing the likelihood that a risk event will occur or the impact that the event would have on the organization.

what is the difference with a measurement and a metric?

a measurement has one data point a metric compares two data points and determines the difference in the data points


a quantifiable measure of performance that gauges progress toward a strategic objective or performance standards

What is the most effective type of listening?

active listening (verbal and nonverbal; tone, body language, verbal message) an impactful communicator must be credible and have an effective presence and relevant message

When does a realistic job preview take place?

during the applicant/candidate selection process a RJP provides the applicant with more information about the job and work environment; allows the org and job seeker to see if it is a good match a RJP can help with employee engagement/retention and reduce employee turnover

Exempt employees

employee who are excluded from the US Fair Labor Standards Act min wage and overtime pay requirements exempt employees must make $684 per week or $35,568 per year white collar employees are always exempt

employee engagement

employee's emotional commitment to an organization which is demonstrated by their willingness to put in effort to promote a well- functioning organization


extension of the power of a country's laws over its citizens outside that country's national boundaries; for example: German police charged the Zanty business, which is headquartered in Germany, with an allegation that they paid bribes to officials while in Peru


extent to which an organization's agreements, dealings, information, practices, and transactions are open to be reviewed by and disclosed to relevant individuals

What are the four perspectives of a balanced scorecard?

financial customers internal business processes learning and growth


financial, physical, and intangible property that a company owns


following the set of ethical standards that reflect moral principles, honesty, and consistency in behavior

Knowledge management is the process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing knowledge. Knowledge management systems tend to be either ______________ or _______________.

formal ; informal

Revenue is also known as ____________ income.

gross income is the same as Revenue or Total Sales

Global integration

how standardized and globally integrated an org is on the GI-LR matrix

What is a single designated officer ADR option?

identifies a specific individual chosen by senior management to conduct investigations and dispute resolutions; their credibility depends on mgt credibility


is a potential harm that is associated with an activity, if left uncontrolled, can result in injury or damage to people and or property

Mind Mapping

is data-sorting technique in which group members add related ideas and indicate logical connections eventually grouping similar ideas; focus group technique

Software as a Service (SaaS)

is software that is owned, delivered and managed remotely and delivered over the internet to contracted customers on a pay for use basis or on a subscription based on metrics. It is SaaS is scalable *** has adaptability/agility/scalability = which means it is a good long-term investment***

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is how companies benchmark their tech design and assess their practices.

true the European Union is leading this effort

What is a demographic dichotomy?

when the workforce in an emerging country becomes disproportionately younger and at the same time the workforce in the already-developed countries is rapidly aging Demographic Dichotomy: established economies have aging workforces whereas emerging economies have younger workforces.

T or F: A cash balance plan is an example of a pension plan/defined benefit plan.


What is the first step in a training needs analysis? a. Collect data b. Identify the goal. c. Conduct a gap analysis. d. Prioritize the needs.

d. Identify the goal

Why should you use "sensing meetings" after an OED change initiative?

sensing meetings help to monitor reactions and help sustain the change

Multination Enterprise (MNE)

A firm that owns business operations in more than one country

Which organizational structure is best described as being divided according to a linear process?

A functional organization is organized according to a linear process, for example, design, supplies, procurement, manufacturing, sales and marketing, distribution, and customer service.

Define: Grievance Procedure (pg. 167 Org Book/ Labor Relations has more details if needed)

A grievance procedure is an orderly way to resolve differences of opinion; typically a handbook has this; also collective bargaining agreements

Lump-Sum Increase (LSI) or Performance Bonus

A lump sum increase is also known as a performance bonus. A LSI is a one-time payment made to an employee.

Project labor agreement (PLA)

Agreement that requires specific contractors to accept certain conditions in project contracts, such as paying a fair wage and contributing to health insurance, pension, and training funds.

critical path

Amount of time needed to complete all required elements or components of a task, determined by taking into account all project-task relationships.

risk position

An organization's desired gain or acceptable loss in value. risk position is based upon: Risk tolerance and risk appetite


Clusters of highly interrelated attributes, including knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), that give rise to the behaviors needed to perform a given job effectively.

vision statement

Description of what an organization hopes to attain and accomplish in the future, which guides it toward that defined direction.

T or F: Succession planning can help with future UNPLANNED vacancies.

False. Replacement Planning helps with future UNPLANNED vacancies.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

A successful beverage company controls key activities in its value chain in order to maintain uninterrupted production; this is the key to their profitability. Which actions should HR recommend managers focus on to assist in the organization creating value?

Implementing cross-training and job rotation strategies

________________ structure is an org structure that combines departmentalization by division and function to gain benefits of both. Two org structures exist. Some employees may report to two managers.


What is the PDA?

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

What is the main difference between in-house software and SaaS?

SaaS offers more agility and scalability; integrations are effective and adding more users as the company grows is seamless

T or F: Turn over data is an input and the outputs would be the new policies that came from analyzing the data.

True regarding the IPO model input and output model.

T or F: the first step in effective stakeholder collaboration and gaining support is Knowing the stakeholders.

True, identify them and know them.

T or F: a T-group (aka a sensitivity training) explores patterns of authority and communication;

True; a T-group is a sensitivity training that explores patterns of authority and communication

Civil Rights Act of 1991

U.S. act that expands possible damage awards available to victims of INTENTIONAL discrimination to include compensatory and punitive damages; gives plaintiffs in cases of alleged discrimination the right to a jury trial

Unfair Labor Practice (ULP)

ULP is a violation of employee rights as defined in a country's labor status employers AND unions/employees can commit ULPs

What is a webinar?

a form of web-conferencing where a presenter facilitates communication of material to an audience in real time

variance analysis

a statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned and actual performance or outcomes

What type of HR audit ensures a competitive advantage? a. function specific b. strategic c. compliance d. best practice

d. best practice

quantitative data

data that is an objective measurement that can be verified and used in statistical analysis

The first step in workforce management process is __________________ ___________________. This is when the workforce analysis steps are conducted.

workforce planning Workforce Planning is the first step in workforce mgt process. Workforce planning involves the activities to ensure the workforce size and competencies meet organizational and individual needs. This is when the workforce analysis/gap analysis is conducted.

Which law established limits on wellness/exercise activity-at-work requirements?


McClelland's Theory of Needs (Acheive, Aff, Pow)

McClelland's motivation theory that states: 1. Achievement, 2. Affiliation, 3. Power/control are three important needs that help explain motivation

P visa?

Nonimmigrant visa that applies to people in the US for sports, entertainment, and art


Occupational Safety and Health Act,Law, Administration,Agency

Change initiative

Transition in an organization's technology, culture or behavior of its employees and managers; projects and programs that are implemented and the managers have to overcome employee resistance by helping them understand the change

supranational law

binding agreements between nations that may supersede national laws

Which can be accepted despite the Title VII antidiscrimination principles, if a business practice is job-related and required by business necessity? a. national security b. Bona fide seniority systems c. disparate impact d. affirmative action plans

c. disparate impact Disparate impact = can be defended if it is job-related and required by business necessity


extent to which each person in a company feels welcome, respected, support and valued

What type of distribution measurement is beneficial if a job seeker asks, "How many hours in a day will I be doing X?"

unweighted average/raw mean

What are the four steps to consulting change? (remember DDMS)

***first you must understand the org's readiness for change*** 1. Define problem 2. Design and implement solution 3. Measure effectiveness 4. Sustain improvement - Change can be cascaded, progressive or organically approached.

Individualist vs Collectivist/Communitarian (Tropenaar's and Hampden-Turner's Dilemmas and global HR - pg. 190)

Individualist: are encouraged to challenge speak their ideas and to advance oneself and take advantage of personal freedom Collectivist/Communitarian: related to high-context and high power distance cultures like China; the idea is that a society is achieved by taking care of each other even if it means giving up personal freedom or personal advancement

____________________ actions are forms of collective employee actions taken to protest work conditions or employer actions such as a lockout.

Industrial actions


Chief Operating Officer

General Duty Clause (OSHA)

Statement in the US OSHAct that requires employers subject to the act to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment

Retirement plans can be a define benefit OR defined contribution. What are examples of both? pg.

Defined Benefit plan that puts full responsibility on the employer is a Pension plan; Defined Contribution plan = 401k

T or F: GINA applies to all employers (public and priviate) with 15 OR MORE employees.

True, GINA applies to all with 15 or more employees


Unfair Labor Practice = is a violation of employer or employee rights under labor law


a method by which a company relocates processes/production to an international location through subsidiary or 3rd party

sympathy strike

action taken in support of another union that is striking ; some contracts prevent sympathy strikes

due process

concept that laws are enforced only through accepted and codified procedures ; following procedures that are in place

T or F: a Team-Based culture focuses on the happiness of employees rather than their skills


Talent Management

____________ __________________ is a system of integrated HR processes for attracting, developing, engaging and and retaining employees who have the KSAOs to meet current and future business needs

An exempt employee needs to make a minimum of $______ per week according to the FLSA.

$684 per week ($35,568 per year)

What is brain drain?

- A brain drain is a large scale emigration by talented people. So, many smart people are leaving - brain drain describes the exodus of a company's educated and skilled workers; usually because higher wages and better working conditions. This is very common in IT and engineering sectors

What are the main 3 types of OED focus strategies?

1. Structural OED: focus on restructuring, eliminiating roles in business units, changing chain of command 2. Work Processes OED: focus on process inefficiency 3. Interpersonal OED: focuses on how teams interact and communicate

due diligence

Necessary level of care and attention that is taken to investigate an action; requirement to thoroughly investigate an action because it is taken through research and evaluation; identify Structural issues/aligning position titles, Technological considerations/reviewing online systems, Financial considerations/aligning compensation, and Legal issues.

net income equation

Net Income = Revenue - (Expenses + Taxes) Net Income = revenue - costs (income statement = profit and loss statement)

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a PROFITABLITY ratio used by stockholders. The ratio calculation is?

Net income divided by Number of outstanding shares = EPS

What are the steps for making a reasonable accomodation?

1. the individual asks for an accommodation or the employer knows an accommodation is needed 2. identify the barriers to performing job 3. identify possible accommodation 4. assess reasonableness of the accommodation 5. choose appropriate accommodation

Corporate Strategy vs Business Strategy


T or F: OD interventions strive to improve these dysfunctions for business units: behavioral/communication, cognitive/lacking skills, technological, process-related/outdated procedures, culture. Culture is the most difficult to improve

True matters concerning employee satisfaction, leader-employee relationships, leadership styles, corporate responsiveness to change and policy flexibility are all examples of tough cultural changes. Typically, cultural shifts require multifaceted OD interventions.

Job classification? What is the focus of job classification?

Job evaluation method in which descriptions are written for each class of jobs; individual jobs are then put into the grade that best matches their class description. ***Focuses on benchmarking jobs while keeping Internal Pay Equity in mind***


Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other characteristics

T or F: Nonwage compensation including group health insurance, long and short term disability benefits, sick leave, and paid time off are also know as Fringe Benefits

True, Fringe benefits are indirect compensation/renumeration Fringe benefits include: health insurance, housing, tuition reimbursement, profit sharing, 401k contribution matching, other perks

T or F: Both Union and Nonunion employees are protected by the NLRA. (It is a common mistake for many employers to believe that only unionized employees are covered.)

True, National Labor Relations act covers union and nonunion employees

True or False: OSHA 300 reports must be retained for 5 years after the year it was reported.

True, OSHA 300 reports must be retained for 5 years

T or F: The FACT act gives some relief to employers. Also, this act aims at preventing identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission oversees this act. What does FACT stand for?

True Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act

Work, family, friends, and self are the 4 quadrants of what?

Work-life Balance: the four quadrants are work, family, friends, and self

A contract between a worker and an employer in which the worker agrees not to join a union. What is the contract called?

Yellow dog contract = this is illegal and is a ULP from the employer; the Norris-LaGuardia Act outlawed yellow-dog contracts and the Norris-LaGuardia Act laid the ground work for the Wagner Act/NLRA

balance sheet

a "snapshot" of an organization's financial position at a specific time (year 1 and year2 balance sheet) ; is an indicator of an organization's financial health

Risk tolerance

a characterization of the amount of uncertainty (acceptable risk) an org is willing to pursue or accept to attain its risk management goals; defined in a range about and below a target

A pattern of behavior and beliefs shared by a group within a company is referred to as...

a company's culture

Agile Project Management (flexible iterations and collaboration)

makes projects more adaptable and easy in their movements; flexible to change, has incremental delivery, and emphasizes interaction and collaboration more than six sigma


manadatory or voluntary payments or services provided to employees, which typically cover retirement, health care, sick pay/disability, life insurance and PTO

Goal Setting Theory

a theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance

lagging indicator

a type of metric describing an activity or change in performance that has already occurred

leading indicator

a type of metric that can change future performance and predict success with achieving goals

Workforce profile

a workforce profile part of workforce analysis that identifies the current makeup of employees in terms of demographics, skills, comps, perform levels, retirement dates, pay grades and other factors that explain workforce composition

cost-benefit analysis aka a Utility Analysis

an approach that weighs the benefits of an action against its costs/financial impact this is also known as a utility analysis

Action Mapping

an approach to developing training materials (L&D); instructional design model based on the concept that training should be tightly focused on performance measures than an organization has determined are important


any factor that can disrupt and interfere with communication; can disrupt sending the message and receiving of the message ; Noise examples: physical factors, unknown jargon, loud environment, technical issues that effect message, language barrier/accent

Analytical processing

applications that can analyze data faster and in more ways than traditional databases; offers a multidimensional analysis of business data

Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act (HINT: supply and manufacturers in excess of $....)

applies to Manufacturers and Suppliers for federal contracts in Excess of $15,000; requires specific compensation and record retention from manufacturer employers Walsh-Healy establishes min wage, max hours, health and safety; requires data for work illnesses and injuries


approach to evaluation and decision-making that uses data and research to drive business outcomes

integrated solutions vs best of breed

integrated solutions = 1 vendor, 1 platform, employee access to all data, common interface, integrating data best of breed = multiple vendors

leadership development

interventions designed to help an individual gain KSAOs needed to lead towards a goal and engage/persuade others


is the status of growing interconnectedness and interdependency among countries, people, markets, and organizations worldwide the start to globalization was the Brenton agreement

transformational leadership

leadership style that focuses on challenging and developing members of an organization to attain long-range results through continuous evolution, improvement, and change based on the leaders vision and strategy

common law

legal system in which each case is considered in terms of how it relates to legal decisions that have already been made/precendent ; evolves through judicial decisions overtime

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs shows the 5 basic level of needs that motivate. What are the 5 levels of needs?

level 1 - physiological/food/shelter, level 2- safety/job security and pay, level 3- love/belonging, level 4- esteem and admiration from others, level 5- self-actualization

What causes a poor work-life balance?

poor time management causes a poor work life balance


process of constructing a message so that an audience sees communicated facts in a certain way and is persuaded to take action


relocation of business processes or production, to lower-costs, inside the same country as the business

Accounts payable

short term liability that will be paid; the money an organization owe's its suppliers and vendors

overtime ban collective action

similar to work-to-rule; employees refuse to work overtime adhering that the contract has specified work hours


measure of usefulness, worth, and importance

What is the 70-20-10 rule propose about career/leadership development strategies?

this rule proposes that career/leader development results from.... 70% challenging assignments 20% developmental relationships 10% coursework and training

Debt to Asset ratio is a LEVERAGE ratio that shows debt level. If the ratio is greater than 1 then that means debt is greater than assets. what is the calculation?

total liabilities divided by total assets = Debt to Asset ratio Debt to Asset ratio is a LEVERAGE ratio that shows Debt level. If the ratio is Greater than 1, then that means debt is greater than assets.

T or F: HIPAA requires encryption of health data while HITECH requires notification if breach is involved.


T or F: Investigations should always be systematic and rigorous across the organization


T or F: Legitimate power derives from position in the organization's hierarchy. Referent power comes from the strength of personal relationships with team members. Affiliation is actually a need that can motivate team members-the need to be part of a group.


T or F: OED interventions must be evaluated and assessed at then end to ensure effectiveness. Communication is key. OED interventions can help improve and initiate change for org structure, hierarchy, culture, skills needs/gaps in talent management


T or F: Replacement planning is a "snapshot" assessment of the availability of qualified backups for a key position. If someone quits suddenly then replacement planning occurs.


T or F: Revenue - Expenses = Net Income which is the bottom line of the P&L statement.


T or F: The RACI chart is helpful when the org is restructuring and introducing new activities/processes.


T or F: The Technology Needs Assessment must start with an internal assessment. What do we want the technology to do? How will the technology improve productivity? How does tech align with org's strategy?


T or F: The definition of CSR has broadened from the traditional areas of ethics, governance, corporate philanthropy, and volunteerism to include sustainability.


SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats - the method of analyzing and assessing a company's strategic capabilities through the environmental scanning process which identifies and considers internal and external factors that affect an organization's ability to achieve goals

remote work

telework = work that is completed away from a company's office

J curve

that visual of how a change impacts productivity ; change is introduced the is a decrease in productivity and then there is a gradual return that surpasses the previous levels of productivity

Which US employment law covers private and public employers with 20 or MORE employees?

the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act


the practice of purchasing and using resources wisely by balancing economic, social, and environmental concerns toward the goal of securing present and future generational interests

outsourcing What are the 9 steps to outsourcing?

the process by which an organization contracts with a 3rd party vendor to provide services instead of hiring new employees 1. Analyze needs and define goals 2. Define the budget 3. Create/design an RFP 4. Send RFPs to the selected contractors 5. Evaluate the completed proposals 6. Choose the contractor 7. Negotiate a contract 8. Implement the project and monitor the schedule 9. Evaluate the project

value chain

the process by which an organization creates the products and services it offers to customers


the process by which an unacceptable action or behavior is corrected

job enlargement (horizontal loading)

the process of broadening and adding responsibilities to the job scope

Distance Learning

the process of delivering educational or instructional program to locations away from a classroom or central site e-learning can be used to implement distance learning; fits the needs of the learner

job analysis

the process of systematically studying a job to identify the activites/tasks/responsibilites, the personal qualifications needed, and the conditions under which it is performed


the rate of which employees leave a workforce

Which act currently includes welfare and insurance programs that can help support disabled workers who are no longer able to earn wages?

the social security act

standard deviation

the distance of any data point from the center of the distribution when date is distributed in a normal/expected pattern


the middle value in a list of numbers

Define: Departmentalization What are the 4 types of departmentalization/structures?

the way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work. functional, product/division, geographic, and matrix

What are theory x vs theory y mgt styles?

theory x is authoritative theory y is participative

benefits cost metric What does the benefit metric help identify?

total benefit costs divided by total payroll costs the benefit metric identifies the proportion of benefit costs


total pay in the form of salary/wages/allowances/benefits/bonuses/cash incentives/value of non cash incentives = TOTAL COMPENSATION

what are SJTs?

Situational Judgement Tests Assessment tools that present prospective leaders with sample situations and problems they might encounter in a work environment. Leadership development tools.

T or F: Organizational development strategies can be categorized by: Organizational effectiveness, Organizational structure, Ongoing performance and productivity initiatives, and Organizational learning.


T or F: Revenue is aka Gross Income


T or F: Salary Inversion is the same as salary compression. Provide aggressive merit pay, monitor inflation, provide incentive plans for managers, increase PTO, provide longevity bonuses to counteract pay compression, match market and continue to update salary data.


T or F: The first E in PESTLE stands for economic. Economic examples are wages, inflation, cost of living, unemployment rates.


A company needs to be agile because of VUCA. What does VUCA stand for?

VUCA: Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity

What is the difference between Wrongful Terminiation and Constructive Discharge?

Wrongful Termination & Constructive Discharge are SIMILAR: - Wrongful Termination is when the employer terminates empl - Constructive Discharge is when the employee resigns

What is consensus management?

influencing people to move together as a team toward a common goal is know as Consensus Management

conflict of interest

A situation in which a person in a position of responsibility or trust has competing professional or personal interests that make it difficult to fulfill his or her duties impartially a situation in which an action by a company or individual results in an unfair benefit; situation in which a person or organization may potentially benefit, either directly or indirectly, from undue influence due to involvement in outside activities, relationships or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or its outcomes.

strategic fit

A state in which an organization's strategy is consistent with its external opportunities and circumstances and its internal structure, resources, and capabilities.


Applicant Tracking System

When designing a training program, which should a global HR professional consider first? A. Budget and ethical considerations B. Local differentiation and stakeholder support C. Local regulations and formal agreements D. Standardization and translation considerations

B. Local differentiation and stakeholder support = Local differentiation and stakeholder support have implications for all aspects of the training analysis, design, development, and evaluation process. These precede the other issues mentioned.

Internal vs External world (Tropenaar's and Hampden-Turner's Dilemmas and global HR - pg. 190)

Internal world culture: individuals decide to follow their own path; one can dominate their path and nature External world culture perspective: the world views that human beings are a part of a larger scheme and individuals can only adapt and cannot create their path; they must submit to nature; Zeynep Aycan refers to this dimension as "fatalism"

What is the name for a "tactile" learner? Name the learner profile.

Kinesthetic learner = tactile learners learn best through hands-on approach

_________________________ ______________ spots create a win-win situation in which the changed products, procedures, or processes have a positive impact on society and/or the environment but also on the organization's bottom line.

Sustainability sweet

___________________ strike is an action taken to support another union that is striking an employer.

Sympathy Strike

What is the sustainability sweet spot?

The sustainability sweet spot includes actions that satisfy all three of the needs in the triple bottom line: benefits to the environment (or planet); employees, customers, or neighbors (people); and the organization's financial health (profit). The overlapping area of the triple bottom line perspectives

performance management How does performance management contribute to the employee engagement?

The tools, activities, and processes that a company uses to manage, maintain, and improve job performance of employees gap analysis, learning and development opportunities, coaching and training can come about from performance management

What are the advantages and disadvantages of broadbanding?

internal transfer process is easier; morale may be low because new employee and senior employees are close in pay due to pay compression

a work stoppage is known as a _____________ strike.

a GENERAL strike is a work stoppage

shared services

a self-service or call center operations that promote HR expertise and deliver improved services across an organization


an act of reorganizing legal, ownership, operational, and other structures in an organization

unfair labor practice

is a violation of employee rights that is prohibited under a global labor-relations status

Skill variety, task significance/importance, task identity/identifying the desired outcome, autonomy, and feedback are characteristics of _____ ___________________.

job enrichment = Skill variety, task significance, task identity, autonomy, and feedback; vertical loading.

Job-content-based job evaluation

job evaluation method in which relative worth and pay structure of different jobs are based on assessment of their content and relationships with other jobs

What is job sharing?

job sharing is an alternative staffing solution where two part-time employees share/split one full-time job


leadership is the ability to influence, guide, inspire and MOTIVATE people to achieve goals; Leaders MOTIVATE people vs managers direct people

Affinity Diagramming

sorting ideas into categories and subcategories; data sorting technique in which a group categorizes data until relationships are clearly drawn ; focus group technique (Hint: this is similar to mind mapping)

cash flow statement

statement of an organization's ability to meet obligations, showing incoming and outgoing cash, cash reserves, investments, and financing ; investors are MOST interested in this financial statement

Balance Sheet

statement of an organizations financial position at a SPECIFIC point in time; showing assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity; transactions that do not have define monetary value are NOT placed on the balance sheet Balance Sheet = a balance sheet provides a SNAPSHOT in Time

variance analysis

statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned performance outcomes and actual performance outcomes

regression analysis

statistical method that is used to predict a variable based on the relationship from one or more predictor variables; help determine which variable indeed has an impact; use a scatter chart

workforce planning

strategic process by which an organization analyzes its current workforce and determines steps required for it to prepare for the future

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

the benchmark for organizations to assess their data practices


uncertainty that has an effect on an objective, where the effect may include opportunities, losses, and threats

What is an example of a qualified retirement benefit plan?

- 401k, qualified traditional pension plans, etc. - Qualified retirement plans under the ERISA is a retirement plan recognized by the IRS where investment income accumulates tax-deferred - Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are not covered and not qualified for ERISA.

The ADEA prevents age discrimination for people age Forty and Older. The ADEA applies to Employers who have over ______ or MORE employees and applies to Unions with _____ or MORE members. What does the ADEA stand for?

- ADEA applies to Employers with 20 or MORE employees - ADEA applies to Unions with 25 of MORE members - Age Discrimination in Employment Act

What is the global assignment process?

- Development of data-gathering instruments is critical because it will be used in to ASSESS candidates according to the criteria the organization has chosen. The tools must be valid and reliable and produce consistent information for each candidate. -Analysis of the costs versus the benefits occurs during the management and assignee selection step. -Cross-cultural counseling is not necessary until the pre-departure preparation step.

Differential piece rate vs Straight piece rate

- Differential piece rate is an incentive pay in which the piece rate/wage is higher when a greater amount is produced - straight piece rate is an incentive pay production workers a wage based on the amount they produce

Many countries across the globe have laws prohibiting employment discrimination. They follow two principles; the first is Equal Opportunity and the second principle is Reservation. Define: Equal Opportunity Define: Reservation

- Equal Opportunity is where all groups have an equal exposure to opportunities without discrimination - Reservation is the legally mandated percentage quotas or other special considerations for specified groups or ethic communities

Outsourcing vs. Offshoring

- Offshoring means getting work done in a different country. Relocating processes or production to a subsidiary or third party affiliate. - Outsourcing refers to contracting work out to an external organization.

What is offshoring vs outsourcing? What is onshoring/home shoring?

- Offshoring relocates processes or production to another country; Outsourcing transfers portions of work to outside suppliers - onshoring/homeshoring = remote work

How are perquisites/perks generally characterized? What is another word for perks (hint: fringe _______)?

- Perks = compensation provided on an individual basis in form of goods and services; goods or services provided on an individualized basis (company car, club membership, education/certification fees, company phone, housing, meal allowances, etc.) - Perks are also referred to as Fringe Benefits for senior-level job positions.

Types of incentive pay: - straight piece rate -differential piece rate -standard hour plan/standard time pay

- Straight piece rate= straight piece rate is an incentive pay production workers a wage based on the amount they produce -Differential piece rate is an incentive pay in which the piece rate/wage is higher when a greater amount is produced -Standard hour plan is an incentive plan that pays worker for extra work that they perform more quickly; for example a mechanic completes a repair in less time/quickly, and so they are rewarded with the determined pay rate and receives an extra percentage on top of that; these plans encourage employees to work AS FAST AS THEY CAN

What did EEO Act of 1972 do?

- The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 gave the EEOC authority to enforce its own litigation; allowed EEOC to sue in 30 days if mediation cant be reached; Extended Title 7 to include Educational institutions, state-local Government; established 10 day EEOC Notification of discrimination charge; provided whistleblower protection

An hr SPECIALIST is also known as.... An hr GENERALIST is also know as....

- a Functional Expert (compensation, benefits, talent mgt, metrics, IT, OSHA, Org development OED, workforce relations); the functional experts/hr specialist apply best practices - a Practitioner (may have a specialty area but they are generally proficient enough in each area to provide advice and direction; they work closely with specialist); the generalists are typically embedded in a business unit or country; HR generalist are used in the Functional HR structure where business locations each are given a generalist to adapt policies at the local level.

What is a benefits insurance needs assessment? What are the 5 steps?

- a business needs assessment allows HR to build a business case for important recommendations (i.e. the type of benefits provided, who is covered in the plan , what options employees have (FSA, cafeteria plans), how will the plan be financed and will the employee share costs, who should administer the plan, how will the benefits be communicated Steps in benefit needs assessment 1. Review org strategy: is the org wanting to lead or lag market 2. Review org's compensation philosphy: Hr needs to find our how much can be spent on benefits and understand cash flow 3. Analyze the demographics of the organization's workforce: understand employee classification, active vs retired, marital status, family status 4. Analyze the Design and Utilization Data on All Benefit Plans (review the usage data for all benefit plans) FINAL/LAST STEP 5. Compare organizational needs, employee needs, and current benefit offerings. Perform a GAP ANALYSIS to compare org needs, employee needs, and existing benefits so that you can find the best match for the org and its employees

covering is a defensive behavior that occurs when an organization recruits a diverse workforce and promotes _____________________ rather than inclusion

- assimilation - Assimilation leads to covering Examples of covering behaviors: adjusting Appearance, avoiding Affiliation/stereotypical behaviors, avoiding Advocacy on behalf of their group, avoiding Association with their group

What is an example of a risk mgt tactic that involves transfer/sharing risk? What stage/step of the risk managemet process does this take place?

- getting insurance is a way to share/transfer risk - step 3 = manage risks (define residual risk that you cannot take action on; implement risk mgt plan ; establish contingency plan for emergencies/crisis

Types of incentives include: Organizational/profit sharing/stock ownership, Group/gainsharing, and Individual. Which form has the most significant impact on productivity?

- individual incentive has the most impact on productivity, however, it can be counter productive to team work individual incentives = piece rate systems, commission, non cash rewards such as trips, awards, prizes, etc.

What is the largest obstacle in leadership development?

- lack of support from senior management is the largest obstacle in leadership development - When senior managers do not support or guide developing the next generation of leaders, it can be difficult to promote this effort. HR can help align senior managers with lower-level managers with coaching and mentoring programs that complement training.

What is the Tax Reform Act?

- the Tax Reform Act made significant changes in employee benefit programs, especially retirement plans. - requires a social security number for all dependents to prevent fraudulent dependent children claims on tax returns

What is the primary reason for conducting an HR audit? What are the 4 types of HR audits?

-to enhance or eliminate HR programs AND identify gaps in HR processes HR audits provide information to determine the effectiveness of HR programs. With this information, successful programs can be enhanced while ineffective or obsolete ones can be eliminated. The importance of the audit is that while it yields information specific to the functioning of HR programs, these programs have an organization-wide effect. Therefore, the results of the audit impact the entire organization's workforce rather than only those in the HR department. 1. Compliance - how well is the org complying with laws 2. Best practices - maintaining competitive advantage with processes 3. Strategic - are the strengths and weakness aligned with strategic plan 4. Function-specific (payroll, performance mgt, record retention)

What two acts fall under the FLSA? Who enforces the EPA?

1. Portable to Portable Act- employers may be required to pay wages or overtime depending on situation of travel, overnight/weekend travel, 2. Equal Pay Act - the EPA prohibits discriminatory pay for equal work performed by men and women. The EPA is ENFORCED by DOL Wage and Hour Division

What are the steps to designing a compensation system/pay structure?

1. job analysis = identify job duties and qualifications 2. job documentation = create job description 3. job evaluation 4. pay structure = establish pay grades/ranges

What is the first step in a Comp/Benefits Needs Assessment? What are the other 5 steps?

1. review the org strategy 2. review compensation strategy 3. workforce profile 4. study utilization of programs and participation rate 5. gap analysis and make changes/revise the program

Which type of career development mobility provides meaningful career paths for professional and technical workers whose preferences may be outside traditional management roles?

A. Job enrichment B. Promotions C. Dual career ladders D. Job rotations and relocations C. Dual career ladders The question aligns with the most distinct characteristic of dual career ladders and lateral movement/growth.

Best Practice HR audit vs Strategic HR audit

Best practice HR audit: Helps the organization maintain or improve a competitive advantage by comparing its practices to those of employers identified as having exceptional HR practices Strategic HR audit: Focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of systems and processes to determine whether they align with the HR dept and the org strategic plan

what is a Blue ocean strategy?

Blue ocean strategy: occurs during the Development phase of the strategic plan, A company creates a new uncontested market space that makes competitors irrelevant, creates new consumer value; blue ocean strategy is done through innovation

Burlington Industries, Inc. vs Ellerth AND Faragher v. City of Boca Raton

Burlington and F v. Boca Raton are two key SEXUAL HARASSMENT cases that established vicarious liability of the employer. -U.S. court rulings that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not. -established that the Employer has a Vicarious Liability in the sexual harassment situations because employers are going to be held responsible for their employee and manager actions

Identifying people for an Emergency response team and identifying their responsibilities during inclement whether conditions is known as what type of plan?

Business Continutity plan / Contingency Plan

Which task is vital when assessing strategic objectives?

Compare outcome of strategic initiatives to outlined metrics (1. formulate mission, 2. develop, 3. implement, 4. evaluate) During the Evaluation phase of strategic planning, strategic objectives are assessed to determine if the results are in line with the metrics that were defined at the start of strategic planning. Control of drift is one of the critical success factors that organizations successful at strategy have mastered. Soliciting stakeholder feedback is a necessary task when communicating strategy. Depending upon the initiative, it may not be a requirement for evaluating strategy. During the implementation stage, translating intent to specific plans and communicating the value or purpose of initiatives are critical. Assessing or evaluating strategic objectives is the next phase of the process, in which outcomes are compared to defined metrics.

What is the fundamental premise of the Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory? A. production and people are at the center of effective leadership B. certain leadership styles are most effective when involving production output C. people inherently want to perform well D. There is no single "best" style of leadership

D. there is no single best style of leadership effective leadership is task-relevant and the style is adapted to the individual or team they are aiming to influence Telling, Selling, Participating, and Delegating are the behaviors that leaders use to influence according to Hershey's Situational Leadership Theory

A ________________ __________ diagram is a flow chart that helps a group narrow down and evaluate all options in one place. It is a critical part of strategic planning, allowing decisionmakers to analyze the effects of a significant change.

Decision Tree

What is the decision making technique that progressively collects information using questionnaires from a group of anonymous/remote/ isolated respondents?

Delphi Technique (anonymous)

The determination that 20 new employees are needed to achieve the organizational strategy for growth in global markets is included in which phase of the workforce analysis process? What type of graphic diagram can best show this?

Demand Analysis; Demand analysis forecasts an organization's future workforce composition and considers the number of employees and the skills required to meet organizational goals. - Trend diagram can best show the whole workforce demand at various times during a calendar year.

Forecasting and determining you need a total of 20 employees and establishing which skills that are needed take place during the ______________ step of the workforce planning analysis. The best way to forecast is by using strategic plans.

Demand analysis = forecasting employee numbers and establishing the skill requirements

Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)

EPPA: is the US act that prevents PRIVATE employers from requiring applicants or employees to take a polygraph test for preemployment screenings or during course of employment Example of an exception: FBI conducts polygraph tests during hiring

The OSH Act creates two (2) types of safety and Heath Standards. 1. is Normal Standards and 2. is ________________ _________________ Standards

Emergency Temporary Standards

What is true of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)? Employers may monitor all aspects of employee Internet and computer use. Employers may monitor websites only after they have been visited and emails only after they have been sent or received. Employees have a guaranteed expectation of privacy with regard to electronic communications. Employers may monitor emails that have been sent or received but may not monitor website use.

Employers may monitor websites only after they have been visited and emails ONLY AFTER they have been sent or received. The ECPA mandates that employers cannot (with certain permitted exceptions) intercept messages in transmission, access information stored on electronic communication services, or disclose any of that information. This means that employers may monitor websites only after they have been visited and emails only after they have been sent or received, not during the time the websites are being visited or the emails are being sent or received.

What is the business management software that usually is a suite of integrated applications that a company can use to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

An _____________________ compensation philosophy and culture are suitable for an organization that has a productive workforce with little supervision and consistently improve productivity.

Entitlement culture (seniority pay; step pay)

Which PESTLE force has caused a change to corporate branding? Economic pressures Environmental concerns Political issues Technology

Environmental concerns

EPA (equal pay act)

Equal Pay Act: the US act that amended the FLSA; and prohibits wage discrimination on equal work performed by men and women; Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor ENFORCE the FLSA and EPA

An _______________ job ________________ is one that is performed regularly and requires highly specialized skills or expertise

Essential Job Function: is one that is performed regularly and requires highly specialized skills or expertise Nonessential functions typically can be performed by many different people, and, if not completed, there are often minimal consequences.

___________ is a set of behavioral guidelines an organization expects all to follow

Ethics: is a set of behavioral guidelines an organization expects all to follow

What are the four types of Perlmutter's HQ multinational orientations/approaches? Which approach is the best for globalization purposes? What is ethnocentric? What is polycentric? What is regiocentric? What is geocentric? pg. 19

Ethnocentric - home country/expatriates/international assignees are used; HQ has control and standard processes Polycentric - host country/local employees, they localize Regiocentric - regional managers travel around for assignments in their region. pg. 19 Geocentric approach is the best in globalization situations. In a geocentric organization, an international company is seen as a team, with management talent coming from any location in the enterprise. The strategic plan is to balance the global strategy with local culture and regulations. In a geocentric global orientation, the organization is viewed as a single international business. Headquarters and subsidiaries work together as one team.

Words of praise, promotions, raises, recognition are ______________ rewards.

Extrinsic rewards: Words of praise, promotions, raises, recognition

T or F: Independent contractors are covered by the FLSA

False, independent contractors are not covered by FLSA. Independent contractors have control over behavior, finances/materials, and there is a specified relationship via an agreement

_____________________ stems from org leaders as well as from the the social code and system of norms.


________________________________ recognized disparate impact and established that it is not necessarily enough to show a lack of discriminatory intent. Which court case established the criteria for disparate impact? What did the other court cases establish? National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius Griggs v. Duke Power Phillips v. Martin Marietta Corp. Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

Griggs v. Duke Power Griggs v. Duke Power recognized disparate impact and established that it is not necessarily enough to show a lack of discriminatory intent. Phillips v. Martin Marietta Corp. applied the sex discrimination provisions of Title VII to employment decisions. Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company involved sex discrimination in pay under Title VII. National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius considered two key PPACA provisions.

What is the difference between a group and a team?

Group = discusses, decides, and delegates; groups have individual accountability ; group measures effectiveness indirectly Team = discusses, decides, and does real work ; teams have both individual and collective accountability ; teams measure performance directly through collective work product


HR Business Partner

What is Functional HR? (HINT: hr generalists)

HR structural alternative in which headquarters HR Specialists craft policies and then HR generalists located within divisions/geographic areas implement/adapt the policies and interact with employees Advantages of Functional HR structure: - there is consistency with HQ policy and implementation in the business units/locations -Headquarters makes the Goals Disadvantages of Functional HR: - can isolate HQ from the employee perception

How does HR support strategic management in a global organization?

HR supports globalization by Implementing processes to increase integration and knowledge exchange Implementing processes to increase integration and knowledge exchange achieves two goals. First, it aligns organizational values and goals and HR policies across global locations. Second, it establishes processes that promote collaboration and knowledge sharing across geographical boundaries.

HR is interviewing candidates who will have to think on their feet and keep calm in high-pressure, high-stakes, and emotionally charged situations. Which leadership development method is best suited to develop this skill? Hardship testing Situation judgment tests Action learning Risk management

Hardship testing Hardship testing involves stretch assignments that support the development of leaders. Experiencing failures, difficulties, and periods with little or no support help the individual develop competence and resilience.

What type of leadership development method/tool would help identify someone who works well in high-stress, emotional situations with little support?

Hardship testing involves stretch assignments that support the development of leaders. Experiencing failures, difficulties, and periods with little or no support help the individual develop competence and resilience.

which act would cover a situation where health information is breached?

Health Information Tech for Econ and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) EXPANDS the HIPAA encryption compliance requirement set, requiring the disclosure of data breaches of "unprotected" (unencrypted) personal health records

What motivation theory focuses on two factors that motivate/affect behavior? Two factors that influence behavior are hygiene/extrinsic and motivational desires/intrinsic. You must have both hygiene and internal motivation in order to be motivated at work.

Herzberg two-factor motivation theory

What is aging data/data "trending"?

In order to make data sources consistent with one another, aging of data is needed. Aging data from surveys and comparing it to where the organization is allows an understanding of how close you are to your compensation philosophy (lag, match, or lead) for the organization's salary structure. Data aging is also know as "trending" Example of when aging data would be helpful: "When trying to understand the organization's current pay competitiveness and where it needs to be"

___________________ budgeting is the traditional budgeting method that is also called "line item" budgeting. The prior budget is the basis for the next budget, and any additional funding request must be based on need and objectives. Incremental Zero based Activity Formula

Incremental: is the traditional budget method; aka "line item" budgeting. The prior budget is the basis for the next budget, and any additional funding request must be based on need and objectives.

An __________ clad contract is when an employee is required to join a union as a condition of employment. This is called a "CLOSED SHOP", and this is illegal according to the Taft Hartley LMRA act.

Iron Clad contracts = when an employee is forced to join a union as a condition of employment; Iron Clad contracts are illegal and the union cannot impose this condition in a contact

paired comparison method

Job evaluation method in which each job is compared with every other job being evaluated; the job with the largest number of "greater than" rankings is the highest-ranked job, etc.

Point-factor system

Job evaluation method that looks at compensable factors (such as skills and working conditions) that reflect how much a job adds value to the organization; points are assigned to each factor and then added to come up with an overall point value for the job. It is the MOST Systematic and ANALYTICAL method and it includes Documentation of the process. Other job evaluation methods do not have this.


Key Performance Indicator A measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives and doing in certain areas.

_______________________ management is the process of creating, acquiring, sharing, and managing knowledge to augment individual and org performance.

Knowledge management the first step in creating a formal KM system is the Inventory assets.

Pilot L&D programs At what phase do pilot programs take place?

L&D programs that are offered initially in controlled environment with a segment of the target audience pilot programs take place during the AD(D)IE development phase

LMRA - what does it stand for? what rights did this give to employees? what did the LMRA determine regarding Closed Shops and Union Shops?

Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA aka the Taft Hartley Act) = the US act that imposed several restrictions and requirements on UNIONS; the LMRA outlawed "closed shops" but does allow for a "union shop" to take place after the 30th day of employment; made secondary boycotts prohibited

What law requires unions to report every year?

Labor Mgt Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act = the LMRDA regulates internal union affairs and requires reporting for certain financial transactions. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) enforces the landrum grifffin act/LMRDA.

What is a salary burden?

Labor burden is the actual cost of a company to have an employee, aside from the salary the employee earns. Labor burden costs include benefits that an employee gets labor burden rate, you will divide the indirect costs by the direct cost of payroll.

Group of workers who coordinate their activities to achieve common goals in their relationship with an employer or group of employers

Labor union or trade union

Quantitative vs Nonquantitative Performance evaluation methods pg 323


Equity Theory of Motivation

Motivation is based on perceived fairness of inputs and outputs. DEI initiatives can help with improving perceived fairness. - Inputs = skills, training, effort, education, experience - Outputs = salary, bonuses, promotions

What US federal and state holidays are companies legally required to provide paid time off?

NONE - companies are not ever required to pay for time not worked

NLRA also known as the Wagner-Connery or Wagner Act. What is the NLRA? Who does it apply to?

National Labor Relations Act ("NLRA") in 1935 to protect the rights of employees and employers, to encourage collective bargaining, and to curtail certain private sector labor and management practices, which can harm the general welfare of workers, businesses and the U.S. economy. Employees can discuss Earnings, work conditions, etc. and are protected because of the NLRA. Applies to BOTH unionized and nonunionized employees; all NON-Supervisory employees are.

What is the ratio for net income? (hint: Net ...... margin)

Net Profit Margin is the ratio of net income; Total sales minus Total costs divided by Total sales. the profit margin shows the how much revenue a company is bringing compared to the costs. NET PROFIT MARGIN is the more accurate display of a company's revenue.

Income Statement

P & L statement ; statement that reports revenues, expenses, and profits for specified period of time (quarterly, annual income statements)

_________________ positioning of employees at a place of work targeted for the action for the purpose of protest


_________________ structure is an org structure in which functional departments are grouped under major product/service divisions.

Product structure (aka division structure, market product structure) ; Headquarters LACKS control

What pay system ties pay to the volume of the work performed by the individual?

Productivity-based A productivity-based system rewards quantity of work, and outputs are accurately measured. This system may sacrifice quality without careful supervision. It may also lead to inflexibility in the workforce because employees may want to stay in the job where they can earn the most rather than move to a more-challenging job.

Profit Margin = how much a company earns on each sale What is the calculation?

Profit Margin = net income aka profits divided by total sales aka Net Profit Margin Profit Margin = Total sales minus Total costs divided by Total sales


SAM is an agile method - meaning that multiple steps are often taking place at once with room for a lot of collaboration with the customer, while ADDIE is linear and often requires one step to be finished and reviewed before the project moves forward. SAM builds the prototype early on in the process in order to solicit feedback sooner

SaaS vs Hosted Software?

SaaS = cheaper solution, easy and user friendly Hosted In Software = purchased and owned by the company; it is costly and has a high learning curve/is difficult for users to learn. Hosted is more customizable than SaaS.

A new CEO has asked the HR team to complete an engagement survey to assess the organization's culture. She requests that tenured employees must participate. What type of bias does this present? Performance Selection Response Sampling

Sampling This is sampling bias. Depending on the demographic composition of the tenured employees, the sample may not represent the general population. The other answer choices do not address potential flaws in the sample.

______________________ action is an attempt by a union to influence an employer by putting pressure on another employer or supplier

Secondary action (secondary boycott) secondary boycotts/secondary actions that effect suppliers are considered an ULP under the LMRA (Taft Hartley act)

What is Shared Services HR structural model vs Center of Excellence (COE)?

Shared Services = Strengths - Weakness - COE= Strengths - Weakness -

External equity

Situation in which an organization's compensation levels and benefits are similar to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and compete for the same employees.

What does each group need based on the change spectrum? Someone who is Neutral on the change spectrum needs.... Someone who is Resistant on the change spectrum is fearful needs....

Someone who is Neutral on the change spectrum, needs to be sold on the benefits and opportunities for involvement. vs. Someone who is Resistant on the change spectrum is fearful and so they need Empathy, Support, and Communication.

_________ interviews help determin ways to minimize voluntary turnover.

Stay interviews; Stay interviews address issues that affect engagement and retention.

A pay structure is a systematic way to look at employee pay. Pay structure creation includes these 7 steps:

Step 1: Determine the Organization's Compensation Philosophy. Step 2: Conduct a Job Analysis. Step 3: Group into Job Families based on Job Descriptions. Step 4: Rank Positions Using a Job Evaluation Method. Step 5: Conduct Market Research. Step 6: Create Job Grades. Step 7: Create a Salary Range Based on Research.

Which step in risk mgt process is this? Identify and analyze risk by gathering information so you can prioritize and understand the risks.This step includes using Risk level Equation, Risk Scorecard, Risk Matrix to conduct risk analysis. Your should use PAPA model for risk prioritization and evaluation. Also, use Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and the Risk Register List of information on risks.

Step 2: Identify and analyze risk - gather information so you can IDENTIFY, ANALYZE, EVALUATE/prioritize and understand the risks

_____________ telling approach is the best way to provide corrective feedback. Allow the employee to get involved by asking them questions about their goals.

Story telling approach - great way to provide corrective feedback

What is a Strategic Alliance? What is a Equity Partnership? What is a Joint Venture?

Strategic Alliance: is a formal agreement that involve assets and resources; companies collaborate and contribute RESOURCES and ASSETS but do not contribute Equity. Strategic alliances create synergy based on the partners' strengths and technical capabilities. Strategic Alliances DO NOT involve EQUITY; strategic alliances involve contributing assets and resources. Equity Partnership: one firm has partial ownership through purchase of shares and equity Joint Venture: is a formal agreement between two or more parties to create a new economic entity that is jointly owned. Both partners contribute equity, invest, share in revenues, expenses, and control. joint ventures require that both partners contribute equity.

__________________ Drift is bad and occurs when a company fails to adapt to environment, fails to control the drift, and when managers continue with old ways and fail to address external forces that can cause the drift.

Strategic Drift: is negative and occurs when a company does not adapt to external forces. Strategic Drift needs to be controlled.

Strategic-Systematic approach vs Tactical-Reactive approach to global assignments (pg. 39) What is the difference between the two approaches?

Strategic-systematic = yields better long-term results; it is more cost effective; develops essential global perspectives for the future Tactical-reactive = short term assignments, quick fix

Which is a primary business benefit associated with implementation of an employee volunteerism program? Enhancing sense of camaraderie and teamwork Strengthening the company's brand and reputation Expanding skill sets for employees who participate Developing opportunities for employee recognition

Strengthening the company's brand and reputation

__________________ Management is the ongoing, long-term process of identifying, developing, and preparing employees to assume different positions in the company in the future.

Succession Management

___________ ______________________ occurs when traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities are being transferred to leaders at lower levels.

Task Migration occurs when traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities are transferred to leaders at lower levels. This is partly a function of the trend toward Flatter organizations, but it is also due to the greater frequency and complexities of challenges. What was typically handled by senior leaders in the past has been handed down to junior leaders so the former can focus on even more complex issues.

What was the first piece of legislation signed by President Obama that addressed compensation discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of of 1967, or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990?

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Define these three facets that positively contribute to employee engagement. Trait engagement State engagement Behavioral engagement Also, what is the UNDESIRABLE form of engagement called?

Trait engagement - describes the personality based elements that make an individual predisposed to being engaged, natural curiosity State engagement - is influenced by the workplace conditions and is under a manager's control Behavioral engagement - is evident when the employee puts in effort to contribute to higher performance; this exists when trait and state engagement are present Transactional engagement - is the UNDESIRABLE form of engagement, is associated with negative well-being, these employees do not feel motivated or committed.

Which classification of employee engagement is demonstrated by working long hours and responding positively to engagement surveys but not feeling engaged?

Transactional engagement transactional engagement can be seen as undesirable because it is associated with negative well-being outcomes. By contrast, employees not only behaving in an engaged way but also thinking and feeling engaged is associated with positive well-being outcomes.

___________ Analysis a statistical method that examines data from different points in TIME to determine if the increasing line/decreasing line variance is an isolated event or part of a longer path. Example: examining sales patterns as they increase over time

Trend Analysis: Analysis a statistical method that examines data from different points in TIME to determine if the increasing line/decreasing line variance is an isolated event or part of a longer path. Example: examining sales patterns as they increase over time

SOAR - stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results


T o F: FMLA applies to employers with 50 or more employees. The employee requesting leave must have worked 1250 hours and been employed for at least 12 months.


T or F: A Transactional leadership is authoritarian; if a risk doesn't pay off then punishment occurs


T or F: A Workforce analysis can allow HR to mine employee data, evaluate the INTERNAL environment, and forecast future EXTERNAL conditions. HR professionals can use the analysis to support and sustain organizational objectives and strategies.


T or F: A balanced scorecard measures Intangibles. Also, operations and customer measure's show the lagging financial results


T or F: A contingency plan is the same as a business continuity plan. It plans for how the organization will Continue operating their organization in certain threatening scenarios.


T or F: A crisis drill is a simulation that is a good way to evaluate an emergency response plan.


T or F: A planning horizon is the time between the development and execution of a plan.


T or F: Almost ALL employees in the US are covered by the FLSA.


T or F: Attorney work product, private notes and reports from an interview, is not subject to discovery (disclosure to the other side in a complaint). Conversations are not work product but are covered under attorney-client privilege and are excluded from disclosure. Preexisting materials identified and preserved as the result of an attorney request for litigation hold are discoverable.


T or F: Biculturalism is mastery of a new culture. this occurs when expats are fully comfortable in their new culture


T or F: Blue washing = cloaking AND Green washing = lying about environmental impact.


T or F: Career Management is an organization-centered view of staffing and talent needs, whereas Career Development is the employee-centered perspective reflecting individual employees' desires and interests.


T or F: Cost per hire shows Efficiency of the recruiting process.


T or F: Data Wrangling is the process of Data Cleansing


T or F: Dilemma Reconciliation is handled by Regonize, Respect, Reconcile, and Relaize. This leads to Cultural Synergy and Glocalization.


T or F: Dispute resolution processes (Grievance Procedures) are typically included in collective bargaining agreements/labor contracts AND in employee handbooks.


T or F: During STEP 2 of the risk management process you should: Identify and analyze risk by gathering information so you can prioritize and understand the risks. This step includes using Risk level Equation, Risk Scorecard, Risk Matrix to conduct risk analysis. Your should use PAPA model for risk prioritization and evaluation. Also, use Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and the Risk Register List of information on risks.


T or F: During a RIF, HR can help the retained employees confront challenges such as increased workload, different work assignments, feelings of fear and loss, diminished job security.


T or F: During the Gap analysis (step 3) of workforce planning, researching of labor COSTS and comparing of internal vs external.


T or F: ERISA applies to only privately held companies.


T or F: Employee value proposition (EVP) must be aligned with the organizational strategic plan, vision, mission, and values


T or F: Engaged employees tend to be healthier: mentally and physically


T or F: Ensuring that employees refrain from retaliation against the plaintiff should be one of the first things that HR does, and it occurs during the notification step during an employment lawsuit


T or F: Fish bowl technique is very similar to brainstorming. Also, nominal technique is a lot more organized than brainstorming.


T or F: Generation Y was born in the mid-1980s and later, so they grew up with technology. Social media is a good way to reach these candidates.


T or F: Groupthink/Normalization of Deviance and Risk Incubation (allowing a known risk to be unaddressed) are man-made disasters that can complicate risk management.


T or F: HR can enhance and facilitate change if they develop an internal "customer service" culture by deliver quality service.


T or F: HR handles global tasks that are strategic, tactical, and practical.


T or F: Net income shows what is available for reinvestment.


T or F: Normalization of deviance is a risk and is a form of groupthink.


T or F: the main goal of the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises is to boost economic development by expanding commercial opportunities.


True or False: A valid test is always reliable.


T or F: Data cleansing or wrangling is important because it helps identify data errors and bias in statistical analysis.

True Bias can include Sample issues/general population is not being represented, Measurement errors because lack of training, Performance bias/people are performing differently because they are being studied, etc.

T or F: A reasonable accommodation may be denied if it creates undue hardship for the employer.

True FYI: Most job accommodations come at a low cost. So, the larger the payroll headcount, the more difficult it is to defend the "undue hardship" reason when denying accommodation.

T or F: Not all groups are teams.

True Not all groups are teams because teams are focused on a common goal, teams have skill diversity, dispersion of authority and permanence. Groups have task roles and social roles.

T or F: The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 amended Title VII to give authority and litigation power to the EEOC.

True The Equal Opp Act of 1972 gave authority/litigation power to the EEOC

T or F: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973/Vocational Rehabilitation Act is an affirmative action statute. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies to federal gov't and gov't contractors with contracts over $10,000. The EEOC enforces this act.

True The Rehabilitation Act/aka affirmative action plan that prohibits federal gov't and federal contractors with 10k and above contracts to discriminate against those with disabilities.

T or F: Action-centered leadership is a model that states effective leaders accomplish goals and tasks through the efforts of the team they lead.

True created by John Adair, the action-center leadership model states that leaders accomplish goals and tasks through the efforts of their team that they lead.

T or F: Risk mgt strategies either change probability of risk occurrence or change the impact of the risk when it occurs.

True risk mgt strategies change either PROBABILITY or IMPACT

T or F: When covering occurs it can restrict employee's personal dimension of Affiliation, displaying behaviors associated with their identity groups. T or F: If employees feel restricted then it can also affect their Association, which occurs when employees are avoiding associating with members of their identity group.

True True

True or False: Verbal/ implied offers and contracts are just as binding as a written contract.

True = Verbal contracts/IMPLIED/Express offers or promises are just as binding employement contracts (written and verbal) are more common across the world than an employee at-will.

T or F: Substantive Assessments should always precede Discretionary Assessments. Substantive Assessments are also called Pre-Employment Tests. What is a Substantive Assessment and what are examples?

True, Substantive Assessments should always precede Discretionary Assessments. Substantive Assessments are also called Pre-Employment Tests. Substantive Assessments help reduce the number of candidate finalists through cognitive tests, personality, aptitude, psychomotor/manual dexterity, assessment center.

T or F: Success Ratio is the proportion of selected applicants who are later judged to be successful on the job to indicate effectiveness of recruiting, selection, and orientation methods

True, Success Ratio is the proportion of selected applicants who are later judged to be successful on the job; the Success Ratio indicates effectiveness of recruiting, selection, and orientation methods

T or F: a Scanlon plan is a Gainsharing plan that is paid out monthly, and it is a type of team/group incentive plan.

True, a Scanlon plan is a Gainsharing plan that is paid out monthly, and it is a type of team/group incentive plan.

T or F: a nonqualified pension plan and a nonqualified retirement account are Perks/Fringe benefits.

True, a nonqualified pension plan and a nonqualified retirement account are Perks/Fringe benefits.

T or F: Crossfunctional product project teams that have low permeance and many different levels of contributors often have high authority dispersion.

True, because authority is very dispersed and flat

T or F: The employer has no control over attrition.

True, because the employee makes the decision. Employee leaves for another career, employee retires, employee abandons their job, employee death are all examples of attrition

T or F: Primacy error occurs when early, positive performance leads to skewed performance appraisals down the road because the recent performance is ignored

True, primacy error occurs when early, positive performance leads to skewed performance appraisals down the road because they appraiser is still riding the high of the positive performance and forgets to consider recent performance

True of False: Harassment is a form of discrimination. What are two key court cases that establish vicarious liability related to sexual harrassment?

True, sexual harassment is a form of discrimnation that the EEOC can charge for Sexual Harrassment court cases: 1. Faragher vs Boca Raton 2. Burlington vs Ellerth

T or F: The ADA applies to employers who have 15 or more employees. What does ADA stand for?

True, the ADA applies to employers with 15 or more employees ADA stands for Americans with Disability Act

T or F: The Markov chain model shows forecasts for the trend of employee turnover; looks at internal supply. Markov model is aka internal Flow Model Analysis and employee transition matrix.

True, the Markov model is a forecasting model of employee turnover/flow and transitions

T or F: the Shrm empathy index is a useful DEI metric and helps assess inclusion.

True, the Shrm empathy index is a DEI Metric used for assessing INCLUSION. The SHRM Empathy Index assesses inclusion in the workplace using different components: belonging, inclusion, openness, conflict management, and non-discriminatory practices.

T or F: the Taft-Hartley Act is also call the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA).

True, the Taft Hartley Act is also known as the Labor Management Relations Act. The Taft Hartley Act/LMRA = created provisions on UNION behavior and ULPs. The LMRA amended the NLRA and imposed several restrictions on Unions.

T or F: the paired-comparison evaluation method is aka the job ranking method.

True, the paired-comparison method is the same as the job ranking method.

T or F: The P in PESTLE stands for political. Examples of political factors are tax policies, local gov't policies, employment laws.


T or F: Team and business unit OED interventions focus on developing team identity, resolving conflict with dysfunctional teams, aligning with strategy, etc. What does OED intervention team help with during the Team Formation process?

True. They help with all 4 stages of team formation (forming, storming, norming, performing) and will coach the team leader on how to handle conflict resolution.

T or F: When managers have low concern for people and high concern for production, this is an example of an Authoritarian Managers, according to Blake-Mouton's behavioral leadership theory.

True. Authoritarian Managers have a high task focus and low relationship/people focus.

T orF: According to international labor standards fair wages is most fundamental to the employment relationship.

True: Fair wages, labor rights, a living wage, and a standard workday are all FUNDAMENTAL in international labor law standards. While telework, flextime, and a one-hour lunch break are incentives and optional based on an organization's practices.

T or F: Managed services is also known as Outsourcing, and this is a workforce management strategy.

True: Managed services, or outsourcing, allows an OUTSIDE organization to fully run and staff the department. Payrolling, professional employer organizations (PEO - staffing agencies that provide workers comp, insurance, payroll, etc.), and temp-to-lease programs only provide Employees to the organization.

T or F: a Staff Retention Report includes information from exit interviews and focus groups.

True: staff retention reports help determine why people leave their jobs and determine what needs to be done to improve retention

T or F: Some organizations use a Nine-Box Grid to group employees into a low/med/high potential AND low/med/high performer. T or F: Box 1 employees (top right corner) are high potentials and outstanding performers.

True; True The Nine-box is a part of the Succession Planning process and talent mgt pool discussions which are a workforce management strategy.

T or F: Wellness programs DO NOT ensure confidentiality. EAP programs ensure confidentiality.

True; Wellness programs DO NOT ensure confidentiality. EAP programs ensure confidentiality.

T or F: Collaborative Negotiation is also known as Principled Negotiation and Integrative Negotiation. What is it? What are soft negotiators vs hard negotiators?

True; the Collaborative/Principled/Integrative Negotiation is the process by which negotiators Aim for Mutual Gain, Focus on Problem instead of personal differences, and focus on mutually beneficial outcomes; preparation, relationship building, info exchange, persuasion, concessions, agreement Soft negotiators - care about the relationship and will back down hard negotiators - care about winning principled negotiators - care about mutual gain and common interests; win-win

T or F: the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconcilation Act (EGTRRA) started allowing pre-tax catchup contributions.

True; the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconcilation Act (EGTRRA) started allowing pre-tax catchup contributions.

T or F: Doing business across multiple cultures promotes better leadership to handle the unique challenges.

True; this is one of the 4 T's = Team ; a multicultural team helps a leader develop

T or F: Centralized Functional Org Structures are best used for small companies that have a small geographic region.

True; upstream decisions are made at corporate

Domestic couples

UNMARRIED couples; receive comparable benefits to married counterparts

National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (hint: ACA supreme court case)

US Supreme Court ruling that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPAAC or affordable care act) requirement that individuals purchase health insurance was constitutional but requirement that states expand medicaid was not constitutional

DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)

US act that defined marriage as union of a man and women; this allowed states to disregard same-sex marriages recognized in other states DOMA was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges of 2013

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

US act that protect employment, reemployment, and retention of persons who serve in the military

Low Context Cultures

US has this type of context culture; direct, emotional, etc. ; explicit artifacts, clothing, food, music; the location has an obvious cultures i.e. the state of Texas is know for boots and cowboy music ; society doesn't share common experience so the communication must be very explicit

Drug Free Workplace Act What employers does this act apply to?

US law that requires federal contractors with contracts of $100,000 or MORE to certify they are maintaining a drug free workplace

Which must be permitted when conducting an investigative interview of a union employee? Union representative bargaining with the employer for leniency in punishment Attorney or family member attending the interview upon request Union representative adding information supporting the employee's case Union representative telling the employee what to say during the interview

Union representative adding information supporting the employee's case The union representative must be allowed to add information supporting the employee's case at the end of the interview. The employer is not required to bargain with the representative during an investigative interview. The union representative cannot tell the employee what to say during the interview. The employee may be prohibited from bringing an attorney or a relative to the interview.

Vroom Expectancy Reward Theory of Motivation (employees anticipate rewards and results)

Vroom Expectancy Reward Theory of Motivation states that ALL three of these aspects motivate behavior: 1. expectancy - with reasonable effort the employee can succeed 2. instrumentality - success will lead to reward or instrument 3. valence - the reward is meaningful to employee

Which act requires that SOME employers give a min 60-day notice if a plant is closing or mass layoff will occur?

WARN Act (worker adjustment and retraining notification act)

wildcat strike

Work stoppages at union contract operations that are NOT approved/sanctioned by the union; the union must oversee and plan the strike otherwise it is considered a wildcat strike. Wildcat strikes are work stoppages that are neither sanctioned nor stimulated by the union, although union officials may be aware of them. FYI: These strikes may also take the form of excessive absences, especially when there are no-strike clauses in contracts.

A company has 51 full-time employees. Are they required to follow the PPACA?

Yes, the ACA applies to the employer because they have MORE THAN 50 full-time employees. The employer must provide coverage that meets the ACA specifications. The employer must allow for breast feeding time up to one year after birth.


a process by which two or more parties work together to reach an agreement


a relationship in which one person helps guide another person's development

risk management

a system for identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential risks and handling of mitigation and response strategies (including use of insurance)

A learning curve is: a. A graphical representation of a rate of learning over time b. A tool for educating multiple kinds of learners at once c. A formula for determining the success of a particular training session d. A theory of grading students that measures them against each other

a. A graphical representation of a rate of learning over time

Which method is most effective for controlling hazards and their negative consequences? a. Abate and eliminate the hazard from the workplace. b. Control the hazard by enclosing or guarding it at its source. c. Train personnel on awareness and safety procedures to avoid it. d. Require protective equipment to shield personnel against the hazard.

a. Abate and eliminate the hazard from the workplace. The most effective way to control hazards and their consequences is to engineer them out of the workplace. For example, a sawmill may design the cutting process so that the level of sawdust is acceptable.

An HR professional transitioned into a new role that requires thorough knowledge of federally mandated laws in order to create new organizational policies. Which is the best resource to ensure federal compliance? a. Administrative agencies b. The Bill of Rights c. The Constitution d. HR practitioners

a. Administrative agencies Administrative agencies are the best resource, as their guidelines interpret how laws and regulations will be enforced by organizations.

A company is expanding into a new country and wants to extend its collaborative, team-based approach to help engage its new workforce. Which driver of engagement should the HR director consider first? a. Align company practices to new country practices using valid research to guide changes. b. Proceed without delay; collaboration is a global driver of engagement. c. Conduct a pilot test in the new workplace to see if localization of company practices will be accepted. d. Continue with new country practices, as changes could cause engagement to decrease.

a. Align company practices to new country practices using valid research to guide changes. The first step is to recognize that drivers of engagement may vary among cultures, and the HR director must obtain non-biased information about preferences among this new group of employees. Not addressing a different approach to collaboration up front may cause confusion as the teams integrate.

Reaction, learning, behavior, and results are the four levels generally accepted for evaluating what? a. An employee's participation in training b. A trainer's effectiveness c. A training program d. Course selection

a. An employee's participation in training Kirkpatricks evaluating evaluations: reaction, learning, behavior, and results/ROI

An organization is projecting future employee flow based on past transition rates. Which potential outcome is MOST likely from this approach? a. Change can diminish the accuracy of the flow projection. b. Employee flow will usually stagnate over the short term. c. Future flow will remain roughly the same as past flow. d. Stakeholders will object to past analysis to project future flow.

a. Change can diminish the accuracy of the flow projection Although past transition rates and probabilities provide a good basis for comparison, they may have limited value in predicting future trends in the face of change.

An employee has a small online business selling a sauce made from the employer's copyrighted recipe. The company handbook forbids any employee from disclosing the employer's proprietary information. What can the employer do? a. Demand the employee cease the activity and terminate employment. b. Do nothing because the employee is covered by a collective bargaining agreement. c. Request that the employee credit the company's original recipe. d. Ignore the activity because its very small scale makes a legal response impractical.

a. Demand the employee cease the activity and terminate employment. The employer has the right to demand that the employee cease the activity because it violates the employer's intellectual property rights. Because this is stated in the handbook, the employee could be subject to termination.

Which protocol should HR use when converting from paper to electronic record storage? a. Department of Labor's "Final Rules" b. Human resource information system's built-in "conversion management template" c. Society for Human Resource Management's "Record Transfer Guidelines" d. Iron-Clad Electronic Cloud's "Paper Vapor Trail"

a. Department of Labor's "Final Rules" To follow specified protocols, employers may use guidelines that the Department of Labor has published called "Final Rules Relating to Use of Electronic Communication and Recordkeeping Technologies by Employee Pension and Welfare Benefit Plans," shortened to "Final Rules." OSHA Form 300A is used to report workplace injuries and illnesses. The other options do not exist.

1. ERISA sets minimum eligibility requirements for employee participation in qualified plans. Which of the following statements is true for a plan with a four-year cliff-vesting schedule? a. Employees are eligible at the later of one year of service or age 21. b. Employees are eligible at the later of two years of service or age 21. c. Employees may be excluded from the plan when they reach age 72. d. Employees who meet minimum service and age requirements become participants immediately.

a. Employees are eligible at the later of one year of service or age 21

A BENEFITS policy that provides all employees with the same benefits is best described as being driven by what compensation philosophy? a. Entitlement b. Equity c. Parity d. Formula-based

a. Entitlement

Which PESTLE force has caused a change to corporate branding? a. Environmental concerns b. Technology c. Economic pressures d. Political issues

a. Environmental concerns Environmental concerns have resulted in sustainability becoming central to corporate branding.

Which term describes a system of rules and processes put in place to ensure compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, and environmental and social codes of conduct? a. Governance b. Rule of law c. Ethics d. Compliance

a. Governance Governance is the system of rules and processes an organization puts in place to ensure its compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, and environmental and social codes of conduct. Good governance is the outcome of a thoughtful assessment of an enterprise's legal, ethical, and civic obligations to the communities it serves and the development of systems that support fulfillment of these obligations. Governance stems from org leaders and social code of conduct. Governance is a system of rules and processes that ensure compliance with laws, ethical norms, and a social code of conduct. Codes of conduct and compliance are part of governance

Compensation packages may vary according to an organization's stage of development. An organization whose total compensation strategy includes moderate benefits and wages and bonuses tied to objectives is usually in what stage of development? a. Growth stage (matching the market) b. Startup (wages low and benefits low ; they typically are lagging the market) c. Maturity (paying above or leading market) d. Decline (wages are decreasing or staying the same; reduction in force may be occuring)

a. Growth stage (matching the market)

Which is considered a good practice for handling grievances? a. Hold grievance discussions privately with all parties. b. Trade a grievance settlement for a grievance withdrawal. c. Agree to informal amendments in the contract. d. Settle grievances on the basis of what is fair.

a. Hold grievance discussions privately with all parties Ensuring the confidentiality of grievance discussions is in the best interest of all parties involved.

Which characteristic is associated with the Six Sigma project management approach? a. It measures value and uses evidence-based analysis. b. Several versions of the deliverable may be developed (AGILE approach) c. Resources are allocated and carefully monitored. d. Limited resources are assigned to overlapping tasks.

a. It measures value and uses evidence-based analysis The Six Sigma approach to project management is focused on measuring the return of value that allows empirical analysis to inform decision making. Limited resources assigned to overlapping tasks is more associated with the critical chain project management approach, as resources are not increased to meet deadlines. The critical chain approach best accounts for dependencies when there are limited resources. Carefully allocating and monitoring resources is a characteristic of any approach that is taken to project management. There is no specific emphasis on this important aspect of project management in the Six Sigma approach. Having several versions of the deliverable is associated with the agile approach to project management. Iterations are continuously improved.

Which human behavior occurs when an organization accepts a problem to the extent that it no longer appears to be a problem? a. Normalization of deviance b. Cyber threats c. Insider threat d. Risk incubation

a. Normalization of deviance Normalization of deviance, which is a form of group think, occurs when an organization accepts a problem to the extent that it is no longer perceived to be a problem.

Which identifies a direct cost of turnover? a. Recruitment cost b. Lost productivity c. Time to coach and mentor a replacement d. Loss of organizational knowledge

a. Recruitment cost Direct costs of turnover can be quantified. They include recruitment fees as well as costs for sourcing, hiring, and onboarding.

During a company event at a local establishment, an employee fractures his arm. An HR coworker is unsure of whether this should be reported to OSHA and asks the HR manager's opinion. What should the HR manager recommend? a. Report an occupational injury to OSHA within 24 hours of learning about the event. b. Report an accidental injury to OSHA within 30 days of the event. c. Report a workplace incident to OSHA within 14 days. d. Don't report the injury, as the event happened off company property.

a. Report an occupational injury to OSHA within 24 hours of learning about the event. A fracture is an occupational injury, and OSHA requires that occupational injuries be reported within 24 hours of learning about the event. Although the event occurred off-site, it was a company-sponsored outing and the person was there in his role as an employee; therefore, it is considered an extension of the traditional workplace.

Which characteristic typically distinguishes a job function as essential? a. Requirements for highly specialized skills b. Requirements qualifications that can be completed quickly c. Specifications elements that can be performed infrequently d. Specifications that can be performed by many different employees

a. Requirements for highly specialized skills An essential job function is one that is performed regularly and requires highly specialized skills or expertise, and, in many cases, the reason the job exists is to perform the function. Nonessential functions typically can be performed by many different people, and, if not completed, there are often minimal consequences.

Malcolm Knowles' research on andragogy evolved into defining which of the following characteristics? a. Self-actualization b. Acceptance of abilities c. Self consciousness d. Experience

a. Self-actualization Malcom Knowles research on Andragogy (Andragogy = Teaching of Adults) shows that adults are motivated to learn because of characteristics of Self-Actualization

Which is a primary business/org benefit associated with implementation of an employee volunteerism program? a. Strengthening the company's brand and reputation b. Enhancing sense of camaraderie and teamwork c. Expanding skill sets for employees who participate d. Developing opportunities for employee recognition

a. Strengthening the company's brand and reputation While all of these may occur as a result of successfully implementing an employee volunteerism program, they are not all considered business benefits. Strengthening the company's brand and reputation is a business benefit. The others are benefits to the employees and/or the work environment.

Per the equity theory of motivation, what action might best help employees become motivated? a. Stronger investments in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) b. Stronger investments in tying success to internal factors and not external factors c. Stronger investments in tying work success to rewards that have meaning d. Stronger investments in ensuring that goals are explicit and realistic but challenging

a. Stronger investments in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) In the equity theory, motivation is based on an employee's sense of fairness. If they believe someone else is being unfairly promoted ahead of them or being rewarded for inferior work/effort, they can become demotivated. Since DE&I is designed to reduce biases or disparate treatment in the organization, this should help with employees' sense of fairness. wrong answers explained= The other answers relate better to other theories of motivation.

A reduced FMLA leave schedule is characterized by which of the following? a. The employee is absent from work multiple times for the same illness or injury. b. The employee works fewer hours each day or week. c. The employee's leave schedule is disruptive to the work schedule. d. Accurate records of time off are maintained.

a. The employee is absent from work multiple times for the same illness or injury.

Management allows employees to decorate their offices and provides tools for this. Standing on a step ladder, an employee causes a tall bookcase to fall over on himself. The employee suffers several fractures. Which aspect of this situation represents the most likely liability for the employer from an OSHA perspective? a. The employer had feasible means available to eliminate or reduce the possibility of injury. b. The employer provided the tools and supplies. c. The employer allowed the workplace activity during work hours. d. The employer did not fully consider the risk of the decorating activity.

a. The employer had feasible means available to eliminate or reduce the possibility of injury. The company violated the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act because it failed to recognize or prevent a hazard that was likely to cause serious injury or death. The employer should have been aware of the possibility of the bookcase tipping over and implemented a policy for all bookcases above a certain height to be anchored to the wall and for all bookcases to be inspected. The General Duty Clause does not require an employer to identify the risk in all workplace activities but to protect against recognized hazards. The timing and provision of tools are irrelevant here because they do not address the necessary recognition or prevention of the hazard.

Which is an advantage of having job descriptions in a global environment? a. They expedite forecasting of current and projected staffing. b. They reduce payroll costs because all salaries are set. c. They reduce cross-border transfers because in-country candidates are easier to find. d. They eliminate the need for career paths.

a. They expedite forecasting of current and projected staffing. Global management of information about numbers of various jobs and current and projected openings is based on consistent job descriptions.

How is a growth-share matrix used in a large organization? a. To understand the competitive position and value of each sector of the business b. To provide an overview of internal strengths and opportunities c. To monitor growth in each business line to develop a year-over-year comparison d. To analyze the concept of systems thinking across the organization

a. To understand the competitive position and value of each sector of the business The growth-share matrix is used in large organizations to assess what type of value their divisions, investments, or products produce. The vertical axis measures the rate of growth, and the horizontal axis measures the market share or competitive position in the market.

What term best describes fairness and equal access to resources and opportunities? a. inclusion b. diversity c. belonging d. engagment

a. inclusion Inclusion is linked to fairness and equal access to opportunities and resources

Helen operated a DVD rental company for 10 years that eventually went out of business due to online streaming competitions. Which part of her strategy was the most likely reason that contributed to this? a. Not controlling drift b. Focusing on core competencies c. systematic thinking

a. not controlling drift controlling drift guarantees that a business does NOT become blinded-sided by industry disruptors; controlling drift helps the company ADAPT and stay up to date with competition

Compa-Ratio is BEST described by the term: a. Position in range b. Correlation coefficient c. Statistical anomaly d. Least Squares measurement

a. position in the pay range

A ____________________ learning curve begins slowly, with smaller learning increments, but increases in pace and with larger increments as learning continues. a. positively accelerating b. negatively accelerating c. S-shaped d. Plateau

a. positively accelerating

Sharp injuries are recorded as _______________ ____________ rather than the employee's name. a. privacy case b. exposure case c. confidential case d. HIPPA case

a. privacy case

When a supervisor manages an employees concern over a change in the organization by pointing out the benefits and opportunities for them as a result of the change, this is know as: a. reframing b. framing c. normalizing

a. reframing reframing occurs when a person changes the way an audience sees or feels about an intended message or organizational change

What is the function of the BCG matrix? a. the development cycle of product b. identify relationship between products and services c. increases profitability of a company's products d. identifies the sustainability of a company

a. the development cycle of product the advantage of using a BCG growth-share/product portfolio matrix for a company that offers multiple products is that the matrix helps the org understand the competitive position and value and products for long-term strategic planning Dogs, Cash Cows, Question marks (high growth, low market share), Stars (high grow, high market; the fastest growing market leader is the star)

An organization that identifies individuals with skills and abilities, pairs them with mentors, and provides growth opportunities to expand their Skills is creating a: a. Workforce plan b. Succession plan c. Replacement chart d. Skills inventory

a. workforce plan workforce plan = identifying SKILLS gaps and future needs for the workforce; creating and completing strategy associate with org mission succession plan = helping supply talent for critical positions

emotional intelligence (EI)

ability to be aware of, control, and express emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships empathetically and judiciously


ability to influence, guide, inspire, or motivate others to reach goals

Global Mindset

ability to take an international perspective, inclusive of other cultures and views global hr skills: 1. develop strategic view of org 2. develop global org culture 3. secure and grow a safe talent supply chain 4. use and ADAPT HR technology 5. develop meaningful metrics 6. develop policies and practices to manage risks

business intelligence

ability to use information to gain a deeper understanding of an organization and make sound business decisions

cultural taxation

additional workload that is generated for members of an underrepresented group due to their requested participation in DEI efforts

What type of organizational culture has an external focus and values flexibility, has a creative working environment, and allows for risk taking and innovation?

adhocracy culture = the type of organizational culture that has an external focus and values flexibility, creative working environment, allows for risk taking and innovcation.

What is a flexible staffing alternative?

alternative staffing/flexible staffing uses alternative recruiting sources and workers who are not regular employees Flexible staffing by the org: - temps, interns, on-call workers, job sharing, seasonal workers, phased retirement/reduced work hours Flexible staffing via Outsourcing: - Finite temporary help, temp to hire, contract workers


amount of owners or shareholders portion of the business ; Equity = Assets-Liabilities

What is an HR business partner?

an HRBP is a more experienced generalist who is assigned to represent HR services directly to other business functions. They have a deeper understanding of the business, org, and function. The role requires competencies like: Business Acumen, Consultation, Relationship Mgt, and Communication

Market-based evaluation

an approach to job evaluation, uses market data to determine differences in job worth

Hr service model

an approach to structuring and delivering an organization's HR services to support the business's success

work/life integration

approach to create harmony among all areas of life such as work, home/family, community, personal well-being and health

What are the 4 main responses to risk?

avoidance, mitigation, Transfer/share, and Accept/tolerate

In which way has globalization impacted how domestic organizations train managers? a. Cross-cultural sensitivity training is used only for global assignees. b. Training includes cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability. c. Domestic organizations are concerned only with downstream processes and needs. d. A domestic company is not affected by globalization; training does not need to evolve.

b. Training should include cross-cultural sensitivity and adaptability. Even domestic companies are affected by global forces and should train managers to aid in developing a global mindset.

The Older Worker Benefit Protection Act requires that an INDIVIDUAL employee age 40 or older who is asked to waive their rights under the act must be given what? a. 7 days to consider the agreement before signing it b. 21 days to consider the agreement before signing it c. 45 days to consider the agreement before signing it d. 60 days to consider the agreement before signing it

b. 21 days to consider the agreement before signing it

Which of the following factor can adversely affect transfer of training? a. The trainer's expertise b. A lack of job reinforcement c. The subject of the training d. Management support

b. A lack of job reinforcement

The statement "We aspire to be a great place to work for all employees" is an example of... a. a mission statement b. a vision statement c. a values statement d. code of conduct

b. A vision statement

Which of the following describes the phenomena where members of a group avoid engaging in certain behaviors that are sterotypical of their group because they believe the company they work at promotes assimilation rather than inclusion: a. Association b. Affiliation c. Advocacy d. Apperance

b. Affiliation Affiliation refers to the defensive behavior that workers engage in to avoid "normal/stereotypical" behavior of the group they are a part of, such as a racial group

Senior management has determined that a reduction in force (RIF) is the only way it can address financial difficulties. Which action would BEST minimize the impact of the downsizing on the organization and employee morale? a. Treat separation volunteers as terminations. b. Allow employees to volunteer to be separated. c. Constructively discharge least productive employees. d. Imply a chance that terminated employees might be called back.

b. Allow employees to volunteer to be separated. A reduction in force in which employees in selected task areas are allowed to volunteer for layoff has the potential to benefit both the organization and the employees. For the organization, a voluntary RIF creates opportunities for restructuring and assists the organization in meeting its fiscal responsibilities. For employees, a voluntary RIF may facilitate an employee's transition to retirement and an early "at-will" separation can provide access to federal or state financial assistance for the pursuit of other career opportunities.

Under U.S. federal law, which employer is required to pay the prevailing wage? a. All federal contractors who engage in interstate commerce b. An electrical contractor who rewired a room in the White House and is paid $3,000 c. A manufacturer with a $3,000 contract to supply its product to a federal prison d. All employees with 100 or more employees

b. An electrical contractor who rewired a room in the White House and is paid $3,000 The Davis-Bacon Act requires contractors and subcontractors on federally funded CONSTRUCTION Projects of $2,000 or MORE in the U.S. to pay wages and benefits at least equal to those prevailing in the area where the work is performed. The law includes only laborers and mechanics who are employed on the job site.

How can HR add the most value in the strategic planning process? a. By recruiting other personnel to take part in the process b. By identifying the HR implications of the company's strategy c. By critiquing the finished plan for alignment with corporate goals d. By serving as the facilitator for the planning sessions

b. By identifying the HR implications of the company's strategy HR can provide the most value by ensuring that all HR implications are identified and fully considered. To do this, HR must be involved in the early stages of strategy development so they can be aware of and influence the organizational goals. HR also brings knowledge of the internal and external environments in which the company operates.

In addition to employee status, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 regulates which of the following? a. Compensatory time, child labor provisions, minimum wage b. Child labor provisions, minimum wage, overtime pay c. Minimum wage, overtime pay, on-call pay d. Meals and breaks, overtime pay, child labor provisions

b. Child labor provisions, minimum wage, overtime pay FLSA is aka as the Overtime Law

Which position may require an applicant to take a polygraph test? a. Blackjack dealer at a casino b. Delivery driver for a pharmaceutical firm c. Director of security for a software company d. Comptroller for an accounting firm

b. Delivery driver for a pharmaceutical firm A lie detector test can be administered to prospective employees if the employees will have direct access to the manufacture, distribution, or dispensation of certain controlled substances.

What guidance from HR is useful to an organization that has decided to pursue a greenfield operation? a. Data regarding the skill sets that exist in the new operation b. Demographic characteristics of the new location c. Recommendations for organizational alliances to pursue d. Best practices for implementing a greenfield operation

b. Demographic characteristics of the new location The demographics in the location is useful information when an organization has decided to build from the ground up. A new staff will be required, and tapping into the local market will be necessary. Data about current skill sets is not applicable in a greenfield operation, as this strategy requires building from the ground up. There is no existing workforce. While recommendations about talent management concerns are helpful with any growth strategy an organization may decide to use, the selection of companies to pursue for an alliance is not within the purview of HR. In addition, a greenfield operation does not involve alliances or partnerships with other organizations. Best practices regarding how to implement a greenfield operation are not the responsibility of the HR department.

What advice would you give an HR colleague facing an employee grievance in a unionized environment? a. Try to exclude the union representative from all meetings. b. Document all grievance meetings and take notes. c. Agree to change some work rules to settle the grievance. d. Immediately escalate the matter to the vice president of HR.

b. Document all grievance meetings and take notes. The best advice is to document all meetings related to the grievance, since individual grievances can become the grounds for union reactions.

When presenting a business case to senior management for HRIS technology, which type of presentation would be most effective? a. Bold presentation that glosses over negative points b. Dynamic presentation that focuses only on key points c. Detailed presentation that shows proofs for all points d. Glossy presentation that states only what the customer wants to hear

b. Dynamic presentation that focuses only on key points Presentations to high-level decision makers need to be dynamic and focused on key points. Technical partners, such as IT, may need a more detailed presentation.

A new HR leader would like to assess the level of employee engagement in the organization. His focus will be on behavioral engagement. Which of the following characteristics should the HR leader look for? a. Workplace conditions that are improved by management b. Effort employees put into their jobs c. Only characteristics found in trait engagement d. Characteristics that support transactional tasks

b. Effort employees put into their jobs Behavioral engagement is evident in the effort employees put into their jobs, which leads to greater value, creating higher performance than from less engaged employees. It can occur when both trait and state engagement are present. The less desirable of the traits is transactional engagement.

Which is a critical component of maintaining electronic employee records as opposed to paper-based records? a. Level of legally required documentation b. Frequent backups of all data c. File organization d. Security of data

b. Frequent backups of all data Frequent backup of electronic employee records is required for protection against data loss or corruption. The other choices apply to both paper-based and electronic record-keeping systems.

An organization is researching labor costs for similar operations and projections by a government labor agency on the availability of certain types of skilled employees. What stage of the workforce analysis process is the organization completing? a. Solution (step 4 - borrow, buy, build) b. Gap (step 3) c. Supply (step 1 - strategy focus then supply analysis) d. Demand (step 2 - forecasting, regression variables, simulations)

b. Gap (stage 3 - researching labor COSTS, comparing skills, etc) In the third stage of the workforce analysis process, employers compare the workforce they have (in terms of size, costs, and skills) with the workforce they need in order to identify what is lacking. The gap analysis step includes comparing these internal needs with external forces, such as prevailing market conditions and labor availability, that could affect the chosen solution.

An organization needs to prioritize spending for its risk management initiatives. Which is the first step the HR leader should take? a. Directing every function in the organization to complete risk assessment forms b. Identifying processes and individuals critical to the organization's delivery of value c. Comparing the costs of mitigating risks with the costs of transferring risks d. Establishing senior management's risk tolerance level compared to their risk appetite

b. Identifying processes and individuals critical to the organization's delivery of value While all of the stated choices may help develop an appropriate risk management plan, a good first step is to identify critical processes and individuals essential to the organization's continued functioning. This will help the organization focus its resources in the most effective manner.

What does the term "tripartism" mean in the context of union relations? a. Promotion of a works council to a position at the bargaining table b. Involvement of national governments in the bargaining process c. Aggregation of employers in an industry into a single bargaining position d. Idea that the employment relationship includes the employer, the union, and the employee

b. Involvement of national governments in the bargaining process Tripartism refers to the collaboration of governments, employers, and unions in developing contracts and resolving disputes. This is a common feature in some countries and an occasional feature in others (e.g., government intervention in times of national emergencies)

What core business function is best suited in identifying competitive threats and revenue producing opportunities for a SWOT analysis? a. Business Operations b. Marketing and Sales c. Information Technology d. Research and Development

b. Marketing and Sales Marketing and sales has the most relevant and accurate information on the market and customer trends because it is in the closest contact with customers. Research and Development is primarily Inward focused on creating new products or services, Business Operations could have some relevant information but they're mostly transactional. IT likely doesn't have much insight into external threats or opportunities outside of information security.

A union has been accused of an unfair labor practice (ULP). What body has the authority to listen to the ULP charge? a. Labor union b. Labor board c. Labor council d. Labor association

b. NLRB Labor board (labor boards/commissions/ tribunals) ULPs are generally heard by labor boards/commissions/ tribunals. It would be unreasonable to allow a labor union to investigate its own alleged ULP. Unless stated in the collective bargaining agreement, a labor association would have no authority to act if a ULP is found to have occurred. A labor council serves in an advisory role and would have no authority to act if the alleged ULP was indeed committed.

1. Susan, who is an exempt employee, was absent for two half days on personal business during the last pay period. When she received her paycheck, she found that payroll had deducted that time from her paycheck, so she asked the HR manager to correct the error. The HR manager found that Susan had exhausted her PTO leave during the previous pay period when she took a vacation. What action does the HR manager need to take now? a. No action is needed. FLSA provides a safe harbor for improper deductions. b. No action is needed because Susan has used up her PTO. c. Advise payroll to reimburse Susan for the improper deduction. d. No action is needed. The deduction is permissible under the new FLSA regulations.

b. No action is needed because Susan has used up her PTO.

What is the first step in evidence-based decision making (EBDM)? a. Looking for logical connections among the gathered data b. Phrasing the problem in the form of a question to be answered c. Identifying good, and reliable sources of data d. Verifying the value of the activity to the organization

b. Phrasing the problem in the form of a question to be answered The first step in EBDM is to ask the question that will guide the subsequent search for relevant data. "What problem are we trying to solve?"; There are 6 steps in EBDM: 1. Ask 2.Acquire/gather 3.Appraise 4. Aggregate/combine and organize 5. Apply/make conclusions 6. Assess/monitor solution

Which is the best option to help an international assignee rapidly acclimate to the new country's culture? a. Schedule the assignee in a series of accelerated language and customs courses. b. Secure a specialized third-party vendor to provide the assignee with a customized settling-in program. c. Arrange for the assignee to move in and live with a local host family for the first six months. d. Provide the international assignee with a country overview and culture orientation.

b. Secure a specialized third-party vendor to provide the assignee with a customized settling-in program. To navigate the complexities of global assignments, a specialized third-party vendor is the best resource. Although the other options may be generally helpful, they are not specifically targeted to assist the assignee in acclimating to the global assignment.

What is the key benefit of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system over function-based stand-alone systems? a. Greater analytical power and capabilities b. Shared, current database for all departments c. Forecasting capabilities to run planning scenarios d. User-customized data interfaces for greater security

b. Shared, current database for all departments An ERP integrates current data from across an organization's functional areas, while a Stand-Alone system would require a Customized bridge to access the ERP database. While integrated data enables a more thorough analysis, stand-alone systems can provide significant analytical power. Customization and forecasting can be performed in integrated and stand-alone systems.

Which is the difference between a strategic alliance and a joint venture? a. Strategic alliances create new economic entities; joint ventures create new individual entities. b. Strategic alliances do not involve equity; joint ventures require that both partners contribute equity. c. Strategic alliances are informal agreements; joint ventures are contractual agreements. d. Strategic alliances take longer to create; joint ventures generally happen quickly.

b. Strategic alliances do not involve equity; joint ventures require that both partners contribute equity. Strategic Alliance: is a formal agreement that involve assets and resources; companies collaborate and contribute RESOURCES and Assets but DO NOT contribute Equity. Strategic alliances create synergy based on the partners' strengths and technical capabilities. Joint Venture: is a formal agreement between two or more parties to create a new economic entity that is jointly owned. Both partners contribute equity, invest, share in revenues, expenses, and control.

What does an employer's "duty of care" obligation mean? a. Protect employees from all known dangers b. Take all reasonable steps to ensure health, safety, and well-being of employees c. ensure employees are aware of known dangers

b. Take all reasonable steps to ensure health, safety, and well-being of employees duty of care = a broad obligation of an employer to protect employees from any and all foreseeable dangers

Many employees in the manufacturing department will be retiring in the next six months. The department supervisor asks the HR manager to identify ways to capture the employees' knowledge. In order to address this request, what should the HR manager identify first? a. How to replace the knowledge of the retiring employees b. The knowledge that will be lost when the employees retire c. Who is in need of the retiring employees' knowledge d. Which employees are retiring

b. The knowledge that will be lost when the employees retire The HR director needs to know what knowledge will be lost before it can be captured. The other three answer choices are ways to retain and maintain the employees' knowledge once it has been identified.

What is the primary purpose of a safety self-audit? a. To identify roles and responsibilities in the event of an industrial accident b. To ensure employee compliance with the organization's safety programs c. To eliminate unsafe acts and environmental factors in the company d. To lower workers' compensation insurance premiums for the company

b. To ensure employee compliance with the organization's safety programs A safety self-audit is conducted by an employer to assure the organization that employees are following safety-related policies and procedures. Workers' compensation premiums are most directly affected by an organization's rate of injuries. Being prepared to handle an emergency is a good practice, but it is more related to procedures and training than to an audit. An audit can only capture evidence of compliance or noncompliance. Compliance alone, especially if policies and training are faulty, will not eliminate unsafe acts.

What is an unfair labor practice? a. Employer practice in conflict with local business and cultural practices b. Violation of a labor law by an employer or a union c. Violation of international organizations' statements of worker rights d. Action by an employer or employee in violation of a contract provision

b. Violation of a labor law by an employer or a union An unfair labor practice is a violation of a country's labor laws. These laws may be rooted in international treaties on worker rights, but they are country-specific. They can pertain to both employers and employees. They are based in legal statutes, not cultural practices, although cultural practices often influence local laws.

When would a return on investment (ROI) analysis be an effective metric? a. When an organization wants to compare its productivity with that of similar competitors. b. When a function is seeking budget to hire new staff. c. When an HR function wants to confirm that it is complying with legal and regulatory requirements. d. When an investor is seeking information about a company's financial health.

b. When a function is seeking budget to hire new staff. ROI analysis is used to evaluate an Investment Opportunity. The only investment scenario in the choices is hiring new staff. The ROI analysis would compare the value of the output of additional staff (the return) with the costs to hire and retain staff (the investment). An organization's financial health might be assessed through various debt ratios and its cash flow. Productivity Ratios examine output relative to input (e.g., revenue per full-time equivalent employee). A compliance audit would be used to assess compliance with regulatory requirements.

When is a situation said to be Pareto efficient? a. When the 20 percent inefficiency can be eliminated b. When no further improvement can be made c. When all resources have been allocated d. When one situation is made better without affecting an attendant situation.

b. When no further improvement can be made

What business era marked the start of HR's role as org efficiency and productivity experts? a. 1900 - industrial revolution b. 1940-1959 World War II era c. none.

b. World War II era HR was tasked with creating a workforce while experiencing staffing shortages during WWII

1. In 2008, Congress amended the ADA. Which of the following is one of the changes in the amendment? a. Defines disability as an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities b. Allows contact lenses to be considered as a mitigating measure to assess whether a disability exists c. Establishes a narrow definition of the term disability

b. allows contact lenses to be considered as a mitigating measure to assess whether a disability exists

Exploring a series of "if-then" scenarios versus considering "what-if" scenarios is a potential barrier to risk management that is categorized as what? a. cultural barrier b. cognitive barrier c. structural barrier d. cultural barrier

b. cognitive barrier "if then" scenarios are compliance activities that have dominated risk mgt arena. Asking "what if" helps a company manage emerging risk and be responsive to change. This can be uncomfortable for practitioners because this is not typical for them which leads to a cognitive barrier

Influencing people to move together as one team toward a common goal or vision is known as: a. group think b. consensus management c. alignment management d. management by objectives

b. consensus management Influencing people to move together as one team toward a common goal or vision is known as consensus management.

The entire HR department must be capable of making decisions that are consistent with legal requirements and company policy. Equally important for those decisions is to... a. ensure a summary of decisions is retained for empl files b. document decisions in order to defend actions if later challenged

b. document decisions to defend actions

BF Skinner developed the theory of behavioral reinforcement that deals with shaping human behavior. What interventional strategy is NOT part of Skinner's Behavior Reinforment Theory? a. extinction b. eradication c. negative reinforcement d. punishment

b. eradication is NOT apart of Skinner's behavioral theory The four intervention strategies include: 1 positive reinforcement, 2 negative reinforcement, 3 punishment, and 4 extinction

The governments of some developing nations may be wary of opening more industries to multinational companies who are more committed to protecting local interests. This attitude is often referred to as: a. ethnocentrism b. guarded globalization c. multinationalism

b. guarded globalization Guarded Globalization is the attitude toward slow moving, selective, and focused on nationalism or regionalism.

What role can HR best play in the process of identifying risks in the workplace? a. collaborate on creating workable programs that will respond to workplace incidents b. make sure that plans address the vulnerabilities of employees at different locations c. determine which methods will help to increase the security of HR records d. work with facilitiy mgt to secure temporary workplace equipment if needed

b. make sure that plans address the vulnerabilities of employees at different locations Hr's most valuable role is to analyze vulnerabilities and make sure plans address vulnerabilities of every location for short-term and long-term assignees

An impoverished style, according to Blake-Moulton behavioral leadership theory, is best described as: (page 36) a. managers have low concern for people and high concern for production b. managers have low concern for both people and production c. managers have high concern for people/relationships and low concern for task production

b. managers have low concern for both people and production managers employ this strategy to safeguard themselves and to avoid getting into problems. The manager's main concern/priority is not being held accountable for any blunders which leads to fewer innovative decisions.

Which statement accurately reflects the basics of a communication mode? a. who says what to whom and with what effect b. who says what in what way to who with what effect c. who says what in what way to who and with what intention

b. who says what in what way to who with what effect a communication model includes communicator (Who), message (says What), medium (in what Way), intended receiver (to Whom), and feedback (with what effect)

The strategic process of analyzing the current workforce and preparing for future needs, is known as? a. succession plan b. workforce plan c. career planning

b. workforce plan: is the strategic process of analyzing the current workforce and preparing for future needs,


basic beliefs, attitudes, values, patterns of behaviors, customs shared and followed by members of a group ; gives the group a sense of identity

organizational values

beliefs and principles defined by a company to direct and govern employee behavior

A _____________________ job is defined as jobs that are common and consistent across a wide range of employers.

benchmark job - A benchmark job is one that has a scope of work and responsibilities common to other organizations or industries. Typically, benchmark jobs can be determined by comparing an internal job description with a survey job summary or capsule. 80% job description match is ideal

job enrichment

bettering job quality; process of increasing a job's depth by adding responsibilities to the job; upgrading responsibilities; Job enrichment = includes task significance, autonomy, skill variety, task identity, and feedback

totalization agreements

bilateral agreements between countries that are created to eliminate double taxation of employees on international assignments

What is a blackout period? How does it relate to SOX?

blackout period = more than 3 consecutive days where participant has not control over assets SOX/ERISA section 1 requires at least a 30-day notice before the blackout period

Environmental disaster, organized disruptions, hacking of business info systems are examples of what class of risk? legal, security, or business continuity

business continuity risks

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

business mgt software that a company can use to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from business activities; this software helps with data warehousing/storing, integrating, access of data, and reporting of data

What are two ways that organizations can socially share knowledge in their communities? pg. 123 org book

by Benchmarking AND with Thought Leadership (transferring knowledge to the general public)

Which metric related to benefits provides feedback on the quality and value of the benefit and helps evaluate the competitiveness of the total compensation strategy? a. Annual increase/decrease in health benefits costs b. Health-care expense per employee c. Insurance participation rate d. Benefits costs as a percentage of total payroll costs

c. The insurance participation rate can provide feedback on the quality and value of the insurance benefit that an organization offers. If few employees are taking advantage of the benefit, it may not be perceived as valuable by the employees. If the benefit is perceived as non-valuable by employees, this may indicate that the total compensation strategy is not as competitive as the organization intends or believes it to be.

1. A salary range has a minimum of $20,000 and a maximum of $30,000. An employee is paid an annual wage of $27,500. What is the compa-ratio? a. .9 b. 1.0 c. 1.1 d. 1.25

c. 1.1

Several employees were hurt in an accident in the manufacturing department. To evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's risk controls, HR conducted a meeting with the department supervisor. Which document would provide the best information for this meeting? a. Compliance audit b. Occupational health and safety checklist c. After-action debrief report d. External agency incident report

c. After-action debrief report (a debrief can act as an educational opportunity for everyone attending) An after-action report examines what happened, why it happened, what was done at the time, and what could have been done better. The incident report, compliance audit, and OSHA checklist document only incidents, their frequency, and, in some situations, what was done; no evaluation is made of the effectiveness of the organization's existing risk controls.

Which performance appraisal method would be used most effectively in a large, geographically dispersed organization with many similar jobs? a. Critical incident b. Forced ranking c. Behaviorally anchored rating system (BARS) d. Field review

c. Behaviorally anchored rating system (BARS)

How do the three spheres of sustainability support an effective corporate social responsibility (CSR) program? a. By limiting the measures of success to financial, earth, air, and water b. By incorporating a blend of local, regional, and global perspectives c. By offering an all-encompassing view of how an organization should function d. By allowing an organization to better focus on the community in which it operates

c. By offering an all-encompassing view of how an organization should function The term "sustainability" originally referred to an ecological or environmental goal. Now that focus has expanded to also consider an organization's social and economic impact (sometimes referred to as the 3Ps: people, planet, profits). Based on stakeholder demands, the three spheres attempt to provide a balanced focus to the organization's goals, objectives, and outcomes.

Which would be an accurate statement about the forces that are shaping organizations' corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies? a. Technology has had a mostly negative effect on society and the environment. b. CSR initiatives are seen by organizations as necessary but poor economic investments. c. CSR has increased individuals' rights to privacy. d. Governments have mostly allowed organizations to take the lead on sustainability.

c. CSR has increased individuals' rights to privacy. Although technology has created many challenges to privacy, the social and political reactions to this threat have created many protections for individuals' rights to privacy. Explanations for wrong answers = Technology has had a mixed effect on society and the environment. Some technology increases work hours and stress, but some can be used to increase work flexibility, such as telecommuting, or to expand access to disabled employees. Governments have taken actions that often impel organizations to respond, such as carbon taxes or environmental, workplace, and ethical regulations. Many CSR investments are net money makers, such as improvements to efficiencies. It may be hard to calculate the economic impact of an organization's reputation for CSR, but the effect on recruiting and retention has been noted.

Which of the following training methods most closely addresses the needs of adult learners? a. Passive b. Experiential c. Case study d. Case study Active

c. Case Study

An organization recognizes the benefit of long-tenured employees-they provide valuable experience that is key to its success. What practice can HR use to help ensure that employees remain with the organization for a longer period of time? a. Improving benefit plans b. Performing annual salary reviews c. Conducting realistic job previews d. Streamlining HR processes

c. Conducting realistic job previews By conducting realistic job previews, the organization can help ensure that new hires are well prepared for the job duties and understand the organizational culture before they enter it. This can help keep employees engaged over time and may result in retaining them for a longer period of time. Performing salary reviews and improving benefit plans can help ensure that the total compensation for the position is competitive in the market, but that will not address other issues that may cause employees to exit the organization prematurely. Streamlining HR processes may not have any impact on the employee retention rate.

Which stage in the workforce analysis process considers the business challenges an organization faces when creating a forecast of the organization's future workforce composition? a. Gap analysis b. Solution analysis c. Demand analysis d. Supply analysis

c. Demand Analysis A demand analysis forecast should consider a myriad of internal and external business issues. These issues may include new services/product lines, competitive forces and expansion/constriction in marketplaces, anticipated workforce availability within geographic boundaries, and so forth.

HR has been charged with benchmarking the organization's sustainability performance against that of its global competitors. Which resource will best help HR accomplish this? a. United Nations Global Compact b. ISO 26000 c. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards d. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

c. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards The GRI (global reporting initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards enable meaningful and consistent comparisons of organizations' sustainability performance. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on Sustainability is the MOST WIDELY USED Sustainability Reporting Framework in the WORLD.

Which statement characterizes globalization? a. Developed economies play an increasingly dominant role in globalization b. Technology has become the single shaping force in globalization c. Global markets, economies, and technologies are increasingly interconnected d. Global interconnections reached a peak in the 1980s and 1990s and have since decreased

c. Global markets, economies, and technologies are increasingly interconnected The integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies is enabling individuals, corporations, and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before.

A cosmetics company that denounces animal testing as a primary part of its branding was recently reported to be working with suppliers that routinely test on animals. Which aspect of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy is misaligned? a. Environment b. Compliance c. Governance d. Social

c. Governance An organization with good governance is transparent and accountable at each level and function. By buying from suppliers that test on animals, the organization is intentionally deceiving consumers and being opaque rather than transparent.

At what step does budgeting take place in the Strategic Planning process? a. Formulation b. Development c. Implementation d. Evaluation

c. Implementation During Step 3: Implementation = Budgeting takes place along with aligning business unit objectives with corporate strategy

Workers' compensation covers all the costs of which of the following wage replacement benefits? a. income, taxes, injury and burial b. income, ss, medical and death c. income, medical, death, and burial

c. Income, Medical, Death, and Burial benefits workers comp benefits cover these for all work-related injuries, illnesses, or deaths.

What is the primary function of executive management? a. Implement strategy b. Lead the organization through a shared vision and the values c. Manage core business functions and their effect on the organization's performance d. Serve as the primary interface with the organization's stakeholders

c. Manage core business functions and their effect on the organization's performance Executive management is primarily responsible for Using the organization's resources to Improve its Value. This means creating strategies that align with external and internal environments and working with each business function to maximize a return on resources allocated to that function. Core business functions create and implement their own strategies in alignment with the organization's strategy. Executive management may be the primary interface with investors, but the administrative functions, such as public relations and government relations, interface with those groups. Leading a vision is critical to achieving a strategy and is in that sense a Secondary responsibility of executive management.

1. Sharon has been executive vice president of sales at her company for seven years and will be 67 years old on her birthday in two weeks. While Sharon is doing an acceptable job, the company would like to promote one of the younger regional sales VPs into her position and ask Sharon to retire. Because of the regional VP's leadership, sales in his region have exceeded target by 5-10 percent each quarter for the past six quarters. Under what circumstances could the company ask Sharon to retire without violating the ADEA? a. None b. Only if her retirement benefits exceed $70,000 per year c. Only if her retirement benefits exceed $44,000 per year d. Only if she is ready to retire

c. Only if her retirement benefits exceed $44,000 per year

Profit-sharing is a type of _________________ incentive. a. individual b. team/group c. organizational

c. Organizational ; profit-sharing is paid out annually and is an organizational incentive

A head nurse wants to motivate employees/nurses who are feeling overworked. What should the HR manager do? a. Recommend that the head nurse meet with HR to discuss departmental functions and redistribute employees' workloads. b. Suggest that the head nurse arrange a team-building activity outside of work hours. c. Recommend that the head nurse provide recognition to nurses for their hard work and achievements. d. Advise the head nurse to provide nurses with the opportunity to opt out of their shift on days when patient volume is below capacity.

c. Recommend that the head nurse provide recognition to nurses for their hard work and achievements.

Which action is an ombudsperson empowered to take after hearing both sides of a workplace dispute? a. Referring the matter for litigation if facts support the finding b. Imposing specific discipline on an employee if facts support the finding c. Referring the matter to further alternative dispute resolution (ADR) d. Negotiating a mutually acceptable agreement on behalf of the employee

c. Referring the matter to further alternative dispute resolution (ADR) An ombudsperson is a neutral party with LIMITED powers; he or she cannot negotiate for one party. The ombudsperson can investigate the dispute, establish facts, and refer the matter, along with the evidence, to management or to other forms of ADR. The ombudsperson cannot impose a decision or refer the matter for outside litigation.

An organization seeks to evaluate the overall business impact of its employee retention strategies. What engagement metric would provide this insight? a. Monthly voluntary turnover rate b. Yield ratio c. Revenue per employee d. Employee absence rate

c. Revenue per employee Revenue per employee evaluates the costs of a lost employee due to voluntary or involuntary turnover. Employee absence rate and monthly voluntary turnover rate measure employee absences and voluntary turnover respectively, but not the resulting business effect. Yield ratio focuses on employee engagement initiatives.

Which type of HR structure is best for a company with multiple business units? a. central hr b. decentralized hr c. Shared Services d. Functional HR

c. Shared Services is best for orgs with multiple business units

Mentoring involves which of the following? a. Someone who monitors an employee's performance in doing their job b. Someone whose goal is to develop an employee in a particular area c. Someone who takes a personal interest in an individual's career and who guides and sponsors the individual d. Someone who provides training in areas of interest to an employee

c. Someone who takes a personal interest in an individual's career and who guides and sponsors the individual

What are the primary categories of barriers to effective risk management? a. Location, personnel, and equipment b. Opportunities, threats, and weaknesses c. Structural, cognitive, and cultural d. Time, money, and resources

c. Structural, cognitive, and cultural The primary categories of barriers to effective risk management are structural, cognitive, and cultural. An organization's structure, willingness to change, and values will impact its willingness to engage in risk management. Time, money, and resources and location, personnel, and equipment may be impacted by risk management efforts, but they don't drive those efforts. Similarly, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses may be part of what the organization looks at as part of its risk management efforts, but they don't drive those efforts.

Workforce planning is a technique used to help an organization reach its short- and long-term goals and objectives. The workforce analysis process consists of four steps. What is the first step? a. Demand analysis b. Gap analysis c. Supply analysis d. Solution analysis

c. Supply analysis - is the first step in the workforce analysis process Workforce analysis is a four-step process that begins with a supply analysis (Where are we now?), followed by a demand analysis (Where do we want to be?), a gap analysis (What is lacking?), and a solution analysis (What can we afford?).

______________________ is one of several learning organization characteristics. a. An assessment center b. Massed practice c. Systems thinking d. Programmed instruction

c. Systems thinking

Which is a good practice for implementing a code of conduct? a. Use the organization's statement of values as the basis for the components of the code of conduct. b. Consult the codes of conduct of organizations of similar size as guides in content for the code. c. Talk with members of the organization to better understand ethical challenges and compliance requirements. d. Consider the code of conduct to be a living document, and revise it frequently, as needed.

c. Talk with members of the organization to better understand ethical challenges and compliance requirements. Because a code of conduct must address the risks and compliance requirements specific to an organization, it is a good practice to include discussions with a broad representation of the organization's members before drafting a code. While the organization's values are considered in drafting the code, they are not the basis of the code. While the code must be reviewed regularly, constantly revising it can lead to employees' not knowing the ethical mandates.

Which "T " best addresses working on international projects as a way of developing cross-cultural mgt skills? a. Training b. Travel c. Teams d. Transfers

c. Teams working on a global Team is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE way of exposing to cross-cultural mgt skill development because it is DIRECT exposure to the global culture experiences. training, travel, and transfers only provide INDIRECT development

An organization has become dysfunctional: Morale is low, reports of discipline-worthy offenses and conflicts with supervisors are increasing, and productivity is down. Which initial step would HR take to gain more information about possible causes? a. Individual interviews b. Department focus groups c. Third-party-administered survey d. Online survey

c. Third-party-administered survey Since the problem may be with employee relationships with supervisors and/or management, ensuring the anonymity of employee feedback may be essential to gathering useful information. Using a third party to report anonymous results would be an effective first step in gathering data.

How are local cluster developments used in corporate social responsibility? a. To move up the sustainability maturity curve b. To create a sustainability sweet spot c. To create shared value d. To broaden the range of stakeholders

c. To create shared value Porter and Kramer argue that the success of most organizations is dependent on a cluster of other organizations (related businesses, suppliers, schools) and infrastructure (roads, communication networks, water and energy supply). Shared value results when organizations build and enhance the local cluster and improve the conditions of those operating in it, benefiting the organization and its community.

A small but growing organization is just beginning to build its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Which objective would be most appropriate for the organization at this stage? a. To place senior executives on boards of prominent nonprofits in the local area b. To find local nonprofits that merit financial support and that share the same values c. To develop a CSR program that is aligned with the organization's business strategy d. To develop an annual auditing tool for recipients of the organization's support

c. To develop a CSR program that is aligned with the organization's business strategy CSR has moved up the sustainability maturity curve. In the past, CSR was seen as a tactical, public relations ;centered way to "pay back" or do good, or a compliance activity, or a defensive maneuver to protect a company's reputation and share value. It has changed to a strategic approach that is fully integrated into an organization's mission and core business strategies. The starting point for any CSR strategy is thus to align CSR goals with core business goals.

Which is a primary goal during supply analysis? a. To identify a list of factors to be analyzed using environmental scanning b. To determine the need for layoffs and early retirements during downsizing c. To provide a snapshot of an organization's current pool of talent d. To obtain an accurate accounting of all HR and people-related costs

c. To provide a snapshot of an organization's current pool of talent During supply analysis, the organization looks at whether it has the right personnel mix to achieve its short- and long-term business goals. It finds gaps in supply and looks for internal and external ways to fill them.

An organization has redefined its brand to demonstrate a commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Which phase of the CSR maturity curve is the organization in? a. Integration b. Compliance c. Transformation d. Review

c. Transformation Transformation is the phase in which organizations redefine themselves. The first phase is Compliance, phase two is Integration in process, and phase three is Transformation of brand.

Holly is in charge of a massive corporation that recently lost several talented engineer. She has decided to raise the starting wages for new hires and proide quarterly retention bonus to all company engineers with more than a year of service. This is an example of: a. hybrid HR strategy b. a proactive HR strategy c. a reactive HR strategy d. org restructuring

c. a reactive HR strategy a reactive HR strategy happens when a company may not implement a strategy until it is necessary. Hiring additional workers only when some others leave or providing raising only when necessary because of tight labor market are examples of reactive hr strategies. Changes affecting people such as brain drain or a competitive job market should involve human resources experts.

The Equal Pay Act EPA applies to ... a. Federal contractors b. executives only c. All employers d. For-profit organization

c. all employers the Equal Pay Act is an amendment to the FLSA and applies to all employers. The EPA is enforced by the EEOC.

When presenting an HR mgt business case, it is important to provide a roadmap showing the short-term and long-term actions and specific steps to take. This section of the business case is called... a. project objectives b. a road map c. an action plan

c. an action plan an action plan in a business case proposes specific action steps, short term, long term actions and major milestones

When OSHA checks for abatement of violations cited during a previous inspection, it is considered which type of inspection priority? a. compliance visit b. planned investigation c. follow up d. unplanned investigation

c. follow up Follow up inspections occur when an OSHA inspector checks for abatement/reduction or correction of violations cited during a previous inspection.

The increase in interactions between between people on a global or worldwide scale due to transportation and communication advancements is known as: a. hyper-connectivity b. harmonization c. globalization

c. globalization

1. A pay structure is a systematic way to look at employee pay and includes: a. Compa-ratios b. Salary surveys c. Job grades d. Comparable worth

c. job grades

An organization in which employees at all levels continually increase their capacity to produce results is a: a. Process-oriented organization b. High-involvement organization c. Learning organization d. Research organization

c. learning org

What does the term red circle denote? a. Pay is compressed. b. Pay has comparable worth. c. Pay is above the maximum of the range. d. Pay is below the minimum of the range.

c. pay is above the maximum of the range

Illegal, unethical, or inappropriate actions and breakdowns in operational processes as known as: a. external risks b. strategic risks c. preventable risks d. calculated risks

c. preventable risks Preventable risks are typically INTERNAL/Operational risks that are controllable and should be avoided and eliminated.

Which statement best describes org culture? a. the way we do things around here b. our company policies c. taking care of customers is what we do d. our company's mission statement

c. taking care of customers is what we do

For workers age 16-17 years old, what are the restrictions on the number of hours that can be worked per week with a work permit? a. 32 hours b. 40 hours c. There are no restrictions

c. there are no restrictions 16 and 17-year-olds can be employed for UNLIMITED hours in any occupation other than those declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. 14 is the basic minimum age for employment.

General statements that reflect the orgs employee relations strategy are known as: a. mission statements b. vision and values c. workplace policies d. statement of purpose

c. workplace policies a policy generally reflects a company's philosophy and approach concerning management and employee activities and standards

cultural intelligence

capacity to recognize, interpret, and adapt to multicultural situations and contexts there are three aspects to cultural intelligence Cognitive (developing knowledge about cultural differences), Motivational (enjoy cultural difference rather than feel threatened), Behavioral (enables flexibility and ability to adapt in multicultural contexts)

Dual career ladder

career development program that identifies meaningful career paths for professional and technical people outside of traditional mgt roles ; maybe good for situations when a person is not suited or interested in mgt/supervisory roles

______________ ________________ is a style of computing in which scalable IT-enable capabilities are delivered as a service using internet technology

cloud computing


clusters of highly interrelated attributes: knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) that add to the behaviors needed to perform a job effectively

Using the "what if" scenario is preferred, however, it presents a ________________ barrier.

cognitive Asking "what if" helps a company manage emerging risk and be responsive to change. This can be uncomfortable for practitioners because this is not typical for them which leads to a cognitive barrier

define: pay structure

collection of wage grades, paybands or pay levels that link related jobs within a hierarchy or series

Best of Breed Approach

combines modules from VARIOUS Vendors to create an information system that better meets organization's CUSTOMIZED needs than a standard ERP system.


combining several salary grades or job classes with narrow pay ranges into one band with a wider salary spread - reducing pay/job grades from (i.e. reduced from 30 to 5), reduces reporting levels, enhances employee mobility for internal transfers, managers have more autonomy with promotion decisions -disadvantages of broadbanding: reduces value of ranges as parameters for governing pay rates, makes it difficult to justify salary differentials

comparable worth

concept that comparable/similar jobs that are primarily filled by women should have the same classification and salary as jobs primarily filled by men

What corrective action should the HR manager recommend be taken in reference to the patient information included by mistake in the physician's notes?

contact the physican and let them know that health information was disclosed and an amended report is needed.

Current Ratio (Liquidity Ratio) is the ratio that creditors review. They prefer a higher current ratio/liquidity ration because it shows the level of working capital. What is the ratio calculation?

current assets dived by current liabilities = Current ratio liquidity ratio

What best describes a global organization? a. An organization with operations in both developed and emerging economies with established cultural diversity to achieve success b. A large multinational corporation with global subsidiaries, vast resources, and a network of mobile global subject matter experts c. An organization that is grossing more than $1 million and doing business in more than two countries d. An organization whose processes, actions, and decisions are firmly rooted in a carefully conceived Global Strategy

d. Because of technologies and the growing ease of doing business across borders, a global organization is no longer defined by its size or physical presence in multiple countries but by its global strategy.

Which best defines the concept of moral hazard? a. A leader demonstrates poor ethical behavior, leading to poor choices by employees. b. Intending to behave ethically, an organization violates employment laws or regulations. c. An organization decides to behave ethically, even though this means a financial loss. d. A person engages in risky behavior knowing that someone else will absorb any losses.

d. A person engages in risky behavior knowing that someone else will absorb any losses. Moral hazard exists when someone takes risks because he or she will not be affected by losses or damages that occur as a result. moral hazard exists when one party engages in risky behavior knowing that it is protected against risk because another party will incur the resulting loss.

1. A summary plan description is required for all except which of the following? a. Defined contribution plans (retirement plan: both employer and employee contribute; 401K) b. Defined benefit plans (aka a PENSION plan; lumpsum payments during retirement) c. Flexible spending accounts d. AD&D insurance

d. AD&D (accidental death and disbursement) insurance

What driver of restructuring can cause organizations to focus on up-skilling and re-skilling employees? a. Strategy b. Expansion c. Downsizing d. Artificial intelligence and robotics

d. Artificial intelligence and robotics As artificial intelligence and robotics continue to impact the workplace, entire departments may be replaced. This may result in additional opportunities to deploy the workforce in new ways and require employees to be comfortable with using the new technologies, causing organizations to focus on up-skilling and re-skilling.

How often should an organization review the components of its enterprise risk management framework? a. Every three years b. When a new strategy is developed c. Only if a major incident has occurred d. At an agreed-upon and regular interval

d. At an agreed-upon and regular interval Components of an organization's risk management framework should be reviewed at an agreed-upon and regular interval as well as after major incidents.

The most common reason for the failure of organizational change initiatives is which of the following? a. The strategic plan was not communicated to employees. b. Organization leaders did not support the change. c. There was no training system in place. d. Employees were not prepared for the change.

d. Employees were not prepared for the change.

For an organization to be considered sustainable, what areas of practice are examined? a. Social, ethics, economics b. Environmental, social, ethics c. People, profits, environment d. Environmental, economic, social

d. Environmental, economic, social Environmental, economic, and social are the three spheres of sustainability.

What type of diversity is likely to be the most significant between identical twins who have been raised in the same household and who have the same level of education? a. Multigenerational diversity b. Legacy diversity c. Thought diversity d. Experiential diversity

d. Experiential diversity Experiential diversity is diversity based on lived experience, and this area of the identical twin's lives will have the most room for diversity. While they may also have thought diversity, their similar household, socioeconomic backgrounds, and education makes this less of a differentiator than experiences.

An HR manager derives his authority from his extensive background in HRM. What type of power is he using? a. Legitimate b. Affiliation c. Referent d. Expert

d. Expert According to John French and Bertram Raven, the manager is using expert power, which influences others' behavior on the strength of the leader's deep knowledge and experience. wrong answers explained: Legitimate power derives from position in the organization's hierarchy. Referent power comes from the strength of personal relationships with team members. Affiliation is actually a need that can motivate team members-the need to be part of a group.

What type of system does HR help develop that puts rules and processes in place for the organization to go by? a. Compliance program b. Code of conduct c. Social audit d. Governance

d. Governance Governance is a system of rules and processes that ensure compliance with laws, ethical norms, and a social code of conduct. Codes of conduct and compliance are part of governance. A social audit is something you would perform to determine if you are in compliance.

Engagement drivers differ from country to country, making it important to understand cultural differences that may influence survey results. In a multinational organization, in which type of culture may employee surveys be less acceptable? a. Collectivist b. Individualist c. Egalitarian d. Hierarchical

d. Hierarchical In some hierarchical cultures, such as Asian cultures, employees may not be familiar with the concept of management broadly soliciting opinions from their employees. Therefore, Asian employers and employees may be uncomfortable with the idea of an employee survey.

Which can best be used in the evaluation of the outcomes of a compliance program? a. What knowledge participants retain after completion of the program b. How many people attended the compliance program c. How often the compliance program is offered d. How willing the participants are to report issues of noncompliance

d. How willing the participants are to report issues of noncompliance The evaluation of a compliance program monitors which program activities are actually performed and what their outputs are-the actual results achieved by the program.

A company that receives federal contracts learns that an employee has recently been convicted of a drug-related offense. The employee has a signed acknowledgment form in their personnel file. Under the Drug-Free Workplace Act, what action must the employer take? a. Provide a written warning to the convicted employee detailing the violation. b. Require that the convicted employee sign a new drug-free workplace acknowledgement form following the violation. c. Terminate employment on the basis of violating the company's drug-free standards. d. Impose a sanction on the convicted employee or require satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program.

d. Impose a sanction on the convicted employee or require satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program. In order to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act, companies that receive federal contracts must maintain a drug-free workplace, and this can include imposing a sanction on the employee or requiring satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program. The other answer choices are possible employer actions, but they are not required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

A global company with a dedicated HR structure has locations on several continents. A new labor law in one of these locations impacts the company's overtime rules. What should HR in that location do first to address this change? a. Adjust local labor policy to align with the new law. b. Await instruction from corporate HR on how to proceed. c. Seek an exemption from the new law from local authorities. d. Inform corporate HR of the new law.

d. Inform corporate HR of the new law. In a Dedicated HR structure, the embedded HR department advises corporate HR on local conditions that may affect policy. Local policies should not be changed without consulting with corporate.

At which point in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategic process should a global organization decide on using local leadership? a. Plan implementation (set strategy, set priorities, implement action plan) b. Assessment c. Executive commitment d. Infrastructure creation

d. Infrastructure creation The infrastructure creation step involves creating the infrastructure that will be responsible for guiding, overseeing, administering, reviewing, and championing the CSR strategy. For a global corporation, that includes determining whether local departments, divisions, or individuals will be responsible for local efforts and how these will coordinate with global goals and initiatives. CSR Strategic Process: 1. Executive Commitment/buy-in 2. assessment 3. infrastructure creation 4. plan implementation 5. measurement, reporting, and evaluation 6. reassessment and revision

What is one of the benefits an organization receives from having information systems that are scalable? a. Shorter learning curves for non-technical staff b. Support for business continuity goals c. More rapid response to customer requests for service d. Less waste and better use of investments

d. Less waste and better use of investments Scalability refers to the ease with which a system can respond to changes in demand. When a system is scalable, it is inherently less wasteful; technology does not sit idle while waiting for an increase in demand for service or as a result of decreased demand. System size must balance efficiency and service; in the interests of efficiency, response time may diminish slightly.

A company decides to lower payroll costs by hiring an organization to assume full responsibility for its IT department. What is this process called? a. Payrolling b. Professional employer organization c. Temp-to-lease d. Managed services

d. Managed services Managed services, or OUTSOURCING, allows an outside organization to fully run and staff the department. Payrolling, professional employer organizations, and temp-to-lease programs only provide employees to the organization.

What factors does the risk equation use to determine level of risk? a. Potential for secondary risk and effectiveness of strategies b. Source of risk and number of business processes affected c. Speed of onset and effectiveness of current controls d. Probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact

d. Probability of occurrence and magnitude of impact In the risk equation, the level of risk equals the probability of occurrence multiplied by the magnitude of the impact of the risk event.

You are speaking with Jill, VP of Operations, about restructuring the company due to competition and growth. Jill is concerned that the current structure aligns employees according to products and markets seems ineffective, stifles communication, and has too many locations "going rogue" without corporate involvement. What do you recommend? a. recommend implementing lean six sigma b. recommend Jill consider a divisional structure c. recommend Jill consider a matrix structure d. recommend Jill consider a functional structure

d. Recommend Jill implements a functional structure - A functional structure groups workers by function (not region) under mangement of the chief for each function. Changing an org structure is challenging, especially during M&As, but Jill should consider the teams under a functional structure that would most likely have more corporate oversight. - divisional structure aligns according to product/market/or region.

An HR manager conducts a market salary survey to make sure that team members are being adequately compensated and do not seek other employment. Which level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy is she attempting to address? a. Belonging and love b. Physical needs c. Self-esteem and respect for others d. Safety and security

d. Safety and security The safety and security level includes personal, emotional, and financial security along with health and well being.

Which is considered a flexible staffing strategy? a. Family assistance programs b. Job rotation c. Compressed workweek d. Seasonal contracting

d. Seasonal contracting Employing seasonal workers is an example of a flexible staffing strategy. The other options are ways to create employee engagement, not employer flexibility. A compressed workweek is an example of flexible scheduling to meet employee needs and preferences.

Which practice should have the best potential to decrease talent acquisition costs and increase an organization's ability to compete for skilled employees? a. Creating a flexible work environment for Millennials b. Instituting phased retirement for older workers c. Promoting job enlargement and job enrichment practices d. Staying current with labor market and economic trends

d. Staying current with labor market and economic trends An understanding of labor workforce data can help an organization stay ahead of increasing talent demand trends and even provide an early warning that talent pressure is expected to increase or decrease. It is always better for an organization to enact retention strategies early rather than in reaction to increasing turnover.

Which type of social sharing of knowledge can allow an organization to increase its brand perception with the general public? a. Coaching b. Benchmarking c. Mentoring d. Thought leadership

d. Thought leadership Thought leadership allows organizations to magnify their impact in chosen areas by influencing other organizations in the industry to adopt their stance, and it may increase brand perception with consumers. Benchmarking AND with Thought Leadership are the two ways that an org can share/transfer knowledge to the general public.

Which is the Primary goal of an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts? a. To brand the organization b. To respond to pressure from labor unions c. To comply with labor laws d. To develop diverse perspectives

d. To develop diverse perspectives The business case for diversity and inclusion efforts is premised on the value of diverse perspectives in an organization.

Identifying compensation levels through periodic compensation surveys or performing a comparative analysis of insurance benefits being offered EXTERNALLY/in other companies are examples of what? a. market analysis b. competitive comparison c. market comparison d. competitive benchmarking

d. competitive benchmarking is the continuous process of comparing a company's practices with competitors

Progressive or multistep disciplinary processes are an effective way to ensure the company provides employees with: a. corrective action b. constructive criticism c. feedback d. due process

d. due process due process ensures that employees have a chance to address their conduct and are given a chance to change. Progressive discipline ensures employees are provided with due process.

A document that shows "the way we do things around here and why we do them that way" can also be referred to as ... a. company culture b. onboarding c. orientation d. an employee handbook

d. employee handbook a handbook explains org history, mission, values, policies, and procedures

What term best describes the structured programs that are designed to help employees feel they are part of an organization in a positive way? a. corporate culture b. succession program c. talent mgt program d. employee relations program

d. employee relations program org culture is defined by the type of employee relations program that exists. These structured plans are specifically designed to help employees feel part of the org in a positive way. HR professionals devote time and effort to effective ER programs that contribute to a positive culture.

Hr staff typically provide support in giving advice, providing service and exercising control in support of business needs. In what situation can HR professionals be justified in exercising control to support business and employees? a. working with legal or regulatory agencies b. maintaining employee records regarding hiring and training c. holding town hall meetings during open enrollment d. ensuring that managers consistently apply company policy

d. ensuring that managers consistently apply company policy Authoritative control typically involves consistent application of policies, performance reviews, corrective action, and designing employee programs

An organization is researching labor costs for similar operations and projections by a government labor agency on the availability of certain types of skilled employees. What stage of the workforce analysis process is the organization completing? a. solution b. supply c. demand d. gap

d. gap In the third stage of the workforce analysis process, employers compare the workforce they have (in terms of size, costs, labor availability and skills) with the workforce they need in order to identify what is lacking. ***The Gap Analysis step includes COMPARING these INTERNAL needs with EXTERNAL forces, such as Prevailing market conditions and Gap Labor Availability, that could affect the chosen solution****

Which is the PULL factor that could motivate an organization to globalize? a. gov't policies b. a need for new markets c. increased costs and competition d. new trade agreements and Foreign Investment Opportunities

d. new trade agreements and Foreign Investment Opportunities; they are the only PULL FACTORS listed PULL factors = new trade agreements, workforce mobility, greater strategic control, special financing terms for investments, Foreign Investment Opportunities PUSH factors = need for new markets, increased costs and competition, gov't policies are ALWAYS a push factor unless otherwise specified; current home country market is saturated

Employers are required to provide portable retirement plans to employees based on which of the following? a. employee retirement income security act b. omnibus budget reconciliation act c. older worker benefit protection act d. retirement benefits are NOT required by federal law

d. retirement benefits are NOT required by federal law

How is a risk control best understood by an organization? a. Restricting the amount of risk the organization assumes in its dealings b. Ensuring that employees are following risk management guidelines c. Indicating what triggers a specific risk management response d. Sharing a risk's occurrence or impact and its likelihood

d. sharing a risk's occurrence or impact and it's likelihood A risk control is an action or method taken to manage a risk: to enhance the potential of an upside risk or to decrease the potential negative effects of a downside risk. ; sharing, transferring, eliminating

1. Which of the following is not a perquisite? a. First-class air travel b. Nonqualified pension plan (retirement savings options for high executives) c. Country club membership d. Stock options

d. stock options are NOT a perk

An employee who produces 10 components an hours earns $9 ($.90 x10) per hour, while an employee who produces 15 components earns $13.50 ($.90x15) per hour. This is an example of what type of pay plan? a. commission plan b. differential piece rate plan c. direct commission plan d. straight piecework plan

d. straight piece rate plan

What is the driving force behind implementing a company's strategy? a. the mission and values b. the cost of the strategy c. the strategy's ROI d. the people of the org

d. the people of the org PEOPLE in an org are always the ones that DRIVE the strategy of the company. mission/values, cost of strategy, and ROI are influencers but are not the force. The driving force is always the people.

define: decoding

decoding is extracting the meaning of a message into terms it can be easily understood


defensive behavior that occurs when an organization recruits a diverse workforce but promotes assimilation rather than inclusion

Job Specification

describes the minimum qualifications needed for the job: certifications, licenses, skills, experience, education After completing job analysis, creating the job spec is the first step when building a job description


description of what an organization hopes to attain and accomplish in the future which guides it toward that defined direction

What is the name for the "process of charting a course through cultural differences that can result in glocalization"?

dilemma reconciliation

total rewards

direct and indirect remuneration approaches that employers use to attract, recognize, and retain workers

Griggs vs Duke Power (civil rights case about ______________ impact)

disparate/adverse impact Griggs v. Duke Power is the US case that set the standard for determining whether discrimination based on disparate impact exists. How to determine if adverse/disparate impact exists when the 80% rule/ the four fifths rule is violated then adverse impact occurs, and the employer must follow alternatives to change

Code of Conduct

document that summarizes standards of business conduct: rules, values, ethical principles, and vision; code of coduct is typically WITHIN an employee handbook


extent to which a measurement instrument measures what it is intended to measure

Governance (in relation CSR)

governance is the system of rules and processes set up by an organization to ensure its compliance with laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, internal/social codes of conduct, and other standards Good governance is the outcome of a thoughtful assessment of an enterprise's legal, ethical, and civic obligations to the communities it serves and the development of systems that support fulfillment of these obligations. Governance stems from org leaders and social code of conduct.

remuneration surveys

instrument that collects info on prevailing/geographic market compensation and benefits ; collects info on base pay, pay range, starting wage, market cash payments, PTO and variable compensation

manager development (people book)

interventions designed to help an idividual gain KSAOs needed to manage people and resources

How do leaders influence behavior?

leaders influence/persuade behavior by appealing to the right needs and motivating their people

civil law

legal system based on written codes (laws, rules, or regulations)

performance standards

managers expect behaviors AND results from employees, and managers must translate/communicate these behavior and results standards/expectations

Which part of the organization has primary responsibility for generating revenue?

marketing and sales: Marketing and sales are the functions that bring in revenue. Marketing positions products, and sales sells products and services to customers.


merger and acquisition

If the scattergram regression analysis shows the line falling, starting in the top left corner and falling down to the right corner, this is an example of a _______________ correlation.

negative correlation

What is a negative emphasis bias?

negative emphasis occurs when someone rejects a candidate for a small unrelated negative reason rather than focusing on the candidate's qualifications

How do you calculate turnover rate?

number of separations during the period divided by average number of employees during measurement period, and then times 100

pay compression

occurs when there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of experience, skills, level, and seniority; aka salary compression pay compression occurs because of.... broadbanding, paying new hires more than current employees due to demand, rapid inflation, stale or outdated data,

During restructuring and uncertainty how should HR retain key employees? HR should..... option 1: Clearly communicate job expectations and ensure that employees have adequate resources to perform their work. OR option 2: Develop a long-term succession plan for each key position in the organization.

option 1: Clearly communicate job expectations and ensure that employees have adequate resources to perform their work. During restructuring and uncertainty HR needs to communicate job expectations and ensure employees are supported and have the resources they need to do their work

A firm partners with another firm to increase the likelihood of its winning a design bid. This is an example of.... partnering to mitigate downside risk a strategic alliance partnering to enhance upside risk a joint venture partnership

partnering to enhance an upside risk. A firm partners with another firm to increase the likelihood of its winning a design bid.

Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)

pay adjustment given to employees regardless of performance or org profitability; linked to inflation

what is productivity-based pay?

pay based on quality of work and outputs that can be accurately measured

general pay increase

pay increase given to employees based on local competitive market requirements; awarded regardless of employee pay performance


payment in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives

A cash balance plan is an example of a _____________ plan aka a defined benefit retirement plan.

pension plan = defined benefit cash balance plan


people affected by an organization's impact: customers, employees, communities, regulators, shareholders, suppliers

Protected classes under Title VII

people who are covered under a particular federal or state anti-discrimination law: race, color, religion, sex, national origin

Candidate experience

perception of a job seeker about an employer, based on interaction during the recruitment process

know the following Group Decision Making Tools to help with consensus management: 1. SWOT analysis 2. SOAR analysis (strengths, opportunities, aspires, results)/fact finding based on goals and desires 3. Cost Benefit Analysis 4. Multi criteria decision analysis (determines critical characteristics of successful decision; a matrix is used to score the alternatives and compare) 5. force field analysis = analyze forces for and against change and assign weights for each factor or force

pg. 251 compentencies book


physical or mental impairment that limits one's major life activities


plan of action for accomplishing a company's overall and long-range goal

PESTLE stands for.... What are examples of S (social)?

political, economic, social, tech, legal, and environmental social = population, demographics, people's view's and cultural aspects

PESTLE analysis

political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmantenal analysis - how do these external factors affect a company


political, economical, social, technological, legal, and environmental environmental scanning process

What is picketing? Are work stoppages involved with picketing?

position of employees at the place of work to conduct a protest; there are NO work stoppages during picketing some picketers are there illegally

change management

practices for managing a change initiative so it is more likely be accepted to help the organization reshape ; receiving necessary resources to help reshape (change mgt practices/resources = financial, human, physical, etc.)

A security-conscious organization requires all new hires to complete training on security policies and conducts annual armed intruder drills for all employees. What risk management strategies is this company using?

prevention and mitigation

Code of conduct

principles that guide decision making and ethical behavior in an organization ; typically within the employee handbook

The NLRA only applies to the ____________ sector. It does not cover Fed, state, agriculture, independent contractors, family business workers, supervisors, or railway employees.

private sector - NLRA covers the private sector. The NLRA does not cover Fed, state, agriculture, independent contractors, family business workers, supervisors, or railway employees.


process by which a company seeks out candidates and encourages them to apply for job openings


process by which a person or group provides a sustained commitment in support of a decision/approach/solution/course of action


process by which an organization generates a pool of qualified applicants Sourcing is the PRECOURSOR to recruitment. You should always have a pools of sourced qualified passive talent.


process by which an organization identifies performance gaps and sets goals for performance improvement by comparing its data/performance levels/processes against other organizations

Career Mapping What tool/activity type is career mapping? What is career mapping similar to?

process by which an organization uses a visual tool or guide to determine prototypes or examples of career possibilities and maps/paths in terms of sequential positions/roles/stages career mapping is a self-assessment Career Development tool that focuses on a systematic career map tailored to the employee's KSAOs and their interests; Career mapping occurs during employee Career Planning career mapping is similar to career pathing


process by which employees are provided with KSAOs specific to a task or a job

systems thinking

process for understanding how seemingly independent units within a larger entity interact with and influence each other

Define: decryption

process of converting back encrypted data to its original form

succession planning

process of implementing talent management strategy to identify & foster the development of high-potential employees or other candidates who may move into leadership positions of increased responsibility Employees who are critical to an organization's success are the primary focus of the succession planning talent mgt strategy. They have critical competencies or are in critical positions.

Employment branding

process of positioning an organization as an employer of choice in the labor market

strategic planning

process of setting goals and designing a path toward competitive position

gross profit margin

ration of gross profit and net sales the profit margin shows the amount by which revenue in sales exceeds the costs


refers to workforce that approaches problems using a different concept of through stems from atypical brain structure and anything on the Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Where can employees be in the change spectrum?

resistance, neutral, or welcoming

A _____________ ________________ can be used to incrementally identify risk exposure and assign ownership. This tool chronologically documents info about managing risks and increases transparency among the organization.

risk register Risk register = can be used incrementally identify risk exposure and assign ownership. This tool chronologically documents info about managing risks and increases transparency among the organization.

What is this acronym: SMARTER?

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time based, evaluated, revised

Cash Flow Statement

statement that shows incoming and outgoing cash and cash reserves in Operations, Investments and Financing

regression analysis What type of diagram would you use?

statistical method used to determine whether a Relationship exists between variables and the strength of the relationship Scattergram = Regression analysis is best visualized on a Scattergram. The regression line is visualized on a scatter plot diagram.

stay interviews

structured conversations with employees for the purpose of determining which aspects of the job/culture/engagement/leadership/ encourage employee retention and which aspects could be improved to help retention

strategic management

system of actions that leaders take to drive an organization toward its goals

strategic management

system of actions that leaders take to drive an organization's overall long range goals


system of rules and processes set up by a company to ensure compliance with laws, accounting rules, ethical norms, internal code of conduct, and other standards

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA)

the ACA = 2010 US law that requires all citizens and legal residents to have minimum health coverage and Requires EMPLOYERS w/ MORE THAN 50 full-time employees to provide health coverage that meets the min benefit specifications the ACA requires group health plans to cover kids up to the age of 26 years old Employer must allow for post-pregnant employee to have time to nurse for the 1st year post birth.

The __________ ______________ Table is a network of business leaders from Japan, US, and Europe who formalized the set of international business standards for human dignity and working together for common good/CSR.

the Caux Round Table is a network of business leaders from Japan, US, and Europe who formalized the set of international business standards (aka = the Caux Principles) for human dignity and working together for common good/CSR.

Compa-ratio = Why would someone have a compa-ratio LESS than 1.00 and vice versa?

the Pay Rate DIVIDED BY the Midpoint of pay range (FYI" the midpoint is determined based off the market median salaries) If compa-ratio is LESS than 1.00 or 100% indicates the employee is below the midpoint. This may occur when.... - an employee is new to the job or organization - a poor performer -working for an org that has a lag strategy If the compa-ratio is ABOVE 1.00. this indicates the person is above the midpoint. This is likely to occur when.... - an org has a leading strategy - managers are not following salary increase policies - employees are long-tenured and high performers

What did the United Nations Global Compact do?

the UN Global Compact is a voluntary non-binding pact, 10-principle based framework. The UN Global Compact established ten principles that addresses human rights, labor, environmental principles, anticorruption and reports annually on these principles The UN Global Compact REQUIRES participants to do an Annual Communication on Progress/annual report that details the work they have done. STEP 1 in creating CSR framework is to use these basic principles from the UN Global Impact to base the strategy

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act. What is the LMRDA?

the US act that imposed regulations on internal union affairs and the relationship between union officials and union members; The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) enforces the landrum grifffin act/LMRDA.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)

the US act that made it illegal to intercept messages in transmission, access stored info on electronic communication services, or disclose any of this information

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

the US act that requires all publicly held companies to establish internal controls and procedures for financial reporting to prevent fraud and protect whistleblowers SOX also created section 1 of ERISA which requires admins of 401ks and other contribution plans to provide at least a 30-day notice before a black out period

Davis-Bacon Act

the US act that requires federal contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers the LOCAL Prevailing Wage and Fringe Benefits for work on federal Construction contracts/projects in Excess of $2000 Also, requires basic retention of records.

job evaluation

the administrative process of determining a jobs value and price to attract and retain employees; this is done by comparing the job against similar jobs within and outside the organization

Which type of globalization is characterized by large populations from emerging countries moving abroad for better employment opportunities?

the diaspora is OPPOSITE of demographic dichotomy The diaspora refers to a mass migration of voluntary emigrants from their homelands to multiple destinations. Vs. demographic dichotomy describes the trend of a younger workforce in emerging economies while developed countries are experiencing an aging workforce. Also, International assignees and globalists are types of global assignments.


the dividing of organizational functions into separate units; the way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work


the extent to which a measurement tool provides consistent results; consistency of measurement tool

Internal Equity

the extent to which employees perceive that monetary and other rewards are distributed equitable based on skills, effort, or other outcomes

Factor comparison method

the job evaluation that assesses jobs on a factor-by-factor basis, using a factor-comparison scale as a BENCHMARK

pay range

the pay range sets the upper and lower bounds of compensation for jobs within a pay grade

Merit Pay/ P4P/Pay for performance/Incentive pay. What two factors determine merit based pay?

the pay situation where an individual's performance on the job is the basis for the amount and timing of pay increases; also called "performance-based pay" or "pay for performance" (P4P or PfP) - Advantage of merit pay = it makes the reward more valuable by relating it to economic conditions Merit pay is based on TWO Decisions: 1. individual's performance ratings 2. the individual's compa-ratio

Career Pathing: What is it? (NOTE: Career Pathing occurs during Career Management which is the responsibility of the employer to align opportunities with the organizational goals)

the process by which employers provide employees with a clear outline for moving from a current to ONE desired position. Career pathing is the process of aligning opportunities for employee career growth with organizational talent priorities. this is a self-assessment tool that focuses on a systematic career path to potential jobs over the course of a career. Identifies KSAOs that the employee will need to develop to move up their career ladder

What is orientation? How long does it last?

the process by which new employees becomes familiar with organization, their department, coworkers, and job orientation typically lasts 1-2 days


the process by which people learn the knowledge, language, social skills, culture and value of a group or organization

What is candidate selection?

the process of evaluating the most suitable candidate fort the position 1. reviewing applications, prescreening 2. interviewing 3. assess and compare 4. select and make job offer


the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture ; getting the new hire resources to be a productive team member, the process of assimilation, an employees first Few Months of employment onboarding = new employee orientation, on the job training, etc.

performance appraisal

the process of measuring and evaluating an employee's performance standards and providing feedback to the employee. the are multiple types of performance appraisal methods - Category rating/graphic/checklist, Comparative methods/ranking employees, Narrative methods/critical incidents/essay, Mgt by objectives (MBO), behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)

Scenario/what-if analysis (aka Simulation)

the statistical method used to test the possible effects of altering the details of a strategy to see if the likely outcome can be improved

employee experience

the sum of perceptions employees have about their interactions with the organization they work in; touchpoints an employee has with an employer (role, workplace, manager, well being)

T or F: HR administrative duties are also called "transactional activities". Record-keeping and managing compliance tasks are transactional/administrative.


T or F: Step one in workforce planning: A workforce analysis process includes these areas: strategic focus, supply analysis, demand analysis, gap analysis, solution analysis (build or buy; budget), and evaluating workforce impact (smartER).


T or F: Structured interviews are also called "repetitive interviews" and unstructured interviews are called "non-directive interviews"


T or F: The following are examples of employee relations activities that help promote engagement and motivate employees. - Create an open dialogue. - Communicate the company's mission and vision. - Make employees feel valued. - Promote work-life balance. - Offer career development opportunities - Making sure new team members add to the company culture. - Onboarding support for new recruits - ongoing onboarding - Providing ongoing support for employees. - Analyzing performance. - Dealing with employee misconduct.


T or F: a Narrow Span of Control indicates the team has complex tasks, subordinates are poorly trained, team effort is required, and only a few employees report to one manager. A Narrow Span of Control indicates there are many levels of heirarchy.


T or F: if someone initiates separation from a company with a valid reason or if they are terminated for no fault of their own, then they are eligible for unemployment insurance.


T or F: the SHRM Empathy Index is a metric of DEI. It assesses inclusion based on: 1. openness, 2. conflict management, 3. belonging, 4. inclusion, and 5. nondiscriminatory practices


T or F: the following can be unconscious or conscious bias; gender based discrimination, gender identity bias, ageism bias, social group comparison bias, affinity/shared experience bias, microaggressions/subtle insults about a people or group.


t or f: The three major areas of HR's involvement in strategy are Participating in creating the organizational goals, Aligning HR's functional strategy with the organizational strategy, and then Supporting other functions as they work to fulfill their own strategic goals


T or F: Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. What does the act prohibit?

true Sherman Anti-Trust Act = prohibits M&As that lessen competition and prohibits a person from being director of two competing firms

T or F: The SHRM Empathy Index assesses inclusion in the workplace using different components: belonging, inclusion, openness, conflict management, and non-discriminatory practices.

true Conflict management, belonging, openness, inclusion, and nondiscriminatory practices are key aspects to the SHRM empathy index for assessing INCLUSION

T or F: The pension benefit guaranty corporation (PBGC) insures pension payments. T or F: A pension plan is also known as a Defined Benefit Plan.

true true; a Pension Plan is a DEFINED BENEFIT Plan. a 401k is a DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

T or F: Codes of conduct and compliance are part of governance

true, Governance is a system of rules and processes that ensure compliance with laws, ethical norms, and a social code of conduct.

T or F: cost leadership and or differentiation strategies are called red ocean strategies

true, cost leadership and differentiation strategies are called red ocean strategies

T or F: The term "sustainability" originally referred to an ecological or environmental goal. Now that focus has expanded to also consider an organization's social and economic impact (sometimes referred to as the 3Ps: people, planet, profits). Based on stakeholder demands, the three spheres attempt to provide a balanced focus to the organization's goals, objectives, and outcomes.


T or F: the CSR strategic process starts with executive commitment (need a business case to get buy-in). The second step is assessment. The CSR strategic process is identical to other strategic processes.


What occurs in the change process model?

unfreezing > moving/remolding with the change > refreeze Kotter's change mgt process: 1. Current State/unfreezing = create sense of urgency, assemble strong guiding team, provide clear vision 2. Transition State/moving = communicate, empower action, ensure short term success 3. New State/refreeze = sustain progress, institutionalize

mediation aka Concilation

uses a neutral third person trained in meditation techniques to help both sides; the goal is to negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement; the mediator is a facilitator This is NOT binding.

Which is the best approach during risk management process using "If then" scenarios OR "What if" scenarios ?

using "what if" scenarios are always better Asking "what if" helps a company manage emerging risk and be responsive to change. This can be uncomfortable for practitioners because this is not typical for them which leads to a cognitive barrier

information management

using technology to collect, process, and condense information to help the organization

What is the term for "measure of usefulness, worth, or importanance"?

value value = the benefit created when an org meets its strategic goals; measure of usefulness, importance, worth

Statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned and actual performance or outcomes.

variance analysis = Statistical method for identifying the degree of difference between planned and actual performance or outcomes.

Vicarious Liability

vicarious liability = a legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party Court precent set in these harassment cases: 1. Burlington Inc v. Ellerth 2. Faragher v. Boca Raton

weighted vs unweighted Mean

weighted/leveled mean = average of data that adds factors to reflect the importance of different values; a weighted mean is MOST USEFUL when there is a significant OUTLIER in the data set unweighted mean = raw average of data that give equal weight to all values, with no regard for other factors

When should you use a scatter chart?

when trying to determine if two variables are related or have an effect on one another; Also, if cause and effect is determined through a brainstorm fish bone diagram then you can use a scatter diagram afterwards.

What is ethnocentrism?

with the ethnocentric approach, headquarters maintains tight control over international operations. Subsidiaries have little autonomy and key positions are held by headquarters personnel. A strong headquarters bias often blinds management to cross-cultural differences

A _________ council is an Employer-Dominated union group and is a violation under the NLRA.

work councils ; they are illegal in the US but are legal in some other countries

A work ______________ simulates job tasks and demonstrates if the candidate can do the job.

work sample

What engagement issue is growing among employees, particularly millennials and Gen Z?

work-life balance the demand for work-life balance is increasing with employees due to tech advancements, ability to work remotely. Studies have show that work-life balance is highly important to Millenials and Gen Z.

Payrolling, co-employment/joint employment, Employee leasing to PEO, temp to lease PEO, outsourcing are examples of flexible staffing alternatives which are ____________________ _______________________ strategies.

workforce management -flexible staffing alternatives which are a workforce management strategy

Talent management is a __________________ _______________________ strategy that refers to the development and integration of HR processes that retain KSAs of employees that will meet current and future org needs. Talent management should increase workplace productivity by supporting recruitment, development, engagement, and retention of employees.

workforce management Talent management is a workforce management strategy that refers to development, retention and engagement of employees that will meet current and future needs. Both these factors are a part of talent management: talent pools and succession planning (tied to career mgt, learning and training, performance mgt).

T or F: Data Cleansing = Data Wrangling


Decision making technique in which participants each suggest ideas through a series of rounds and then discuss the items, Eliminate Redundancies and irrelevancies, and agree on the importance of the remaining items, they vote; it is a focus group type that collects qualitative data What is this term?

Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

Bonus plans, Supplemental Exec Retirement Plans (SERPs), Top Hat Plans, are examples of ______-___________________ plans.

Non-Qualified Plans: tax deferred, bonus plans, Supplemental Exec Retirement Plans (SERPs), Top Hat Plans

gender identity

one's sense of being male or female/boy or girl; which may or may not be the same as the one that was assigned at birth

How do we make the "Gap Analysis" / Asses the Human Capital Readniess?

1. Managers begin by identifying a business's Core Capabilities and the Key People and processes which are important to them. 2. For each important job factors the managers identify the needed knowledge, skills and behaviors which are necessary to build the core capabilities. 3. Then they determine the number of people required for these positions as well as the number who are currently qualified to be capable to attain the core capabilites. 4. In the end the managers receive a percentage of Human Capital Readiness to see where more people are needed.

What are the 6 approaches to leadership?

1. Coercive/directing in crisis, 2. Authoritative/expert, 3. Affiliative, 4. Democratic, 5. Pacesetting/challenging followers to meet expectations, 6. Coaching

What is the first step in the HR Consulting change model?

1. Define the problem (collect data and do a gap analysis) Additional steps: 2. design and implement the solution, 3. measure effectiveness, 4. sustain improvement

Which is the best first step in preparing for an HR audit?

1. Determine the type of audit/scope of audit While each step is important when preparing for an audit, HR should determine the type of audit to effectively accomplish the other steps in the process. HR Audit Steps continued... 2. Develop the audit questionnaire 3. Collect the data and use the audit questionnaire as the road map to collect info 4. Benchmark findings 5. Provide feedback via written reports and discussions with HR and leadership 6. Develop action plans (separated by high, med, low) 7. Foster climate of continuous improvement

Describe the categories of Employee Surveys 1. Opinion 2. Engagement 3. Attitude/perceptions of compensation).

1. Employee Opinion surveys - measure important data on specific issues (i.e. work processes, safety procedures, another issue the employer is evaluating) 2. Employee Engagement surveys - focus on the employee's level of job Satisfaction, morale, commitment, culture enjoyment 3. Employee attitude: focus is about employee perceptions on compensation, benefit surveys, measuring org issues

What are the 9 Steps and elements to an ethical Investigation? pg. 72 of ethical practice competency pg. 163 Employee and Labor Relations/Dispute Resolution

1. Ensure confidentiality 2. Provide protection - change scheduled, put employees on leave, etc. 3. Select the investigator 4. Create a plan 5. Develop interview questions 6. Conduct interviews 7. Make a decision 8. Close the investigation - communicate the decision to the complainant and the accused; make changes as needed to the workplace and training to prevent this from reoccurring 9. Develop written summary of investigation results - develop report and cite relevant policies Elements:

What are the steps in the risk management process? pg. 65 and pg. 89 (step 3 - manage risk) T or F: the organization needs to be constantly communicating/consulting and monitoring/reviewing during the risk management process.

1. Establish Context and scope of risk - define risk appetite; PESTLE analysis; make sure Risk CONTROLS/actions to manage risk as in place 2. Identify and analyze risk - gather information so you can prioritize and understand the risks ; mutually exclusive and comprehensively exhaustive; use Risk level Equation, Risk Scorecard, Risk Matrix to conduct risk analysis; Use PAPA model for risk prioritization 3. Manage risks - Risk management; adopt and implement responses to each risk; pg. 89 ; risk tactics and approaches 4. Evaluate - audit risk controls and effectiveness; monitor changes in risk True.

What are the types of Organizational Structure/Departmentalization? (pg.59-63 in Org book) . Which structure leads to more HQ control? How does RACI help when a company has a matrix structure?

1. Functional Structure - economies of scale; buy/produce in bulk and lower their cost per unit. Cost savings for the business. ; Functional = Centralized with more HQ control; linear structure where the staff units support the line units 2. Product/Customer/Division Structure - an organization groups its business functions under each product/service line offering; economies of scale; functional departments are grouped under the major product divisions; each product has its own division and each division has marketing, sales, manufacturing, HR, R&D; HQ LACKS Control 3. Geographic Structure - quick response time, close to customer in proximity; each geographic location/country or continent has its own sales, marketing, manufacturing, HR & RD; HQ LACKS Control 4. Matrix Structure - creates a dual chain of command, highly integrated structure; requires good collaboration between managers or employees can become overworked; RACI - responsible, accountable, consult, inform; use RACI chart to help employees clarify and understand their roles

What are the departmentalization/types of structure? (hint: product/division and geographic structures are similar)

1. Functional Structure - linear process, organization is divided into departments; HQ HAS Control; Functional Structure Departmentalization this is MOST COMMON structure; line units and staff units (staff units assist and support the line units; HR and accounting are examples of staff units) 2. Product Division Structure/Customer Structure - functional areas are grouped under each product/service divisions; Each division will have its own sales, marketing, finance, etc. This type of structure requires MORE employees, but people become experts in their area; 3. Geographic Structure - each geographic region has their own set of functions; i.e. Europe region has its own sales, marketing, finance; & Africa region has its own sales, marketing, finance, etc. Decision making is decentralized; they make decisions for themselves and HQ lacks control; they are VERY responsive to local markets 4. Matrix structure - a company may use matrix structure when vertical hierarchy begins to obstruct value activities/employees become silos and too focused on department goals rather than the org goals; matrix structures include cross-functional teams; Matrix structure creates a dual supply chain; Communcation is HUGE with the Matrix structure

What are the three key discrimination cases?

1. Griggs vs Duke - Disparate Impact due to employment Test being unfair 2. Phillips vs Martin Marietta Corp - Sex Discrimination against woman with pre-k children 3. McDonnell Douglas vs Green - established criteria for Disparate Treatment/INTENTIONAL discrimination

What are the 7 Forms of ADR? Define each form of ADR. (pg. 164 Org Book, Employee and Labor Relations)

1. Open-door policy 2. Ombudsperson - the ombudsperson has LIMITED authority, they recommend a further ADR 3. Single designated officer - designated by executives 4. Chosen Officer - chosen by the employee, helps them feel the process is fair 5. Peer review 6. Mediation/Conciliation/Negotiation - use an outside expert in negotiation to help the sides find common ground; mediation is non-binding 7. Arbitration - LEGALLY Binding, it prevents litigation; the parties submit their disputes to the decision maker and then the final determination is made

What are the 4/Four Layers Dimensions of Diversity? Which layer of diversity is described as "the results of life experiences and choices"?

1. Organizational dimensions - org dimensions include the similarities and differences based on an individual's position in an organization 2. External dimensions - "describes the results of life experiences and choices" ; Location, Personal habits, Education experiences, religion etc. 3. Internal dimensions - these aspects of diversity are assigned at birth: race, color, gender, sexual orientation 4. Personality - diversity of style, personal character, preferences, perceptions, etc.

Geert Hofstede's 6 Cultural Dimensions

1. Power Distance 2. Individualism 3. Masculinity/Femininity 4. Uncertainty-avoidance 5. Long-term orientation- long term cultures resist change 6. indulgence/restraint - gratification of individual desires

Components of an Information System: What does each tier do? Presentation tier Logic tier Communication/sharing tier Data tier

1. Presentation tier - portal and access for users 2. Logic tier - allows for operations to occur 3. Communication/sharing tier - allows for data sharing and integration 4. Data tier - is where the data is warehoused and stored

14 and 15 year olds can work _____ hours per week while school is in session

18 hours per Week 14 and 15 year olds can work a max of 18 hours per week while school is in session (they cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day). Also, they cannot work hazardous positions Also, they cannot work hazardous positions. Same with 16 and 17 year olds, but 16-17 year olds can work 40 hours per week.

Leadership theories: What are the 4 types of theories? 1. Trait Theory 2. Behavioral Theory - Blake Mouton Theory 3. Situational Theories: - Hersey Blanchard Theory is where leaders adapt their behavior to the situation = telling, selling, participating, delegating - Fiedler's contingency theory is where leaders can change the situation to make it more favorable to produce good outcomes = favorable situations have strong relationships and clear task structure - Path-Goal Theory is where the leaders behavior is needed to help employees stay on track with goals by addressing employee needs i 4. Emergent Theories: leaders are not appointed but they emerge from the group, leaders are chosen based on interaction - Transactional Leadership: leader likes structure and focuses on short term planning; subordinates are expected to follow orders; this type of leader is are found in the military and large/formal organizations - Transformational Leadership: inspires and encourages - Leader-Member Exchange Theory: two-way relationship/mentorship; can create in groups and out-groups - Servant Leadership: leader's goal is to serve their employees; leaders share power from the bottom up; this can be resource intensive

1. Trait Theory 2. Behavioral Theories: Blake Mouton Theory is that leaders manage tasks/production and relationships/people; country club high relationship and low task/production, impoverished low and low because the leader wants to avoid accountability, Team Leaders are high and high, etc. 3. Situational Theories: - Hersey Blanchard Theory is where leaders adapt their behavior to the situation = telling, selling, participating, delegating; - Fiedler's contingency theory is where leaders can change the situation to make it more favorable to produce good outcomes = favorable situations have strong relationships and clear task structure, if the situation is unfavorable then trust must be built, tasks must be made more manageable, and leaders power must increase or decrease to change the situation - Path-Goal Theory is where the leaders behavior is needed to help employees stay on track with goals by addressing employee needs i.e. Directive helps the employee understand task and goal, Supportive fulfills relationship needs, Achievement motivates employees by setting goals, Participative provides mores control over work and participative decision making 4. Emergent Theories: leaders are not appointed but they emerge from the group, leaders are chosen based on interaction - Transactional Leadership: leader likes structure and focuses on short term planning; subordinates are expected to follow orders; this type of leader is are found in the military and large/formal organizations - Transformational Leadership: inspires and encourages - Leader-Member Exchange Theory: two-way relationship/mentorship; can create in groups and out-groups - Servant Leadership: leader's goal is to serve their employees; leaders share power from the bottom up; this can be resource intensive

An organization has decided to use a random drug testing program for all current employees. What should the organization do prior to implementing the program and testing employees?

1. The organization must ensure that the testing program complies with all applicable federal, local, and state laws. 2. Depending on applicable laws, the organization may or may not need to collect documentation from employees indicating their willingness to participate. 3. Certain localities may not allow automatic dismissal following a failed drug test, so creating documentation for an automatic dismissal would not be an effective use of time or resources before checking with applicable laws. 4.. Depending on the law, organizations may or may not be able to compel employees to sign arbitration agreements.

Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB

1992 case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an employer cannot be compelled to allow non-employee organizers onto the business property. However, the union should be allowed to organize and any interference from an Employer is seen as a ULP.

7 steps to outsourcing/managed services: 1. analyze needs and define goals 2. define budget 3. Create RFP 4. Send RFP documents to contractors to complete 5. review and evaluated completed RFPs 6. choose contractor 7. negotiate

1. analyze needs and define goals 2. define budget 3. Create RFP 4. Send RFP documents to contractors to complete 5. review and evaluated completed RFPs 6. choose contractor 7. negotiate

What are the 6 key action plan items for a Customer Service Culture?

1. articulate central philosophy 2. distilling a list of core values 3. constantly reinforcing your commitment to these values 4. making it visual 5. making your philosophy 6. train, hire, support, and discipline to reinforce

What are the three maturity stages in Corp Shared Valued/CSR?

1. compliance 2. integration 3. transformation of culture, mission, Strategy, Brand redefined

HR has been approached by a manager in a host country stating that activities being conducted by an employee are different than those in the home country and must be unethical. What should HR advise as the first step for this manager?

1st step = The manager should be reminded that just because the activities are being conducted differently does not mean that they are unethical. 2nd step= Conducting an investigation would be the next step. 3rd step = Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the employee may be told to stop the activity and or be fired.

The ADEA, OWBPA (older worker benefits protection), and COBRA apply to employers with _______ or more employees.

20 or more employees

Ledbetter v Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

2007 court case that claims of sex discrimination in pay under Title VII were not timely because they did not meet the EEOC's filing requirements of 180 DAYs

FMLA applies to employers with ______ or more part-time and full-time employees.

50 FMLA applies to employers with 50 or MORE part-time and full-time employees.

OSHA has a max of ______ days to complete investigations of retaliation/discrimination against employees.

90 days = OSHA has 90 days to complete investigation of possible retaliation

How to determine Human Capital Readiness? Readiness shows how ready the organization is from a human capital perspective to execute on strategy and achieve key goals and objectives. Readiness is a function of Occupancy (the rate of the approved positions being filled) and Competency (to what degree do incumbents have the competencies to achieve performance objectives)It is recommended that you only calculate Readiness for those positions that are critical to the execution of strategy and the accomplishment of key goals and objectives.


What is a Gnatt Chart?

A Gnatt chart is used for project planning and control techniques (used in project); shows duration of each phase; A two dimensional diagram of a master schedule on which activities are listed on the left side of the figure and times are represented across the top. It depicts the movement of work through time; a bar chart that portrays the schedule by the length of horizontal bars superimposed on a calendar

A ___________________ organization is an org that strategically creates and increases market share through capacity development and adapting.

A Learning Organization is an org that strategically creates and increases market share through capacity development and adapting. Learning orgs are skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying/ADAPTING its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. a learning organization adapts to its environment.

What does a pareto chart show?

A chart showing data from most to least frequently occurring information from left to right. These are used to clearly identify higher valued items (e.g., The highest frequency or priority for resolution). compares multiple causes to a problem in order of priority

What is the difference between Grievance Procedures and Collective Bargaining?

A collective bargaining agreement/contract almost always includes a formal grievance procedure. This process provides an orderly way to resolve the inevitable differences of opinion in regard to the union contract.

Active listening

A communication technique that to increase engagement. Two way communication and attention to nonverbal signs that indicate interest and reactions to the message and speaker

Which HR task is typically required by a multidomestic corporation?

A multidomestic corporation is similar to a portfolio of independent businesses. Headquarters is in the home country, but over time the divisions achieve more autonomy. At this stage, HR is involved in coordinating HR activities with the goal of consistency while remaining flexible with local law and culture. HR is tasked with coordinating HR activities between headquarters and the international offices


Alternative Dispute Resolution = an umbrella term for the various approaches and techniques (other than litigation) that can be used to resolve a dispute, such as arbitration, conciliation, negotiation and mediation. Sometimes involves a neutral third party. Sometimes leads to trial but results in LESS court/trial cases.

Define: a Risk Control

A risk control is an action taken to manage a risk: to enhance the potential of an upside risk or to decrease the potential negative effects of a downside risk. risk control = sharing/transferring a risk's occurrence or impact and it's likelihood with the organization

Which best describes the relationship between strategic planning process and environmental scanning?

A. The environmental scan is optional if the organization does strategic planning B. The environmental scan is performed by one function, and another function completes strategic planning C. Environmental scanning is done as part of the strategic planning process D. The environmental scan is completed instead of strategic planning C. Environmental scanning is done as a part of the strategic planning process An organization will conduct a SWOT analysis as part of its strategic planning process. In order to accurately assess the company's threats and opportunities, the company must have an understanding of factors outside of the organization. The environmental scan focuses on external factors and, when done in conjunction with strategic planning, provides useful information upon which the company can base its decisions.

What is the impact that a service level agreement has when an organization moves from licensing software to software as a service (SaaS)?

A. The organization will need to provide real-time monitoring only after the installation. B. It does not define concerns over users' pay-per-use. C. It eliminates the need for clarification on who is the customer and who is the client D. The organization will not need to implement or customize software. The migration from the licensing of a product to subscribing for a service is often handled through a service level agreement (SLA). SLAs formally define service expectations and terms. Real-time monitoring service levels are addressed as well as customer versus client concerns. The client does not need to install or customize software; both are done by the vendor. Also, the good news is they do not need to expand the IT team because the SaaS vendor will handle the implementation and maintenance of the application.

flat-rate pay What is flat-rate pay also called?

AKA single-rate pay ; incumbent of the job with same rate of pay dof performance or seniority ; single/flat pay rate is common in UNIONIZED workforce

Executive Order 11246 is about Equal Employment Opportunity and requires federal contractors who have contracts over $10,000 to have ________________ ___________ plans and prohibits discrimination.

Affirmative Action Exec Order 11246 is about EEO and affirmative action for fed contractors.

What does AAP stand for?

Affirmative Action Plan = AAP

ADA vs Rehabilitation Act of 1973: the ADA covers employers who have _____ or more employees. Any federal contractor with a contract of $______________ or above must take affirmative action to employ those with disabilities according to the Rehabilitation Act.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination in employment against a qualified individual because of their disability. The DOJ and EEOC share responsibility with enforcing the ADA. The ADA does NOT cover federal gov't as an employer, but the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 DOES apply to federal gov't and gov't contractors. The ADA impacts all employers with 15 or MORE employees. The Rehabilitation Act applies to federal contractors with contracts over $10,000.

ADAAA: established the _______ Rules of Construction.

Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008: ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA of 2008) overturned several supreme court decisions and created the definition of disability. the ADAAA of 2008 established the Nine Rules of Construction which helps people to analyze determine whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity and if it is considered a disability.

Center of excellence (COE) structure of HR function - organization book

An HR organizational structure that leverages staff expertise in certain areas to improve the entire organization's strategic performance.

________________________ the process by which an org contracts with a third party to provide selected services/activities instead of hiring new employees


360-degree feedback occurs at what stage of Kirkpatrick's training eval model? Reaction Learning Behavior Results

Behavior level: is when 360-degree feedback occurs 1. reaction (measure with surveys) 2. learning (measure with tests of KSAs) 3. behavior (measure with tests, observations, 360- feedback, simulations, etc) 4. results (measure org goals, ROIs)

ADDIE What is ADDIE used for?

Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (instructional model/consulting change model) ADDIE is a L&D instructional system framework model, ADDIE is the 5 step model that guides design and development of L& D programs. 1. Assess and Analyze - PRIORITIZE NEEDS and gaps, collect data, interview and survey 2. Design - determine the goals and objectives for the training, focusing on target audience, understand how different learner profiles compare 3. Development - determine the learning activities that will be most effective, time frame, what is the cost; Pilot Test takes place and Formative evaluation occurs 4. implementation - Delivery of program, scheduling participants, and presenting the training 5. Evaluation - measure ADDIE model is used for implementing trainings & used for implementing Total Rewards/Compensation

job enrichment (vertical loading)

Any effort that makes an employee's job more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks and duties. process of increasing a job's Depth

An HR manager is concerned about work interruption during the upcoming flu season. How can the HR manager best deal with this risk?

Arrange for on-site flu shot clinics. This is a tactic to try to AVOID THE RISK Managing risk effectively entails taking steps to prevent the risk, lessen its impact, or transfer the burden of risk (e.g., through insurance). Hiring additional workers before absences occur may be an unnecessary expense. Simply staying abreast of the situation may mean that action will be taken too late. Lining up temporary help is a good idea, but if a flu outbreak affects many employers, who will all compete for temporary workers, this tactic may not help. The best risk management action may be to try to avoid the risk by making it easy for employees to receive flu shots.

A fitness organization requires its employees to wear technology that tracks wellness bio-data. What challenges to this technology are likely to emerge? OSHA violations Carpal tunnel syndrome High cost Biohacking and DNA privacy

Biohacking and DNA privacy Challenges likely to emerge from wearable technology include biohacking and DNA privacy issues. Other potential issues include the duty to accommodate and arguments about the commodification of labor.


Bona Fide Occupational Qualification = suitable defense against a discrimination charge only when age, religion, sex/gender, or national origin is an actual qualification for performing the job

Cliff vesting Graduated Vesting (hint: 7) Graded Vesting

Cliff vesting = 5 year vesting period; then 100% vested Graduated = 7 year vesting period; then 100% vested Graded vesting = employee is 20% vesting each year

Career Development has two parts/processes. What are the two parts of Career Development?

Career Development is the process/program by which employees progress through a series of stages in their career Two parts of Career Development: 1. career planning = actions and activities that individuals perform to give direction to their work lives; INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE Responsibility 2. career management = the process of preparing, implementing, monitoring an employee's career path with goals and needs of the organization; EMPLOYER Responsibility

When an organization analyzes and matches org needs with employee/individual abilities this is called ______________ __________________________. This is the employer's responsibility to match and assess the needs for the org.

Career management

______________________ is the cooperation between management and workers in decision making and stratgey. The firm's supervisory board must approve management decisions before decisions can be made and there are employees on the board.

Codetermination: the cooperation between management and workers in decision making and stratgey. The firm's supervisory board must approve management decisions before decisions can be made and there are employees on the board.

What is the difference with these two types of negotiation when handling conflict: Collaborative mode vs Compromise mode?

Collaborative = win/win ; they look for a third solution, and since both parties contribute to the solution it is considered a win for both, good when stakes are high, requires strong interpersonal skills Compromise = lose/lose; useful for complex issues, the leader asks the two parties to bargain until an agreement is made, there is no TIME for problem solving

Independent contractors

Self-employed individuals hired on a contract basis for specialized services for 6months or longer

____________________ is an arrangement in which a company and vendor share different tasks within a larger complex; they share a strategic responisbility


What is distributive justice?

Distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness of the amounts of compensation employees receive

Cost per hire =

External costs + Internal costs divided by total number of hires in the time period

T or F: Hersey-Blanchard's Situational Leadership theory (telling, selling, participating, delegating) is about Production and People/relationships being at the center of effective leadership

False Blake Mounton's Behavioral Theory is about production and people being at the center of effective leadership: country club style; impoverished style; authoritarian style; Team Leaders = high task and high relationship Hershey Blanchard Situational Leadership is about leaders adapting their behavior to evolve with the team: Telling, Selling, Participating, Delegating

T or F: The goal of Constructive Progressive Discipline is to improve employee skills and job/task performance.

False Performance management aims at improving skills and job performance Constructive Progressive Discipline aims at improving employee behavior

T or F: Having a synergistic approach for negotiating recognizes different cultures and differences; understanding cultural perspective before starting to negotiate. This can help lead to a win-lose situation.

False, the synergistic approach leads to a Win-Win situation

T or F: Values and perceptions/assumptions are the explicit part of culture

False, they are implicit

What are the 2 court cases that established precedent around the interpretation of Title VII regarding Sexual Harassment?

Faragher v. City of Boca Raton & Burlington Industries Inc v. Ellerth are the U.S. court rulings that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not. Vicarious Liability also resulted from these cases.

What is the term for an ULP where the union required the employer to keep an unnecessary employee or job that could be extinct; also called "make-work"?

Feather bedding

_____________ Analysis is used to analyze the career development plans by estimating transfers and promotions from each division.

Flow Analysis: is used to analyze the career development plans by estimating transfers and promotions from each division.

____________________ HR structure is where HQ hr specialist craft policies and HR generalists located at the divisions implement and adapt policies. Headquarters has CONTROL and streamlines strategy.


EEOC Complaint Process

In cases of alleged discrimination, the following complaint process is used: 1. Compliantant files within 180 days 2. The EEOC sends a letter within 10 days that informs the respondent that a charge was filed and includes a copy of the charge and requests further information 3. Employer submits written response, fact finding conference and mediation may be offered by EEOC. 4. The EEOC reviews the charge and takes action 5. The EEOC makes a determination as to whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred -If no reasonable cause: The EEOC notifies both the charging party & the respondent. The charging party is given notice of the right to sue w/in 90 days -If reasonable cause: The EEOC works with the employer to achieve a voluntary solution. Requires the employer to provide the appropriate remedy for the discrimination. Charge is settled or may go to litigation with EEOC or private court. -If EEOC does not make a determination: Charging party has right to request right-to-sue letter after 180 days. Charging party must file suit in court within 90 days.

HR is in the process of creating clearly defined, consistent job descriptions for a global environment. Which common challenge should HR anticipate? There may be disagreement relating to nonessential job functions. Language barriers may reduce effectiveness. Interpretations of job functions may vary because the same words used to describe a job may have different meanings across the globe. Requiring sign-offs may violate cultural norms.

Interpretations of job functions may vary. the same words used to describe a job may have different meanings across the globe. Or entirely different words may be used to describe tasks, activities, or entitlements.

RIF, employee death, employee discharge/firing, are all examples of ______________ turnover.

Involuntary turnover

A _________________ partnership is when the partners only invest/contribute financially.

Limited Partnership: type of investors and investments only

When designing a training program, which should a global HR professional consider first? Standardization and translation considerations Local differentiation and stakeholder support Local regulations and formal agreements Budget and ethical considerations

Local differentiation and stakeholder support Local differentiation and stakeholder support have implications for all aspects of the training analysis, design, development, and evaluation process. These precede the other issues mentioned.

When indenfiying risk you need to make sure that there is no overlap or duplication of effort by ensuring it is __________________________________________________ (MECE)

Mutually Exclusive and Comprehensively Exhaustive

PTO - does federal law require holiday paid time off, sick pto, vacation pto?

Paid time off: Federal law does NOT dictate mandatory vacation time, employers can elect to provide paid time off for employees for vacation, sick time, personal days, and holidays


Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.

Span of control

Refers to the number of individuals who report to a supervisor.

How do you calculate Labor Productivity?

Sales divided by number of employees

What are the types of project management?

Six Sigma - derives from quality so high that very few errors occur, evidence based/empirical analysis; Black Belts are the project leaders; Master Black Belts are the quality leaders who supervise work of green belts; a Green Belt is an employee; use DMADV for new processes; use DMAIC for improving existing processes Agile project management -the project focuses on repetition ITERATION of deliverables, and using customer input to plan he next iteration Critical chain project mgt - is used when resources cannot be increased to meet deadlines, buffers are built into the schedule Gemba Kaizen - is a systematic approach for business improvement, and is based on five principles: "know your customer", "let it flow", "Going Gemba Kaizen" etc. Design thinking: places customers at the center of the project; the first step in the iterative process is understanding the needs, then understanding the problem

This law provides employee education incentive that allows small businesses to exclude $5,250 from employee taxable income for educational assistance form employer. Also, this law contains retirement plan amendments and REDEFINES "Highly compensated employee".

Small Business Job Protection Act

Center of excellence

Team or structure that provides expertise, best practices, support, and knowledge transfer in focused areas

Business Intelligence (BI) has 3 basic components:

The 3 basic compenets of BI 1. Data gathering 2. Data warehousing (ERP) 3. Query and reporting

T or F: Intrinisic rewards are feeling fulfilled with your job.


T or F: Knowledge management programs typically focus on two key elements: expertise sharing and knowledge retention/reduction of knowledge loss due to employee attrition.


A company employs 125 people, spread across five offices in different regions of the country that each employ about 25 people. An employee at one of the regional offices is about to give birth. What is she entitled to under the Family and Medical Leave Act? The employee is not entitled to any leave. The employee is entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. The employee is entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave. The employee is entitled to both maternity leave and unpaid leave.

The employee is not entitled to any leave. The employee is not entitled to any leave because she does not work within 75 MILES of a location that has 50 or more employees. The FMLA provisions do not extend to her.

Which is the MOST advantageous outcome of employers treating employees with care and respect during termination of employment? The employees will be less inclined to file an unemployment claim. The employees will not say anything negative about the organization. The employees will focus on their recruiting experience and base their response on that experience. The employees may return to the organization, and they will require little training.

The employees may return to the organization, and they will require little training. The degree to which employees are treated well at termination may affect their decision to return to the employer. "Boomerang" employees-former employees who are rehired-often require shorter or more limited training time, and so they can be more productive more quickly.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 (this is the start of Title VII - Equal Opportunity Act of 1964)

The first comprehensive U.S. law aimed at discriminatory employment practices. Title VII made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin Title VII - civil rights act of 1964 applies to = public/private/unions with 15 OR MORE employees or members

T or F: Most grievance/dispute processes start at immediate supervisor, next level, higher mgt, and then to HR or third-party person.


What is the organizational/product life cycle? pg. 206 competencies book What is HR strategy during the Business Life Cycle?

The org life cycle and HR's role in the life cycle: 1. Introduction= revenue is low, creating an identity and EVP; vision, innovation, and energy are critical, - HR needs to ensure Talent Acquisition is effective to ensure a strong foundation of people; help define and create a culture that aligns with values; HR needs to control risks/review laws/manage stress 2. Growth/Formalizing begins - revenue begins to increase, they shift to increase efficiency - HR needs to ensure some policies and processes are formalized to increase the structure complexity; Tactical buildup talent inhouse or continue to acquire it; Help leaders redefine their roles and share leadership; formalize job descriptions; Manage changes caused by growth and increased formalization 3. Maturity/ Extreme Formalization occurs- efficiency is fully maximized, market is saturated with competitors, no new growth occurs unless R&D produces a new product, M&A occurs, or find new customer group; profit margins become narrow, The Need for greater control emerges, this often results in MORE formalization of reporting structures and decision making plans, THERE CAN BE A LOSS OF CONNECTION WITH ORG's STRATEGY during Maturity phase - HR needs to Build and retain workforce to meet demand, establishing stable leadership through succession planning, implementing policies, Reinforce culture; Improving communication to ensure strategy remains aligned in all areas; Make sure formalization doesn't not make the organization less agile and innovative, consulting with organization on problems, model awareness and continually scan the external environment 4. Decline- demand decreases, org can renew and change their offerings OR Take no action - During the decline/renewal, HR helps with reduction in workforce (RIF), some restructuring may be needed, changes in leadership, streamlining policies, maintaining an engaged workforce

T or F: Net income is aka Net earnings. Typically the costs are admin expenses, tax, interest and depreciation


T or F: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries typically are high-income and have high Human Development Index (HDI).


What are the 9 Behavioral Competencies?

These 9 behavioral competencies allow HR professionals to apply hr mgt practices effectively; these behaviors and key concepts are required for proficient job related behavior 3 clusters = Leadership, Interpersonal, Business 1. Leadership & Navigating = leaders persuade and influence behavior by appealing to the right needs to motivate employees 2. Ethical practice - safe, fair, and private workplace; integrity; code of conduct is the same as the code of ethics; Elements to an Internal Investigation: Investigator is appointed, Investigation and interviews take place, Documentation occurs during the investigation, Confidentiality, Credibility- investigator must assess credibility of various parties, Conclusions are made based on the gathered evidence and findings are presented in a written report 3. DEI competency - 3 types of diversity: legacy, experiential, thought ; Dynamic and inclusive workplaces are multigenerational, multicultural, multilingual, multitalented, and multigendered; ERGs; understanding barriers and bias so that HR can address it ; imposter syndrome, cultural taxation; workplace solutions and accomadations = implementing policies and procedures that address barriers to DEI ; measuring Diversity can be down by collecting data; Inclusion needs to be measured by are QUALITATIVE surveys 4.Relationship mgt - how leaders repond and handle conflict resolution (accommodate, assert/force, avoid, collaborate, compromise); understanding stakeholders; understanding how to network inside and outside of organization and how your network should include stakeholders; effective relationships are built on TRUST and you must be emotionally intelligent (EI) 5. Communication competency - effective listening = active listening; must be impactful, prevent noise, and give opportunity for audience to provide feedback; communication is a two way communication model 6. Global Mindset - high context culture = Asia ; Skills needed for global HR: Develop Strategic View of org/scan environment for risks/understand how globalization will benefit the organization, Develop Global Culture/provide training to improve cultural awareness/share knowledge, Secure Knowledgeable Workforce Leaders and employer brand, Use and Adapt HR technology, Develop , Develop Policies and Practices/Monitor and Protect to prevent risks, culture theories pg. 183 7. Business acumen - business intelligence, understanding how the business works, proposing a business case, understand budget, income statement/P&L statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet = snapshot in time of Assets, Liabilities, & Equity ; analyzing data 8. Consulting - define problem, design and implement solution, measure, and sustain; managing change; understand that change is a J curve and effects productivity; understand current state/unfreeze, transition/moving, and new state/refreeze 9. Analytical aptitude - data analysis, reliable vs. valid tests, mean/median/mode; weighted mean is leveled and MOST accurate; Pareto chart 80% 20% contains bars and line graph to help understand frequency and shows quaLitative info/Pareto charts help find root cause, Trend Line Analysis, data cleansing, Data Sources: interviews, surveys/questionnaires, focus groups, observation, existing data, artifacts, market data

T or F: Career Planning are short-term actions handled by individuals Career Management is long-term planning handled by the EMPLOYER.


T or F: An Organizational Effectiveness and Development (OED) intervention needs to be supported by a business case.


Fair Credit Reporting Act

U.S act that protects privacy of background information and ensures that information supplied is accurate.

Technological forces have had which critical effect on today's corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices? Organizing multicultural efforts through social media is easier. Monitoring tools have made it easier to track regulatory compliance. Telecommuting tools have helped organizations reduce their carbon footprint. Using analytical capabilities has made CSR impacts more demonstrable/measurable and allowed for more accountability.

Using analytical capabilities has made CSR impacts more demonstrable/measurable and allowed for more accountability. Data mining and analytics capabilities have made CSR factors more readily measurable and their impacts more demonstrable and understandable. That in turn has increased accountability, helped shape regulatory requirements, and, where measurable performance results are positive, given organizations a powerful strategic tool.

WARN What employers does WARN apply to?

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification - requires a 60-day notice for mass layoffs and plant closings WARN applies to employers who employ 100 or MORE full-time employees; OR can apply to employers with 100 or more employees/full-time and part-time employees whose work hours total 4000 hours per week

What is WARN Act?

Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1989; this law requires employers to give notice of plant closings and mass layoffs. Minimum of 60-day written notice is required. applies to employers who employ 100 or more employees; also can apply to full-time and part-time employees if they work more than 4000 hours per week

Workforce Management (ALL the activities)

Workforce Management encompasses ALL the activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet the organizations strategic needs; Workforce management identifies: needs for skills, people, timing, knowledge management the FIRST STEP within Workforce Management is Workforce Planning Workforce mgt strategies include: 1. Flexible staffing alternatives, 2. Restructuring: M&A or RIF, 3. Talent Management: succession planning vs replacement planning, 4. Knowledge Management

Workforce planning (activities to ensure current and future needs are met)

Workforce planning is the first step in workforce management; workforce planning are the activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet current and future org AND individual needs; the workforce analysis steps (supply, demand, gap, solution, etc.) occur during Workforce Planning

What is a brownfield operation?

a company repurposes, through expansion or redevelopment, an abandoned or closed or underutilized property

service-level agreement

a document that defines the output customers can expect


a relative form of equality that considers needs and characteristics of individuals, situational context, and circumstances that result in disparate outcomes

Six Sigma Methodology? What are the two main Six Sigma Methodologies?

a rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces defects in manufacturing and service-related processes; The Six Sigma methodology is DATA-DRIVEN and based on 6 standard deviations 1. DMADV - address the NEW design 2. DMAIC (define the problem, measure, analyze, improve, control) - is Reactive and addresses current/existing process defects

risk scorecard (a risk analysis tool)

a risk analysis tool used to gather individual risk assessments (for example, frequency of occurrence; degree of impact, loss, gain for org; degree of efficacy of current controls)

1. Which of the following should be included in a supervisory training program? a. Conflict resolution skills b. Budgeting c. Rotation through various divisions d. Internal controls

a. Conflict resolution skills

What is the successive approximation model (SAM) within L&D? what are the three phases?

an L&D instructional design model that works to gain feedback and build models early in the process; SAM is an early/old version of ADDIE. SAM generally has three phases: 1. preparation 2. iterative/repetitive design 3. iterative/repetitive development Action Mapping is also an alternative approach to developing training materials similar to the ADDIE model. Action Mapping (action mapping = to prevent information dumping, training should be focused on specific performance measures)

what is an OED assessment? Why would a company conduct an OED assessment?

an Organizational Effectiveness & Development assessment = helps identify internal and external factors that affect the organization to make sure the organization is competitive and doing well as a whole

organizational learning

an acquisition or transfer of knowledge within a company ; ability of the company to learn from mistakes and adjust strategy


any fixed, recurring period of 168 consecutive hours (7 days x 24 hours = 168 hours)

The ______________________ seating arrangement is best for case discussions where everyone can observe each other and a trainer. a. theater style b. U-shaped style c. classroom style d. banquet style

b. U-shaped style

Technological forces have had which critical effect on today's corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices? a. Monitoring tools have made it easier to track regulatory compliance. b. Telecommuting tools have helped organizations reduce their carbon footprint. c. Using analytical capabilities has made CSR impacts more demonstrable. d. Organizing multicultural efforts through social media is easier.

c. Using analytical capabilities has made CSR impacts more demonstrable. Data mining and analytics capabilities have made CSR factors more readily measurable and their impacts more demonstrable and understandable. That in turn has increased accountability, helped shape regulatory requirements, and, where measurable performance results are positive, given organizations a powerful strategic tool.

What is an HR balanced scorecard?

clearly links department objectives and performance to company's strategic goals HR balanced scorecard focuses HR staf on activies that support company's goals. HR balanced scorecard demonstrates HR's strategic value by defining and measuring HR's contribution in concrete terms

ERISA requires employers to file THREE types of reports. One of these reports describes total benefits accrued on behalf of employees and identifies the nonforfeitable portion of the benefit. This is known as a(n): a. summary plan description b. qualified participant plan report c. annual report d. participant benefit rights report

d. participant benefit rights report

arbitration (ADR option) Is arbitration typically legally binding?

disputes are submitted to an impartial person who makes a final determination ; arbitration may be Binding OR nonbinding (if the party is going to seek litigation) Yes, arbitration is usually legally BINDING

Which legal process prohibits the government from fining a business without proof of a law violation?

due process Due process is the concept that laws are enforced only through accepted, codified procedures, thereby avoiding unfair or arbitrary action by a country's government and restraining that government from abusing its power.


electronic media delivery of education and training materials

business unit

element/segment/department/division/costcenter/ group/functional area of an organization that represents a specific business function

Organizational Cultures have layers. Some layers are visible/explicit and some are implicit cultural layers. What are examples of explicit cultural layers and implicit layers?

explicit culture = artifacts, clothing, music, architecture, clothing choices. These features are referred to as org CLIMATE. Do not mistake climate for culture because you will not be getting the full picture implicit culture/basic assumptions = habits, core beliefs that are unspoken

Identity alignment (v. process alignment)

extent to which diversity is embraced by management of people, products/services, and branding


focused, interactive communication, and guidance intended to develop and enhance on the job performance, knowledge, and behaviors

Global Integration

globalization strategy that emphasizes consistency of approach; strong HQ; standardization of processes, economies of scale and common corporate culture across the global operations

Incremental budgetting is aka _______-_______ budgeting.

line-item budgeting = incremental budgeting

Process improvement strategies: Performance improvement involves accurately identifying sources of unacceptable outcomes and intervening to create effective practices. Impractical or outdated procedures are an example of which type of performance problem?

process-related Impractical or outdated procedures interfere with process efficiencies. Therefore, these procedures should be evaluated and process improvement strategies should be implemented.

The workforce ______________ is an important part of the workforce planning/analysis step because it identifies the current makeup of employee demographics, skills, competencies, and performance levels

profile workforce profile is part of the workforce planning/analysis step because it identifies the current makeup of employee demographics, skills, competencies, and performance levels

During times of uncertainty and fear, sudden market changes, during M&A this can cause a ___________________ corporate culture

progressive culture

Electronic Communications Privacy Act

prohibits employers from intercepting an employee's personal electronic communications unless they are made on devices and systems furnished by the employer.

Comparing the sizes of two variables to produce an index or percentage; commonly used to analyze financial statements

ratio analysis - Comparing the sizes of two variables to produce an index or percentage; commonly used to analyze financial statements Ex: net profit margin is an example of ratio analysis. Net Profit Margin = Revenue minus Costs divided by Revenue


right of a legal body to exert authority over a given geographical area, subject matter, person, or institution


settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider ; a method of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) by which disputing parties agree to be bound by the decision of one or more impartial individuals to whom they submit their dispute for final determination.

strategic management

system of actions that leaders take to drive an organization toward its goals and objectives

COBRA (falls under HIPAA); What is it? What size employer is covered by COBRA?

- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) = US act that provides individuals and dependents who may lose health coverage with opportunity to pay to continue coverage; COBRA falls within HIPPA; typically COBRA coverage lasts from 18-36 months; employer will charge former employee 2% fee - COBRA applies to employers who have 20 or MORE Employees

What type of chart is best to show turn over for the past 6 months?

- histogram best chart to show the month to month comparison within a 12-month period

How does the Global Integration-Local Responsiveness matrix aid HR in developing policies and determining staffing needs for multinational enterprises (MNEs)? Global Integration-Local Responsiveness (GI-LR) matrix pg. 22

- the matrix has two axes: Global Integration on the vertical axis, and Local Responsiveness on the horizontal axis global integration = emphasizes consistency of approach, standardization of processes and products, and a common culture across global operations; economies of scale; low cost; ethnocentric/global approach - the GI-LR matrix shows an organization's strategic choices in terms of a desire to integrate its global operations and to allow local operations to develop their own strategies. This defines HR's role: whether it will direct, advise, or monitor HR policy at the local level. Global Transnational (ethno, HQ controls) (Geocentric) International Multidomestic (weak links w/ HQ and subs) (subsidiary autonomy) (geographic org structure) Global = upstream strategy, decisions are made at HQ; high standardization & global integration of resources Mulitidomestic = downstream strategy, decisions are made at local level)

Job rotation, Compressed workweek, Family assistance programs, Rewards and recognitions, etc. are examples of ways to create what?

- these are ways to create Employee Engagement. - A compressed workweek is an example of flexible scheduling to meet employee needs and preferences.

what is the difference between a development vs training?

- training is short-term; helps with immediate skills gaps. - developmental activities are long-term, prepare for future responsibilities and skills needed for future roles, leadership roles

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Centralized HR vs Decentralized HR?

-Centralized provides more control and consistency across the org; ALL hr personnel are located within the HR department and deliver services to the whole org; unfortunately a centralized HR decreases responsiveness and can result in ineffective communication -Decentralized allows more direct contact between HR and other functions, quicker to respond; decentralized has a lack of consistency with policy and standards; allows internal business partners to create stronger relationships; there would Some organizations have a Hybrid HR structure where learning mgt may be determined by headquarters and the contact then determined at the functional/business unit/location level

Constructive feedback is NOT effective if it does not address...

-What specifically needs improving and what improvement looks like Note: providing constructive feedback DOES NOT include a timeline or documentation, but addresses their interpersonal interactions

What are the two CSR certifications?

1. Benefit Corporation or B-corp (b lab) certification 2. Social Accountability (SA8000) is a certification that proves the firm follows standards, treats workers fairly, and ensures social compliance.

What are the 4 stages in OED Change Process?

1. Identify the gaps in strategic capabilities/ DEFINE the Problem; 2. Design and implement solution; 3. Evaluate effectiveness and measure; 4. Sustain improvement through sensing meetings and by formalizing change

4 Steps to designing compensation system/pay structure... page 321

1. Job Analysis 2. Job description 3. Job evaluation/valuation - establish job values; this is a key component to a company's compensation remuneration program; this is done internally and externally 4. Pay structure/pay grades/ranges

What are three types of Diversity?

1. Legacy diversity- race, gender, generational, visible differences in people, religion, language, multigenerational, multilingual, multigender 2. Experiential diversity - experience, school major/field of study, work experience 3. Thought diversity - education, Perception

What are the 6 steps in the sales pipeline?

1. prosepecting/identify leads 2. gather information about leads 3. create proposal 4. negotiation 5. close the Sale 6. monitor, cross sell and upsell

What are the steps of the workforce analysis process?

1. supply 2. demand 3. gap analysis 4. solution implementation 5. monitor progress

What are the 5 disciplines of a learning organization? pg. 224 people book

1. systems thinking 2. mental models 3. personal mastery 4. team learning 5. shared vision Learning organizations adapt and share knowledge to continually improve.

Global assignment guidelines and steps... pg. 47

1. assessment and selection - develop/identify the criteria for the ideal candidate to help narrow focus; interview; The criteria and standards should be defined in the assessment and selection stage. These criteria help narrow the focus for successful candidates. 2. Management and Assignee Decision - analyze ROI of assignment, prep and create the guide and expectations for the assignment, formal job offer/memorandum of understanding (MoU), candidates accepts or declines the offer 3. pre-departure preparation - gather work permits and visas, security briefings, cross cultural counseling 4. On-Assignment - honeymoon, culture shock, adjustment, and mastery/biculturalism stage; HR coordinates orientation, visits, begin active repatriation efforts at least 6 months before assignment ends) 5. Completing Assignment - Repatriation or Redeployment (for globalists)

What is the first step when creating a total rewards strategy?

1. create a compensation philosophy with executives and HR

Types of HR audits: compliance, best practice, strategic, function-specific What are the first few steps in the HR audit process?

1. develop scope of audit - purpose 2. develop questionnaire 3. gather and collect information

What are the 9 steps of a conducting an HR investigation for disciplinary/discharge reasons?

1. ensure confidentiality 2. provide protection (suspend the accused employee if needed; change workschedules) 3. select the investigator 4. create a plan (develop plan for gathering evidence) 5. develop interview questions 6. conduct interviews 7. make a decision and create recommendations 8. close investigation (communicate the decision to the accuser and complainant) 9. develop written summary of investigation results

What are examples of DEI metrics?

1. gender diversity, 2. race diversity, 3. SHRM Empathy Index (assesses inclusion in the workplace and monitor progress), 4. retention rates for diverse employees, 5. Diversity of external stakeholders

What is the first step when developing workplace policies?

1. identify the need

What are the Five 5 parts of project management?

1. initiating 2. planning 3. executing (execute) 4. controlling (aka monitoring) 5. closing pg. 48 people book

What is the first step in creating formal knowledge mgt system?

1. inventory knowledge assets (gather and catalog the collection of assets/presentations/papers/plans etc.) 2. create knowledge library/directory/repository ; 3. encourage system use by implementing and training; 4.update system

What are the 6 steps in negotiation?

1. prepare 2. build relationship 3. info exchange 4. persuasion 5. concessions 6. agreement

T or F: HR risks are classified as legal compliance, security/privacy/identity theft, and business continuity.


What is the tool that can identify management potential through simulations and tests?

Assessment centers = an assessment tool that provides candidates a wide range of leadership situations/ situational judgement tests (SJTs) and problem solving exercises; the overall score helps assess the leadership proficiency

The HR director is advised that a customer service representative has been seen consuming alcohol on company property. This was witnessed by three other employees. How should the HR director handle this situation?

Conduct an investigation after notifying the supervisor and sending the employee home on paid administrative leave.

pay grade

A pay grade is comprised of jobs of approximately equal difficulty. a pay grade is used to group jobs that have relative internal and external worth and are paid at the same rate or within the same pay range

What is a PEO?

A professional employer organizations: PEO is a staffing agencies that provide employees to Organizations, and the PEO provides workers comp, insurance, payroll, etc to EMPLOYEES PEO is also know as coemployment; has some ownership over your employees

____________________ _______________ is another term for involuntary resignation. This is a form similar to wrongful termination in which an employer's actions create an intolerable situation such that an employee feels they have no other choice than to resign.

Constructive discharge: an involuntary resignation where the employee had no choice but to resign.

This Federal law restricts the amount of an employee's earnings that can be garnished to pay creditor debts, including child support. It also prohibits employers from discriminating against employees because of debt or garnishments. What is the law called?

Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA)

_________ of _______ is the principle that organizations should take all steps that are reasonably possible to ensure health, safety, well-being of employees and protect them from foreseeable injury

Duty of care: is principle that organizations should take all steps that are reasonably possible to ensure health, safety, well-being of employees and protect them from foreseeable injury

E-3 visa (for Australian specialty workers)?

E-3 visa - similar to an H1B but for Australian specialty workers

What are the 6 steps to Evidence Based Decision Making?

EBDM: 1. Ask - turn the situation into a question 2. Acquire - gather information from sources 3. Appraise - determine if the evidence is valid and accurate 4. Aggregate - organize data, cleanse data 5. Apply- make logical connections to draw conclusions 6. Assess - monitor solution

T or F: HR should use Big Data, AI, and analytics to mitigate risk in the hiring process and assist with risk mitigation planning.


What is an economic strike?

Economic strikes are strikes that occur when collective bargaining fails to reach an agreement.

Executive Order 13672

Amends Executive Order 11478 and 11246 to INCLUDE gender identity and sexual orientation

In addition to cost, which is the most important factor to consider when reviewing the proposals of outsourced companies? Ability to meet specifications Company culture Available resources Length of time in business

Ability to meet specifications The vendor's ability to meet specifications is the most important of these factors.


According to SHRM body of competencies, this is defined as the qualities, life experiences, personalities, education, skills, competencies, and collaboration of the many types of people who are necessary to propel an organization to success

The 1st step in ________- __________ leadership is ensuring everyone knows the expectations and communicating the standards in order to accomplish tasks

Action-Based leadership = leaders accomplish tasks by communicating to the teams they lead

value drivers

Actions, processes, or results that are needed to deliver a desired value.

employee life cycle

Activities associated with an employee's tenure in an organization. 1. Recruitment 2. Integration/Onboarding/assimilation period (early career) 3. Development (career development: training, establish goals and objectives) 4. Transition

What is the ADEA? Who enforces the ADEA? What law amended the ADEA in 1990 (hint: older worker benefit)?

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967: claims of age discrimination can be brought under the ADEA by individuals who are 40 years of age or older. This is ENFORCED by the EEOC. If an individual wants to file an age discrimination lawsuit under the ADEA they must first file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC to preserve their right to sue ***The ADEA of 1967 covers all state and local gov'ts, private employers with 20 or MORE employees; Unions with 25 or MORE members** - The Older Worker Benefit Protection Act amended the ADEA in 1990.

__________________ involves moving from self-awarness to awareness and acceptance to the importance and urgency of emotions in others.


What is a globalist?

An employee who moves from one international assignment to another. Globalists spend their entire careers in international assignments, moving from one locale to another.

Which is a potential challenge in trying to build a strong global employment brand? Brand being dependent on the web and many countries having limited access Direct link between the consumer and the employment brand Different value that countries and cultures may place on different things Importance of trust and reliability in sustaining the employment brand

An employment brand must be able to adapt to local differences and cultures if it is going to be effective worldwide. Different value that countries and cultures may place on different things


Employee Retirement Income Security Act U.S. act that established uniform minimum standards to ensure that employee benefit and pension plans; eligibility requirements are typically that the person must be 21 years old and employed for 1 year min before enrolling in retirement accounts

secondary action or boycott

Attempt by a union to influence an employer by putting pressure on another employer, for example, a supplier. Boycotts are illegal under the LMRA

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is the employees perception of total rewards value and tangible/intangible benefits they receive as being a part of the company ; Employee Value Propositions (EVP) are included in strategies for talent acquisition, retention, and engagement

Which is the best example of a regulation? A. Fair Labor Standards Act B. Process by which the Department of Labor clarifies the exempt status of employees C. Interpretation of legal matters related to expatriation D. Civil Rights Act of 1964

B. Process by which the Department of Labor clarifies the exempt status of employees


Employee Value Proposition - the foundation of employment branding. Answers why an employee wants to work for you and stay working for you. Needs to align with strategic plan, vision, mission, and values.

Which of the following topics should HR managers discuss with repatriates to address concerns about their organizational status upon return to the home country? a. Total compensation and benefits b. Job autonomy and flexibility c. Training and relocation services d. Career planning and mentoring

B. job autonomy and flexibility Job autonomy and flexibility should be discussed when the repatriate is returning to their home country; they can work on cross-functional teams as managers, trainers, etc. Repatriation discussions should start at least 6 months in advance. Total comp, career planning, and mentoring discussions occur in the Pre-Departure step.

__________ Assumptions are the unconscious perceptions and are the "bedrock foundation" of the organizations culture.

Basic Assumptions Artifacts, Values and Basic Assumptions are the 3 levels of org culture.

How does using a job evaluation to determine the relative worth of each job assist in an organization being successful?

By serving as the basis for developing equitable salary structures, effective employee selection, and ongoing development Job evaluation determines the relative worth of each job by establishing a hierarchy of jobs within an organization. It is intertwined with a concern for internal pay equity.

Which program best allows HR to support long-term employee engagement and retention? Concierge services Wellness Employee assistance Family assistance

Employee assistance Employee assistance and employee development programs focus on immediate and long-term needs of the employee.


a method of nonbinding ADR by which a neutral 3rd party tries to help disputing parties reach an agreeable decision = Mediation

employee surveys (employee surveys are broken into three types: 1. attitude/compensation/benefit surveys/measuring org issues, 2. opinion surveys, and 3. employee engagement/satisfaction surveys)

Employee surveys: collect and assess info on employee attitudes and perception of work environment/conditions; an employee survey can identify engagement and job satisfaction, opion on work processes and safety, and find out employee attitude on compensation etc.

Which administrative task should an HR manager delegate to an HR assistant? A. Creating career development plans (strategic) B. Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations (operational) C. Reconciling benefits D. Conducting interviews (operational)

C. Reconciling benefits Reconciling benefits is a transactional activity, which is an administrative task. Conducting interviews and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations are both operational tasks. Creating career development plans is a strategic function of HR.

CSR ? Also, what is the international standard/certification called that creates key themes and definitions for sustainability CSR?

Corporate Social Responsibility: a business's concern for society's welfare; an organization's commitment to operating ethically and agreeing to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of their workforce, families, and the local and global community The ISO 26000 is the international quality standard that provides key themes and definitions of social responsibility; the ISO 26000 is intended to help orgs with sustainability efforts

What are the 6 steps to implement a CSR strategic process? T or F: The CSR strategic process is almost identical to the steps required to implement other strategic process in the organization.

CSR Strategic Process 1. Executive Commitment/buy-in 2. assessment 3. infrastructure creation 4. plan implementation 5. measurement, reporting, and evaluation 6. reassessment and revision True

Human capital value added (HCVA) demonstrates the productivity increase as a result of HR activities. How is it calculated?

Calculated by subtracting all nonemployment/non labor expenses from revenue and dividing by the total full-time head count.

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green

Case that established criteria for disparate Treatment.

What are Caux principles ? (HINT: Caux principles are the code of ethics standards: 1. Human dignity & 2. "Kyosei" working together for common good)

Caux principles is one of the EARLIEST/FIRST employer-led efforts to create an internal code of ethics; Caux principles formalized a set of international business standards with two underlying values: human dignity and "Kyosei" Japanese word for ideal living and working together for common good Ethical principles established by international executives based in the city of Caux, Switzerland, in collaboration with business leaders from JAPAN, EUROPE, and the UNITED STATES. = called the Caux Round Table

Which best illustrates the principle of sustainability in the workplace? Changes to a headquarters location are weighed against the effects on stakeholders. Competitive business practices are aligned with local norms in each operating region. Global HR policies are reviewed to make sure they comply with local laws and regulations. The organization implements a flat structure, with few layers of decision-making authority.

Changes to a headquarters location are weighed against the effects on stakeholders. Sustainable workplace policies focus on long-term effects and the integrated needs of people, the environment, and economic needs. Including a careful assessment of a change that would affect a large number of employees and the surrounding communities is sustainable.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has a main focus of prohibiting what?

Child Labor ILO's standards focus on abolishing child labor and instituting child labor provisions; the ILO convention set the age at 15 years old for work eligibility. 13-14 year old can only do light work. Must be 18 years old to do hazardous work

The ___________________ Anti-Trust Act amends the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by prohibiting price fixing/wage fixing; also employers are prohibited from using injunctions to break up strikes.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act: prohibits price fixing

A manager uses his skill with people to smooth over problems and to make his employees feel secure in their positions. According to the Blake-Mouton theory, what leadership style is the manager using? Team management Impoverished management Country club management

Country club management Managers who exhibit low task, high people (country club) leadership styles avoid using their authority because they fear that it will jeopardize relationships with employees. They try to create a supportive atmosphere and trust that employees will respond positively. An authoritarian leader emphasizes task. An impoverished leader neglects both task and people. A team leader attends to needs related to both tasks and people.

The belief that the culture we are raised in determines emotional and behavioral levels; behavior is influenced by cultural factors rather than biological factors. What is this called?

Cultural Determinism: The belief that the culture we are raised in determines emotional and behavioral levels; Behavior is influenced by cultural factors rather than biological factors

The idea that human beliefs and activities are RELATED to one's culture, and so people should not judge what is "right" and "wrong" since what is correct or incorrect is established by that specific culture

Cultural Relativism

Which sections of the balanced scorecard include measures that directly impact financial results? Activity and results Strategic and tactical Short-term and long-term Customer and operations

Customer and operations Operations measures lead to customer or external measures, which in turn relate to financial results. The former measures are leading indicators; Financial results are Lagging indicators.

What is an example of an upside risk?

Example: a team finishes a project 2 weeks ahead of schedule An upside risk is an opportunity that arises out of uncertainty about outcomes. Completion date is uncertain, but early project completion is an opportunity: an uncertainty that has a positive outcome.

Which action would an organization take during the strategy formulation phase (phase 1)? A. Create an effective organizational structure B. Conduct feedback focus groups C. Prepare budgets for forecasted projects D. Decide on the org's mission

D. Decide on the org's mission D. Decide on the org's mission (phase 1 formulation) While all of these actions play a role in strategic planning, they do not all take place during strategy formulation, which is the first phase of the strategic planning process. This phase of the process is dedicated to the development of a mission statement, vision, and values, which guide the rest of the strategic planning process and the activities to come. The remaining activities take place in the 2.development, 3.implementation, and 4.evaluation phases.

diaspora reverse innovation

Diaspora: people from emerging economies are leaving for developed economies. People leaving their home countries but sending money home (brain drain). Reverse innovation- refers to innovation by an emerging-economy market and then innovation is imported to the developed-economy markets; it reverses the typical pattern of innovation in which products are developed in rich countries and sold afterwards

Direct remuneration vs. Indirect remuneration Are benefits direct or indirect? Are perks direct or indirect?

Direct = wages, commissions, and bonus Indirect = benefits, Insurance, perks, vacations

Employee's perceived fairness of inputs and outputs/outcomes; are they getting back as much as they are putting in; is called __________________________ justice.

Distributive Justice: the perceived fairness of an allocation/outcome; how people judge what they receive.

____________________ is defined in the body of competency and knowledge as the qualities, life experiences, personalities, education, skills, competencies, and collaboration of the many types of people who are necessary to propel an organization to success.


Staff have been reluctant to share on-the-job experiences with coworkers. HR wants to update all job descriptions to reflect the expectation that this should take place. How can HR assess that this change has been successfully implemented? A. management rewards distributed B. meeting attendance C. peer evaluations D. performance evaluations

D. performance evaluations HR professionals play a key role in fostering knowledge management. They instill a knowledge-sharing attitude in new employees and use training and performance management systems to encourage creativity, innovation, and knowledge transfer.

Data _______________ encourages the development of a curious mindset and modeling evidence based decision making.

Data Advocacy: encourages the development of a curious mindset and modeling evidence based decision making.

What are the three well-known Public/Federal Contractor Laws and Acts that fall under compensation laws?

Davis Bacon Act- applies to fed CONSTRUCTION contractors in Excess of $2,000 to pay min wage/benefits and requires document retention of workers Walsh Healy Act- applies to fed contractors who are Manufactures with contracts over $15,000; they must pay min wage/benefits, follow health and safety, Document injuries McNamara-Ohara Service Contract Act - $2500 contract means they need to pay min wage/benefits; if contract over $100k then they must also pay OVERTIME

What is Dedicated HR? (pg. 24-27 Organization book) What type of HR is best for an organization with multiple business units?

Dedicated HR: HR structural alternative that allows orgs with different Strategies in multiple Units to apply HR expertise to each unit's specific strategic needs; corporate HQ develops the HR tools, HR values, and programs to enhance global literacy and leader development and then the business units HR staff develop LOCAL policies and practices Dedicated HR = is when HR staff are dedicated to geographic/location/business unit and they listen to corporate HQ for tools and programs Advantages of Dedicated HR: - promotes strategic alignment between HQ and units - each business unit/location has its own HR Disadvantages of Dedicated HR: - isolation of dedicated HR units leads to loss of shared knowledge; may lead to Duplication and inefficiency Shared Services = leads to cost savings

An organization is moving from employees working in silos to a team environment. Which corporate social responsibility activity best supports this initiative? Employee volunteerism Outside training Team Building Joining an internal committee

Employee volunteerism All activities listed will help with employees learning to work within a group, but employee volunteerism is the only one that can be part of a corporate social responsibility activity.


Employees who work outside their home countries.

Which is an accurate statement about employment at-will?

Employement at-will is UNCOMMON in most of the world. Most countries reject the notion of at-will employment, so contracts generally are required, often within a set time frame from the point of hire. Verbal contracts may be accepted in some countries, but many require a written contract or written details of employment. Terms of employment vary greatly from country to country

What does EPLI stand for?

Employement practices liability insurance

What is the HR ROI (Human Capital Return on Investment) calculation?

Employement related expenses divided by Revenue minus nonemployment expenses


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

What are examples of Indirect compensation? what is Indirect compensation? What is direct compensation?

Examples of indirect compensation: Compensatory time off, PTO, company cell phone, company car, insurance, overtime pay Indirect Compensation = compensation that is not paid directly to an employee and is calculated in addition to base salary and incentive pay (e.g., employer-paid portions of health/dental/vision insurance, retirement benefits, educational benefits, relocation expenses, employee paid time off); compensatory time off is considered Indirect compensation. Direct Compensation = cash recognition and achievement awards (gift cards), overtime pay, and cash bonuses are all considered direct compensation.

Which Exec Order is about EEO, affirmative action, and prohibits discrimination for fed contractors?

Exec Order 11246

Which executive order was signed by President Johnson as a way to stimulate the implementation of the employement provisiion in the Civil Rights Act, Title 7 and required covered employers to establish AA outreach programs for minorities and women?

Executive Order 11246 - Affirmative Action ; AAP fight procedural justice laws and lead to reservation of spots and required hiring quotas and other special considerations for certain groups

A __________ interview can alert HR about revising their staffing plan by showing and informing them of why people are leaving.

Exit interview can ALERT hr about why people are leaving and then HR can adapt their staffing plan.

Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)

Expected monetary loss every time a risk occurs; calculated by multiplying asset value by exposure factor.

Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE)

Expected monetary loss for an asset due to a risk over a one-year period; calculated by multiplying single loss expectancy by annualized rate of occurrence.

Heider's attribution theory

Explaining one's behavior by crediting the situation they are in to the person's character ; internal factors are under control of individual and the external factors are beyond their control

What type of analytical task would be best served by online analytical processing (OLAP)? Exploring the types of variables that may be affecting attendance rates Identifying how many employees have quit in each functional area Trying to establish a declining trend in the use of a wellness program Proving the cost-effectiveness of purchasing an HR application

Exploring the types of variables that may be affecting attendance rates OLAP allows the analyst to sort data quickly in different ways, according to different and multiple VARIABLES. A conventional relational database would be sufficient to identify a trend in one factor or numbers in different departments. A cost-effectiveness analysis could be done on a spreadsheet.

What is an F1 visa? What is a B-1 visa? What is an L-1 visa (think expat)? What is an O Visa?

F1 Visa is a student visa B-1 visa - is a business visitor visa; attending a seminar or negotiating contract L-1 visa - is a company Expat or Inpat visa; aliens who work for a foreign employer are transferred to work for a parent company O visa - is for EXTRAORDINARY people in arts, sciences, education, athletics

T or F: Compliance is a set of behavioral guidelines an organization expects all to follow. Ethics is based on laws and regulations and allows for adherence to the letter of the law.

FALSE Ethics is a set of behavioral guidelines an organization expects all to follow. Compliance is based on laws and regulations and allows for adherence to the letter of the law.

T or F: If an employee is fired for gross misconduct, then COBRA coverage can be used for 18-months. The Department of Labor (DOL) and the IRS administer COBRA.

FALSE, employees terminated for gross misconduct are NOT eligible for COBRA. The Department of Labor (DOL) and the IRS do administer COBRA. Termination of employment for any reason OTHER THAN gross misconduct will result in coverage opportunity for up to 18 months.

T or F: Succession planning concentrates on immediate needs and a snapshot assess of available qualified backups for individuals in key positions. Replacement planning helps the continuity of business in short-term (0-12 months).

FALSE. Replacement planning concentrates on immediate needs and a snapshot assess of available qualified backups for individuals in key positions. Replacement planning helps the continuity of business in short-term (0-12 months). Both are apart of the Talent Management phase.

T or F: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act amended the FCRA in 2011. The Dodd Frank act requires credit score to be provided to the applicant and the name of the reporting credit agency that ran the report. Also, this act requires companies to report CEO pay compared to average employee pay; AND protects whistleblowers if they report corruption

FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act)


Fair Labor Standards Act US act that establishes min wage, overtime pay, youth employment, record keeping standards affecting full/part time employees in private, public, and federal sector

What does FUTA stand for?

Federal Unemployment Tax Act

What is the first step in conflict resolution?

First step in conflict resolution is "Acknowledging that an opposing view exists"

A __________ __________ diagram is a cause and effect diagram that compares SEVERAL variables that can affect an outcome. The problem or effect is displayed at the head or mouth of the _______

Fish Bone = diagram is a cause and effect diagram that compares SEVERAL variables that can affect an outcome. If you make determinations, then you can plot two variables in a scatter plot. Fish bone diagram explores serval variable in depth. The problem or effect is displayed at the head or mouth of the fish. The fish bone diagram helps with root cause analysis.

If there is no legal stipulations around discipline procedures, then Constructive/Progressive Discipline steps should be followed. What are the 5 steps in Constructive/Progress Discipline?

Five steps of Constructive/Progress Discipline 1. Verbal Counseling, open dialogue 2. First formal warning 3. Second warning (this is optional, some systems do not required a second warning) 4. Final warning - should include a deadline for improvement; employee should sign off on the warning 5. Discharge, demotion, termination 6. The FINAL STEP is to check back on the employee a few months later to ensure there is no retaliation occurring

The HR manager detected a higher number of employees leaving within the first 30 days. After conducting exit surveys, the HR manager determined that new hires weren't receiving sufficient training and did not feel part of the team. What action should the HR manager and supervisor take to improve retention? Offboarding Orientation Formal onboarding Informal onboarding

Formal Onboarding: allows for dedicated training for the first few months Creating a formal onboarding program for the department will allow new hires to receive dedicated training beyond the first 30 days to help them succeed in the position. In informal onboarding, new hires learn about the job on their own. This would not be the best practice, given the lack of training. Orientation happens within the new hires' first day or two of work and introduces them to the organization. Offboarding is the formal practice of ensuring a smooth transition as an employee leaves the company.

Workplace violence is recognized as a hazard within the healthcare industry, and employers must abate the hazard. OSHA relies on the _____________ ___________ ______________ for enforcement. This basic guideline for enforcement is used since for situations that do not have a specific safety standard that can be followed.

General Duty Clause: This basic guideline for enforcement is used since for situations that do not have a specific safety standard that can be followed.


Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 US act prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health insurance; GINA applies to Employers with 15 or MORE EMPLOYEES

Before administering a survey, you should first....

Get executive commitment and then communicate the purpose to the employees

local responsiveness (globalization)

Globalization strategy that emphasizes adapting to the needs of local markers and allows for subsidiaries to develop unique products, structures, and systems downstream approach; decentralized; multidomestic is the strategy that has the highest local responsiveness

Giving a "stay bonus" to retain top executives during times of change, is also called a golden _________________.

Golden Life Jacket: stay bonus for top exectutives

Which method is initially used to resolve disputes regarding interpretation of a clause in a current union contract?

Greivance Procedures

Which feature should HR incorporate into a pre-employment test for a position that requires a high degree of accuracy, with any mistakes by the incumbent being dangerous? Fairness evidence High reliability Environmental factors High validity

High validity Validity indicates that there is linkage between test performance and job performance-that the test is measuring what it is intended to measure. A selection tool that offers high validity is important, because hiring an unqualified worker for this position would present a risk and the potential for a costly situation. Validity is most important. a VALID test is ALWAYS RELIABLE/CONSISTENT.

Which metric would most accurately show the effect of the investment in an HR change initiative to increase employee productivity? Return on investment Human capital value added Success ratio Training return on investment

Human capital value added The human capital value-added metric shows growth in employee productivity. It is calculated by subtracting nonemployment expenses (e.g., materials, rent, utilities) from revenue, and dividing the difference by the number of employees. A value should be established at the beginning of the initiative so that a later value can be compared with it to show effect.

What are the basic steps in crisis management planning and readiness? Crisis management process should be linked to the Business Continuity plan and org goals.

Identify risks, develop plan, test and drill, evaluate. The basic steps = identifying and analyzing risks (e.g., a pandemic), planning to manage the possible outcomes if the risk event occurs (e.g., cross-training and remote work procedures), testing and drilling (e.g., a table-top exercise in which a department's plan is "invoked" and examined for effectiveness, thoroughness, and employee understanding), and evaluation of the plan to improve its effectiveness and applicability to emerging threats).

OSHA prioritized _______________ danger inspections because they are highly likely to occur and cause death or injury.

Imminent Danger: these inspections are prioritized because they are highly likely to occur and cause injury or death

What phase of the strategic planning process addresses creation of business objectives and producing positive results?

Implementation phase - objectives are aligned with overall strategic goals

Exchange Visitors: J-1 visa? Q Visas?

J-1 visas = are for government approved exchange visitor programs. This visa applies to exchange programs, nannys, students, teachers. **** J-1 Visas are exchange program visas managed and designated by the DEPARTMENT OF STATE **** Q visas = are also for cultural exchange program visitors

At which point in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategic process should a global organization decide on using local leadership? Assessment Infrastructure creation Plan implementation Executive commitment

Infrastructure creation The infrastructure creation step involves creating the infrastructure that will be responsible for guiding, overseeing, administering, reviewing, and championing the CSR strategy. For a global corporation, that includes determining whether local departments, divisions, or individuals will be responsible for local efforts and how these will coordinate with global goals and initiatives.

Which is the primary advantage of using a balanced scorecard approach to measure organizational performance? It does not require a financial perspective. It takes less time and effort to gather critical data. It requires the involvement of the entire organization. It allows organizations to assess intangibles.

It allows organizations to assess intangibles. A balanced scorecard approach focuses on finance, customers, internal processes, and learning and growth. Therefore, it goes beyond a traditional financial approach to managing the organization. It takes into consideration such intangibles as whether a business process has been improved or employees have learned new skills. It can be used in a single department or throughout the organization.

NLRB vs. Weingarten

Landmark 1975 U.S. labor relations case that dealt with the right of a unionized employee to have another person/representative present during certain Investigatory Interviews.

Which tier contains applications that use information data to perform operations? Logic tier Data tier (data storage) Communications tier Presentation tier (user interface)

Logic tier The logic tier contains the applications that use information from the data tier (databases, stored data) to perform operations (e.g., applicant tracking software, project management systems).

What factors contribute to cost leadership? What are economies of scale?

Low-Cost Leadership Factors: - creating economies of scale ( economies of scale occur when cost savings result from high/increased levels of mass production; a merger may lead to an economy of scale), by which cost decreases with every increase in output - sharing knowledge - redesigning processes to ensure they are efficient -lowering operating costs - adjusting capacity to demand -creating a supportive workforce Walmart and Amazon are examples of Low Cost Leadership strategies economies of scales as an advantage of a Product Organizational structure.

A company plans to implement a new performance evaluation tool within the next couple of months. Which stakeholder group should explain the detailed change to the employees? HR, since it was instrumental in developing the new tool Consulting firm, since there will most likely be resistance to this change Managers, since they will be implementing and sustaining the changes Senior leadership, since this is a company-wide initiative

Managers, since they will be implementing and sustaining the changes

What skill could most improve an HR function's ability to manage change? Knowledge of current job descriptions Understanding of strategic implications Evaluation Mastery of complex communication means

Mastery of complex communication means proficiency in COMMUNICATION is most important because it is key to involving the members of the organization in the change, engaging their support of the change, and initiating conversations that can improve the change initiative and increase employees' understanding of what is required for the success of the initiative.

The McKinsey 7-S Framework is a way to analyze org change based on 7 elements that mutually reinforce each other:

McKinsey's 7-S model shows these interconnected elements: 1. Style - org culture and norms 2. Skills 3. Systems - processes 4. Structure - relationships between authority 5. Staff 6. Strategy 7. Shared values - aka "Superordinate Goals"

Occupational illness

Medical Condition or Disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.

Total organization compensation expense metric

Metric that helps manage human capital costs. (Salary + OT + benefits + bonus) / (total operating costs)

What is MSHA????????

Mine Safety and Health Administration

Which statement specifies activities an organization intends to pursue along with the direction management has chose to follow for the future?

Mission statement statement of strategy and activities a company plans to pursue and the direction it will take that sets it apart from other organizations

Reasonable Accommodation

Modifying job application process, work environment, or circumstances under which job is performed to enable a qualified individual with a disability to be considered for the job and perform its essential functions.

What best describes the population of the employee workforce that is protected under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA/Wagner Act)? Nonunion Nonsupervisory Supervisory Union

Nonsupervisory Nonsupervisory employees are covered under the NLRA. Supervisory employees are considered management. Both Union and Nonunion employees are protected by the NLRA. (It is a common mistake for many employers to believe that only unionized employees are covered.)

head count

Number of people on an organization's payroll at a particular moment in time.

What is the OECD? (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development = OECD guidelines boost and expand TRADE) What is the NPC (national point of contact)?

OECD countries have high human development indexes; OECD provides guidelines for responsible business conduct (human rights, environment, etc.); The OECD enables countries to Address concerns on globalization and provides recommendations; The OECD guidelines are more detailed the the principles of the UN global compact Each OECD country has a National Point of contact handles inquiries, helps resolve issues and provide mediation, helps assist; the NPC PROMOTES the OECD guidelines

What was the first national policy for workplace safety and heath for the US?



OSHA = administation/agency OSH Act = law that applies to employers with 10 or more employees; US act that established the first national policy for workplace safety and health continues to deliver standards that employers must meet to guarantee health and safety of their employees

Which responsibility, as classified by Carroll's CSR theory, is a company fulfilling when it offers employees the opportunity to do nonprofit volunteer work for up to a year while the company provides a portion of the employee's salary? What are the 4 parts of Carroll's CSR theory/pyramid?

Philanthropy Carroll's CSR theory includes: 1. Philanthropy/be a good corporate citizen (at the top of the pyramid) 2. Ethics 3. Legal compliance 4. Economic/be profitable Carroll's CSR theory helps companies think holistically about CSR

hostile environment harassment

Occurs when sexual or other discriminatory conduct is so severe and pervasive that it interferes with an individual's performance; creates an intimidating, threatening, or humiliating work environment; or perpetuates a situation that affects the employee's psychological well-being.

__________________ means getting work done in a different country. Relocating processes or production to a subsidiary or third party affiliate.

Offshoring this is DIFFERENT from outsourcing

Which act was signed by President Bill Clinton and led to compensation limits on qualified retirement plans and triggered increase in nonqualified retirement plans?

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act: This act also established requirements for health plans for adopted children, requires tax deductions for executive pay to capped at $1million per year, requires group health support for qualified court orders

Phillips v Martin Marietta Corp (title VII - sex discrimination)

Phillips v Martin Marietta Corp was one of the first cases to apply SEX Discrimination provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Phillips v Martin Marietta Corp set this precedent: an employer may not refuse to hire women with pre-school aged children while hiring men with such children

What does OECD stand for? What is it?

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The OECD is an intergovermental economic org with 37 member countries who commit to improving global trade and economic conditions OECD guidelines state that each member country should have a National Contact Point (NCP) The OECD guidelines are the ONLY comprehensive guidelines for corporate conduct endorsed by Governments

An organization has four generations working side-by-side in the workplace. Which practice could alleviate management concerns that intergenerational tensions and a lack of camaraderie could undermine organizational success?

Organizational success often depends on contributions from employees of all ages and the open sharing of knowledge and experience that will help prepare future organizational leaders. Succession planning can promote productive relationships, employee motivation, collaboration, and leadership development.

Which process INITIALLY helps an employee become familiar with a new job, department, and coworkers? Onboarding (2-3 months) Orientation (1-2 days) Relocation Integration

Orientation: is the process where an employee gets familiar with the new job, dept, and coworkers Orientation generally lasts one to two days and helps the employee develop a realistic image of the organization and/or the job. Onboarding encompasses orientation as well as the first months of an employee's tenure in a position. Onboarding: Fostering organizational relationships and providing frequent opportunities for open discussions; helping the employee navigate the culture

When does pay compression occur? What is pay compression?

Pay compression can occur if the labor market, inflation, or some other reason causes market pay increases to rise faster than the employer's pay adjustments Pay compression, or salary compression, describes situations where there is only a small difference in pay between employees regardless of their experience, skills, level, or seniority.

Which is a valuable insight that can be gained from studying the sender-receiver communication model (the basic communication model)? If the receiver objects to the sender's message, the sender needs to explain it again in a new way. People's perspectives have a strong impact on how messages are understood. Natural communication flow requires thinking of how to respond as the other person is speaking. Communication breakdowns almost always occur on the receiver's end.

People's perspectives have a strong impact on how messages are understood.

Executive compensation/stock option: page 358 Exec perqs/Non qualified pension plan:

Phantom stock - example of this is Love's Shares program. phantom/shadow stock is a common program for privately held companies; Cash awards MIMIC shares of stock (pg. 358) Nonqualified plans are retirement plans; generally used to provide high-paid executives with an additional retirement savings option. This is considered a Perk/Perq.

essential functions

Primary job duties that a qualified individual must be able to perform, either with or without reasonable accommodation.

What are three key reasons why diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives require full-fledged, organization-wide efforts? Organizational alignment, compliance, brand reputation Demographic dichotomy, hyperconnectivity, cultural sensitivity Cultural stereotypes, diaspora, dilemma reconciliation (Process of charting a course through cultural differences) Priority, complexity, resistance

Priority, complexity, resistance D&I initiatives are resource-intensive because of priority, complexity, and resistance. To be a strategic priority, D&I must be aligned with core business goals; otherwise, it will always have a lower priority than more immediate concerns. Because of the complexity of the D&I problem, initiatives require a strategic, organization-wide solution. Achieving D&I initiatives requires major organization-wide change that can be problematic and challenging.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Procedural document designed to assist employers in complying with fed regulations prohibiting discrimination The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures: describe the federal government's position on how tests should be used in making employment decisions which are consistent with federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws tests must be VALID/RELEVANT and business necessity must be proven


Process by which a retirement benefit becomes non-forfeitable.


Process by which an organization moves an employee out of an international assignment; can involve moving back to the home country, moving to a different global location, or moving to a new location or position in the current host country.

Assesement Center

Process by which job candidates or employees are evaluated to determine suitability and/or readiness for employment, training, promotion or an assignment.

Organizational Development (hint: planned interventions)

Process of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.

In the balanced scorecard approach to strategic management, which action does the customer value most? Designing clear long-range objectives Analyzing employee ability to accomplish goals Providing quality goods and services Monitoring processes to ensure satisfactory outcomes

Providing quality goods and services The balanced scorecard measures an organization from four perspectives. The customer perspective captures the ability of the organization to provide quality goods and services, the effectiveness of their delivery, and overall customer service and satisfaction.

Push and Pull are the two factors that influence globalization. What is a push factor? What is a pull factor?

Push factors- Force the company to react and then globalize; examples of this: there is a need for new markets, there is increased competition, the gov't policies are hurting the business examples of push factors: cost pressures, competition, talent supply and other resources, trade agreements, government policies PUSH/force the orgs to globalize Pull factor- pulls an organization toward change because they expect greater value through globalization; i.e. greater strategic control; new trade agreements

Push training vs Pull training

Push training: is instructor-driven; forced training such as sexual harrassment training Pull training: is learner-driven/bottom up approach, uses blended or online learning to encourage and attract learners; quick and easy access to continuous learning

What type of data is OBJECTIVE measurements that can be verified and used in statistical analysis? What is the term for SUBJECTIVE evaluation of actions, feelings, or behaviors?

Quantitative data = Objective Quantitiative data = Subjective evaluation of actions or behaviors.

What is RACI? How does RACI help when a matrix org structure is at play?

RACI = responsible, accountable, consult, and inform RACI helps people better define their roles and responsibilities of each member within the matrix/crossfuncational structure

How do you calculate ROI?

ROI = Gain from investment minus Cost of Investment divided by Cost of Investment or ROI = Net Income divided by Cost of Investment

Which of the following is a notable provision of the DOL's Electronic Guidelines for Data Storage? All records must be backed up by a paper copy that is stored separately from the primary storage location. Software must feature dual factor authentication security for user login processes. Records must be convertible into readable paper copy to satisfy obligations under Title I of ERISA. Software systems must satisfy requirements as laid out by the Advanced Encryption Standards.

Records must be convertible into readable paper copy to satisfy obligations under Title I of ERISA. Under the DOL guidelines, records must be readily convertible into legible and readable paper copy to satisfy obligations that may arise under Title I of ERISA. It is crucial to use adequate safety practices, though, as technology changes, best practices will evolve as well. Paper copies of records that are not transferable to electronic storage systems may be required, but retaining paper copies of every record is not required.

sit-down strike

Refusal by workers to work; also refusal by workers to leave their workstations which makes it impossible for the employer to use replacement workers.

This type of statistical forecast can project future demands based on past employment level and MULTIPLE variables (eg. relationship between sales and the # of employees).

Regression Analysis: is the type of statistical forecast that can project future demands based on past employment level and MULTIPLE variables (eg. relationship between sales and the # of employees).

What is a remuneration survey?

Remuneration surveys, the global terminology for compensation and benefit surveys, are used to collect information on prevailing market compensation and benefit practices. This type of survey allows an organization to check its remuneration structures against global and local trends.

According to the sender-receiver communication model, how should an HR manager respond to a message from a stakeholder who express disagreement in a meeting with something the HR manager said?

Repeat back what the stakeholder said in a different way ; repeating back restarts the communication loop and then the stakeholder can confirm or correct by rephrasing

How does replacement planning differ from succession planning?

Replacement planning ensures the continuity of business operations; succession planning provides deep bench strength throughout the organization and is INTERNAL recruiting

Which function has the highest potential to increase future revenue? Research and development Marketing and sales Operations Information technology

Research and development Research and development is responsible for new product design and development, and sales of those products/services will create future revenue. Therefore, robust R&D is required for organizational growth and competitiveness.

__________________________ the act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or the other structures of an org


An organization is measuring its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) by asking how well surveys were conducted, what levels of participation were seen, and what changes should be made to future DE&I metrics. What is a key area of measurement that is missing? Results measures Process measures Bias measures Trend measures

Results measures Gardenswartz and Rowe see measurement as addressing process and results. The question lists a number of process measures but no results measures. An example would be whether the initiative helped reduce turnover.

How is Risk Level defined? What tool measures risk level? How do you calculate Risk Level?

Risk Level is the relationship between probability of occurrence compared with the magnitude of impact. The tool that measures this is the Risk Matrix. Risk Level = probability of occurrence *times* magnitude of impact

What is the difference between risk appetite and risk tolerance?

Risk appetite is the amount of risk an organization is willing to accept to achieve its objectives. Risk tolerance is the acceptable deviation from the organization's risk appetite

What is a risk register? question 18 on practice exam What is a risk scorecard? What is the Risk prioritization matrix (PAPA model)?

Risk register - documents information and responsibility for managing specific risks; you can put risk in chronological order with a risk register Risk scorecard - is a tool to gather individual assessments of various risks by their characteristics i.e. frequency of occurrence, degree of impact, loss, or gain for organization Risk prioritization matrix PAPA - uses the data from the risk matrix and displays it in four quadrants (prepare, act, park, and address - PAPA model), representing the likelihood and speed of change in order to document recommended actions

What are safe habor provisions regarding compesation laws?

Safe harbor provisions protect employers who apply improper deductions from pay checks. As long as the employer clearly communicated the issue and was doing the work in good faith.

Someone who is hired and has a tactic focused on organizing a union, what is this situation called?

Salting = the tactic of getting a job so you can organize a union

What is the first step in the selection process to minimize the possibility of a bad hire?

Selection Process 1. screen all candidates (ensures that only the most qualified applicants move on to the interview stage) 2. Interview 3. assess and compare 4. select and job offer It is important to optimize the effectiveness of the employment process. This can begin with a screening process to ensure that only the most qualified applicants are interviewed and further assessed. Advertising is a step in the recruiting process to generate the applicant pool. Posting the job internally also is meant to generate applicants Reviewing exit interview forms may help discover organizational issues but has little relevance to the first step in the selection process.

Sequential vs Synchronic (Tropenaar's and Hampden-Turner's Dilemmas and global HR)

Sequential: US; planners; keep appointments, see time as linear and important part of life Synchronic: Spain; flexible, accommodate delays; see time as large enough to accommodate many activities

Payroll, Employee data management, Benefit and leave administration, Pension administration, Relocation services (international and domestic), HRIS, Recruiting operations, Learning programs, Reporting and analytics and common business services aka ________________ services.

Shared Services

______________________ _________________ HR model is an HR structure in which centers with specific areas of expertise develop policies in those areas and each unit can select what it needs from a menu of services.

Shared Services HR Model

______________________ are representations of real situations; give an organization the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if certain courses of action were pursued. These are also know as "what if" scenarios. They take place during the Demand analysis forecast.

Simulations (aka "what if" scenarios) Simulations are good for leadership development and they take place in the staffing Demand Analysis step of workforce analysis.

What is the principal-agent problem (agency dilemma) employee makes poor decisions and the results affect them employer pg.74 risk mgt

Situation in which an agent (e.g., an employee) makes decisions for a principal (e.g., an employer/princpal) potentially on the basis of personal incentives that may not be aligned with the principal's incentives. this is an economic concept often associated with a moral hazard (insurance example); to prevent this dilemma employers should make usr that both parties incentives are ALIGNED

Joint employment/co-employment

Situation in which an organization shares responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as co-employment.

In a computer context, tricking a user into sharing information that can then be used to access systems. What is this called?

Social Engineering - tricking a user into sharing information that can then be used to access systems online; Social engineering includes phishing, fake emails/ecards, phony popups or security alerts, etc.

________________ engineering in a computer contact is tricking a user into sharing info that can then be used to access systems: Phishing, Fake emails, Click this link scams are examples

Social engineering

Specific vs. Diffuse (Tropenaar's and Hampden-Turner's Dilemmas and global HR - pg. 190)

Specific: strong boundary between public life and private life Diffuse: Life divided into public and private vs. life undifferentiated

Prudent person rule

States that a fiduciary of a plan covered by the U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act has legal and financial obligations not to take more risks when investing employee benefit program funds than a reasonably knowledgeable, prudent investor would under similar circumstances.

What is the first step in the ADDIE method? What is the second step in ADDIE? What is the third step in ADDIE?

Step 1 - Assessment: Identify the instructional Goal. then prioritize needs. Step 2 - Design: Identify learning Objectives, formative Measures, Desired Behavioral results. Objectives are aligned with the overall Goal. Action Mapping to determine what activities and materials needed: case studies, role play, etc and to prevent info dumping Step 3 - Development: Formative Evaluation process can now start because you have created the measures. The Pilot Tests take place!

What is the first step/element for creating a job description?

Step one is a JOB ANALYSIS so that you can build a Job Specification and determine the essential functions, minimum qualifications, ensure compliance with local laws, licenses and certifications

The vice president of operations has asked the chief human resources officer (CHRO) to determine the risk levels across the organization's three offices. With the help of the HR team, the CHRO conducts surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect data. During which phase of the risk management process are these activities occurring? a. Analyzing risks b. Evaluating/valuing/prioritizing risks c. Identifying risks d. Managing risks

Surveys, interviews, and focus groups are methods used to identify risks. The organization must first identify the risks so that they can be analyzed, evaluated/prioritized, and then managed and continually monitored.

Workforce Analysis (is a systematic approach)

Systematic Approach to anticipate human capital needs and data HR professionals can use to ensure that appropriate knowledge, skills, or abilities will be available when needed to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. The FIRST STEP in the workforce analysis is Strategic Focus and Supply Analysis (assessing current capabilities and doing a workforce profile).

Theory of Constraints (TOC project management methodology)

TOC is a Lean methodology; a systematic management approach that focuses on actively managing those constraints and "bottle necks"that impede a firm's progress toward its goal; identify the constraint then limit and eliminate it; this is an iterative process that then moves on to the identifiying the next "bottle neck"/"weakest link" a flow chart, or fishbone diagram may be helpful with visualizing the constraints

How do you calculate a compa-ratio? (compa ratio = salary divided by midpoint then times 100)

Take the actual salary and divide by the midpoint of the range and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Which term is best described as traditionally higher-level leadership responsibilities being transferred to leaders at lower levels? Leadership training Task migration Delegation Job expansion

Task Migration

Several employees approach the HR director to express concerns about which bathroom the transitioning employee should use. Which action should the HR director take?

Tell the transitioning employee to use whichever bathroom is preferable to the employee.

Fair Credit Reporting Act 1970

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street act amended the FCRA and now disclosure is required before taking adverse action

What are the 4 steps/tasks to organization strategic planning (strategic planning = long-term goal setting and designing a path)? What is a divestiture strategy ("pruning"), and at what phase does this occur? What are the critical success factors for strategic planning?

The Four Steps in org Strategic Planning: 1. Formulation = the first step is creating the organization's mission, then vision, and values/principles that guide behaviors. Then environmental scanning can be completed (SWOT, PESTLE, scenario/what if analysis); HR will also align their long-term goals, they will use a balanced scorecard to identify KPI based on the balanced scorecard approach, set SMARTER goals, use Benchmarking to help set goals; During the Formulation Step strategically aligned goals/objectives are set and specific KPs are identified, and metrics are selected 2. Development - during development phase the org should apply its former analysis and consider its vision so they can develop/analyze/risk assess options on how to get there. Examine Cost Leadership, Differentiation, vs Focused strategy; Examine the Growth Strategy options: joint ventures, M&As, franchising, Turnkey operation, greenfield operation, brownfield operation/repurposing an operation, divestitures, etc. - Divestiture is what drives Growth Strategy/goals. Divestiture cut away parts of the organization that are underperforming. This occurs during the development phase. HR must ensure key employees are retained and communicated with. Steps for Divesting: 1. identify the candidate/area of the subsidiary 2. identify a target buyer for the subsidiary 3. restructure: the parent company should prepare the subsidiary for its new identity and HR will design incentives and offers 4. Execute the deal, transition service agreement, and HR can help with the transition 3. Implementation - implement the tactics; determine METRICS, the process of strategic management/actions occurs, HR should align Budgets with the strategy; Communication of strategy, Manage initiatives and go through project stages (planning, execute, closing of project); 4. Evaluation- measuring strategic performance, KPIs; effectiveness, efficiency, impact; communicate strategic results by using Bar charts/histograms, Pareto charts, a scattergram, tree diagram to show possible causes To be successful with strategic planning: - it is critical to have alignment across the organization at all levels - it is critical to control DRIFT and respond to changes/adapt -it is critical to focus on core competencies, the strengths, vision of the company


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1933 = allows employees to take time off from work for family or medical reasons. The FMLA requires employers that have 50 or MORE employees to provide employees with up to 12weeks of unpaid family or medical leave during any 12-month period. Employee must have worked 1,250 hours

If a new learning and development is having trouble building trust and credibility among her older and tenured team. What should she do? Should she wait around for her fellow employees to get to know her before she can implement change? How can the L&D speicliast build relationships with her colleagues?

The L&D specialist should focus on developing relationships with HR's internal customers in this area, the functional managers. the specialist should ask a well-liked and respected colleague in the department to mentor her for the next year.

McNamara-Ohara Service Contract Act

The McNamara-Ohara Service Contract Act applies to fed contractors on prime contracts/contracts that have a project owner in EXCESS of $2,500 ; requires employers to pay employees NO LESS than LOCAL Wage and Benefits/min wage If the contract is OVER $100,000 then the workers are entitled to receive OVERTIME pay from the federal contractor

What is RACI helpful for? What does it stand for?

The RACI charts helps team members establish clarirty around assignment activities. The RACI chart is helpful when the org is restructuring and introducing new activities/processes. responsible, accountable, consulting , informing person

What is SA8000? What is its significance?

The SA8000 is the Social Accountability standard is the international standard that focus on human rights and labor relations; encourages companies to have acceptable practices in the workplace. The United Nations Global Compacts expands on social accountability and the UNGC has ten principles. COMPANIES CAN RECIEVE an Social Accountability CERTIFICATION.

self-determination theory (SDT)

The Self-Determination Motivation Theory emphasizes: 1. Autonomy: need to be in control of one's actions and ideas 2. Competence: need to complete and excel at difficult tasks 3. Relatedness/Affiliation: need to feel accepted and wanted in relationships 4. Purpose

Which act helps taxpayers lower their tax payments during retirement and created new savings programs called Roth IRAs and Education IRAs?

The Taxpayer Relief Act

What is Uniformed Services Employment and Remployment Rights Act (USERRA)? How many years of military leave are provided?

The Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act- Assists service members in getting jobs back after deployment. provides instructions for handling employees who are in the reserves and receive orders to report for active duty 5 years of military leave are covered under USERRA


after recruitment starts and candidates apply to the position, then we evaluate the most suitable candidate and select them for the position

T or F: In the third stage of the workforce analysis, gap analysis occurs. Gap analysis is the third step which includes comparing the internal needs with external forces, such as prevailing market conditions, costs, and labor availability, that could affect the chosen solution.


T or F: OED change Interventions are also called "structure activities"


T or F: OSHA does NOT need to give notice when coming to inspect. However, IF they do notify managers, then they must also notify the union (if there is a union present).


T or F: Social Security, COBRA Unemployment insurance, worker's compensation insurance, health plans under the PPACA are examples of statutory benefits or mandatory benefits.


T or F: Transnational corporations focus glocalization. Transnational companies are defined as parent entities that control assets of affiliated entities in foreign companies.


T or F: When a firm tries to enhance and develop local Clusters in the community (schools, suppliers, water, etc.) this creates shared value.


T or F: Windsor and Oberfell were the two court cases that led to DOMA (defense of marriage act) being ruled unconstitutional.


T or F: a No-Fault attendance policy gives negative points to employees and penalizes employees. FMLA cannot be counted as no-fault attendance


T or F: a Total Comp and Benefits Statement provide a dollar value for the total compensation package.


T or F: an employement brand must be able to adapt to local cultures because different countries value different things.


T or F: effective Risk Management strategies promote continuous improvement and higher assurance among stakeholders


T or F: principal (agency) dilemma is similar to a moral hazard.


T or F: the LMRA or Taft Hartley act


True or False: HIPPA is the act that includes/oversees/created COBRA.


T or F: HR uses Histograms/Bar graphs to analyze recruiting methods in terms of employee performance ratings. Histograms show comparisons overtime and shows ONLY 1 variable on the bar chart.

True A histogram can Compare employee performance scores based on hiring source: Referrals, Agency A, Job fairs, Social media. Good when looking at only 1 variable over time.

T or F: Organizational restructuring is a proactive adjustment for meeting changing business needs. What is the first step that should take place before a M&A takes place? What is HR's role?

True The first step is due diligence before the supplier or parter relationship is implemented; due dilligence is the process where HR investigates thoroughly and identify structural issues, technological considerations, financial considerations, and legal issues.

What are managerial estimates (Judgmental Forecasting)?

The most common method of estimating HR workforce demand and needs. Managerial estimates/projections are typically projections made by top management (a top-down approach).

What are the six steps in negotiation?

The six steps in the negotiation process are, 1. preparation, 2. relationship building, 3. information exchange, 4. persuasion, 5. concessions, 6. agreement.

If an employee leaves for another career, employee retires, employee abandons their job then those are examples of _________________ turnover

Voluntary turnover = an employee leaves for another career, employee retires, employee abandons their job

What is the difference between a decision making Decision Tree Diagram and a Fishbone diagram?

The tree diagram looks like a fishbone diagram rotated 45 degrees. However, the tree serves a very different purpose. Unlike a fishbone diagram whose purpose is to go deeper down the list of suspects, the tree diagram is used to narrow down and eliminate possible causes

Blended learning ; is blended learning less expensive than instructor-led?

Training delivery approach that includes a combination of instructor led training, self directed study, and on the job training; studies show that the right mix of learning strategies and combination of delivery may be more effective than a single strategy YES blended learning is CHEAPER

T or F: Ethnocentrism is the idea that one's own culture is superior; Parochialism is when someone is narrow minded; Cultural Stereotypes, Cultural Determinism "the culture made me do it", and Cultural Relativism are all obstacles to cross cultural learning.

These are obstacles to achieving cross-culture understanding. "our way is the best way and we are not interested in other ways of reaching a goal" "there is only one way to solve a problem and reach this goal"

Training vs. Development

Training: upgrading skills of technical and operational employees; solution for short-term skill gap Development: upgrading skills of professionals and managers to prepare them for future responsibilities; developmental activities have a LONG-TERM focus on preparing for future and have a broader scope than training activities

_______________ leadership allows organizations to magnify their impact in chosen areas by influencing other organizations in the industry to adopt their stance, and it may increase brand perception with consumers.

Thought Thought leadership allows organizations to magnify their impact in chosen areas by influencing other organizations in the industry to adopt their stance, and it may increase brand perception with consumers.

What are the key laws of Equal Employment Opportunity?

Title VII of Civil Rights Act, EEO Act of 1972, ADEA (OWBPA), GINA, ADA

Which is the most important reason for a global organization to have a values-based corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy? To be in compliance for local legislation To avoid business scandals To create a foundation to make ethical decisions To build a better corporate brand

To create a foundation to make ethical decisions The values established create the foundation for ethical decisions. Avoiding business scandal, being in compliance, and building a better brand can also be considered reasons, but the values-based CSR strategy is the key to all decisions.

T or F: HR recently expanded into policy development to support operations.


What are the two parts to HR budgets? What is the first thing an HR leader must do when budgeting/allocating resources for strategic business activities? When does budgeting occur in the strategic planning process (Formulation step, Development step, Implementation step, or Evaluation step)?

Two parts to HR budget: 1. operational budget that funds ongoing activities 2. strategic budget that funds projects aligned with the org's strategic goals - when allocating a budget, HR leaders should first compare previous/current activities, and budget allocations with what will be needed to support the organizational strategy. Budget strategic activities/initiatives through the project budget - Budgeting occurs during the 3rd step/Implementation Step and this is when actions and strategic management are occurring

Disparate treatment

Type of discrimination that occurs when an applicant or employee is treated differently because of his or her membership in a protected class. McDonnell Doug Corp vs Green was the court case that established Disparate Treatment/Intentional overt discrimination.

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI)

Type of liability insurance covering an organization against claims by employees, former employees, and employment candidates alleging that their legal rights in the employment relationship have been violated.

quid pro quo harassment

Type of sexual harassment that occurs when an employee is forced to choose between giving in to a superior's sexual demands and forfeiting an economic benefit such as a pay increase, a promotion, or continued employment.

Planning and Implementing Change: What are the three typical approaches of implementing change (hint: cascade, etc.)?

Typical approaches to change: 1. Cascade = top down 2. Progressive = originates at the top and is broadcast very slowly 3. Organic = begins at any point of orgin and radiates unevely

Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972

U.S act that amended Title VII and gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission authority to "back up" implement its administrative findings and conduct its own enforcement litigation.

Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) Also what is the difference with the 45 days rule and 21 days rule?

U.S. act that amended the ADEA to prohibit discrimination for benefits offered to older and younger workers (the benefit offerings MUST be Equal for employees over age of 40); also provided standards that an employee's Waiver of the right to sue for age discrimination must meet in order to be upheld by a court; an INDIVIDUAL needs to have 21 days to review and sign before waiving their rights and if it is a GROUP of employees they need 45 days to review Also, the OWBPA makes it illegal to target older workers for Staff-Cutting programs.

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

U.S. act that prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of national origin or citizenship and establishes penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

U.S. act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Employers should treat pregnant employees the same as employees who have a short-term disability.

National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA)

U.S. acts that expanded FMLA leave for employees with family members who are covered members of the military. they are provided 26 weeks of UNPAID leave

ULP (Unfair labor practice)

ULP is a violation of employee rights that is prohibited under US labor relations statuses

A ____________ - _________ tree is used to map organization level goals to functional/departmental goals. Completing an assessment using this tool ensures that there is a line of sight/sight line with training goals and to make sure training goals support overall Org Strategy.

Value-driver Tree: is used to map organization level goals to functional/departmental goals. Completing an assessment using this tool ensures that there is a line of sight or sight line with training goals.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Varying ways an organization can create value, looking beyond traditional profit measures of revenue and expenses; includes such areas as philanthropy, volunteerism, corporate-sponsored community programs, social change, sustainability, corporate governance, employee rights, and workplace safety.

Which of the following terms describes the impact on an employer when an employee reports an incident of workplace harassment by a supervisor but the supervisor fails to act on it?

Vicarious liability is a legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party. Because of this doctrine, employers are legally responsible for the discriminatory acts of their employees. In cases of sexual harassment, where the harassment does not result in a tangible employment action, this particular standard of vicarious liability is based on two principles: 1) employers have the responsibility to promptly and irrevocably end harassment (sexual or otherwise) through appropriate intervention, including, if necessary, discipline, and 2) employees should be encouraged to take advantage of preventive and corrective opportunities.

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA)

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA) is the US act that prohibits discrimination against specific categories of veterans; requires federal contractors to follow Affirmative Action programs VEVRAA applies to ALL federal contractors with contracts over $100,000 or more VEVRAA is enforced by the OFCCP

An HR Specialist is analyzing salary survey data for the same position across multiple, similarly sized locations to produce an average salary. Which measure will be most useful: unweighted mean, mode, weighted mean, median?

Weighted Mean (because it Levels out the numbers) A weighted mean is more informative because it can take into account different costs of living in each location. A weighted mean in this case would divide the sum of salaries at each location multiplied by the cost-of-living factor for that location by the number of sites. An unweighted mean would sum the wages in all locations and divide by the number of employees. The average salary for the two methods could look very different, depending on the variation in the cost of living. A median salary would be a salary equidistant from the highest and lowest salaries; this would not reflect differences in the cost of living. A mode would be the salary that appears most often in the range; in addition to the cost-of-living issue, the mode could be affected by differences in tenure-for example, a tenured workforce with many employees at the top of the salary range for that position.

mission statement (pg.23 People book, HR Strategy section)

a concise outline of an organization's strategy that specifies actives it intends to pursue and the course that management has charted for the future the mission statement is the 1st step in the strategic planning process, Formulation. The mission statement specifies which activities the org intends to pursue and

A diversity group in an organization that has mentors, sets DEI metrics, and reports to the CEO is called?

a diversity council This is VERY different from an employee resource group

job description

a document that describes a job, its essential functions, and requirements: knowledge, skills, abilities, tasks, reporting structure, and responsibilities

individual development plan

a document that guides an employee toward their goal for professional development and growth. An individual development plan(IDP) is a Career Development tool.


a factor that initiates, directs, and sustains human behavior over time

imposter syndrome

a feeling that one's success is due to luck; can lead individuals to feel unfit for their current role


a form of ADR ; Nonbinding; by which a neutral 3rd party tries to help disputing parties reach an agreement; the mediator establishes a respectful environment for communicating


a lockout is the primary form of industrial action taken by EMPLOYERS to prevent workers from working

What is an Ombudsperson?

a neutral third party from inside or outside company; a person who has the power to investigate reported complaints and help achieve fair settlements; An ombudsperson is a neutral party with LIMITED powers An ombudsperson is usually an expert or specialist. The ombudsperson can investigate the dispute, establish facts, and REFER the matter and evidence to management or to other Forms of ADR. They cannot make decisions.

peer review ADR

a panel of trustworthy employees/coworkers, selected for their ability to remain objective, hears both sides of a dispute in an informal and confidential meeting. Form of ADR other peers listen to both sides and decide solution to issue


a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation; an inclination or predisposition for or against something

work-to-rule collective action

a situation where employees work slowly by performing exactly to the specification/job description

Which of the following is an example of a strategic OD intervention? a. Leadership development b. Total quality management c. A learning organization d. Team-building activities

a. Leadership development

Chosen officer

an ADR option that permits an employee to select an arbitrator from a group of individuals; this allows the employee to feel they have some control

Why would a company use an expatriate instead of one of their host/subsidiary country employees?

an expatriate is used when a talent pool of experienced people is not available in the host country/subsidiary country placing expatriates is expensive, so there has to be a good reason for this option instead of the hiring a local national in the host country


an hr function that acts on the human capital needs identified through workforce planning and attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete the body of work necessary for the organization's success


an organizations debts and financial obligations ; Assets = Liabilities + share holder equity

What potential outcome is associated with the decision to offshore jobs from a developed country? a. Reduced total production costs due to robotics b. Political fallout c. Faster overall time from production to the customer d. Reduced cost savings

b. political fallout When organizations decide to offshore jobs from developed countries, they often face political fallout due to the perception of "shipping jobs overseas" at the expense of home-country workers.

In the last six weeks, the production manager has observed a steady decline in productivity, largely due to an increase in the number of products rejected by quality control. What type of training would be used to solve this problem? a. Individual training b. Skill training c. Task training d. Organizational training

b. skill training

What type of HR audit focuses on strengths and weaknesses of processes and determines alignment with HR and Org goals and strategy? a. function specific b. strategic c. compliance d. best practice

b. strategic

Which act, previously known as the Vocational Rehab Act, requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals who can perform the major job duties without accommodation? a. The Rehab and Vocational Act b. The Vocational Equality Act C. The Rehabilitation Act

c. the Rehabilitation Act The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires covered EMPLOYERS to provide reasonable accommodation for disabled individuals who can perform major job duties without accommodation. Enforcing this act on the federal gov't and gov't contractors comes from the EEOC under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


career development technique that helps with technical skill development to improve talent within an organization; often a partnership between an employer and union

organizational effectiveness

degree to which an organization is successful in executing goals and mission

In the evaluation phase, the _________ evaluation method focuses on how well the training resulted in learning new skills and competencies. a. Reaction b. Learning c. Behavior d. Results

d. Results 1. reaction (measure with surveys) 2. learning (measure with tests of KSAs) 3. behavior (measure with tests, observations, 360- feedback, simulations, etc) 4. results (measure org goals, ROIs)

HR has been asked to target and identify how the organization's strategic plans can be realized over a three-year scope. This will necessitate examining current organizational competencies against those needed in the future and reconciling the differences. Which process should HR recommend to assist the organization in making these determinations? a. Succession planning b. Talent management c. Benchmarking d. Workforce analysis

d. Workforce analysis Workforce analysis would allow HR to mine employee data, evaluate the internal environment, and forecast future external conditions. HR professionals can use the analysis to support and sustain organizational objectives and strategies.

Kotter's 8 steps "the how" for organizational change integrated with Lewin's 3 steps "the what" change model...

during Unfreezing (Lewin) - Current State: 1. Establish a sense of urgency 2. Create the guiding coalition/team 3. Provide a vision and strategy during Moving (Lewin) - Transition State: 4. Over-Communicate the change vision 5. Empower the broad-based action 6. Generate and Ensure short-term wins during Refreezing (Lewin) - New State: 7. Consolidate progress/ gains and produce more change 8. Institutionalize and anchor within the culture

define: encryption

encryption is a security measure that ensures that employee's privacy and personal data is protected


equal treatment of individuals and groups

Occupational injury

injury that results form a work-related accident or exposure involving a single incident in work environment

Balanced Scorecard

helps predict FUTURE performance of the business is a performance management tool that depicts an organization's overall performance as measured against goals, lagging indicators, and leading indicators a leading indicator/inputs informs business leaders of how to produce desired results and business objectives/goals. A leading indicator can predict success in the achievement of strategic goals. a lagging indicator measures current production and performance. While a leading indicator is dynamic but difficult to measure, a lagging indicator is easy to measure but hard to change.

job enlargement

horizontal loading; increasing quantity of tasks, process of broadening a job's scope by adding tasks to the job

Which factor contributes to the economic cost of diversity and inclusion efforts?

increased training As organizations become increasingly diverse, there may be increased training costs related to cultural awareness, communication, and team building. Although poorly managed diversity and inclusion efforts may lead to backlash, employee backlash is not a typical economic cost of diversity and inclusion efforts. There is no evidence that government regulation increases the cost of diversity and inclusion efforts, and government regulations do not require diversity and inclusion initiatives. There is no evidence that diversity and inclusion require increasing the wages of employees.

ADR - What type of alternative dispute resolution system would be most appropriate for a small and young enterprise?

single designated officer A single designated ADR officer can investigate and resolve disputes. When management is committed to fairness, it should have sufficient credibility with its employees to select and empower this individual. vs. Arbitration and mediation both save internal labor and time but involve additional expense; the objectivity of binding arbitration is sometimes questioned if the employer selects the arbitration service. Peer review would necessitate releasing panel participants from their regular duties for training and to investigate and resolve complaints.

Moral hazard

situation in which one party engages in risky behavior knowing that is it protected against the risk because another party will incur any resulting loss example: acting reckless because you know that insurance company will face the results not you

green-circle rates

situations in which employee's pay is below the minimum range

red circle rates

situations in which employees's pay is above the range maximum

focus group

small group (typically 6-12 people) of invited individuals who actively participate in discussion and a facilitator asks for input on a product, process, policy or program

A ____________ audit is something you would perform to determine if you are in compliance.

social audit

High Context Cultures

societies characterized by complex, long standing relationships, share history of common experience, the way they interact and interpret events is not apparent to outsiders ; what you say may not be what you mean; indirect, no collaboration, implicit (something is implied, indirect, tacit but never clearly said) ; Asia

What are examples of invisible diversity traits?

socioeconomic, religion, sexual orientation

What is the deadline/expiry time for the EPA? According to the FLSA, how long should basic time and earnings be retained?

the EPA expiry time is 2 Years since the last discriminatory pay check and it can be extended to 3 years if discrimination is willful; The EPA act amends the FLSA, and any claims can go straight to court because the EEOC is not involved. The EPA prohibits wage discrimination on equal work performed by men and women The FLSA requires that Payroll records must be kept by an employer for at least Three Years/3 Years. Records used to COMPUTE pay should be kept for two years/2 Years (This includes time cards, work and time schedules, basic time, job evaluations, seniority pay, and records of additions to or reductions from wages)

Which law applies to 14 and 15 year old workers?

the FLSA this law mandates child labor provisions and ensures that young workers have a permit. 14 & 15 year olds can only work 3 hours per day during the school week

FACT act

the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act - federal regulation that was enacted by the federal government to fight against identity theft; The FACT act frees employers who use vendors to conduct workplace investigations from the Consent and Disclosure requirements of the FCRA in certain cases The FACT act gives some relief to employers

Learning Management System (LMS)

the LMS is a system that holds course content, tracks course registration, career development, and other employee development activities

Total Quality Management (TQM)

the TQM Culture and Philosophy is when everyone in the organization is concerned about Quality, throughout all of the firm's activities, to better serve customer needs; a comprehensive approach - led by top management and supported throughout the organization - dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. Deliver high quality the 1st time around.

Portable to Portable Act

the US act that defines what is included as hours-worked and is therefore compensable and a factor in calculating overtime

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