Sketches, Models, and Plans

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Center Line

"An imaginary reference line on the playing area that indicates the exact center of the stage, travelling from up to downstage."

Plaster Line

"An imaginary reference line on the playing area that indicates where the proscenium arch is. Typically, the plaster line runs across the stage at the back face (upstage face) of the proscenium wall."

Leader Line

"Straight or freehand curvilinear lines which relate a note or additional information to an object."

Full Scale Drawing

1 inch for 1 inch; smallest features of a set should be drawn in full scale or actual size; used if object has a very intricate design or if it is very small

Construction and Design Scale

1/2 inch scale

Oblique Drawing

A combination of the principles of orthographic and isometric drawing. One of the faces of the object is placed at right angles to the observer's line of sight and the other faces subscribe to the tenets of isometric drawing.


A composite picture made by combining several separate pictures; can include non-photographic images as well

Mechanical Perspective

A drafting technique that provides an illusion of depth

Front Elevations

A front view of the setting as it would appear if it were flattened out until it was in a single plane and viewed as though the observer were standing exactly at right angles to it. Shows the location and measurements of all objects that cannot be recorded on the ground plan.

Cut list

A list of the color media required for the lighting design for a particular production categorized by hue and size; used to assist in ordering and cutting the color media for a lighting design


A loosely woven bag containing powered eraser material


A picture element: The smallest discrete part of an electronically projected picture, as on a computer monitor.


A picture made of various materials glued on a surface; can include drawn or photographic images


A printer used to produce computer-generated drafting sheets and drawings on large paper

Sight Line Drawings

A scale drawing (plan and section views) of sightings that extend from the extreme seats (usually the outside seats on the front and last rows of the auditorium) to any position on the stage; used to determine how much of the stage and backstage will be visible from specific auditorium seats

Horizontal offset section

A section drawing with a horizontal cutting plane, which does not remain fixed but varies to provide a view of important details.

Center-Line Sectional

A sectional drawing whose cutting plane is the center line of the stage and auditorium, showing height of various elements of theatre; usually drawn in the same scale as ground plan

Home page

A site or addressable location on the Internet which contains information about (generally) a particular service, interest group, resource, or business

Web browser

A software program that enables you to preview and access sites on the World Wide Web

Card Stock

A thin cardboard, similar in thickness to 3x5 note cards and /or file folders

Ground Plan

A top view of the setting and shows the position of the set in relation to the physical structure of the stage and auditorium. Shows the shape of the set, the position of the set within the physical structure of the theater, and the location of the furniture and set pieces within the set.

Digitizing tablet

An electro-mechanical device that converts the pressure of a stylus on a flat plate (Tablet) into binary information that can be understood by the computer.

Working Drawings/ Construction Drawings

Are not drawings in progress


Are placed against T square and help to create straight lines and angles

Sound scoring

Background music and/or effects tracks that play at a low loudness level throughout a scene or scenes


Bird's eye view; key drawing on which all other drawings are based; scale model drawing showing the top view of a setting in its proper position on stage; show form of set and its relationship to physical structure of theatre; location and measurements are given for everything

The Design Process

Commitment, Analysis, Research, Incubation, Selection, Implementation, Evaluation


Computers are mainly used for drafting in theater. Great for both 2D and 3D drafting.

Orthographic Projection

Describes an object with a series of scale elevations showing each side of the article. Different views represented by a separate drawing

Clip art

Digitized pictures that can be transferred, or clipped, from the original program into a document on which you are working

Sectional Drawing

Drawing of a side section; a "+" determines where the legs are; a scaled drawing of an object that shows what it would look like if cut straight through at a given plane

Detail Drawings

Drawing things in larger scale; gives picturesque look; top and back view; larger scale drawings that include top and side views to include all the details - even the smaller ones- of an object; can show more than two sides


Finished colored sketches of the set; drawn to scale in mechanical perspective


Flats, drops, or draperies on the offstage side of doors and similar opening to prevent the audience from seeing backstage

Painter's Elevations

Front elevations of the set, but drawn on watercolor board and painted to show not only the colors but also painting techniques that will be used in finishing the set

Isometric Drawings

Gives a top, side, and back view

Lighting Sketch

Gives the feel of the show with lights and color; can draw/render feel of the show for every moment

Oblique Drawings

Horizontal; show top and side view; way of communication

Detail Drawings

Larger scale drawings that show all the little details that wouldn't be able to show up on a smaller drawing. Drawings of certain objects full scale if they have intricate details or if they are small enough to be drawn as life-sized.

Ground Row

Low, horizontal flats used to mask the base of cycs or drops; frequently painted to resemble rows of buildings, hedges, or similar visual elements

Drafting board

Must be large enough to accept the dimension of the stage for which you will be designing drawn to scale of ½ inch to 1 foot. Usually made of white pine and covered in a plastic laminate. Ends must be finished smoothly and covered with a metal or plastic cap strip. Edges must be absolutely straight.

Drawing Tools

Objects created with drawing programs such as strata studio pro and/or 3D Studio are object-oriented or vector images.

Painting Tools

Painting programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Fractal Painter are generally used for nontechnical drawings such as renderings and sketches

Production Model

Provides a complete visualization of the scenic designer's concept; built to scale, fully painted, and completely decorated with all furniture, props, and set dressings

Isometric Drawing

Provides a fast and easy way of representing an object pictorially without becoming involved with perspective. Based on 3 lines called the isometric axis.

Sectional Drawings

Provides a view of an object as though it had been cut along some imaginary plane.

Pointing and clicking

Refers to using a mouse to initiate a specific action

Thumbnail Sketches

Rough drawings, usually made in pencil, that show the general composition on the set, but has very little detail

Cabinet Drawing

Same as Oblique drawing except the depth or thickness measurements are reduced by ½ or a similar ratio as 1:4. Tis foreshortening is done in an attempt to reduce the pictorial distortion that occurs if the depth measurement is excessive.

Side Section

See platforms; shows things aren't level

Front Elevations

Shows a front view of the set as if it were flattened into a single plane; main purpose is to indicate all of the vertical measurements that cannot be shown in the ground plans

Finished Flat

Shows front elevation

Finished Platform

Shows height and width

Diagonal Line in a sketch or drawing

Shows part of something; usually platforms; feet measurements are used for distance and inches are used to show how high something is

Platform Drawing

Shows platforms; representative of what scene designer draws; shows side view and thickness

Rear Elevations

Shows the reverse side of objects depicted in the front elevations. Allows for construction details to be shown.

Sight Line

Sighting extending from any seat in the house to and position on stage; used to determine how much stage and backstage will be visible from that auditorium seat

Scenic Drawings

Software drafting programs facilitate the rapid production of scale ground plans, sections, elevations, and other drawings used to describe scenery and properties.

Grid Work

Take a grid to draw weird shapes?

T Square

The accuracy of any mechanical drawing depends on the T square. All horizontal lines are made by placing the head of the T square snuggly against the edges on the drawing board and guiding a pencil along the upper edge of the leg of the T square. Vertical lines are drawn by placing the base of the triangle against the leg or shaft of the T square and guiding the pencil along the vertical edge on the triangle.

Architect's scale rule

The scales found on the rule make the process allowing a fraction of a foot to represent a full foot. Can be a triangle or a flat. Reads from right to left.

Hanging Positions

The various locations around the stage and auditorium where lighting instruments will be placed


To use a digitized scanner to convert existing artwork, photos, or drawings into binary information

Tracing Paper

Translucent paper used for drafting


Use a pink or kneadable eraser for best results - get rid of mistakes without ruining paper or or discoloring it.

Compass and circle template

Used for drawing circles and arcs

Drafting tape

Used for holding the paper in place on the drafting board

Drawing pencils

Used for theatrical drafting. H pencils are harder lead and are lighter, less smudging. B pencils have a darker line, softer lead, but smudge easily.

Functional Model

Usually made of cardboard, stiff paper, and help together with tape; in scale and color; 3-D equivalent of a thumbnail sketch; helps scenic designer visualize the basic composition of the scenic design

Scenic sectional

shows a sectional view of the stage with the cutting plane of the section being on the center line of the stage. Shows relative position of the set, masking, and various lighting instruments.

Light plots

shows where lights are

Vertical and Horizontal Sectional

used for determining sight-line drawings.

Letters and symbols

used in drawings. Also use title block and dimensions of things


using a button on the mouse to initiate an action


using a mouse to move the on-screen cursor to a specific location.

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