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The posterior fontanel is also called


The temporal bones are ___ in shape


the occipital bone is situated at the ___ part of the cranium.

median septum

what (incompletely) separates the sphenoidal sinuses?

5 degree

A 1/2 inch change in the 1 inch width-to-length measurement indicates an approx. __-degree change in the direction of the internal parts with reference to the midsag plane.


Irregular or jagged fracture of the skull


Little calcium in cranium in


Loss of bone density

Multiple myeloma

Malignant neoplasm of plasma cells involving the bone marrow and causing destruction of the bone

cribriform plate

the horizontal portion of the ethmoid bone, called the ___ __ is received into the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone.

lesser wings

the posterior margins of the orbital plates articulate with the __ __ of the sphenoid bone.

parietal, occipital, sphenoid bones of cranium.

the temporal bone articulates with the

greater wings; occipital

the temporal bones are situated on each side of the base of the cranium btw the ____ ___ of the sphenoid bone and the ____ bone

1. nasal, left and right 2. Lacrima, left and right 3. Maxillary left and right 4. Zygomatic, left and right 5. Palatine, left and right 6. inferior nasal conchae, left and right 7. vomer 8. mandible

Name all the facial bones. MUAHAHA


The ______ cranium measures approximately 6 inches at its widest point from side to side, 7 inches at its longest point from front to back, and 9 inches at its deepest point from the vertex to the submental region.

Anterior fontanel

The ________ is located at the junction of the two parietal bones and the one frontal bone at the bregma.

paranasal sinuses

The air-containing cavities situated in the frontal, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal bones of the cranium and the maxillary bones of the face are called the _____ because of their formation from the nasal mucosa and their continued communication with the nasal fossae

malleus (hammer) incus (anvil) stapes (stirrup)

The auditory ossicles, named after their shape, are the: _____ (_____), ______ (_____), and ______ (____). These three delicate bone are articulated to permit vibratory motion.


The auricle of the ear has a deep central depression, the ____, the lower part of which leads into the EAM.

maxillary sinus

The body of each maxilla contains a large pyramidal cavity called the ______, which empties into the nasal cavity.

the body of the sphenoid bone contains the two sphenoidal sinuses, which are incompletely separated by a median septum.

The body of the sphenoid bone contains the two _____ ___, which are incompletely separated by a median septum


The bones of the cranial vault are composed of two plates of compact tissue separated by an inner later of spongy tissue called

Do not need to adjust techniques.

do you need to adjust technique for the skull? (for age)


saucer shaped, curved posteriorly and superiorly from the foramen magnum (OCCIPITAL BONE) it is also curved side to side


situated between the orbits, the ___ bone forms part of the anterior cranial fossa, the nasal cavity, and the orbital walls, and the bony nasal septum.

oval. it is wider posteriorly than anteriorly

skull is ___ shaped

wormian bones

smooth segmented bones, usually found between cranial sutures in infants


soft spots on the baby's head, very thin cranium bones and not fully developed

middle cranial fossa

temporal lobes are house in

tympanic membrane

the EAM ends at the ___ ___ of the middle ear.

pterygoid processes

the __ __ arise from the lateral portions of the inferior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone and the medial portions of the inferior surfaces of the greater wings.

orbital plates. ethmoidal notch.

the __ __ of the horizontal portion of he frontal bone are separated by a notch called the ___ ___. this receives the cribriform plate of the ethmoid.

jugular foramen

the __ ___ is an important large opening in the skull for two reasons: it allows blood to drain from the brain via the internal jugular vein, and it lets three cranial nerves pass through it.

sphenoid bone

the __ bone articulates with ear of there other seven bones of the cranium.

ethmoid bone. labyrinths.

the ___ bone is a small cube shaped bone that consists of a horizontal plate; a vertical plate; and two light spongy lateral masses called ____.

TEA (top of ear attachment)

the ___ is a reference point for positioning the lateral cervical spine.


the ___ portion is the thin upper portion of the temporal bone.


the ____ is the junction of the lambdoidal and sagittal sutures.


the atrophy of old age in the ____ is less marked than in other regions of the body


the bones of the cranium and face are joined by fibrous joints called


the clivus supports the

posterior crinoid processes

the dorsum sellae bears the

hearing and balance

the ear is the organ of __ and ___.


which part of the sphenoid bone contains the sphenoidal sinuses?


Inflammation of the mastoid antrum and air cells

occipital condyles

2 ______ extend anteriorly. one on each side of foramen magnum

infraorbital foramen

An ______ is located under each orbit and serves as a passage through with the infraorbital nerve and artery reach the nose. (on the maxilla)

sella turcica

Anatomists state that often only one sphenoidal sinus is present; however, more than two sphenoidal sinuses are never present. The sphenoidal sinuses vary considerably in size and shape and are usually asymmetric. They lie immediately below the ___ ___ and extend between the dorsum sellae and the posterior ethmoidal air cells.

tragus. helix.

At its anterior margin, the auricle has a prominent cartilaginous lip, the ___, which projects posteriorly over the entrance of the meatus. The outer rim of the ear is the ___. the EAM is about 1 inch long. The outer third of the canal wall is cartilaginous, and the inner two thirds is osseous.

nasal spine

At the anterior edge of the ethmoidal notch is a small inferior projection of bone, the __ __ which is the superior most component of the bony nasal septum.


At the anterior midsagittal plane at their junction with each other, the maxillary bones form a pointed, forward projecting process called the anterior nasal spine. The midpoint of this prominence is called the ____.


At the junction of the occipital bone, parietal bone, and mastoid portion of the temporal bone is the

alveolar process

At their inferior borders, the maxillae possess a thick, spongy ridge called the ___ ___, which supports the roots the teeth.


Atrophy of old age is less marked in the ____ than other regions of the body.

superciliary arches.

Below the frontal eminences, just above the supraorbital margins, are two arched ridges that correspond in position to the eyebrows. These ridges are called the ___ __

Acoustic neuroma

Benign tumor arising from Schwann cells of eighth cranial nerve (also termed "schwannoma")

lambdoidal suture

Between the occipital bone and the parietal bones is the

Le Fort

Bilateral horizontal fractures of the maxillae

fibrous joints (synarthrodial)

Bones of cranium are joined by fibrous joints called suture. Sutures are what classification?

the 2nd year of life

Bregma closes when?


Calcium decreases in bones with age. Not as obvious with the ?

calvaria (skull cap), and the floor

Cranial bones are divided into 2 parts, called the ____(__), and the ____.

3 anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa

Cranial floor can be divided into __ regions which are?


Disruption in continuity of bone

TMJ Syndrome

Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint (TMJ)


Each ___ bone consists of a squamous portion, a tympanic portion, a styloid process, a zygomatic process, and a petromastoid portion (the mastoid and petrous portions) that contains the organs of hearing and balance.


Each orbit is composed of __1___ different bones. Three of these are cranial bones: frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid. The other four bones are the facial bones: maxilla, zygoma, lacrimal, and palatine. The circumference of the orbit, or outer rim area, is composed of three of the ____1_____ bones—frontal, zygoma, and maxilla. The remaining four bones compose most of the posterior aspect of the orbit.

laminae. lamina. pterygoid hamulus.

Each pterygoid process consists of two plates of bone, the medial and lateral pterygoid ____, which are fused at their superoanterior parts. The inferior extremity of the medial ____ possesses an elongated hook-shaped process, the __ __.


Inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses

coronoid condylar

Each ramus presents two processes at its upper extremity—one ___1___ and one___2_____—which are separated by a concave area called the mandibular notch. The anterior process, the ___1___ process, is thin and tapered and projects to a higher level than the posterior process. The ___2___ process consists of a constricted area, the neck, above which is a broad, thick, almost transversely placed condyle that articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. This articulation is called TMJ, which is situated immediately in front of the EAM.


Except for the ____, the bones of the cranium and face are joined by fibrous joints called sutures


Except for the mandible, the bones of the cranium and face are joined by fibrous joints called ___.

great hole. spinal cord

Foramen magnum ______ What passes through here?


Fracture causing a portion of the skull to be pushed into the cranial cavity


Fracture located at the base of the skull


Fracture of the floor of the orbit


Fracture of the zygomatic arch and orbital floor or rim and dislocation of the frontozygomatic suture


Fracture to one side of a structure caused by trauma to the other side


Generally the cranium is made of two hard plates of bone divided by a spongy later of bone called


Growth or mass protruding from a mucous membrane


How many bones is the skull consisted of?


IS the skull affected by atrophy?

5 degree

If the deviation in the cranium involves more than a ___-degree change, it must be compensated for by a change in part rotation or central ray angulation. This "Rule" applies to all images except lateral images.

fontanels. often spelled fontenelles

In a newborn infant, the bones of the cranium are thin and not fully developed. They contain a small amount of calcium, are indistinctly marked, and present six areas of incomplete ossification called ___

sutural bones

In adults, wormian bones turn into calcified areas in sutures, called ___


In an adult, the basilar portion of the occipital bone fused with the body of the sphenoid bone resulting in the formation of a continuous bone. the sloping surface of this junction between the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid bone and the basilar portion of the occipital bone is called the ____.


In mesocephalic skull, the width of the skull must be what % of length

supraorbital foramen

In the center of the supraorbital margin is an opening for nerves and blood vessels called the ___ __.


Incomplete ossification centers in an infant (6 at birth) covered by tough membrane


Increased density of atypically soft bone


Inflammation of bone due to a pyogenic infection


New tissue growth where cell proliferation is uncontrolled

external occipital protuberance. inion. internal occipital protuberance.

Not the external surface of the squama, midway between its summit and the foramen magnum, is a prominent process termed the __ __ __, or __, which corresponds in position with the __ __ __.

sella turcica

On either side of the _____ ____ is a groove, the carotid sulcus, in which the internal carotid artery and the cavernous sinus lie

occipitoatlantal joints. hypoglossal canals. hypoglossal nerves.

On the inferior surface, reciprocally shaped condyles articulate with the superior facets of the atlas. these articulations, known as the ___ __, are the only bony articulations between the skull and the neck. the ___ __ are found at the anterior ends of the condyles and transmit the __ __.


On the lateral aspect of the skull, the junction of the parietal bone, squamosal suture, and greater wing of the sphenoid is the ___, which overlies the middle meningeal artery

mastoid process

PETROMASTOID PORTION: The mastoid portion, which forms the inferior, posterior part of the temporal bone, is prolonged into the conical ______ ____.

parietomastioid; occipitomastoid

PETROMASTOID PORTION: The mastoid portion articulates with the parietal bone at its superior border through the _____ suture and with the occipital bone at its posterior border through the ____suture, which is contiguous with the lambdoidal suture.

hearing and balance.

PETROMASTOID PORTION: the petrous portion, often called the petrous pyramid, is conical or pyramidal and is the thickest, densest bone in the cranium. This part of the temporal bone contains the organs of __ and __


Petrous pyramids form a wider angle. it is ____degrees from midsag.

posterior fontanel

Posteriorly and and in the midsagittal plane is the __ fontanel located at the point labeled lambda.

the anterior surface

SPHENOID BONE: The ___ surface of the body forms the posterior bony wall of the nasal cavity

sella turcica; pituitary gland

SPHENOID BONE: the superior surface presents a deep depression called the ___ ____ and contains a gland called the ____ gland.

and two pterygoid processes, which project inferiorly from each side of the inferior surface of the body.

SPHENOID has two pterygoid processes, which project ______ from each side of the ______ surface of the ______.


Shorter from front to back and broader from side to side. width is 80 or greater than the length

paget disease

Thick, soft bone marked by bowing and fractures

On the inferior border of the zygomatic process is a rounded eminence, the articular tubercle, which forms the anterior boundary of the mandibular fossa. The mandibular fossa receives the condyle of the mandible to form the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

TEMPORAL BONES: On the inferior border of the zygomatic process is a rounded eminence, the _____ _____, which forms the anterior boundary of the mandibular fossa. The mandibular fossa receives the _____ of the mandible to form the _______ joint (____)


TEMPORAL BONES: the ____ process, a slender, pointed bone of variable length, projects inferiorly, anteriorly, and slightly medially from the inferior portion of the tympanic part of the temporal bone

tympanic cavity.

THe __ __ is a narrow, irregularly shaped chamber that lies just posterior and medial to the mandibular fossa.

frontal. frontal squama.

THe _____ bone has a vertical portion and horizontal portions. The vertical portion, called the ___ __, forms the forehead and the anterior part of the vault. The horizontal portions form the orbital plates (roofs of the orbits), part of the roof of the nasal cavity, and the greater part of the anterior cranial fossa.


THe midpoint of the frontonasal suture is termed the ___

Inferior nasal conchae

The __ __ __ extend diagonally and inferiorly form the lateral walls of the nasal cavity at approximately its lower third. They are long, narrow, and extremely thin; they curl laterally, which gives them a scroll-like appearance.

Frontal sinuses

The __ __ are situated between the two tables of the squama on each side of the midsagittal plane. These irregularly shaped sinuses are separated by a bony wall, which may be incomplete and usually deviates from the midline.

nasal bones

The __ __ form the superior bony wall of the nasal cavity. They articulate in the midsagittal plane , where at their posteriosuperior surface they also articulate with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. They articulate with the frontal bone above and with the maxillae at the sides.

Cribriform plate. olfactory nerves

The __ __ is perforated by many foramina for the transmission of __ nerves.

frontal sinuses

The __ __, the second largest sinuses, are paired and are normally located between the tables of the vertical plate of the frontal bone

mastoid fontanels

The ___ __ are found at the asteria.


The ___ bone articulates with the frontal and sphenoid bones of the cranium.


The ___ suture is located on the top of the head between the two parietal bones and just behind the coronal suture line

optic groove optic canal

The ____ ___ extends across the anterior portion of the tuburculum sellae. The groove ends on each side at the __ ___

foramina rotundum, ovale, and spinosum

The ____ ____, ___, and ___ are paired and are situated in the greater wings. (foramen in greater wings)


The ____ bones form a protective housing for the upper ends of the respiratory and digestive tracts and, with several of the cranial bones, form the orbital sockets for protection of the organs of sight.


The ____ is a thin plate of bone situated in the midsagittal plane of the floor of the nasal cavity, where it forms the inferior part of the nasal septum

occipital condyles. jugular process.

The ____ project anteriorly, one from each side of the squama, for articulation with the atlas of the cervical spine. Part of each lateral portion curves medially to fuse with the basilar portion and complete the foramen magnum, and part of its projects laterally to form the __ __.


The ____ suture is found between the frontal and parietal bones

1 mandible. 2 rami. 3 gonion. 4. mental protuberance

The ____1__, the largest and densest bone of the face, consists of a curved horizontal portion, called the body, and two vertical portions, called the ___2__, which unite with the body at the angle of the mandible, or __3__. At birth, the ____1__ consists of bilateral pieces held together by a fibrous symphysis that ossifies during the first year of life. At the site of ossification is a slight ridge that ends below in a triangular prominence, the ____4____. The symphysis is the most anterior and central part of the ___1____. This is where the left and right halves of the _____1_____ have fused.


The _____ bone is a small, U-shaped structure situated at the base of the tongue, where it is held in position in part by the stylohyoid ligaments extending from the styloid processes of the temporal bones. This bone is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bone.


The _____ sinuses appear rectangular in the lateral image, but they are approximately pyramidal in shape and have only three walls. They vary in size but are usually symmetric. These sinuses communicate with the middle nasal meatus at the superior aspect of the sinus.

The tympanic portion is situated below the squama and in front of the mastoid and petrous portions of the temporal bone.

The ______ ____ is situated below the squama and in front of the mastoid and petrous portions of the temporal bone. This portion forms the anterior wall, the inferior wall, and part of the posterior walls of the EAM. The EAM IS APPROX 1/2 inch in length and projects medially, anteriorly, and slightly superiorly.


The bones of the cranial vault are composed of two plates of compact tissue separated by an inner layer of spongy tissue called __. The outer plate, or table, is thicker than the inner table over most of the vault, and the thickness of the layer of spongy tissue varies considerably.

cochlea round window semicircular canals

The bony labyrinth consists of three distinctly shaped parts: 1. the spiral coiled tubular part called the ___, which communicates with the middle ear through the membranous covering of the __ __. 2. a small ovoid central compartment behind the cochlea known as the vestibule, which communicates with the middle ear via the oval window. 3. three unequally sized __3 __ that form right angles to one another and are called, according to their positions, the anterior, posterior, and lateral __ (same as 3)__.

frontal bone, right and left parietals, occipitals

The calvaria consists of what bones?

calvaria and the floor.

The cranial bones are divided into the ____ & the ____.

5-6. 12.

The cranium develops rapidly in size and density during the first __-__ years after which a gradual increase occurs until adult size and density are achieved, usually by the age of __ years.

petrous portion

The essential parts of the ear are housed in the _____ _____ of the temporal bone. The organs of hearing and equilibrium consist of three main divisions: the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear.

middle nasal meatus. superior nasal meatus.

The ethmoidal sinuses are composed of a varying number of air cells that are divided into three main groups: anterior, middle, and posterior. The anterior and middle ethmoidal cells range in number from two to eight, and each group opens into the ___ ___ ___. The posterior cells range in number from two to six or more and drain into the ___ ___ ___.

auricle. external acoustic meatus

The external ear consists of two parts: (1) the ___, the oval shaped, fibrocartilaginous, sound collecting organ situated on the side of the head, and the (2) the ___ ___ ___, a sound conducting canal.

structure, shape, and support

The facial bones provide a ___,___, and ___ for the face

They provide structure, shape, and support for the face.

The facial bones provide what for the face? They also form a protective housing for the upper ends of the respiratory and digestive tracts and, with several of the cranial bones, form the orbital sockets for protection of the organs of sight

mastoid antrum

The first of the mastoid air cells to develop is situated at the upper anterior part of the process and is termed the _____ ___. This air cell is quite large and communicates with the tympanic cavity. Shortly before or after birth, smaller air cells begin to develop around the ___ ___ (same as first blank) and continue to increase in number and size until around puberty. Occasionally they are absent altogether, in which case the mastoid process is solid bone and is usually small.

right and left temporal bones, sphenoid, and ethmoid

The floor consists of what bones?

sphenoid. ethmoid bones.

The frontal bone articulates with the right and left parietals, the ___, and the ___ bones of the cranium.

intersinus septum

The frontal sinuses vary greatly in size and form. Occasionally they are absent. The sinuses often extend beyond the frontal region of the bone, most frequently into the orbital plates. The ___ ___ is usually deviated from the midline; for this reason, the frontal sinuses are rarely symmetric. Multiple septa are sometimes present. Similar to maxillary sinuses, the frontal sinuses drain into the middle nasal meatus.

protect the brain

The function of the cranial bones is to

The greater wings arise from the sides of the body of the sphenoid bone and curve laterally, posteriorly, anteriorly, and superiorly. The greater wings form part of the middle cranial fossa, the posterolateral walls of the orbits, the lower margin of the superior orbital sulci, and the greater part of the posterior margin of the inferior orbital sulci.

The greater wings arise from the sides of the body of the sphenoid bone and curve laterally, posteriorly, anteriorly, and superiorly. The greater wings form part of the ____ ___ fossa, the posterolateral walls of the ____, the lower margin of the superior ___ ____, and the greater part of the posterior margin of the inferior __ __.

tympanic membrane. incus. stapes.

The handle of the malleus (the outermost ossicle) is attached to the __ ___, and its head articulated with the ___, the central ossicle. The head of the ___ (the innermost ossicle) articulates with the incus, and its base is fitted into the oval window of the inner ear.


The hyoid bone is divided into a body, two greater cornua, and two lesser cornua. The bone serves as an attachment for certain muscles of the larynx and tongue and is easily palpated just above the_______.

bony labyrinth. membranous labyrinth.

The internal ear contains th essential sensory apparatus of hiring and equilibrium and lies on the densest portion of the petrous portion immediately below the arcuate eminence. Composed of ann irregularly shaped bony chamber called the ___ __, the internal ear is housed within the bony chamber and is an intercommunicating system of ducts and sacs known as the __ __.


The junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures is the

anterior, middle, and posterior ethmoidal air cells.

The labyrinths contain the ethmoidal sinuses, or air cells. The cells of each side are arbitrarily divided into three groups. the __, __, and __ __ __ __.

The lesser wings form the postermedial portion of the roofs of the orbits, the posterior portion of the anterior cranial fossa, the upper margin of the superior orbital fissures, and the optic canals. The medial ends of their posterior borders form the anterior clinoid processes.

The lesser winds of the sphenoid are triangular in shape and are nearly horizontal in position. They arise, one on each side, from the antero-superior portion of the body of the spenoid bone and project laterally, ending in sharp points. The lesser wings form the postermedial portion of the roofs of the ___, the posterior portion of the anterior ___ ___, the upper margin of the __ ___ __, and the __ __. The medial ends of their posterior borders form the ___ ___ ___.

auditory ossicles. auditory eustachian tube.

The middle ear is situated between the external ear and the internal ear. The middle ear proper consists of (1) the tympanic membrane, or eardrum; (2) an irregularly shaped, air containing compartment called the tympanic cavity; and (3) three small bones called the ___ __. The middle ear communicated with the mastoid antrum and the ___ ___ ___.

cervical vertebrae.

The occipital bone articulates with the two parietals, the two temporal bones, and the sphenoid of the cranium and the first __ __.

Squama. occipital condyles. basilar. foramen magnum. medulla oblongata.

The occipital bone has four parts: the ____, which is saucer shaped, being convex externally; two ___ ___, one on each side of the foramen magnum, and the ____ portion. The occipital bone also has a large aperture, the __ __ through which the inferior portion of the __ __ passes as it exits the cranial cavity.

optic foramen

The optic canal is the opening into the apex of the orbit for the transmission of the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. The actual opening is called the __ ___

THICKER. Thickness.

The outer plate [of the bones of cranial vault], or table, is [THINNER/THICKER] than the inner table over most of the vault, and the [thinness/thickness] of the layer of spongy tissue varies considerably.


The petrous and mastoid portions together are called the ___ portion


The pterygoid processes articulate with the palatine bones anteriorly and with the wings of the ___, where they enter into the formation of the nasal cavity.

tubercular sellae dorsum sellae

The sella turcica is bounded anteriorly by the ___ and posteriorly by the___

external acoustic meatus

The sella turcica lies in the midway plane of the cranium at a point 3/4 " anterior and 3/4" superior to the level of the ___ ___ ___.

• Serve as a resonating chamber for the voice • Decrease the weight of the skull by containing air • Help warm and moisten inhaled air • Act as shock absorbers in trauma (as airbags do in automobiles) • Possibly control the immune system

The sinuses are believed to do the following: name 5.

maxillary. frontal. sphenoidal. ethmoidal air cells.

The sinuses begin to develop early in fetal life, at first appearing as small sacculations of the mucosa of the nasal meatus and recesses. As the pouches grow, they gradually invade the respective bones to form the air sinuses and cells. The ______ sinuses are usually sufficiently well developed and aerated at birth to be shown radiographically. The other groups of sinuses develop more slowly; by age 6 or 7 years, the ____ and ____ sinuses are distinguishable from the ethmoidal air cells, which they resemble in size and position. The ___ ___ ___ develop during puberty, and the sinuses are not completely developed until age 17 or 18 years. When fully developed, each of the sinuses communicates with the others and with the nasal cavity.


The skull consists of ____ bones (cranium and facial bones combined)


The skull has __ facial bones


The skull has ___ cranial bones

22. 2. 8. 14.

The skull is composed of __ separate bones divided into __ distinct groups: __ cranial bones and __ facial bones.


The skull is supported by the ___ superiorly


The slanted area of bone posterior and inferior to the dorsum sellae is continuous with the basilar portion of the occipital bone and is called the __


The smooth elevation between the superciliary arches is termed the __.

anterior cranial fossa

cerebrum (frontal lobes) is housed in

posterior cranial fossa

cerrebellum, pons, medulla oblongata are housed in

consists of a body, two lesser wings and two greater wings, which project laterally from the sides of the body; and two pterygoid processes, which project inferiorly from each side of the inferior surface of the body.

The sphenoid bone consists of a body, two ____ wings, and two ____, which project laterally from the sides of the body; and two ______ _______, which project inferiorly from each side of the inferior surface of the body.

irregularly wedge-shaped

The sphenoid bone is an _____ ____-_____ bone that resembles a bat with its wings extended

situated in the base of the cranium anterior to the temporal bones and the basilar part of the occipital bone

The sphenoid is situated in the ___ of the cranium anterior to the ____ bones and ____ part of the occipital bone


The sphenoidal sinuses are normally paired and occupy the body of the ____ bone


The sphenoidal sinuses open into the _____ recess of the nasal cavity.

zygomatic zygomatic zygomatic

The sqamous portion of the temporal bone forms part of the side wall of the cranium and has a prominent arched process, the _____ process, which projects anteriorly to articulate with the ____ bone of the face and complete the ____ arch.


The squama articulates with the parietal bones at the coronal suture, the grater wing of the sphenoid bone at the ___ suture.

top of ear attachment

The superior attachement of the auricle is the __ __ __ __.

alveolar portion. mental foramina.

The superior border of the body of the mandible consists of spongy bone, called the ____ ___, which supports the roots of the teeth. Below the second premolar tooth, approximately halfway between the superior and inferior borders of the bone, is a small opening on each side for the transmission of nerves and blood vessels. These two openings are called the _______ ________.

The temporal bones form a large part of the middle fossa of the cranium and a small part of the posterior fossa.

The temporal bones form a large part of the ____ fossa of the cranium and a small part of the _____ fossa.

maxillary bones

The two ___ ___ are the largest of the immovable bones of the face. Each articulates with all other facial bones except the mandible. These bones form part of the lateral walls and most of the floor of the nasal cavity, part of the floor of the orbital cavities, and three fourths of the roof of the mouth.

lacrimal bones

The two ___ ___, which are the smallest bones in the skull, are very thin and are situated at the anterior part of the medial wall of the orbits between the labyrinth of the ethmoid bone and the maxilla.


The two ethmoidal sinuses are located within the lateral masses of the labyrinths of the _____ bone.

petrous ridge.

The upper border of the petrous portion is commonly referred to as the

ethmoid bone

The upper two nasal conchae are processes of the _____. The three nasal conchae project into and divide the lateral portion of the respective sides of the nasal cavity into superior, middle, and inferior meatus. They are covered with a mucous membrane to warm, moisten, and cleanse inhaled air.

superior and middle nasal conchae.

The walls of the labyrinths form part of the medial walls of the orbits and part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity. projecting inferiorly from each medial wall of labyrinths are two thin, scroll shaped processes called the __ and __ __ __.

zygomatic arch

The zygomatic bones form the prominence of the cheeks and a part of the side wall and floor of the orbital cavities. A posteriorly extending temporal process unites with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the ____ ___.

8 cranial 14 facial

There are _ cranial bones and _ facial bones.

hearing equilibrium.

Through the Internal acoustic meatus, the cochlear and vestibular nerves pass from their fibers in the respective parts of the membranous labyrinth to the brain. The cochlea is used for __ and the vestibule and semicircular canals are involved with ___.

fossae. lacrimal foramen.

Together with the maxillae, the lacrimal bones form the lacrimal ___, which accommodate the lacrimal sacs. Each lacrimal bone contains a __ __ through which a tear duct passes. The lacrimal bones can be seen on the PA and lateral projections of the skull.


Transfer of cancerous lesion from one area to another

Pituitary Adenoma

Tumor arising from the pituitary gland, usually in the anterior lobe


Tumor composed of bony tissue

the maxillary sinuses maxilla

What are the largest sinuses? ____ They are paired and are located in the body of each ____.

They provide structure, shape, and support for the face.

What do purpose do the facial bones serve?

They provide a protective housing for the brain.

What is the function of the cranial bones?


___ is posterior and inferior part of the skull

Occipital bone.

_____ Articulates w/temporals, parietals, sphenoid and first vertebra.


another name for the anterior fontanel


articulation of the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid and the basilar part of the occipital bone.

TEA. top of ear attachment

at the top of the petrous ridge lies an external landmark called the


between the temporal bones and the parietal bones are the (what suture)

each anterior clinoid process arises from two roots. The anterior (superior) root is thin and flat, and the posterior (inferior) root, referred to as the sphenoid strut, is thick and rounded. The circular opening between the two roots is the optic canal.

each anterior clinoid process arises from two roots. The anterior (superior) root is ___ and ____, and the posterior (inferior) root, referred to as the sphenoid strut, is ____ and _____. The circular opening between the two roots is the ___ ___.


each parietal bone articulates with the frontal, temporal, occipital, __, and opposite parietal bones of the cranium.

parietal eminence

each parietal bone presents a prominent bulge, called the ___ __, near the central portion of its external surface. In radiography, the width of the head should be measured at this point because it's the widest point of the head.

posterior cranial fossa

everything posterior from the petrous ridges


fontanel at coronal suture and squamosal suture

nerves and blood vessels

foramina rotundum, ovale, and spinosum: because these foramina transmit ___ and ___ __, they are subject to radiologic investigation for the detection of erosive lesions of neurogenic or vascular origin.

anterior cranial fossa

from the anterior portion of the frontal bone to the lesser wings of the sphenoid

middle cranial fossa

from the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone to the petrous ridges of the temporal bone


how many sphenoidal fontanel are there

mastoid fontanel (2) one on each side

inferior angle of parietal bone


is the mastoid process larger in males or females?

mastoid fontanel (2)

junction of lambdoital and squamosal suture (junction of parietal and occipital, and temporal bones)

coronal, sagittal, squamosal, and lambdoidal

list the names of the sutures

hypoglossal canal. it transmits hypoglossal nerves.

located at the anterior ends of the occiipital condyles


longer fron front to back, and narrower from side to side,

temporals, par

occipital bone articulates with IDFK GOING TOO FAST

basilar portion.

occipital bone. extends anteriorly and superiorly to meet with the body of the sphenoid.

frontal eminence.

on each side of the midsagittal plane of the superior portion of the squama is a rounded elevation called the __ __.

condylar canals emissary veins pass thru here

opening by the occipital condyles. what veins pass through here?


petrous pyramids form 40 deg. angle from midsag. width is less than 75% of the length


petrous pyramids lie at an angle of ___ from the mid-sag plane

basilar portion

portion on occipital bone. joins the body of the sphenoid bone.


protuberance on squama

parietal bone

the two __ bones are square and have a convex external surface and a concave internal surface. They form the posterior portion of the cranial roof by their articulation with each other at the sagittal suture in the midsagittal plane.


the two ______ bones are L-shaped bones composed of vertical and horizontal plates. The horizontal plates articulate with the maxillae to complete the posterior fourth of the bony palate, or roof of the mouth. The superior tips of the vertical portions of the palatine bones assist in forming the posteromedial bony orbit.

perpendicular plate

the vertical portion of the ethmoid bone is called the __ __. This plate is thin, flat bone that projects inferiorly from the inferior surface of the cribriform plate and, with the nasal spine, forms the superior portion of the bony septum of the nose.

6 at birth

there are _(#)_ incomplete areas of ossification in an infant

cribriform plate. falx cerebri.

this plate also has a thick, conical process, the crista galli which projects superiorly from its anterior midline and serves as the anterior attachment for the __ __.

sphenoidal fontanels

two fontanels are also on each side at the inferior angles of the parietal bones. They are called ____ fontanels and are located at ehe site of the pterion.


typical skull shape


what age the the skull finish maturing?

1-3 months after birth

when does lambda close?

12 years

when does the craniums stop growing?

closes the 2nd year of life

when does the mastoid fontanel close?

1st - 3rd month after birth

when does the sphenoidal fontanel close?

posterior fontanel (lambda)

where saggittal suture meets the lamdoital suture (parietals and occipital)

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