Small Ruminants: Ovine, Caprine and Camelids

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3 chambers, chamber 1- rumen, chamber 2- reticulum and chamber 3- abomasum

goat pulse


sheep pulse



Line formed by the withers, back, loin, and croup

dose syringe

To administer liquid medications orally, often used for deworming

Drench-matic dose syringe

To administer oral liquid medications without multiple reloading of the syringe

Hampshire Sheep

brownish black head and legs, wool cap, sire breed in commercial production

goat nutrition

browsers, type of herbivore which feed on leaves, soft shoots or fruits of high-growing, generally woody, plants such as shrubs, lambs and kids should have free choice access to creep feed starting at 2 WEEKS of age

goat restraint

by the beard (isn't recommended), horns grabbed near the base, do not restrain by ears, lateral recumbency

stifle joint


Tennessee fainting goat

less preferred for meat, have myotonia

Toggenburg Goat

dairy goat, crosses are at suny delhi

sheep restraint

do not grab by the wool, care when using horns, setting up or pumping, shepards crook- never used below the hock and not on the front limbs or neck

sheep nutrition

grazers, eat grass

goat behavior

gregarious=talkative, inquisitive, love human touch and affection, can be aggressive, lack strong herding behavior

doe kid

female under 1 year

goat uses

fiber, meat, milk, companions, land management

Rambouillet Sheep

fine wool sheep, from france, all ewes are polled

camelid behavior

generally gentle but may spit regurgitated stomach contents at humans when agitated. relaxed: ears up, slightly rotated forward, tails lie flat against anus agitated: hold ears up but back towards neck extremely agitated: ears down and towards neck, tail lifts and may spit

nubian goat

most popular dairy breed, high butter fat. droopy ear. known as jersey milk of goats


order: artiodactyla family: camildae


point of elbow

camelid restraint

some are halter trained, may spit or bite so restrainer can direct head away from personnel working on animal, towel can be laid across the muzzle to prevent spitting hold hand around the head, under the chin, rest other hand on the shoulder with slight pressure, no direct eye contact and avoid handling ears, can use stocks and chutes but not too much

new world camelids

south american camelids (sac), llamas, alpacas, vicuna\ and guanaco


strong flocking instinct, behave as a group, point of balance, flight zone is large and injury/ collapse could create injury during capture


tarsal joint

pin bone

tuber ischii

llama eruption of teeth

this allows llama aging of up to 5 years

routine floating

this is not recommended unless there's a dental issue in llamas and alpacas

sheep generally are

timid, easily frightened, seldom aggressive

imprinted males

treat humans as if they are another llama, orphaned or bottle trained males can be extremely dangerous

goat and sheep don't have

upper incisors, instead they have a dental pad


mature female goat

buck/billy goat

mature male

boer goat

meat goat, crossbreed at suny delhi

lamancha goat

meat goat, lacks external pinna, tattoo on the underside of the tail

uses for sheep

meat, dairy, fiber, show, companion

dorset sheep

medium wool breed, will breed out of season, suny delhi has a crossbreed

suffolk sheep

medium wool, popular for producing market lambs in the us

chevoit sheep

medium wool, white face and legs with black hooves and nostrils, breed polled with small erect ears

small kids are usually held

in the lap for small procedures

lamb restraint

*One hand under the body, while the other hand supports the neck, Castration and tail docking restraint

top of shoulder


camelid respiration

10-30 rpm

goat temperature


sheep temperature


sheep respiration


goat respiration


sheep and goat dental formula

2 (I 0/3, C 0/1, PM 3/3, M 3/3) = 32 teeth

llama/alpaca dentition

2 (I 1/3, C 1/1, PM 2(1)/2(1), M 3/3)= 28-32 teeth 6 total upper incisors 2 total lower incisors

french alpine goat

2 white stripes down the face, crossbreeds at suny delhi

molar frequently absent

3rd PM

fighting teeth

3rd upper incisor and the upper and lower canines, total of 8 fighting teeth. females and castrated males may or may not possess these teeth

camelid pulse

60-90 bpm

molar always present

4th PM

camelid temperature

99-101.5 F


Area of the proximal phalanx of hoofed animals

tuber coxae

Hooks; Large animal only ends on ilium

fetlock joint

Metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint (joint between the cannon bone and the long pastern bone [phalanx I]) in ungulates.

cheek teeth

PM 3, PM 4, M1, M2, M3, grind forages


act of parturition


adult female camelid

capturing sheep

at risk for hyperthermia, minimize working with them, be efficient, proper support when rumping, try to work with them during dawn and dusk

Old world camelids

bactrian and dromedary, aka humped camels

proper capture for sheep

bend over, arm around neck and the other arm is hugging the body


can be safely restrained in this way of sternal recumbency


castrated male camelid


castrated male sheep/goat

wether lamb

castrated neonate

south american camelids

differences between llama and alpacas: height: alpacas - 3ft llamas- 4ft size: alpacas- 150-200 lbs llama- 280-450 lbs topline: alpacas: curved rump llama- straight

angora goat

common fiber breed, mohair silk-like fabric or yarn made from the hair of the angora goat, cashmere refers to the soft undercoat produced by most caprine breeds, except the angora, no true cashmere breed

Finnish sheep

commonly have 3-6 lambs a year, suny delhi has a crossbreed, with a lot of lambs you can have feeding problems

pygmy goat

companion breed

small ruminant vs camelids

even toed ungulates are the family camildae with 3 stomach chambers, rather than 4 chambers


even-toed ungulates, goats and sheep

merino sheep

have fine wool, originally came from Spain, 3 types (ABC) and C is the most popular type


intact female sheep

ram lamb

intact male neonate

hind saddle

loin and leg

lincoln sheep

long wool, long ringlets of wool


male llama used to breed females

buck kid

male under 1 year

romanov sheep

maternal strengths: 4-6 lambs per birth




neonate camelid


neonate goat

missing chamber from camelids


body count score for sheep and goats

on a scale of 1-5, score 1-spinous and transverse processes are sharp and no fat is detectable on the loin area. score 5- these animals are obese, with a midline concavity running over the spinous process


parturition in goats

tuber ischii


4 chambers of ruminant stomach

reticulum. rumen, omasum, abomasum

creep feeding

simple way to supplement grass and milk of unweaned animals with the feed not available to the mother

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