SOC 101

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When a baby is born, the parents call the child by name, dress the child in gendered clothing, and give the baby soft blankets. As the child grows older, the child will receive different toys and be expected to act differently than when a baby. This is an example of


To be considered "near poverty," you are earning _____ of the poverty level


Which person is demonstrating primary socialization

A parent teaching a young child the alphabet

How would a moral entrepreneur introduce a folk devil to reduce acceptance of divorce?

By creating a news story about how divorced women are seducing married men

The _____ perspective perceives deviance as socially constructed and focuses on power dynamics in determining who is considered deviant


_____ occurs when researchers evaluate other cultures from the perspective of their own cultural standards


How would Durkheim explain external inequality versus diversity

External inequality is an institutional block to diversity

A wealthy school district gets more of its funding from local property taxes. Therefore, it gets more money than a poorer district that is also funded by property taxes. This is intentional discrimination


According to Durkeim, anomie occurs when the bonds between society and the individuals become firmly interconnected


As moral enterpreneurs, rule enforcers are limited to police, judges, and others in postitions of authroity


During the Colonial era, sexual activity outside marriage was extremely rare


Ethnic group members have the same racial features


Gender socialization occurs naturally at birth


Grounding a teenager after breaking curfew would be considered a formal sanction


Hunter-gatherer societies are more likely to have intricate artifacts


Intergenerational mobility occurs as an individual experiences a change in social class during their lifetime


Mores refers to the ability to act independently of social constraints


Plessy v Ferguson ruled that separate but equal facilities were unconstitutional


Racism evasiveness occurs as people talk too much about race and racism


Secondary groups are those with which we are most intimate


Structural functionalists see men and women as basically the same and in competition with each other


Taking the role of the other is based on learning that status of the people you socialize with.


The Three-Fifths Compromise abolished slavery


The income gap in the United State is more significant than the wealth gap


The legalistic approach would consider wearing an evening gown to a funeral deviant


War, gang violence, and climate change are all pull factors that drive immigration


Wealth refers to all earnings during a lifetime


Karl Marx argued that members of the proletariat class are convinced, through the control of media, that the bourgeoisies deserve their wealth and that if they work hard, they too can become rich. Marx termed this which of the following

False consciousness

________ organizations assign members to specific jobs and have a system to replace them when needed.


Which statement about bureaucracies is true

Formal organizations have a great need for bureacuracies

Lana's company is very structured. There is a written set of rules that all must follow, and employees report to a clear hierarchy of management. The employees do not socialize with each other, but focus on their work exclusively. This is a

Ideal Bureaucracy

Which term describes an individual with ambiguous sex characteristics that are not clearly defined as male or female


How would relativist perspective explain sneaking into a movie theatre to watch for free

It is a deviant act only to the extent that culture regards it as deviant

A series of symbols people use to communicate meaning is called


Which statement is the best description of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Language influences our understanding of reality

How would getting married be considered an agent of resocialization

Marriage teaches new social roles that one must adapt to

How do social roles develop?

People use different social roles throughout each day based on different expectations.

A drama student is trying to get a job as an actor. While waiting for a role, he accepts a serving job at a restaurant to pay bills. A role is eventually offered, but it is not going to pay enough to allow him to quit his other job. While he is waiting tables, he tries to remember his lines for his acting job. How would sociologist describe what this student is experiencing

Role conflicts as he tries to be both a waiter and an actor

A sociologist uses terms like "feminism," " doing gender," and "functionalism" to describe different aspect of society. People who are not sociologists might have trouble understanding these terms. How would the Spair-Whorf Hypothesis explain this

Sociologists use specific words to describe sociological concepts

In which country is homosexuality punishable by death


Patriotic music, fireworks, and picnics represent Independence Day in the United States. These are examples of


Which of these best describes socialization?

The ability to follow social norms and expectations of one's society through the process of social interaction

A white business executive is convicted for embezzlement but is given probation over imprisonment. A minority youth is convicted of petty theft and is sentence to three months in jail. How would the conflict perspective explain this

The legal system tends to treat deviance by the poor and minorities as serious crimes

A country has an estate system in place. How would social mobility occur in this country

The lower levels of the system would likely remain in the same social position as their parents with little opportunity for advancement

A politician employs illegal immigrants for housekeeping services. A nearby restaurant also employs illegal immigrant. The restaurant is fined, but the politician does NOT suffer any consequences. How would a social location explain this

The politician has more power and position to resist consequences

Which statement about college achievement is true

There is an achievement gap between students at the top and the bottom of the economic pyramid

How does the power elite impact the United States?

They influence political decisions by influencing the politicians and their voters

How do flat-screen TVs relate to culture

They reflect the values of a material culture

How would Bonilla-Silva' concept of minimization impact politicians creating public policy as it pertains to racial discrimination in housing

They would argue that everyone has equal access to all housing areas and there is no discrimination

A groups of basketball players enters a restaurant and they are much taller than everyone else. How would the statistical approach describe this group of basketball players

They would be considered deviant based on their height

A college degree is an example of cultural capital


Advertisers have started to break through gender stereotypes, but for the most part, still do not promote gender equality


Cell phones are part of material culture


Ethnocentrism refers to a divisive belief in cultural superiority


Fabrication occurs as an individual creates a false persona in order to avoid stigma


In a meritocracy, movement to upper social class occurs through hard work


Japanese immigration was halted through the Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907


Social intelligence is the ability to understand social relationships and act accordingly


Sue and Laurie are members of their high school pep club. They visited a rival school and took the school's flag from the courtyard as a prank. If asked, they would say they are not deviants, as would most people, even though they committed a crime. This is an example of primary deviance


The Equal Pay Act of 1963 made pay discrimination against women employees illegal


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis posits that if you can't find the words to describe something, it may be because your culture doesn't have words for what it happening


The identities that others assign to us shape our social identity


The small number of people who are considered the richest in the world hold about half of the world's wealth


Those who are labeled deviant, or risk being labeled deviant, often engage in techniques of neutralization


Toys are influential of gender socialization


White home seekers tend to have advantages over racial minority prospective buyers at every stage of the home-buying process


At the end of 2018, which group had the lowest unemployment rate

White ???

Which group is most likely to receive treatment for pain by doctors


______ describes the expectations for behaviors that are socially appropriate for a particular gender

a gender script

Which of these is an example of a moral entrepreneur

a mom volunteering for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

Which individual would be considered transgender

a person assigned male at birth who identifies as a women

The inability to buy a home in the US is a factor in poverty because home ownership is _______

a primary way to attain wealth

Which description best characterizes the concept of race

a socially constructed category based on perceived differences due to physical appearance

What is an example of the glass ceiling at work

a women working as a low level manager is passed over for a promotion in favor of a man

What is the term for the ability to act and think free from wider society's social contraints


Family, peers, mass media, and schools are all examples of

agents of socialization

Although acceptance for LGBT people has grown in the United States, backlash has followed. In over half of the states in the Unite States, ______-

an employer can fire workers because of their sexual or gender identity

When formal organizations grow and become more complex, they often become


The legalistic approach toward deviance considers only _____ to be deviant


Oscar Lewis's term ______ describes the beliefs, values, and attitudes of those living in poverty

culture of poverty

African American comprise the largest percentage of incarcerated Americans. This high proportion is most likely a result of _____


What is institutional discrimination

discriminatory treatment of an individual or group as a result of how institutions operate

People who believe that their culture is better than any others are displaying


According to Durkheim, industrial societies need all members to work in an occupation they enjoy and are good at in order for society to function efficiently. In a society where _____ exists, society at large is disadvantaged

external inequality

A group of refugees from a nation in the midst of civil ware have been given permission to emigrate from their country to another. Some members of this new country are ethnocentric. Under these conditions, the immigrants will likely ______

face prejudice and discrimination

Almost a third of students who take out loans for college

fail to complete their degrees

Intimate relationships tend not to be gendered, as are more casual ones


When there is a widespread fear that public morality will collapse, ____ become a target for public anxiety

folk devils

What is transmitted when children are taught to look someone in the eyes when speaking to them


A college-educated women working as a mid-level manager has applied for an upper management position four times. A male with less education and experience ends up getting the promotion each time, even though her reviews are consistently above average. Which of the following is occurring?

glass ceiling

Globally, even if individuals work hard to achieve, this success is largely impacted by ______

government policies

C.J. Pascoe's research found that to be a "real man," you must be_____


Culture for elite groups of people are called______cultures and _______cultures are those that exist among the common people


Two college students meet at a bar and then have sex without any additional expectations of intimacy. What is this an example of

hooking up

The development of hand tools and the domestication of animals were presuror to _____societies


In describing social life and the different regions, Goffman refers to the "backstage" as an area

in which one no longer has to perform

Roger really wanted Maoira to like him, even though she new he has been incarcerated when he was younger. So he told her about the work he was doing in th eprison to help rehabilitate the inmates, including teaching reading, and offering advice. What compensatory strategy was Roger using?

individuating information

Racism requires prejudice and ____

institutional power

Which theory notes that someone is defined as deviant because others react to the person as such


A bank manager argues that everyone has equal access to home loans, and if they cannot get one it is based on lack of effort, not race. Which colorblind ideology does this exemplify


Which statement is TRUE of children's books gender

most children's books communicate how boys and girls should behave and what they should become ????

The city of Chicago is a mixture of White, Black, Asian, and Hispanic citizens, along with many others. This is an example of


Expectations about the appropriate thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of people in a variety of situations are called


How do clothes represent gender socialization

parents purchase clothing that indicates and advertises their gender expectations of the child

A boy who just started attending a new school is trying to make friends. A group of boys invite him to their house, where they offer the new kid a cigarette. Even though he has never smoked and has no desire to, he does anyway. This is an example of

peer pressure

Members of the corporate community who dominate politics in Washington, D.C. are of which class

power elite

You are likely to see the greatest percentage of women teacher at the ________ level


We experience _____ when we have competing demands within a particular social role and status.

role strain

Moral entrepreneurs are composed of rule creators and

rule enforcers

A person's sense of who they are based on their interactions with others is called


Structural functionalists believe that inequality

serves an important purpose in society

A form of stratification in which individuals own other individuals as poverty and have the legal right to dispense with that property as they wish is called ___________


What term is defined as distinctions among people in terms of their income, occupation, and education

social class

Symbolic interactionists who emphasize the ways that we actively create our genders are referred to as

social constructionists

In the United States, when a man occupies a high paying job his_____provides him with a feeling of power and respect


A man is looked down upon for staying home and taking care of his children. Which theory would agree with this stance

structural functionalist

A company moves most of its production to another country in order to cut costs. As a result, most of the factory workers lose their job. What has occurred

structural mobility

A cultural group that exists within another, larger culture is a


What program, enacted in the 1930s, established unemployment insurance, social security, and the federal minimum wage

the New Deal

A group attends a football game and sits on the side of the stadium reserved for fans of the home team. When the referee makes a call against the home team, they all look at each other and shake their heads, assuming they all feel the same way about the call. How would a sociologist explain these assumptions

the fans understand that most people sitting on that side of the stadium share the same opinions based on the genrealized other

sociologist George Herbert Mead was influenced by which of Charles Horton Cooley's concepts?

the looking-glass self

How does the ability to grow food and raise animals for food impact the stability of a society

the members of the society are able to build homes and care for their families

Which approach treats deviance according to how unusual it is or by its probability

the statistical approach

The findings of the Human Genome Project impacted ideas about racism because they show that _____

there are more genetic differences within a race than between races

A person socially constructs herself as a women even though she was assigned male at birth. Which term would best describe this individual


According to Howard Becker, people who engage in crime are labeled pure deviants


Nations in the EU have higher tax rates but better social support programs than the United States


Structured inequalities are the advantages and disadvantages built into social institutions


Two ways that text suggests for reducing inequality in the US are raising the federal minimum wage or establishing ______ as Canada and Finland have implemented

universal basic income

Behavior that is deined as deviant

varies depending on the approach used

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