Social Psychology Test 2 final exam

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All of the following are considered primary emotions except

Nonverbal behavior

Behavior that communicates a person's feelings without words is called

Maintain consistency in behavior

Alex is a high self-monitor and Derek is a low self-monitor. Derek is more likely than Alex to:

People infer that something is the cause of a behavior if it is present when the behavior occurs and absent when it does not occur

According to Kelley's Covariation principle

Basking in reflected glory

After her favorite professional football team wins the Super Bowl, Casey proudly wears the team's jersey for an entire week. Casey is engaging in:

Low in consensus, high in consistency, and low in distinctiveness

Among your group of fiends, John is the only one who is ever late for your weekly game of tiddlywinks. You've noticed that he is late every week and that he is also late for class, parties, movies weddings, sporting vents, and dental appointments. According to Kelley's model of causal attribution, John's behavior would be described as:

Stay out all night partying the night before the presentation

Carlos is nervous about giving a class presentation because he doesn't think he can communicate very well with everyone watching him. If Carlos attempts to deal with his anxiety by self-handicapping, he will most likely:


Colin and Erin are waiting to meet with their caterer so they can discuss the menu for they wedding. The carter is 30 minutes late and still hasn't arrives. Colin suggested that the caterer is probably delayed because of traffic. Erin suggest that the caterer is probably disorganized and unreliable. Colin is making a ____ attribution, whereas Erin is making an _____ attribution:


Correspondent inference theory focuses on whether or not a perceiver can make a(n) _____ attribution for a particular behavior, whereas Kelley's theory of casual attribution considers the possibility of a(n) _____ attribution.


Dr. Mack reacts slower and less aggressively when treating chest pains in Sam, who is 76, than when he treats the same symptoms is Ray who is 54. Dr. Mack is demonstrating:

By leaving George will no longer have to work incredibly long hours, in an unhealthy air quality under a demanding and mean supervisor.

George is leaving his job at Vandalay Industries, a latex manufacturer. According to the correspondent inference theory, in which of the following scenarios would you learn the most about George?

Ingroups; outgroups

Groups to which the self belongs are called ___ and groups to which the self does not belong are called ____

Michael is smarter than Fredo

Imagine that you are grading the exams of two students, Michael and Fredo. They both get only half the questions correct. However, Michael gets most of his questions right on the first half of the test, whereas Fredo gets most of his questions right on the last half of the test. According to Asch's work on primary effects in impression formation, you would be likely to conclude that

Situational Attributions for positive behaviors but personal attributions for negative behaviors

In explaining the behavior of members of a group that they are prejudiced against, people tend to make:

- Kira should force herself to smile throughout the class

Kira hates her calculus class. As a social psychology, which of these tactics would you recommend to Kira to help her improve her mood during class.

His date is a slob

Lebron is eating at a restaurant on a first date when his date spill spaghetti all over her lap. Which of the following conclusions would Lebrun be most likely to draw if he commits the fundamental attribution error?

- Overestimate how often his psychology professor forgets to bring materials to class

Liston believes that psychology professors are absentminded. Given the research on illusory correlations, he is likely to:

Self-perception theory

Marcia is unsure about whether Jan is her best friend. She thinks about how many times she has listened to Jan complaint about her boyfriend, helped Jan study for difficult exams, and brought soup to jan when she was sick. Marcia realizes that she speaks to Jan almost every night. After think about all this Marcia concludes that Jan must be her best friend. This conclusion is based on a process described by:

Other female high school track athletes

Marion is a sprinter on her high school track team. According to social comparison theory, Marion is most likely to look to which of the following groups to assess how fast a sprinter she is?

- Develop negative views of one another and behave in a hostile manner

Michigan and Ohio State are rival universities. Students at the two schools only interact when the athletic teams they play for compete against each other. Sherif's Robbers Cave experiment suggests that the students will:

Less obvious than "old fashioned racism"

Modern racism can be distinguished from what has been termed "old-fashioned" racism in that modern racism is:

The meaning of information obtained later is often altered to fit earlier impressions

One explanation for the primacy effect is that:

heightening self-awareness

People enhance their self-esteem in all of the following ways except:

Will denigrate Lisa's appearance

Physical appearance is extremely important to Adrianna. When she enters a beauty contest, she beats all but one of the other contestants and finishes in second place. However, the one contestant that beats her is her neighbor and best friend, Lisa. Research by Tesser suggests that Adrianna


Positive or negative feelings directed at other strictly because of their membership in a particular social category is called:


Probably the best meant of reducing prejudice and discrimination is via:


Professor Gross uses esoteric terms, makes fun of students' questions and comments, and refuses to explain complicated material. Professor Gross is using the ____ tactic of self-presentation.

A stereotype

Samantha thinks that all social psychology professors are intelligent, attractive, and fabulously good dancers. This is an example of:

Is based on physiological arousal and a cognitive label for that arousal

Schachter's two-factor their of emotion proposes that emotional experience:

Frees up cognitive resources

Social categorization is advantageous because it

Realistic conflict theory

Some border-town residents dislike illegal immigrants because they fear that the immigrants will take jobs away from them. These feelings can best be explained by.


The "ABCs of the self" refer to affective, behavioral, and cognitive. Which of these three concepts is most relevant to the idea of self-esteem?

It is formed through social interaction and, in turn, affects our interactions with others

The "self" is important in social psychology because

Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping

The ABC's of social psychology are affect, behavior, and cognition. Put the three major concepts of Chapter 5 in this ABD order by considering whether they correspond to affect, behavior and cognition.

Have them work together on a goal that requires cooperative efforts

The Jets and the Sharks are two groups of local youths who regularly- and belligerently- compete against each other. The Robber's cave experiment would suggest that one way of healing the rift between these groups is to:

Explain other people's actions in dispositional terms while viewing personal behavior is situationally determined.

The actor-observer effect refers to tendency to:

outgrip homogeneity effect

The belief that "They're all the same" best epitomizes which of the the following concepts?

What is beautiful is good stereotype

The belief that physically attractive individuals also possess desirable personality characteristics is called the:

Averaging model of impression formation

The finding that moderately positive traits can dilute the impact of extremely positive traits on impressions is most consistent with the.

Belief in a just world

The tendency to think that most victims of the Hurricane Florence are irresponsible and naive for not evacuating their homes before the storm hit is most likely to result from which of the following tendencies?

Sum total of a person's beliefs concerning his or her own personal characteristics

The term self-concept refers to the:


The type of self-presentation strategy that describes acts motivated to establish one's competence is:

A self-fulfilling prophecy

Vernell is being interviewed for a job. Though it isn't really true, the interviewer suspects that Vernell is incompetent. Because the interviewer doesn't expect much from Vernell, he sits far away from her during the interview, interrupts her frequently, and seems distracted when she speaks. As a result Vernell becomes nervous, starts to stutter and loses her train of though several times. The interviewer's final impression is that Vernell is, as she suspected, incompetent. This impression is most likely the result of:


When ____ is low, it is difficult for the perceiver to attribute behavior to either the person or the stimulus; instead the beat that can be said is that the behavior was caused by transient circumstances.

People are more accurate at detecting deception if they focus on body monuments and voice quality rather than facial expression

Which of the follow is supported by research on deception?

Believing that baby-faced men are harmless

Which of the following is not discrimination?

They assume we observe a person on more than one occasion

Which of the following is not one of the three assumptions of all theories of attribution?

Perceptions of the emotions are relatively consistent across most cultures.

While traveling around the world, Sven shows various people pictures of men and women from his hometown who are smiling and frowning and he asked these people to infer what emotions the individuals in the pictures are experiencing. According to the research on primary emotions, Sven should find that:

Availability Heuristic

You are asked what percentage of psychology majors in your school are female. If you answer this question by thinking of how many female psychology majors come to mind quickly, you are relying on the:


Yulia stands in front of a mirror. She notices a red spot on the forehead of the image she sees in the mirror. She then brings her hand up to her own forehead and touches the red spot, trying to brush it off. Yulia is demonstrating:

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