Sociology Final

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Middle-income nations typical per capita range...

$2,500 - $10,000

What share of the richest people in the U.S. achieved their wealth from inheritance


What percentage of the U.S. is counted as officially poor?


How many people in the world die each year from hunger...

15 million

The wealthiest 1% of the rich families in the U.S. control which percent of privately held wealth?



ATM's, Climate controlled malls, chain franchises

Most serious problem os increasing poverty...


In what share of the worls societies do we find stratification...

All of them

Social position achieved at birth or otherwise aquired involuntarily

Ascribe status

Global region that has seen the greatest reduction of poverty...


Single most important factor in being defined as an adult

Completion of school

Jill buys a very expensive car to impress her friends

Conspicuous consumption

Judging any other culture using its own standards

Cultural relativism


Culture patterns that set apart a segment of a society's population

Type of slavery in which employers hold workers by paying them too little to cover their debts...

Debt bondage

Basic idea behind labeling theory...

Deviance arises not so much by what people do, but how others respond

Globalization of the economy has hurt whom?

Factory workers

Social-conflict approach that deals with inequality between women and men?

Feminism and the gender-conflict approach`

Developed "dramaturgical analysis"...


First type of society to generate a material surplus

Horticultural & Pastoral

What summarizes the focus of the symbolic-interaction approach...

How do people experience society?

Sociology differs from earlier philosophy by focusing on...

How society typically operates

Type of leadership that calls for more distant relationship with members...


Refers to upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents.

Intergenerational mobility

Keeping young people off the streets would be a ___________ function of sports

Latent function

Income inequality is greatest in which region?

Latin America

Today's student are more concerned with __________ then they were in 1960

Making money

Sociologist who called on his colleagues to be value free...

Max Weber

Opposing trends


Legal term meaning "guilty mind"

Mens rea

U.S. sociologist who pointed out manifest funtions and latent functions of social patterns...


Focus of Kohlberg

Moral reasoning

Culture acts as a constraint on human freedom because...

Much culture is a habit, and repeated again and again

Peer group differs from the family in that...

No parental supervision

"Looking-glass self"

People see themselves how they think others see them

Use of costumess, props, tone of voice to convey information are elements of a...


Erikson's view of socialization

Personality develops over the entire life course in patterned ways

Viewed as master status...

Physical or mental disability

Small group whose members share personal and enduring relationships...

Primary group

Thomas theoreum state that situations defined as real are...

Real in their consequences

Describes people including alcohol and drug addicts who "drop out"...


Looking at childhood in a global perspective...

Rich societies prolong childhood much longer

What describe sthe behavior of a low paind, yet rigidly conforming bank teller...


Behavior people expect from someone holding a particular status


Assembled students at a graduation cermony...

Secondary group

Mead would agree that your _______ may change after a major change such as winning the lottery, or becoming famous...


Children learn to take the role of others

Significant others

The case of Anna and Genie provides strong evidence that...

Social experience has a crucial role in forming human personality

2 or more people who identify and interect

Social group

In agrarian societies, which dimension of social inequality has the greatest importanct?

Social prestige or honor

Distinction between high culture and pop culture is based mostly on...

Social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern

U.S. sociologist who described the difference between folkways and mores


Helping another to "save face", or avoid embarrasment


Crime is composed of what two elements...

The Act, and Criminal Intent

Iron Law of Oligrachy...

The few will always rule the many

Medicalization of deviance...

Theft is compulsize, drinkning excessively is alcoholism

What illustrates/examplifies a micro-level focus?

Two passengers on an airplane getting to know one another

The structural-functional approach helps us to:

Understand what makes society "tick"

Standards by which people who share a culture define what is desireable, good, and beautiful


Not a characteristic of a secondary group

Warm, personal interaction

Differential association theoryindicated that the amount of contact...

a person has with with others who encourage or discourage the behavior in question

Role set refers to a number of rules attached to...

a single status

Max Weber argued that formal organization have the ability to...

alienate people from within them

"Meritocracy" refers to social stratification...

based entirely on personal merit

Social-conflict approach is sometimes criticized for...

being clearly political

Sutherland states that white-collar crime is usually settled in...

civil, rather than criminal court

Belif that social inequality if fair b/c social position reflects talent and effort...

class system

Hate crime...

crime motivated by racial or other bias

Agesim means...

discrimination against old people

Gena and Mark are married and have a relatively low social standing. We would expect them to...

engage in different everyday activities

Contribution of schooling to the socialization process

exposing children to peope whose background differ from their own

In poor countries, the disadvantages poor women face relative to men are:

greater than in rich countries

Soloman Asch

group pressure

Illustrates group think...

group that seeks consensus and discourages groups from speeking freely.

Elderly people in the U.S....

have less poverty than average

In his study of prison behavior, Phillip Zimbardo was trying to learn...

if prisons themselves create violence

C. Wright Mills pointed out that sociological awareness tends to be more widespread...

in times of social crisis

A person who gets rich by commiting fraud while working in a bank is an example of...


Arrest for serious crime...

is higher among lower class people

The text explains that slavery...

is still found in Africa, Middle East, and Asian low-income nations

If you were trying to measure the social class of people, you would have to keep in mind that...

it is necessary to specify exactly what you are measuring


juddging another culture by the standards of one's own culture

Simmels understanding of the Dyad...

less stable than groups with more members

A category of people with a higher suicide rate typically has...

lower social integration

The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are...

manifest functions

The value of psychological theories of deviance is limited b/c

most people who commit crimes have "normal" personalities

Durkeim's basic insight is that deviance is a...

normal element of social organization

Social-conflict approach draws attention to...

patterns of social inequality

Describes a radical who rejects...


Small # of people used to represent an entire population...


Refers to relatively stable patterns of social behavior...

social structure

Social stratification refers to...

society ranking people in a hierarchy

Refers to a powerful and negative lavel that changes a persons self-concept and social identity...


Criminal recidivism...

subsequent offenses by a person who has been previously convicted.

Spencer described human societyas having much in common with...

the human body

Term for basic image of society that guides thinking and research...

theoretical approach

As bearaucract spread through the U.S. privacy has become...

threatened more than ever before

Modernization thoery claims that main causes of poverty include...

traditional culture and lack of advanced technology

Dependency theory claims that poor nations...

were underdeveloped by colonialism

2/3 of the poor population in the U.S. are...


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