Sociology Mid Term

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master status

A position in society that cuts across other statuses a person holds, such as being a high-ranking Army officer, a college president, or a handicapped Olympian, would be considered that person's ________.


According to Piaget, the stage of development that is dominated by touching, listening, looking, and the inability to recognize cause and effect is the ________ stage.

manifest functions

According to Robert Merton, ________ are the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions.


All master statuses are achieved statuses.(t/f)


An approach to social interaction in which social life is analyzed in terms of the stage is called ________.

female; associate editor

Andrea is an aspiring associate editor for a major publisher. She is single but feels married to her work. Last year she received a $20,000 bonus for the excellent work she did in promoting new textbooks published by her employer. Based on this information, Andrea's ascribed status is ________ and her achieved status is ________.


Another term used for the stage of development called transitional adulthood, which is between the ages of 18 and 29, is ________.

role performance

Anthony always arrives to class on time, answers questions in class, does his homework on time, and receives excellent grades. All of this is part of his ________ as a good student.

Culture is taken for granted by members of society who share it.

Anthropologist Ralph Linton said, "The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water." What does this imply about culture?


As a child's experiences with agents of socialization broadens, the influence of the family increases.(t/f)


Background assumptions rarely contribute to our expectations.(t/f)

intimate early social interaction

Based on studies of isolated and institutionalized children, what is the key variable in acquiring the basic "human" traits we take for granted?

Jane Adams

Because of her outstanding contributions to social reform, as demonstrated in her work as co-founder of Hull-House, ________ was a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1931. (name)

status inconsistency

Because of his incredibly accelerated study program, Professor Zuchov has the unique privilege of being a 17-year-old university professor. Sociologically, this is an example of ________.


Because of the power of peers and social institutions, we are all prisoners of socialization.(t/f)


Because of their training and expertise, sociologists often stress their personal values in their research. (t/f)


Booker T. Washington was the first African American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard University.(t/f)

status symbols

Bumper stickers such as "Proud Parent of an Honor Student" and "Warning: This Driver Convicted of DUI" are BEST described as being ________.


By definition, subcultures are a threat to the mainstream culture.(t/f)


Cultural lag refers to a situation in which elements of nonmaterial culture (such as norms and values) change, but elements of material culture (such as technology) do not.(t/f)


Culture wars not only identify differences in values and norms, but they may also result in violence and strife among members of the same society.(t/f)


Ethnocentrism is purely a negative trait with no redeeming qualities.(t/f)


Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupant of a status are called

body language

Facial expressions, posture, and gestures are all examples of ________.

a degradation ceremony

Fred has just joined a fraternity. As part of his initiation, he has been forced to cook for the fraternity brothers, clean the frat house, and address the fraternity members as "sir." This is an example of what Harold Garfinkel termed ________.

imitation; play; team games

George Herbert Mead theorized that learning to take the role of the other entails three stages—the ________, _______, and _______ stages.

Thomas theorem

If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. This classic statement is known as the ________.


In Piaget's model for children's development of reasoning skills, the term "reasoning skills" is synonymous with the term "operational" as it is used in the theory.(t/f)

background assumptions

In ethnomethodology, the ideas we take for granted that underlie our behavior and that we violate at our risk are called ________.

cultural relativism

In his book, Sick Societies, anthropologist Robert Edgerton proposed that cultures should be evaluated on their "quality of life" and not just automatically accepted. This is contrary to which of the following sociological concepts?


Individuals who are approximately the same age and are linked by common interests, including friends, classmates, and the "kids in the neighborhood," are MOST appropriately referred to as ________.

Seth is enjoying intimate distance and the professor is at personal distance.

Jackie enjoys having her boyfriend Seth hold her close when they are watching television. She appreciates it when Professor Jones maintains a distance of at least two feet from her while he assists her with her tutoring. In view of this, which statement applies to the relationships that Jackie shares with Seth and with her professor?

They are a group.

Leo, Ryan, and Matthew regularly interact with one another and share similar values, norms, and expectations. In view of this, which concept MOST applies to their relationship?

functionalist; conflict theorist

Mark views society as a system of interrelated parts, while John views society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources. Mark would be considered a(n) ________ and John would be seen as a(n) ________.

Protestant ethic

Max Weber referred to the self-denying approach to life characterized by people living frugal lives and saving their money as the ________.


Mead emphasized that in order to learn to take the role of the "other," a child must pass through three stages - imitation, play, and games.(t/f)


Mead's theory of personal development is based on the image that we present to those around us, the reactions of these people, and way that we interpret these reactions.(t/f)


Morris is 3 years old and just beginning to talk. He can count to 10 but is not altogether sure what numbers actually mean. According to Piaget, Morris is in the ________ stage.

the ability to take the role of another

Of the following traits and abilities, which one would George Herbert Mead consider MOST essential for an individual to be a full-fledged member of society?


Parents are the first significant others to show children the gender map.


Parents are the first significant others to show children the gender map.(t/f)


Sociologists have always agreed that the most important goal of sociology is to generate social change.(t/f)


Sociologists have clearly demonstrated that most emotions are universal and are "products of our genes."(t/f)

leisure, self-fulfillment, physical fitness, youthfulness, and environmental concern

Sociologists have identified an emerging set of five interrelated values in American society. What are these emerging values?

symbolic interactionists

Sociologists who analyze how social life depends on the ways that people define themselves and others are most likely ________.


Some people have a contradiction or a mismatch between their statuses.(t/f)


Stereotypes deeply influence how we react to one another.(t/f)

gender socialization

The Smiths are going Christmas shopping for their two children, Jack and Jane. They plan to buy Jack a Tonka truck and Jane a Barbie doll. Their selection of toys for their children is an example of ________ by parents.

Edward Hall

The anthropologist recognized for his work on personal space was ________.

culture shock

The author's experience in Morocco, which included the absence of women from public positions, intense stares directed at him, pushing and shoving at the train station, and total disregard for sanitation by food vendors, left the author with a profound sense of ________.


The automobile, and the skills needed to drive it, would be an example of ________.


The difference between role and status is that we occupy a status and play a role.(t/f)

we occupy a status that is a social position, but we play a role that is a social expectation

The difference between status and role is that ________.

allows human experience to be cumulative.

The idea that language allows us to pass ideas, knowledge, and attitudes to the next generation shows how language ________.

social institutions

The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs are referred to as ________.

transitional adulthood

The period following high school when young adults have not yet taken on the responsibilities ordinarily associated with adulthood is called ________.

Harry and Margaret Harlow

The research in the early 1960s using rhesus monkeys to demonstrate the importance of intimate physical contact in the rearing of animals was conducted by ________.


The research of the Harlows demonstrated that the key to mother-child bonding is the ability of the mother to provide food and other nutrition to the offspring.(t/f)


The sociological significance of social structure is that it guides our behavior.(t/f)

cultural diffusion

The spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another refers to ________.


Tory is 5 years old. He loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to save Gotham City from the Penguin. According to Mead's theory, he is in the ________ stage.


Universal facial expressions to express basic emotions fall under the category of ___________.

Mothers unconsciously rewarded their daughters for being dependent.

What conclusion did psychologists Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis make after observing the interactions of mothers and their children?

They are a product of our genes.

What is the proposed source of the six specific emotions that Paul Ekman identified as being present in all cultures?

the life course

What term applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death, beginning with "childhood" and concluding with "the older years"?

social integration

What term does Durkheim use to describe the degree to which members of a society are united by shared values and other social bonds?

generalized others

What term would Mead use to refer to the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of the public?


When Harry returned from a business meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, his wife asked him what he thought of the Vietnamese people. Harry replied, "They're primitive people who eat animals from the streets, drive wildly around town on motor scooters, and talk very fast." Harry's reply BEST qualifies as an example of ________.


When on "moral holiday," norms are expected to be broken.(t/f)

Social Location

When sociologists' group people into categories based on their age, gender, educational level, job, and income, they are trying to determine ________.


When young people enter college as resident students, they must learn new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This is an example of ________.

conflict theorists and functionalists

Which groups of social theorists would focus most on macro-level analysis when examining patterns of society?

group superiority

Which of Williams' U.S. values contradicts the other values of freedom, democracy, and equality?

Stereotypes are the assumptions we make that can become self-fulfilling prophecies

Which of the following statements BEST describes how stereotypes affect our interaction with others when we first meet?

be little more advanced than lower primates

Without language, human culture would ________.

Feeling rules

___________ for expressing emotion are based on culture, social class, relationships, and settings.

social institutions


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