Sociology your compass for a New world: Chapters 3,4,6,7,8 TERMS and QUESTIONS

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The nazi's had a bureaucracy that was efficient - the jobs were broken down into minor jobs such as cleaning the ashes from the gas tanks, the workers often did not see the whole picture (true or false)


The tendency for a person to judge other cultures by the standards of their own


The tendency to define ourselves in terms of the goods we purchase

abstraction, cooperation, production

Tools in the survival kit

Democratic leadership

Tries to includes all members in the decision process, taking best ideas form the group and moulding them into a strat. which all can identify, MOST EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP style (other then emergency)

High Culture

culture consumed mainly by upper class (opera, ballet)

four criticisms of bureaucracies

dehumanization, bureaucratic ritualism, oligarchy, bureaucratic inertia


during the foraging societies gender and class inequality was higher or lower then postnatural societies?

war against crime, number of young men has declined, male unemployment decrease, legalization of abortion

four explanations for decline in Canadian crime rates: (hint: young)


has human dependence on nature increased or decreased?


how many people is the cap on how many people it takes to increase conformity?

Hidden curriculum

in school, involves teaching obedience to authority and conformity to culture norms


increasing media influences, less adults supervision and guidance, less extracurricular activities and more adult responsibilities

characteristics of a triad

intensity and intimacy reduced, restricts individuality, third party mediation is possible, free riders are possible, possible to shift responsibility to the larger collectivity

Bureaucratic ritualism

involves bureaucrats becoming so preoccupied with rules and regulations that they make it difficult for the organization to fulfill its goals

social network

is a bounded set of individuals who are linked by the exchange of material or emotional resources. the patterns of exchange determine the boundaries of the network. members exhchange more frequently with eachother than with non members. may be formal but are often more in formal


is a norm stipulated and enforced by government bodies


is a ritual that signifies a persons transition from one group to another and ensures his or her loyalty to the new group


is a social relationship among three nodes or social units (people, firms, countries)


is a social relationship between two nodes or social units (people, firms, countries)


is characterized by an eclectic mix of cultural elements and the erosion of consensus


is deviance that is against the law


is group pressure to conform despite individual misgivings


is the application of the most efficient means to achieve given goals and the unintended , negative consequences of doing so


is the behaviour expected of a person occupying a particular position in society


is the capacity to create complex social life by establishing norms and ideas about what is right and wrong


is the human capacity to make and use tools. Improves our ability to take what we want from nature


is the objective component of the self that emerges as people communicate symbolically and learn to take the role of the other

rights revolution

is the process by which socially excluded groups struggled to win equal rights under the law and in practice

gender roles

is the set of behaviours associated with widely shared expectations about how males and females are supposed to act

Popular culture

Culture consumed by all classes

solve problems

what do shared symbols and their definition help people do?

looking-glass self

when we interact with others, they gesture and react to us. This allows us to imagine how we appear to them

Crimes regarding property

which are most likely to be reported as victimization crimes: crimes again people or crimes regarding property?

they were cut off from main stream norms

why did the Polish Christains help the Jews to hide? regarding norms

a way of maintaining a social bond with gang members

why do gang members participate in criminals acts?

norms of solidarity

with relationships we develop shared ideas, this is called: _____________ and how we should behave with them to sustain the relationship

social catagory

comprises people who share a similar status but do not identify with one another

Material culture

comprises the tools and techniques that people create and accomplish such as buildings, clothes, tools


conisists of the shared symbols and their definitions that people create to solve real life problems


consists of your ideas and attitudes about who you are

Non-material culture

creations and abstract ideas. composed of symbols, norms, and other intangible elements,

victimless crime

crimes that go without victims, often spouse try to protect their loved ones by not reporting the crime


"rule of the few" people at the top of bureaucracies trying to get power

Multiculturalism education hurts the minority, causes political disunity and more inter ethnic and interracial conflict, growth of cultural relativism

3 consequences of teaching multiculturalism


Are collectivities of interacting people who share a culture and a territory

social category

Coffee drinkers are a form of _________ (social group or social category)


Do peoples ID change faster or slower nowadays?


Does a symbol itself have meaning to humans?

Poor, aboriginals commit more street crime, discrimination, contact with westerners

Four explanations for over presentation of aboriginals in prison:


If the hidden curriculum proves to a student that they are being assessed on performance alone, has it done its job? (yes, no)

reasons for why nazis killed jews

Norms of solidarity demand conformity, structures of authority tend to render people obedient, Bureaucracies are highly effective structures of authority

group size, groups cohesiveness, social status, culture, appearance of unanimity

what 5 things did the Asch experiment prove regarding conformity

structures of authority tend to make people obedient

What did Milgrams volt experiment prove to us?

formal punishment

When the judical system penalizes someone for breaking the law


When we describe something as "left, right, above" ourselves this is ____________ thinking


a large impersonal organization comprising many clearly defined positions arrange in hiearchy. Has a permanent paid staff of experts, written goals, rules, and procedures. IDEALLY staff members try and find ways of running this group more efficiently

informal punishment

a mild sanction that is imposed during face to face interaction not the judical system


a set of distinctive values, norms, and practices WITHIN a larger culture

Sapir-Worf thesis

a thesis holds that we experience certain things in our environment and form concepts about those things. we then develop language to express those concepts. language itself influences how we see the world


accepted ways of doing things

Laissez-faire leadership

allows subordinates to work things out largely on their own with no direction from above. LEAST EFFECTIVE TYPE OF LEADERSHIP


are among the strongest norms, when someone goes against a ____________ it causes a revulsion in the community and the punishment is severe


are concrete things or abstract terms that represent something else


are core norms that most people believe are essential for survival of their group or their society

rites of passage

are cultural ceremonies that mark the transition from one stage of life to another (baptisms, confirmations, weddings)


are ideas that identify desirable states

conflict crimes

are illegal acts many people think are harmful in society and some people believe they are not harmful, but vary on the country or province

consensus crime

are illegal acts that almost all people believe are punishable

secondary group

are larger and more impersonal than primary groups, social interaction in secondary groups create weaker social ties. extends over shorter period of time, narrow range of activities. involves AT MOST a passing acquaintance with one another

social diversions

are minor acts of deviance that are generally perceived as relatively harmless and that evoke, at most, a mild societal reaction, such as amusement

social deviations

are non-criminal departures from norms that are nonetheless subject to offical control some members of the public regard them as somewhat harmful while others do not.

foraging societies

are societies in which people live by searching for wild plants and hunting wild animals. Such societies predominated until 10,00 years ago inequality, division of labour, productivity and settlement size are very low in such societies

industrial societies

are societies that use machines and fuel to greatly increase the supply and dependability of food and finished goods.

pastoral societies

are societies which people domesticate cattle, camels, pigs, sheep, horses and reindeer, emerged 10,00 years ago


are the least important norms and they evoke the least severe punishment

self-report surveys

asked to report their involvement in criminal activites, either are the perpetrators or victimes

reference group

comprises of a group of people against whom an individual evaluates his or her situations or conduct to

social group

comprises one or more networks of people who identify with one another and adhere to defined norms, roles and statues,


most important agents of primary socialization:

Authoritarian leadership

needs compliance from workers, one person calls the shots. most effective in a crisis (war, ER room, etc)

primary groups

norms, roles, and statuses are agreed on but are not put in writing. social interaction leads to strong emotional ties. it extends over a long period, and involves a wide range of activities. it results in group members knowing one another well


occurs when bureaucracies treat clients as standard cases and personnel as cogs in a giant machine. This treatment frustrates clients and lowers worker morale


occurs when powerful socializing agents deliberately cause rapid change in a persons values, roles and self conception sometimes against a persons will


occurs when someone departs from a norm and evokes a negative reaction from others

characteristics of a dyad

partners are intensely absorbed in the relationship, need both partners to live but only one to die, no "free riders", neither partner can deny responsibilites


people who are _______ are negatively evaluated because of a marker they wear that distinguishes them from others (and groups)

Bureaucratic inertia

refers to the tendency of large, rigid bureaucracies to continue their policies even when their clients' needs change

Total insituations

settings in which people are isolated from the larger society and under strict control and constant supervision of a specialized staff (ex: prison)

agricultural societies

socieites in which plows and animal power are used to increase food supply, emerged 5000 years ago

postnatural societies

societies in which genetic engineering enables people to create new life forms

postindustrial societies

societies in which most workers are employed in the service sector and computer spur substantial increases in the division of labour and productivity. US was the first of this society

Anticipatory socialization

taking on norms and behaviors of the role to which we aspire


the ability to create general concepts that meaningfully organize concrete, sensory experience

Cultural relativism

the belief that all cultures have equal value


the process by which people learn their culture - including norms, values and roles and become aware of themselves as they interact with others


the subjective and impulsive aspect of the self that is present from birth


true or false , The internet helps discover parts of ones ID that they didn't know about and also allow someone to become anyone online


true, false we sometimes pay more attention to norms of solidarity then to morality (norms of solidarity > morality)

globalization, changing body

two reasons why identity have changed more in recent years compared with previous years:

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