Speech Final Exam

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According to your book, approximately how many words can the brain effectively process during the listening aspect of communication

400 to 800

When speaking to inform, which of the following is not necessary

all of the above (be technical, relate the topic to the audience, don't overestimate what the audience knows, avoid abstractions)

What does your textbook say about speech dialects?

all of the above (most languages have dialects, no dialect is inherently better or worse than others, dialects are usually based on regional or ethnic speech patterns)

Audience adaptation is an important factor in which of the following steps of the speechmaking process?

all three of the above (formulating a purpose, writing an introduction & conclusion, choosing visual aids)

_______ is the repetition of initial consonant sounds of close or adjoining words.


_____ is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure.


According to your textbook, saying "dunno" instead of "don't know" is an error in ___.


A _______________ is a trite or overused expression.


The ________________ meaning of a word includes all of the associations and feelings the word touches off in different people.


The ________________ meaning of a word is its literal or dictionary meaning.


Asia was giving a speech on bacterial meningitis. She began her speech in a quietly which made it hard for the class to listen. But throughout the body speech her command of the topic and her thorough research increased her credibility. By the beginning of her third main point, the class was completely engaged in her content. According to your book, what kind of credibility was enhanced?


Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as the best method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

develop vivid and memorable examples

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a responsibility of every member in a small group?

encourage participation by all

When approaching the podium or lectern and beginning your speech, you should ___.

establish eye contact with your audience before you begin to speak

According to your textbook, if you quoted Sahib Perkins, a National Institute of Health researcher, on the causes of adolescent smoking, what kind of testimony would you be using?


According to the textbook, the ____ speaker delivers a speech with little or no immediate preparation.


According to your textbook, emotional appeal is inappropriate in a persuasive speech on a question of ___.


According to your textbook, task needs involve the steps to be done prior to a meeting to assure that a successful meeting can occur for a small group.


Although writers may not ethically present other people's ideas as their own, it is o.k. for a speaker to present other people's ideas as his or her own.


Always approach your audience as if they are completely ignorant.


Audience analysis and adaptation affect all aspects of speechmaking except for the delivery of the speech itself.


It is completely in appropriate for persuasive speakers to refer to their own personal experiences in an attempt to bolster their own credibility.


It is important that every small group discussion end in a 100% unanimous decision on major issues facing the group, otherwise the meeting was not profitable.


Terminal ethos and initial ethos are always the same for a speaker.


A listener's _____ affects his or her understanding of your topic before you begin speaking and thus affects the understanding of your speech

frame of reference

What does your textbook advise regarding the use of gestures during your speech?

gestures should appear natural and spontaneous

Juan found a brillian speech given by a British politician. Since Juan was running for office in a different country he used the entire speech since it was very applicable and timely. What kind of plagiarism was Juan guilty of?


The audience's perception of whether the speaker is looking out for them or for himself/herself is called ____________.


According to your text, how well a speech is organized can/will influence which of the following

how well the audience understands, how the audience views the competence of the speaker, how confident the speaker feels about his/her delivery

Anna was giving a speech on Spain. During her speech she began to tell of an imaginary story of a magic carpet and a monkey who helped the people in a poor village. What kind of example was she using?


The name of a group member t whom others defer because of his or her rank or expertise.


Concern by a listener about an upcoming job interview, the lack of air conditioning in a room, or thinking about tonight's game are examples of:


A/An ____ is a statement in the body of the speech that summarizes the speaker's preceding point.

internal review/summary

Identify the flaw in the following preview statement: "Today I would like to tell you about my amazing trip down the Amazon River."

lacks a preview of the main point

Marge is presenting to her board of directors the annual sales at her flower shop over the last 10 years. She wants to show income versus cost expenditures for plants and fertilizer. What visual aid would be best for her to use?

line graph

Edward recognized that some of his team members weren't always getting along. Unfortunately, the lack of comradery was spilling over into an inability to accomplish much work during the meetings since certain people were angry at others. Edwardo needed to work on which leadership need in order to help his group get things done.


As explained in your textbook, one of the defining traits of a small group is which of the following:

members of the group assemble for a specific purpose

A _________ is an implicit comparison, not introduced with the word "like" or "as" between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common.


According to your textbook, all but ONE of these should be considered when choosing statistics in your speech. Which one of these is NOT needed?

only use current statistics

Using evidence in a persuasive speech is especially vital when the target audience ___.

opposed your point of view

Which of the following does your textbook encourage for practicing your delivery?

practicing aloud, in front of a mirror, in the classroom, creating an easy to read outline

Which of the following is the best approach to using evidence in your speech?

present evidence in specific terms

At a meeting of her cancer-survivors group, Susan Huerta made sure to unlock the room, make sure the projector was ready, and placed the handouts on the back table. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Susan's actions fulfill?


Nala was given the task of setting the agenda for each meeting. Which procedural need was she responsible for?


A ________________ is a figurative comparison that always contains the word "like" or "as."


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of demographic audience analysis?


Tara called a meeting in her company regarding the lack of efficiency occurring during the third shift. During the meeting she took notes on her tablet about each supervisor's opinions. She also asked challenging questions and worked at making every supervisor had an opportunity to speak. What kind of a leadership function was she endeavoring to fulfill?


According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech is called what?


A speaker can have high credibility for one audience and low credibility for another audience.


As in other forms of communication, effective listening is vital to communication in a small group discussion.


Every member of a small group should be prepared to assume leadership if necessary.


In many aspects of public speaking you will employ the skills of critical thinking.


Maintaining proper eye contact is essential for an effective speech.


Most experts recommend using no more than 2 fonts per visual.


One of the defining traits of a small group is that its members assemble for a specific purpose


Public speaking is more highly structured than conversation?


Research indicates that listeners are more likely to be persuaded by evidence that is new to them than by facts and figures that they already know.


In which situation would a speaker be most likely to recite a speech from complete memory?

when introducing a guest speaker

Jessica and Keynari went to a Bach concert. What type of listening is this?


What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for assessing the soundness of documents on the World Wide Web?

authorship, sponsorship, recency

In her speech about Patriotism, Susan briefly mentioned, "It is events such as Pearl Harbor that inspired man young men and women to enlist in our armed forces during the 1940s." Susan employed which type of example in her speech?


The means by which a spoken message is communicated is the


A speech narrating a series of historical events in the order they occurred will usually be arranged in ____ order.


The following main points are arranged in ___________ order. I. Maranatha was founded in 1968. II. Maranatha saw good growth in the 1980s. III. Maranatha still sees God at work in the school


Jose was a science major. He attended a symposium which would be presenting new medications for Alzheimers disease. What type of listening is this?


What kind of conclusion ends with the speaker escalating in strength and power and intensity?


Serenity and her friend Luis attended a political debate prior to the elections to determine which candidate they wanted to support. What type of listening is this?


According to your textbook, when preparing questions for a research interview, you should

determine the purpose, avoid unnecessary questions, arrange questions in the order you want them asked.

Good speech delivery ______.

does not draw attention to itself

A pastor was called to the hospital following a tragic accident. He sat in the waiting room with the family while waiting the doctors return with news of the patient. What type of listening is this?


The primary value of using testimonies in a speech is to accomplish what?

enhance the vividness of the speaker's ideas

Mariam was giving a 45 minute presentation on spinal injuries. She included in her speech a 5 minute story about one of her patients who had endured a broken neck yet experienced a full recovery. What kind of example was she using?


According to your text, most speeches should always contain at least between 5 and 8 main points.


After conducting an interview, you should usually wait a few days before reviewing your notes.


As your textbook explains, the ethical obligation of a speaker to avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language is essentially a matter of political correctness?


As your textbook explains, when you locate an abstract of a magazine article using a computerized periodical index, you may feel free to cite the article in your speech on the basis of having read only the abstract.


Because a picture is worth a thousand words, it is wise to pass a photograph during your introduction to gain attention.


Because introductions do not contain the main content of the speech, speakers do not need to consider their value.


Because men and women in the U.S. share a much broader range of experiences than they did 50 years ago, gender is no longer a significant factor to be considered in demographic analysis and speech writing.


Being audience-centered means that a speaker must sacrifice what she or he really believes to get a favorable response from the audience.


Egocentrism is the belief that one's culture is superior to all others.


If something is legal, it is also ethical.


It is not necessary to practice with your visuals prior to your presentation.


Like magazine and journal articles that have editors, most documents posted on the internet have been subject to close and thorough editorial review. Thus, if its on the internet, it must be true.


Listeners always realize how nervous a speaker is internally.


Listeners typically approach a speech with one question in their minds: "Why is this important to the speaker."


Once you know the main points of your outline, you should then formulate your specific purpose.


One of the advantages of using a recording device during a research interview is that you can ethically sneak it into the interview without anyone knowing.


Research has shown that statistics have more impact on listeners' beliefs and actions than any other support, so use them repeatedly during a speech.


Since a pie graph is used to dramatize relationships of a whole, it is always necessary to have between 8 to 10 sections in your graph


Since the technology and ease of vides is so advanced, it is always wise to include one within your speech.


Since you can't tell your audience everything in your time limit, assume they know the basic facts of your speech and don't review those.


The craft of teaching and studying public speaking is fairly new to education.


The following is an example of a well-worded preview statement (central idea) for a speech to inform: "To tell my audience about why they should support Jackson Smith for mayor."


The goal of an informative speech is to motivate your listener in some way to take a specific action


The primary purpose of speechmaking is to demonstrate command of your topic?


The specific purpose reveals more about the content of the speech than does the preview statement.


Unlike writers, public speakers can present other people's ideas as their own without being guilty of plagiarism.


Visual Aids always explain themselves.


When speaking, always begin talking as you approach the podium/lecturn so that your audience isn't bored while you walk all the way to the front.


The three major goals of public speaking are to persuade, to convince and to entertain.

false, persuade, inform, entertain

What lets you know if your message is being understood by the listener?


Tom heard a great speech on global warming. He used his entire Roman Numeral II from one particular author. He didn't give any credit when giving his speech. What kind of plagiarism was he gulty of?


Josephina owned a horse farm which she used for disabled children. Wanting to expand her barns, she went before the city zoning commission to show her desired addition to a current building on her property. She was told that her visual aid should be "to scale." Which visual aid would be best for her to take to the commission?


When you give the gist of someone else's statement in your own words, rather than quoting that person verbatim, you are providing a ____.


Sarah did good research for her speech. But when it was time to present, she lifted entire sections from 3 different articles without ever citing their author. What kind of plagiarism is she guilty of?


Which of the following is out of place on a speech to inform:


MBU wanted to show the student body how many students during the fall 2017 school year were in each of the following majors: biblical studies, education, science, nursing, sports management and cross cultural. Which visual aid would be the best to show the distribution of each major?

pie graph

Anita was doing research about how a lack of sleep impacts the life of a college student. She chose to discuss the sleeping patterns (or lack thereof!) of students followed by the steps they could/should take to be assured of more rest. What pattern did Anita choose to use?


Which of the following is NOT a part of situational audience analysis?


What device is used when a speaker asks a question, but does not want the listener to answer aloud?


Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose "To inform my audience how to best tour Washington, D.C. on foot."


Of the different kinds of speeches, what kind of speech deals with a belief or notion?

speech about a concept

Of the different kinds of speeches, what kind of speech deals with a systematic series f actions to bring about a result?

speech about a process

Of the different kinds of speeches, what kind of speech deals with anything that happens (i.e. The Battle of Gettysburg)?

speech about an event

Of the different kinds of speeches, what kind of speech deals with anything visible and tangible?

speech about an object

If you were giving a persuasive speech on Medicare to members of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the most important demographic factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be which of the following:

the age of the audience

Charity decided to give a speech dealing with diabetes. He specifically wanted to highlight the kinds of diabetes, the effects of diabetes, and the advancements for diabetes. Which order should Charity choose to use?


A hypothetical example describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.


Being enthusiastic about your speech can impact the audience in a positive way.


If a student has not prepared a Power Point well and has failed to practice with it, he or she would be better off NOT using the Power Point during the presentation.


If you cannot identify the author of a document on the World Wide Web, you should try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document.


It is possible to disagree entirely with a speaker's ideas, but still support his or her right to express those ideas.


Just as public speakers have ethical responsibilities, so too do the people who listen to a speech.


No matter the occasion, listeners will have fairly definite expectations about the kinds of speeches appropriate for the occasion.


One of the advantages of using the World Wide Web for research is that yo can locate information by conducting both subject searches and keyword searches.


One of the main reasons to use examples in a speech is that they put abstract ideas into concrete terms for your listener to easily understand.


People need effective listening skills in all occupations.


Public speaking usually requires more formal language than everyday conversation.


Since you want the audience to learn, avoid using technical terms they don't know.


The following is an effective preview statement (central idea) for a speech to persuade: "You should vote a $10 increase in parking lot fees to pay for a new intramural athletic facility because the facility is necessary, worthwhile, and practical."


The preview statement should be expressed as a full sentence.


The preview statement should be the last sentence of the introduction.


The preview statement should contain the main pints which the speaker is going to discuss in the speech.


When dealing with historical events, a speaker could deal with a topic (like Gettysburg) in more than just a chronological fashion.


When taking research notes, it is important to distinguish among direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own words.


You are most likely to be successful in your classroom speeches if you think of your class mates as a real audience.


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