Spinal ortho final

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Tony is a 56 year old man with chronic frequent moderate to severe local low back pain. He tells you that he has had it on and off for at least 15 years and it is now starting to get worse. Part 1: What two conditions that we discussed in class are probable causes of his condition? (2 points)

1. Lumbar DJD such as lumbar facet syndrome 2. SI joint disorder

"Red flags" are historical and examination findings that serve as warning signs suggesting the possibility of serious underlying conditions such as cancer, infection, etc... Which of the following are considered to be "red flags"? a. medical history of previous cancer b. age greater than 60 c. pain that is not affected by position or movement e. all of the above

All of the above

Following a positive SLR, the lower extremity is lowered slightly until the pain is reduced. The lower extremity is then adducted and internally rotated. Pain the lower extremity is reproduced by this procedure. What is the name of this test? a. Bechterew's test b. Burn's test c. Braggards test d. Brudzinski's test e. Bonnet's


patient has radiculopathy. The following test is performed after performing the SLR and is done by lowering the extended leg by 5 degrees then dorsiflexing.

Braggard test

Upon flexing your supine patient's head, their hips and knees flex. What is the name of the sign? a. Lhermitte's b. Soto-Hall c. Kernig's d. bowstring e. Brudzinski's


If when you flex the supine patients neck their hip & knees flex, they are said to have a positive ____________.

Brudzinski's sign

If when you flex the supine patients neck their hips & knees flex, they are said to have a positive ______


Your patient's neck pain is aggravated when the cervical compression test is performed. This examination finding would be most indicative of which of the following disorders? a. cervical radiculopathy b. cervical myelopathy c. cervical DJD d. strain/sprain e. TOS

Cervical DJD

The finding in the question above is considered to indicate the presence of ____. a. spondyloarthrosis b. TOS c. cervical radiculopathy d. Cervical myelopathy e. none of the above

Cervical myelopathy

Your patient experiences relief of their upper extremity pain and paresthesia when the cervical distraction is performed. Which of the following conditions does your pt most likely have? a. TOS b. Cervical DJD c. strain/sprain d. meningitis e. cervical radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy.

The doctor stabilizes the standing patient's pelvis and rotates, extends, and laterally bends the patient to the right. The patient experiences pain in the right side of the lower back and buttocks. This finding would be most suggestive of which of the following?

Facet syndrome on the right

This test best identifies anterior SI ligament sprain..


Doctor places her hand under the supine patient's lumbar spine and with her inferior hand under the patient's ankle slowly flexes the patient's hip. The doctor notes whether the patient experiences creation or exacerbation of his low back pain before she feels the lumbar spine flatten or as the lumbar spine starts to flatten. What's the name of this test?


The doctor places her hand under the supine patient's lumbar spine and with her inferior hand the patient's ankle slowly flexes the hip. The doctor notes whether the patient experiences creation or exacerbation of his low back pain before she feels the lumbar spine flatten or as the lumbar spine starts to flatten. What is the name of this test?


These tests help differentiate between low back pain due to SI joint disorder and lumbar joint disorder.

Goldthwaits Belts

To confirm the results of a positive Milgrim's test an examiner would perform which of the following positive tests? (select all)

Lhermitte's sign

Flexion of the seated patient's head causes diffuse electrical sensations down the spine and upper extremities. This is known as _____ sign.


When neck flexion causes electrical sensations to shoot down the neck, arms, and spine, ____ sign is said to be present. a. Kernig's b. Soto Hall c. Lhermitte's d. Linder's e. Brudzinski's ab. none of the above


This malingering test is designed to check a patients pain threshold by applying a gradual increase in pressure to the mastoid process.


Which trunk of the brachial Plexus is most commonly involved in TOS.


During an exam the patient's pain occurs with isometric contraction, but does not occur with passive stretching. What type of injury would be more likely?


Which of the following tests would most likely cause a "sciatic-like" shooting sensation down the anterior thigh when the patient has femoral neuropathy? a. slump b. Nachlas c. Hibb's d. Mannkopf e. Fajerstajzn's


You stabilize your prone patient's sacrum and then you flex their knee bringing their heel toward the ipsilateral buttock. What is the name of this test? a. Gaenslen's b. Nachlas c. Patrick's d. Yeoman's e. Hibb's


Which of the following is the classic presentation of "T4 Syndrome"?

Pain and tingling sensations in one of both hands in a glove-like distribution

positive Wright's test is usually indicative of which of the following?

Pectoralis Minor Syndrome

Wright's test: a. pectoralis minor syndrome b. scalenus anticus syndrome c. costoclavicular syndrome d. cervical rib syndrome

Pectoralis minor

When your patient bends forward their scoliosis remains unchanged or even increases. The scoliosis would be considered to be ____


When your patient bends forward, their scoliosis remains unchanged or even increases. The scoliosis would be considered to be: a. structural b. functional


With this exam you ask the patient to bend forward from a standing position while evaluating changes in spinal curvature or rib humping. This test is helping you to determine if the patient has...

Structural vs function scoliosis

When the test above was performed, the patient's pelvis on the unsupported side dropped down in the coronal plane. What is the significance/interpretation of this finding? a. normal b. weak gluteus medius on the supported side c. weak gluteus medius on the unsupported side d. tight psoas muscle on the supported side e. tight psoas muscle on the unsupported side F. None of the above

Weak glute medius on supported side

When the standing patient lifted the right foot off the floor, the entire right side of the pelvis dropped down. What is the significance of this finding?

Weak glute medius on the left

Mannkoph's test: a. examiner applies pressure to the patient's mastoid process b. examiner takes radial pulse while applying pressure to area of patient's pain c. examiner attempts to identify that patient is pretending to be paralyzed in lower extremity d. examiner notes that patient point to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful areas

b. examiner takes radial pulse while applying pressure to area of patient's pain

A patient with piriformis syndrome would most likely present with which of the following foot positions ipsilaterally? a. excess toeing in b. excess toeing out

b. excess toeing out

TOS usually causes paresthesia and numbness down the ____ aspect of the upper extremity. a. lateral b. medial

b. medial

When compression is applied with the head rotated and extended, it is known as the _____ test. a. Jackson's b. Nafzigger's c. Soto Hall d. Modified Spurling

d. Modified Spurling

A pt presents post-trauma with both hands around his neck and mandible. What is the name of this sign? a. Rubin's sign b. Rothman's sign c. Randall's sign d. Rust's sign e. Brudzinski's sign ab. none of the above

d. Rust's sign

When Allen's test is abnormal, ____ would most likely be present. a. cervical radiculopathy b. compression of a spinal nerve c. compression of the spinal cord d. cervical fracture e. none of the above

e. none of the above

Which of the following would help you further assess the condition suspected when the Brudzinski sign is present? a. Roos b. Soto Hall c. Naffzigger d. Kernig's e. O'Donoghues


Contraindications for performing the valsalva maneuver include which of the following. (all these were selected)

- HBP - Old age - Diabetic - Pregnant - History of smoking

When performing a visual assessment of cervical flexion ROM, how many finger widths from the patient's chest would be considered normal?


Cervical distraction test should be held for how many seconds?


A person presents with a lower extremity radiculopathy. They have a positive SLR. What range of hip flexion will SLP most likely come up as positive?

35-70 degrees

patient complains of numbness in the pelvic floor and inability to urinate should suggest the presence of ____. a. sciatic neuropathy b. SI radiculopathy c. sacroiliac joint disorder d. facet syndrome e. cauda equina syndrome

Cauda equina syndrome

Which of the following tests were not designed to elicit signs of radiculopathy? (select all)

A. Gainslens b. Belts

3. 24 year old athlete enters your office with pain in their right lateral shin and an inability to perform a heel walk with their right leg. They have a positive kemps, SLR and Braggards test. What condition do they most likely have and what is most likely the cause of this condition? (select all)

A. L5 radiculopathy caused by bone spurs b. L5 radiculopathy caused by a disc bulge

This term is most appropriately used to describe degenerative changes to facet joints and uncinate joints..


If during a patients history you discover that the patient has had been in a car accident the previous day you should move X-rays. Choose the best answer.

Ask more questions about the severity of the impact and the patients level of pain

When the standing patient bends forward, the knee of the side of their back and lower extremity pain/tingling/numbness bends, this would be identified as a positive _____ sign. a. bowstring b. Neri's bowing c. Minor's d. Liberian's e. Kernig's

B. Neri's bowing

A patient walks into your office with their hand resting on top of their head and tells you that this position makes their arm and hand pain feel better. This sign is called...


The seated position actively extends one knee, then the other, and then both. What is the name of this test?

Bechterew's Test

Which of the following is the best description of the Kerning test? a. compress the jugular veins for 10 seconds b. bend the hip and knee to 90 degrees and then extend the knee c. laterally flex the patient's head and depress the contralateral shoulder d. which taking the radial pulse, abduct the patient's arm e. flex the supine patient's head to their chest

Bend the hip and knee to 90 degrees, and then extend the knee

If the sclerogenic pain illustrated below was referred from a cervical facet joint, which joint would most likely be the source? a. C3-4 b. C4-5 c. C5-6 d. C6-C7 e. C7-8


The 2 cervical spinal nerves that most commonly develop radiculopathy are ___.


The typical distribution of paresthesia with TOS is consistent with which of the following spinal nerves


When the patient's low back and lower extremity pain/tingling/numbness are exacerbated when the patient coughs, sneezes, and strains to move their bowels. This is known as ____ triad. a. Duchenne's b. Duck's c. Duff's d. Dejerine's e. Dejong's

Dejerines test

A positive WLR is most likely indicative of...

Contralateral medial disc herniation

A positive Eden's test is considered to be indicative of ....(chose more than one if applicable) - Cervical Radiculopathy - Costoclavicular syndrome - Spinal instability - Scalenus anticus syndrome - Pectoralis minor syndrome


Eden's Test: a. pectoralis minor syndrome b. scalenus anticus syndrome c. costoclavicular syndrome d. cervical rib syndrome

Costoclavicular syndrome

The above test is called ___ test/position. a. Adson's b. Ackerman's c. Ashcroft's d. Adam's e. Abigail's

D. Adams

What symptoms would most likely be present with a positive Shoulder depression test?

Dermatomal Paresthesia

A positive WLR test is strong evidence that a ___ is present. a. injury of the SI joint b. tight posas muscle c. lumbar facet syndrome d. disc herniation and L/S radiculopathy e. tight gluteus medius muscle

Disc Herniation and L/S radiculopathy

A positive WLR test is considered to be strong evidence that a __________ is present?

Disc herniation and L/S radiculopathy

Taking the radial pulse, having the patient pull the shoulder back and down, and then pushing down on the shoulder best describes ___test.


The sign is positive if the patient's ipsilateral pelvis is lifted off the table.


With the patient prone you flex their knee bringing their heel towards the contralateral buttocks, and if this is not provocative, you then extend the hip. What is the name of this test?

Elys heel to butt

T/F Bakody's sign is present when a pt states that placing their hands on the top of their head aggravates their upper extremity pain and paresthesia.

F. Relieves upper extremity

T/F When the Soto- Hall test is performed, patients who experience neck pain have a cervical fracture.

F. must get an x-ray

If a patient has an increase in local pain when performing cervical distraction tests then they have a positive cervical distraction test.


T/F Adson's test differs from Modified adson's test in that it helps identify if the patients TOS is related to the presence of a cervical rib


T/F Jackson's test differentiates between radiculopathy due to disc herniation and radiculopathy due to bone spurs


T/F Muscle spasms commonly put pressure on nerve roots causing radiculopathies.


T/F The Naffziggers test is performed by bilateral compressing the carotid arteries for 30-45 second


T/F With regards to the lumbar spine, as we descend from L1 to L5 the IVFvgrow in size and the nerve roots decrease in diameter.


T/F in performing Hoover's test the examiner notes the patient points to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful area.


T/F When evaluating a patient post-trauma, x-rays need to be moved prior to palpation. (Remember HIPPIRONEL)

False, after palp

T/F A restricted and/or painful SLR identifies that your patient has a disc herniation. F. could also be SI

False, could also be SI

T/F Jackson's test differentiates cervical radiculopathy caused by IVF stenosis from cervical radiculopathy caused by disc herniation.

False, narrows the IVF

T/F When visualizing cervical extension range of motion, a line running from the forehead to the chin must become parallel to the floor in order for normal extension to be identified.

False, tip of the nose

3. A "false positive" could occur when Kernig's test is performed due to tightness of which one of the following muscles


Which of the following orthopedic tests would cause stretching of the piriformis muscle and might exacerbate the symptoms of the piriformis syndrome? a. Burn's test b. Eden's test c. Nachlas test d. Hibb's test e. Lamirande's test


What follow up test should be performed after a positive Brudzinski sign is present?


Which of the following tests/signs are designed to evaluate for meningitis?

Kernig; Brudzinski

Tight hamstrings could cause which one of the following tests to appear to be positive?


While performing Schepelman;s test the patient has no pain on the same side that they are bending towards. What is this indicative of?

Intercostal neuritis

1. If a patient presents with Minor's Sign which of the following is most accurate?

It is difficult to tell without performing more exams

Which of the following is essentially the low back versions of the modified Spurling test? a. Kemp's test b. Fajersztajin's test c. Adam's test d. Thomas test e. Trencelenberg's test

Kemp's test

Which of the following is essentially the low back version of the maximal cervical compression test?


A patient presents with pain and sometimes tingling on their right medial shin and significantly weak knee extensor muscles. What condition would most be appropriate to test for?

L4 radiculopathy

When L5 radiculopathy is caused by disc herniation which disc would most likely be the cause?

L4-5 disc

A far lateral disc herniation of the L5 disc is most likely to affect which nerve root..


A posterolateral disc herniation at the L4 disc is most likely to affect which nerve root..


Herniation of the L4-L5 disc would most likely cause an ___ radiculopathy. a. L4 b. L5 C. S1


With regards to lumbar radiculopathy the most commonly affected nerve roots to be affected are...


Which of the following tests/ maneuvers is NOT usually considered a relevant clinical test for suspected lumbosacral radiculopathy? a. Bechterews b. Sicard c. slump d. Valsalva e. Laguerre


Your patient presents with pain, tingling, and numbness in the left lower extremity and an antalgic lean to the right. If the patient has a disc herniation causing their lumbosacral radiculopathy, the direction of the disc herniation would be considered to be ____ to the nerve root. a. medial b. lateral


Weak abs, gluteus maximus and hamstrings are often associated with...

Lumbar hyperlordosis

When a patient has a positive Supported Blts test they most likely have what?

Lumbar joint disorder

With the patient seated you push down on the top of the pts head to see if they report an increase in low back pain. The purpose for you performing this test is to identify if they have a ______

Lumbar joint disorder

Beth has tingling and sometimes numbness in her toe and shin. Part 1: As discussed in class, what condition does she most likely have? (2 pts)

Lumbar radiculopathy

The "slump" test is designed to identify __

Lumbosacral radiculopathy

When the SLR test is positive, you should ____:

Make a note of the degree of hip flexion, then lower the leg approx. 5 degrees and dorsiflex the foot

If a patient's pulse rate does not increase while performing this test then you may suspect that the patient has an inorganic physical sign. What is the name of this test?


7. If a disc herniation in the low back causes an antalgic lean toward the side of their lower extremity p/t/n this is sometimes considered to indicate that their disc herniation is ____ to the affected spinal nerve


The exam finding described in the question above should cause you to be concerned that your patient might have ____. a. cervical nerve root adhesions b. cervical disc protrusion c. meningitis d. TOS e. cervical spondylosis


The presence of Brudzinski's sign would be suggestive of ______.


If standing patient lifts their left leg off the floor and their left hip drops you may conclude that they have a pathology involving a weak

R gluteus medius muscle

Your patient's upper extremity pain and tingling is exacerbated when you have him hold his breath and bear down as if to move his bowels. Which of the following conditions is most likely causing your patient's symptoms? a. sclerogenic referred pain b. radiculopathy c. TOS d. strain/sprain e. meningitis


When the shoulder depression test performed on the right side causes an electric-like shooting sensation down into the right arm it is considered to indicate: a. radiculopathy due to IVF stenosis b. radiculopathy due to adhesions c. radiculopathy due to disc herniation d. meningitis

Radiculopathy due to adhesions

Which of the following tests would be best to identify intermittent claudication in the upper extremity?


Which of the following tests would be best to identify intermittent claudication in the upper extremity? a. O'Donoghue's test b. Kernig's test c. Jackson's test d. Roos test e. Eden's test


Which sign would most cause you to consider spinal instability?

Rusts sign

The Dr. places her hand under the supine patient's low back and with her inferior hand under the patient's ankle, flexes the lower extremity. The patient complains of low back pain prior to the doctor feeling any movement of the lumbar spine. This finding is usually considered to indicate that the patient's condition is ____. a. SI disorder b. lumbar spine disorder


Which of the following SI tests does NOT use the femur as a long lever to transmit stress through the high joint to the SI joint? a. Hibb's test b. SI gapping test c. Patrick's Fabere d. Gaenlen's test e. Daguerre's test

SI gapping

The normal degree measurement for cervical flexion on the LCCW Health Center exam form is _____ degrees.

To degrees

Beth has tingling and sometimes numbness in her toe and shin. Part 2: List 6 tests that we discussed that would help you confirm this condition. (3 pts)

SLR Braggards Bonnets Kemps Bechterews Slump

Adson's Test: a. pectoralis minor syndrome b. scalenus anticus syndrome c. costoclavicular syndrome d. cervical rib syndrome

Scalenes anticus Cervical rib

Modified Adson's test: a. pectoralis minor syndrome b. scalenus anticus syndrome c. costoclavicular syndrome d. cervical rib syndrome

Scalenes anticus Cervical rib

What are the three main areas that can aggravate TOS symptoms?

Scalenus anterior Pectoralis Minor Costoclavicular

Following a positive SLR, the lower extremity is lowered slightly until the pain is reduced. The foot is then dorsiflexed. Pain in the lower extremity is reproduced by this procedure. This finding is most suggestive of which of the following? a. SI joint dysfunction b. hamstring tightness c. Sciatic neuropathy d. hip joint dysfunction

Sciatic neuropathy

This test can be used as both a malingering test as well as a test for radiculopathy.

Sitting Laseque

54. If when you flex the supine patients head while stabilizing their thoracic spine by placing your hand on their chest they have posterior neck pain, they are said to have a positive ___.


The supine patient is instructed to draw the left knee to their chest. You note that the right knee bends and lifts off the table. What is the significance of this finding? a. weak gluteus medius on the left b. weak gluteus medius on the right c. tight psoas muscle on the left d. tight psoas muscle on the right e. sacroiliac lesion on the left ab. sacroiliac lesion on the right

Tight psoas on the right

When the supine patient draws their left knee to their chest, you note that the right hip flexors causing the right knee to bend and lift off the table. What is the significance of this finding?

Tight psoas on the right

While visualizing the level of the patient's iliac crests, gluteal dimples, or gluteal folds, the Dr. asks the standing patient to lift one foot off the floor. What is the name of this test? a. Minor's b. Gower's c. Thomas' d. Trendelenberg's e. Ely's


Cervical distraction test can be used to evaluate for cervical joint disorder or cervical radiculopathy.


T/F Jacksons test involves applying compression to the cervical spine with the head in the laterally flexed position.


T/F Pain that occurs with resisted isometric contractions, but not with passive stretching would be more indicative of musculotendinous injury than ligamentous injury.


T/F When a patient has a left more medial disc herniation their symptoms may be exacerbated performing a right Kemp's test.


T/F Wright's test is also known as the hyperabduction test.


Two tests that increase intrathecal pressure are ___. a. Naffzigger and O'Donahue b. Lhermitte's and Modified Spurling c. Valsalva and Naffzigger e. Soto Hall and Jackson's

Valsalva and Naffzigger

These tests increase in CSF pressure causing the nerve root to expand to better fill the IVF. (select all)

Valsalva, Nafziggers, Milgrims

Which of the following group tests are SI tests performed in the prone position? a. SI gapping, Goldthwaite's, Kemps b. Gaenslen's, Belt, Ely's c. Nachlas, Libman's, Patrick's Fabere d. Magnuson's, Beevor's, Adams e. Yeoman's, Hibb's, Nachlas, and Ely's

Yeoman's, Hibb's, Nachlas, and Ely's

Libman's test a. examiner applies pressure to the patient's mastoid process b. examiner takes radial pulse while applying pressure to area of patient's pain c. examiner attempts to identify that patient is pretending to be paralyzed in lower extremity d. examiner notes that patient point to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful areas

a. examiner applies pressure to the patient's mastoid process (Lift the mans test)

Which test adds internal rotation and adduction of the hip to the SLR test.


Which of the following is most like a seated version of the SLR? a. Laguerre's test b. Lindner's test c. Bechterew's test d. Turyn's Test e. Ely's test

c) Bechterew's test

Bakody's sign is considered to indicate the presence of: a. cervical fx b. cervical myelopathy c. cervical radiculopathy d. cervical DJD e. TOS

c. cervical radiculopathy

Hoover's Test a. examiner applies pressure to the patient's mastoid process b. examiner takes radial pulse while applying pressure to area of patient's pain c. examiner attempts to identify that patient is pretending to be paralyzed in lower extremity d. examiner notes that patient point to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful areas

c. examiner attempts to identify that patient is pretending to be paralyzed in lower extremity

The doctor stabilizes the standing patient's pelvis and rotates, extends, and laterally bends the patient to the right. The patient experiences pain the right side of the lower back. What is the significance of this finding? a. lumbar IVD syndrome on the right b. lumbar IVD syndrome on the left c. facet syndrome on the right d. facet syndrome on the left

c. facet syndrome on the right

Magnuson's test: a. examiner applies pressure to the patient's mastoid process b. examiner takes radial pulse while applying pressure to area of patient's pain c. examiner attempts to identify that patient is pretending to be paralyzed in lower extremity d. examiner notes that patient point to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful areas

d. examiner notes that patient point to different spots when asked to repeatedly point to their painful areas

The Slump's test is designed to identify: a. SI joint disorder b. lumbar subluxation and DJD c. TOS d. lumbosacral radiculopathy e. weak psoas muscles

d. lumbosacral radiulopathy

Referred pain from the lumbar joints and associated soft tissue usually presents as: a. pain in the lumbar spine that radiates up into the thoracic region b. pain, tingling, and numbness in the lower extremity down into the foot and toes c.diffuse, deep, aching pain in the buttock and thigh

diffuse, deep, aching pain in the buttock and thigh

What is the shoulder depression test attempting to identify?

dural sleeve adhesions

Increasing intrathecal pressure is the described mechanism of which of the following orthopedic tests? a. Libman's b. Babinski's c. Lindner's d. Yeoman's e. Milgrim's

e) Milgrim's

When the sign in the question above is present, you should suspect the presence of: a. cervical radiculopathy B. TOS c. cerebrovascular accident d. cervical DJD e. cervical spinal instability

e. cervical spinal instability

A 15 degree or greater disc angle is associated with which of the following conditions. Choose more than one if applicable.

facet imbrication

Which of the following best describes the difference in procedure between the Adson and modified Adson tests? a. in the modified Adson test the patient does not extend the head b. in the modified Adson test the patient does not hold the breath c. in the modified Adson test the patient rotates the head to the opposite side d. in the modified Adson test the patient holds the breath longer e. none of the above

in the modified Adson test the patient rotates the head to the opposite side

When the SLR test is positive, you should ____: a. immediately stop the exam and refer the patient for an MRI b. Immediately stop the exam and set up a referral to an orthopedic surgeon c. make note of the degree of hip flexion and then plantar flex the foot d. immediately slowly lower the leg to the table and then perform Hoover's test e. make note of the degree of hip flexion, then lower the leg approximately 5 degrees and dorsiflex the foot ab. none of the above

make note of the degree of hip flexion, then lower the leg approximately 5 degrees and dorsiflex the foot

During your history a patient states that she has severe chronic low back pain. You notice that they have a positive Minor's sign. Why would it be appropriate to ask if they have numbness between their legs and inquire about their sexual and bowel/urinary function? (choose the best answer)

rule out/in the possibility of Cauda Equina syndrome

Following a positive SLR, the lower extremity is lowered slightly until the pain, tingling, and numbness is somewhat reduced. When the foot is dorsiflexed the pain, tingling, and numbness in the lower extremities increases. This finding is most suggestive of which of the following?

sciatic neuropathy

You have the seated patient laterally flex their head to the right. Then you stabilize their head while pushing down on their left shoulder. What is this test called?

shoulder depression

Which of the following is the best description of Eden's test? a. take the radial pulse which abducting the patient's arm to 180 degrees b. take the radial pulse which the patient pulls their shoulders down and back, and you push down on the shoulder c. flex the patient's head to their chest d. laterally flex the patient's head and depress the contralateral shoulder e. have the patient abduct the arms to 90 degrees and repeatedly clench and unclench the fists

take the radial pulse which the patient pulls their shoulders down and back, and you push down on the shoulder

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