SPM 4154 EXAM 1

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economies of scale

Savings originating from the mass production of goods and services.

What are three theoretical approaches to management and managing people in sport organization?

Scientific Management Approach- workers who produce more receive greater rewards. Paid by output not by time put in. Ex) working for commissions like a ticket salesman being paid by tickets sold. Human Relations Management- when employees believe they are important, they become more cohesive and productive. Process Approach to Management- focuses on managing the organization as a whole entity.

organizational culture

Set of shared values and norms that controls organizational members' interactions with each other and with people outside the organization.

organizational culture

Shares workplace values and norms, norms, and behaviors that produce patterns of behavior unique to organization. It controls the orgs.members interaction with each other and with peeps outisde the org.

How could you use Pettigrew's contextual approach to study change in a sport organization of your choice?

Organizational change is the process by which organizations move from their present state to some desired future state to increase their effectiveness. Pettigrew's contextual approach involves three elements; content, context, and process. Content- What changed? Context- Why did the change occur? Inner context- consists of internal elements at play within organizations, such as strategy, culture, and structure Outer context- general political, economic, and social forces at work within the organizational environment Process- How has the change occurred?

1.Discuss examples of traditional and nontraditional sporting activities.

Traditional: Basketball, Football, Tennis, Golf, soccer, swimming, etc. Non-traditional: in-line skating, parasailing, beach volleyball, snowboarding, standup paddling, extreme sports, etc.

What are the major features of the full range of leadership model?

Transactional leadership- includes three types of reinforcement behaviors: contingent reward, active management by exception, and passive management by exception Laissez-faire (non-transactional)- is not a leadership style at all because the people who use this approach are extremely passive. LEAST EFFECTIVE Transformational- practice the four I's: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration

implicit norms

Unstated or informal rules understood and practiced by members of an organization

extreme sports

term for collection of new sports involving adrenaline inducing action


—A system of rules and conventions that regulate social and professional behavio

Explain how the sport business industry developed through the work of several influential people and companies.

• Draper & Maynard→ men's gloves • Weed Sewing Machine Company→production of bicycles • B.F Goodrich and Narragansett Machine Company→ gymnastic equipment • Nelso Johnson Manufacturing Company→ tubular skates • John Gloy→ manufacture gymnastic equipment • Slazenger and Bancroft→ produce tennis rackets • Spalding→ one of the first and most successful in early sporting good firms. Four interrelated developments within the firm: o 1) vertical integration, 2) diversification, 3) the development of a modern management system, and 4) the promotional skills of A.G. Spalding himself.

4. Discuss four unique aspects of sports management.

• It's perishable • Sport product cannot guarantee customer satisfaction • Sport enterprises earn the majority of their profit from indirect revenues (merchandise sales, concessions) instead of direct revenues (ticket sales) • Sport is a distinctive social activity that is frequently the basis of a person's social identity.

3. Explain three different ways organizing the sport industry.

• Product type model→ sport performance, sport production, and sport promotion. • Economic Impact Model→ sports entertainment and recreation, sport products services, and sport support organizations. • Sport Activity Model→ sport activities (games and events).

2.Identify several different settings in which sporting activities occur.

• Single sports (professional leagues, teams, organizations) • Multi Sports (sport organizations, athletic foundations, Olympic sports) • College sports (college associations, college athletic conference • Professional sports • Media facilities (arenas and stadiums, auto race tracks, equestrian downs and parks) • Manufactures and retailers (equipment and product manufacturers, software, manufactures, retailers) • Sports sponsors • Professional services (executive search services, event planning and services, event security). • Events, meetings, and trade shows Facilities (Arenas, Stadiums, Racetracks)

What is the difference between power, authority, and leadership? Provide an example of each.

Authority- the power to enforce rules and to expect subordination from those who have no authority Power- when an individual through various sources (e.g., position, personality, resources, have power that can be exercised in decision-making processes Leadership- The process of influencing the activities of an individual or group in an effort to achieve a goal in a given situation

Explain the task of clusters in which sport managers' responsibilities can be classified.

-Communication management: writing, selling, working with media, interviewing, promoting, advertising, fund-raising -Organization Management: budgeting, accounting, coordinating, managing personnel, managing facilities Jobs: Marketing and sales, Correspondence, Public speaking, Community relations, Record keeping, and marketing and sales

Define critical thinking and explain the benefits of applying critical thinking skills to important issues in sport management.

-The awareness of a set of interrelated critical questions -The ability to ask and answer critical questions at appropriate times -The desire to use those questions and accept their results as a guide to behavior

What are the essential components of the interactive process associated with the contingency theory of leadership?

-The leaders' traits, power or influence and goals -Their followers' expectations and values -The leadership context, defined by organizational complexity and task uncertainty

Describe the four stages involved in career planning.

1) Self Awareness-entails identifying and understanding your personal and work values, interests, abilities, aptitudes, personality traits, and desired future lifestyle. 2) Occupational exploration- broad look at careers and research specific sports management occupations. 3) Career decision making-consciously analyzing and weighing all info that you have gathered about yourself, various sport management occupations, and career paths. *At this stage you will make a tentative career decisions, etc. 4) Career implementations- sharpening your job search skills. You will learn to prepare an effective resume and cover letter, identify source of jobs leads.

organizational structure

Formal system of task and authority relationships that control how people coordinate their actions and use resources to achieve organizational goals.

explicit norms

Formally communicated rules that govern behavior of group members.

8. Identify several resources that are used in planning a career in sport management.

Game Face: www.gamefacesportsjobs.com, Jobs in Sports:www.jobsinsports.com, NCAA: The Market http://ncaamarket.ncaa.org/search.cfm, Official Sports Industry Job Board: www.sportsjobboard.com, Sport Careers: www.sportscareers.com, Sports Sales Combine, Sports Internship Jobs, Teamwork Online, Women Sports Careers.

Explain the three components of an undergraduate sport management curriculum.

General education courses: Graduates should be able to demonstrate understanding and capabilities beyond acquired in their major courses , major courses: Prepare you fora career in one of the many segments in the sp the sport industry, and field experiences: Lets students observe and assist professionals and learn about managerial responsibilities and scope of sport org.

1. Describe strategies to position yourself to be successful upon graduation in the competitive field of sport management.

General education, Major courses in sport management, Extracurricular activities, Specialized training, Gaining experience through employment, Field experiences, Advanced education.

Identify the major business and market structures that allowed people to develop various sport businesses over the past 150 years.

Harness racing, horse racing, and baseball in 1870, then newspapers and popular magazines, technology etc.

Ethical Leaders

Honest, caring, and principled individuals who make fair and balanced decisions

What is ethical leadership? What sport organizations may benefit from ethical leadership?

Honest, caring, and principled individuals who make fair and balanced decisions The Vikings given the reinstatement of Adrian Peterson until there is action taken by either the league or court system

What are the sources of organizational power? What are the sources of personal power? How do these sources of power affect decision making?

Organizational power: Legitimate or positional power- this source of power comes from the leadership or management position that a person holds in the hierarchy Reward power- the person in the organization who provides rewards to employees has power Coercive power- the person in the organization who provides sanctions, punishments, or threats to employees has power Personal Power: Referent power- based on perception for their charisma, charm, and appeal Expert power- this source is based on knowledge and skills that are perceived as valuable in a particular situation Information power- though this is along the same lines as expert power, this is merely about access to information and not necessarily expertise

6. Explain competencies required for success in a variety of sports management jobs.

PG 18-19. Communication skills, technological aptitude, and the ability to interact in a global and multicultural society. Also managerial leadership skills and critical thinking skills.

5. Identify several types of positions available in sports management.

PG 18. Marketing and sales, correspondence, public speaking, community relations, record keeping, coaching, athletic director, etc

mock interview

Practice interviews in which you can rehearse your responses to questions that interviewers are likely to ask you.

behaviors centered on employees

Primarily concerned with interpersonal relations, meeting personal needs of followers, and accommodating personality differences among followers.

behaviors centered on tasks

Primarily concerned with the technical or formal aspects of jobs and considering followers primarily as the means for accomplishing the organization's goals.

organizational design

Process by which leaders select and manage aspects or structure and culture of the organization.

Describe the models of segmentation that have been applied to the sport industry and provide examples of sport organizations in each segments of each model?

Product Type Model: (Participation or spectating products): Pro sport, Fitness firms, -Economic Impact Model (Sport Production Segment: Produce or influence the quality of performance): Outfitting and equipment products, fitness trainer, medical care -Sport Activity Model: Media, Endorsements, Promo events

market share

Ranked position in a market determined by the percentage of a company's product sales in that market. For instance, if only three companies produce and sell basketball shoes, the company that sells the most shoes to the most consumers is considered to hold the number one market share in that product market.

Name 5 sports that have emerged in the past few years? How has that affected career opportunities?

Extreme Sports (Street Luge, Motocross, bungee jumping, snow bicycling, beach volleyball, ice surfing) It increases career opportunities in extreme sports and has created a wider market for people to find jobs. People are now being highered for man. from municipal prgms where the sport is in a closed society.

discretionary funds

money left over after necessary expenditures have been made

associated spending

money spent by sport participants, spectators and sponsors

workforce diversity

people different ages, genders, religions, physical abilities,

underrepresented groups

people who traditionally have not been hired in sport management positions (women)

Three types of organization:

public organizations, nonprofit organizations, and commercial organizations.

vertical integration

A company's expansion by moving forward or backward within an industry; expansion along a product or service value chain. The opposite of vertical integration is horizontal integration. Horizontal integration occurs when a company adds new products and services to its organizational structure.

field experience

A hands-on learning opportunity in which students gain professional experience in an organization while receiving class credit.

age of organization

A period of time, the 1880s and 1890s, during which companies began to organize and market sport to specific markets, such as youth.


A person who assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

work ethic

A set of values based on desirable workplace characteristics that include accountability, dependability, initiative taking, and accomplishment.

battle of the sexes

A tennis match in 1973 between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. King's much-heralded victory over Riggs represented a key triumph over sexism and provided a significant historical lesson on exceeding sexist expectations and assumptions

Apply critical thinking skills to a problem in sport management.

As a manager, you will need exceptional critical thinking skills to make sound decisions about issues such as these (pg. 20) and about additional issues that we cannot even conceptualize today.

emotive advertising

Advertising that attempts to appeal to consumers' emotions.

"reason why" advertisements

Advertising that tells consumers why they should buy a certain product.


All elements outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization.

Define organizational environment and describe its influence on sports organizations.

All elements outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization. They can manage the external environment by exerting power and control over other organizations. General (economy, technology, politics, social and cultural forces, and demography) and Specific (stakeholders→play important role).

Select one sport organization. How would you describe its structure using the three structural dimensions featured in this chapter?

Any professional sports team is a commercial organization. The main goal is to make a profit

principled decision making

Basing decisions on the "Six Pillars of Character"—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship (responsible participation in society)

What are the three managerial skills of sport managers? What are the levels of management typically associated with each managerial skill ?

Conceptual Skills: Top-level managers (e.g., the CEO of the USOC) analyze the state of high-performance sport in the United States to determine a long-term athlete development plan Human relations skills: -Top-level managers (e.g., the CEO of USOC) must communicate with each chief officer when planning the budget of each Olympic year -Middle-level manager (e.g., the chief communications and public affairs officer) must communicate with the managing director of IT to ensure a plan is in place for the effective utilization of Twitter for the upcoming Olympic games -Supervisory-level manager (e.g., the managing director of IT) must work closely with members of his/her research team to evaluate the most effective use of Twitter for the upcoming Olympic games Technical skills: -Supervisory-level managers (e.g., the research team within the IT department at the USOC) must have the computing skills to work with research software and statistics associated with collecting data from potential Olympic Games consumers


Concerns about the way the world is, was, or will be


Concerns about the way the world should or ought to be.

In what ways can some organizational cultures be positive for a sport organization? In what ways can other cultures be negative for a sport organization?

Culture can be stories, symbols, language, ceremonies, physical setting, and symbolic artifacts. An organization could have a strong culture of winning. Overall, culture is important, because it keeps everyone moving the same like-minded direction. There are many elements of culture. For example, in an organization with employees and volunteers there could be a tension between the two groups.

watershed events

Events or developments in an industry that cause significant changes throughout the industry.

What steps are involved in the decision-making process?

Defining or framing the problem- what is the problem or issue that requires decision? Identifying criteria for decision- what criteria must be considered before making the decision? Developing and evaluating alternatives- for every problem or issue, various alternatives may be available Selecting an alternative- which alternative will be selected? Implementing the alternative- obvious Evaluating the effectiveness of the decision- Did the decision lead to the intended outcomes?

What elements are involved in the management of human resources? How can diversity enrich the operations and effectiveness of sport organizations?

Determine who is needed and where, recruitment, hiring, orientation, specialized training, performance appraisal A diverse workforce can better respond to consumers' needs and can provide consumers with better goods and services. Diversity can also improve organizational effectiveness by improving managerial decision-making

Identify major business and market structure that allowed people to develop various historical sport businesses

Drapered and Maynard

What is the difference between the general environment and the specific environment?

Environment- All elements outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization General Environment- includes elements that may not have a direct effect on the day-to-day operations of the organization but may nonetheless influence the organization. Ex) economy, technology, politics, social and cultural forces, and demography Specific Environment- includes stakeholders internal and external to the organizations.

2. Identify where entry-level opportunities exist and how to gain experience.

In field experiences such as internships


Indicators of what you consider most important or desirable


Involves the examination of populations, including such elements as size, births, deaths, migration, and aging.

Discuss ways in which your personal appearance, work transition and adjustment, and business etiquette can enhance your employability and advancement.

It will make you a more pleasant to be around and attitudes are demonstrated behaviors.

Directive Leadership Style

Leaders function where employees have little (if any) input in planning and decision making

Participative Leadership Style

Leaders seek employee involvement in project planning and decision making

What is the difference between management and leadership? Explain the distinction using examples from sport organizations.

Management- The process of working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals Leadership- the process of influencing the activities of an individual or group in an effort to achieve a goal in a given situation * Managers are often leaders, but not all leaders are managers. A sport management intern might have special skills using a specific computer software program to create complex video presentations. When the intern is assisting the director, she or he is taking the lead. Conversely, when employees in an organization rely on others for direction or guidance, those others are acting as leaders, even if they are not in an official decision-making position.


Managers acting in symbolic and ceremonial ways.


Managers in the role of conferring with people inside or outside the work unit or organization to obtain concessions or to agree on pivotal issues.

disturbance handlers

Managers in the role of responding to unexpected situations that might disrupt the organization's normal operation.


Managers in the role of scanning the environment for information about trends and events that can affect the organization.


Managers in the role of transmitting information to persons or groups outside the manager's respective organization or work unit

economies of scope

Maximization of resources used throughout an organization.

extracurricular activities

Opportunities for involvement with clubs, organizations, and sports in which students in a school may participate but that are not part of the regular academic curriculum

What organizational design would be most appropriate for a sporting goods manufacturer? For a sport marketing agency? For an organization bidding for the right to host a major international event?

Simple Structure- suitable for small organizations with two major parts, top management and the technical core. Appropriate for a small local sport club. Machine Bureaucracy- Appropriate for sporting goods manufacturers that have high levels of specialization, standardization, and centralization. Professional Bureaucracy- Appropriate for a national sports organization in which professionals are responsible for the products or services Entrepreneurial organizations- Minimal number of staff, specialization and standardization because the top of the organization coordinates much of the work. Starter (sport apparel) is now owned by Nike, but originally it had entrepreneurial organization. Innovative designs- allow for flexibility. Experts who are responsible for developing the good or service are provided with a creative environment. The experts might be allowed to work in creative teams or on special projects. This would be appropriate for a marketing agency or ad agency. Missionary- designed around their ideologies. After employees become indoctrinated into the organization and identify strongly with the organization's ideology, they have freedom to make decisions.

List and discuss 5 sport business settings that may represent job opportunities for sport managers?

Single Sports (Professional Leagues, teams) Multi-Sports (Athletic foundations, disabled sports, high school) College Sports (college associations, college athletic conferences).You have to be competent in writing, selling, promotion, accounting, budgeting, coordination, leading etc.

How would you define the term organization? What are three types of sport organizations?

Social entities that are goal-directed, are designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems, and are linked to the external environment. Examples: Public organizations- formed by federal and state government agencies, as well and local and regional governments: Little league, recreational leagues, swimming programs etc. Nonprofit organizations- Volunteer executives are in charge of making day-to-day operation and management of the organizations. They may hire paid staff to assist in day-to-day operations examples include: athlete charities, U.S. Ski and Snowboard association, and team-linked foundations. Commercial organizations- the main goal of commercial organizations is to make a profit. These are the ones we know best: MLB, NBA, and NFL teams.


Social entity created to coordinate the efforts of individuals with the intent to achieve goals.

Identify 4 unique aspects of Sport Management and explain how each makes the sport business different than other businesses

Sport Marketing: Sport is consumed as quickly as it is produced. Sport Enterprise Financial Structure: It's unique because they earn a significant portion of revenue not from sale of a service but from things such as tv rights and concessions, Sport industry career paths: So it allows you to continue a career after playing. Sports are the basis of a person's social identity.

Describe how some sport businesses view corporate social responsibility as a strategic practice.

Strategic practice is a way to cope with the environment. Social responsibility is a part of the environment and making sure you are ding the right thing for society. It is important to strategize when it comes to social responsibility so that you are moving in the right direction.


The act of adding new products to the company's product mix, thus diversifying the company's product offerings.

decentralized organization

The act of developing separate divisions, subcompanies, or departments that focus on certain tasks or products of the company and can be run autonomously.


The building up or maintaining of informal relationships, especially with people who could bring advantages such as oppurtunities

managerial leadership

The combination of management and leadership into a coherent, integrated concept.

What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency? What is the best approach to the study of organizational effectiveness?

The effectiveness of an organization is the extent to which it achieves it goals, whereas efficiency refers to the achievement of goals using the minimum resources. Different approaches -Goal approach: focuses on the outputs of the organization -Resource based approach: focuses on inputs -Competing values approach: -The stakeholders approach: takes into account many factors to study the effectiveness of an organization. Different stakeholders have different interpretations of effectiveness. An employee may have different priorities than an executive. The fact that it takes into account different opinions makes it the best, because you get a more rounded idea of effectiveness.


The extent to which goals are achieved using the fewest possible resources.


The extent to which goals are achieved.

Why would sport organizations choose to develop strategies?

To cope with the environment.


The manner in which a sport industry product or service moves from the producer or manufacturer to the consumer; distribution channels and outlets are the individuals (e.g., jobbers, dealers, salespeople, brokers) and companies (e.g., wholesalers, retailers) involved in the process of getting the product to the end user


The process of influencing the activities of an individual or group in an effort to achieve a goal in a given situation.


The process of working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish organizational goals.

job content skills

The specialized knowledge or abilities needed to fulfill specific job duties.

3. Recognize the important of professional preparation, professional attitude, and career planning and management.

These are the three elements necessary for success in sport management.

What are some possible ways that stakeholders can influence sport organizations?

They can determine what goals they will seek to achieve, how the organizations will be structured, and what processes will be used in the organization's operations.

5. Describe how students can secure and optimize their involvement in field experiences.

They can work with an on campus intern or a professional agency. They can also have resume, cover letter, and do a mock interview.

Discuss opportunities and challenges facing sport managers of the future.

• Technology is constantly advancing and this progress will be accompanied by the human need for "high touch" activities that the sport experience can provide o The problem is becoming proficient in using technology while remaining aware of the need for human interaction in people's lives and understanding how sport can facilitate such interaction • Ethics and Social Responsibility o 1. Future sport managers should recognize the importance of keeping the sport experience accessible to all socioeconomic groups. Ethical decision making model.... o 2. Look into stadium sustainablity "going green" • Globalization of Sport o 1. More countries are participating in international events; sport is being used to cross traditional gender, religion and geographical barriers o 2. Problems: The recruitment of international athletes results in a talent drain on their home countries; exploitation of three world labor in the production of sporting goods.

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