Sports Medicine Spring Final

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An athlete is hit in their quadriceps and is in a great deal of pain. They can only actively flex their knee to 80 degrees. Which grade quadriceps contusion do they have?

2nd degree

A boxer's fracture is a fracture of the

5th metacarpal

In a rotator cuff strain, pain increases when the arm moves actively between what degrees of abduction

70 to 120 degrees

Which special test is used to identify an upper motor neuron lesion?


An articular fracture dislocation to the proximal end of the first metacarpal is called

Bennetts fracture

A brachial plexus injury usually affects what nerve roots of the plexus


You evaluate an athlete for a quadriceps strain and their manual muscle grading is a 3. What is your recommendation?


A test used to determine the degree of balance difficulties indicative of a concussion is the

Romberg test

A more effective method of testing the integrity of the biceps brachii tendon is what special test

Speed's test

Which special test tests for a tight iliopsoas

Thomas test

A deformity of the neck in which the head tilts toward one shoulder and, simultaneously, the chin rotates toward the opposite shoulder is termed


An athlete is lifting weight and performing a shrug exercise. Which muscle might be injured?


Which special test tests for a weak gluteus meduis

Trendelenburg test

As the examiner you want to rule out a herniated disc. You would perform what special test?


Which of the following is the mechanism for an acromioclavicular sprain

a fall on an outstretched hand

The middle portion of the deltoid is responsible for what motion

abduction, horizontal abduction

An athlete with a distal clavicle fracture may exhibit clinical signs and symptoms similar to those of what type of injury?

acromioclavicular sprain

If you suspect an AC joint injury you would perform what special test

acromioclavicular stability

The management of second impact syndrome is

activation of EMS

The treatment for an epidural hematoma is

activation of EMS

An individual who complains of sharp groin pain and weakness when running sideways, but not straight ahead, may have a strain to the

adductor muscles

What direction does the shoulder most commonly dislocate?


The most common mechanism of injury for a cervical fracture is

axial loading and violent neck flexion

After being struck on the head,an athlete presents with Battle's sign. What injury should be suspected?

basilar fracture

A strain to what muscle(s) would cause palpable pain in the mid-buttock region that worsens at night and may produce weakness or numbness extending down the back of the leg?

biceps femoris

Speed's test is used to test what condition of the shoulder area

bicipital tendinitis

A deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon of the middle phalanx is called

boutoniere deformity

When trauma has occured to the ear, tearing if the overlying tissue from the cartilaginous plate may result in fluid accumulation. This problem would be referred to as which of the following?

cauliflower ear

If an athlete signs and symptoms include pain in the cervical spine, numbness, weakness, and loss of bladder. The suspected injury is

cervical fracture

A wrist fracture where the radius and the ulna are forced dorsally is called a

colles fracture

If resisted wrist extension is applied to an athlete's hand with the forearm pronated and elbow flexed at 45 degrees, what test is being performed

common extensor tendinitis test

Nearly all injuries at the SC joint result from what type of force


A positive finding with the cervical distraction test indicates

compression of a facet joint

If an athlete shows any sign of concussion they should not be allowed to

continue activity

What type of injury has been sustained when the head is struck and the brain continues to move in the fluid, contusing the opposite side of impact

contrcoup injury

Most injuries to the rotator cuff occur during which phase of throwing


The ____________ bursa provides a cushion between the greater trochanter of the femur and the gluteus maximus

deep trochanteric

Drop Arm test is positive if the athlete

drops their arm suddenly

The outermost of the meninges consisting of a dense, fibrous, inelastic sheath that encloses the brain and cord is

dura mater

Tendinitis of the anterior shoukder muscles is common in what phase of throwing

during the deceleration phase of the overhand throwing motion

The adolescent athlete who complains of sudden pain and locking of the elbow joint should be suspected of having

elbow osteochondritis diessecons

Following head trauma, an athlete appears fine, but within 10 to 20 minutes starts to exhibit signs and symptoms or neurological deterioration, such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and decreased level of consciousness. What injury should be suspected?

epidural hematoma

During spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, muscle spans often occur in the ____________ muscles

erector spinae and hamstrings

The most common mechanism for a clavicle fracture is

falling on the tip of the shoulder

Axial loading of the cervical spine occurs when the neck is in position of


Which type of injury is responsible for over two-thirds of all head injury deaths?

focal injuries

Raccoon eyes are characteristic of what injury?

fracture of the anterior cranial fossa and sinuses

An athlete comes off the field supporting an injured arm with the head tilted towards the injured shoulder and the chin towards the opposite side. Which injury has likely been sustained?

fractured clavicle

A sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the MP joint of the thumb, caused by forceful abduction of the thumb while the thumb is extended, is called

game keeper's thumb

Which group of muscles performs hip extension

hamstring and gluteus maximus

The most frequent sign or symptom associated with consussion is


Runners are often at risk for low back pain due to tight ________ muscles

hip flexors and hamstring muscles

A contusion caused by a direct compression to an unprotected iliac crest is referred to as

hip pointer

The main function of the rotator cuff muscles is to

hold the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa

In a moderate AC joint sprain, what motion will caused increased pain and a snapping sound at the joint

horizontal adduction

Which ligament limits hyperextension

illiofemoral ligament

An inability to flex the distal phalanx because of a rupture of the tendon is called

jersey finger

Rupture of the extensor tendon from the distal phalanx due to foreceful flexion of the phalanx is called a

mallet finger

A common sign of a facial fracture to the maxilla or mandible is


A condition that may occur after a contusion to the quadriceps muscle group involving abnormal ossification of bone deposition within the muscle tissue is called

myositis ossificans

Abnormal oscillating movements of the eye is termed


What type of injury would you suspect on an athlete who received a direct blow to the posterior elbow

olecranon bursa injury and ulnar nerve contusion

An inability to elevate the eye is a classic sign of a(n)

orbital blowout fracture

If you suspect an athlete has fractured their humerus what would be the signs and symptoms?

pain, swelling, pt tenderness

Which tests would you perform to determine the severity of a hamstring strain?

passive, active, resistive knee flexion and active and resistive knee extension

How do you perform a Neer impingement test?

place one of your hands on the patient's scapula and grasp their forearm with the other. Arm should be internally rotated. Flex the arm positioning hand over head.

Decreased attention span, blurred vision, vertigo, memory loss, and irritability are signs and symptoms of

post-concussion syndrome

After receiving a blow to the sternum, an athlete has difficulty swallowing, a diminished pulse, and hoarsness. What injury may have occured?

posterior displacement of the clavicle

The most important preventative measure for head and facial injuries is

protective equipment

A varus stress applied at 15 to 20 degrees of elbow flexion stresses what structure

radial collateral ligament

When performing the brachial plexus traction test, a positive sign of a brachial plexus injury is

radiating to the opposite side of the lateral bending

An athlete experienced an acute muscular injury to the soft tissue of the anterior hip. Upon manual muscle testing, you find weakness with hip flexion and knee extension. Based on those findings, what muscle is strained?

rectus femoris

What are the reasons that impingement injuries occur

reduction of the space through which the supraspinatus muscle can pass

An athlete has sustained a sprain to the cervical region and is having radiating paresthesia down the left arm. What should be done for this athlete?

refer to a physician

Lateral epicondylitis results from which type of mechanism?

repetitive extension of the wrist

Following head trauma, inability to recall events that took place earlier in the day is an example of

retrograde amnesia

Which special test is used to test for a pelvic fracture?

sacroiliac compression and distraction test

The two innominate bones of the hip are the

sacrum and coccyx

An athlete sustains a whiplash injury. Which muscle would you suspect to be sore or in a spasm

scalenes and sternocleidomastoid

If an athlete has pain over the anatomical snuff, it indicated which of the following injuries?

scaphoid fracture

Ipsilateral pain during the first 70 degrees of a straight leg raising test indicates a possible


When viewing an athlete from a posterior view the spine is found to be curved. This condition is known as


After sustaining a head injury an athlete's skin becomes pale and clammy. What condition should be suspected?


A classic sign of an acute burner is muscle weakness in what actions/ROM

shoulder abduction and external rotation

In a first time glenoghumeral dislocation, the injure arm is usually held in what position

slightly abducted and externally rotated

When an elbow is dislocated, the arm is frequently held in what position?

slightly flexed with the forearm appearing shortened

A young boy athlete complains of diffuse knee pain and as the weeks go by he now is unable to touch his abdomen and thigh. You suspect he may have which injury?

slipped capital femoral epiphysis

A bilateral separation in the pars interarticularis that leads to anterior displacement of a vertebra is called


Lordosis is often associated with ____________ abdominal muscles and ___________ pelvic tilt

strong; a forward

Delayed signs and symptoms days or even weeks after head trauma are most likely to be associated with what injury?

subdural hematoma

The empty cans test is used to determine injury to what muscle?


Which of the characteristics would suggest a cervical sprain rather than a strain?

symptoms that persist for several days

Patrick FABERS test is positive if

the leg is unable to relax

The sacroiliac joints are a union between what two bones?

the sacrum and the ilium

When performing the piriformis test a positive test would be

tightness in the hip/buttock

A positive valgus stress test at 15 to 20 degrees of elbow flexion often indicates a tear to what structure?

ulnar collateral ligament

A softball catcher is complaining of swelling over the hypothenar eminence and numbness into the small finger. What structure might be injured?

ulnar nerve

If an athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia in the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

ulnar nerve

If an athlete complains of burning, tingling, or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

ulnar nerve

When performing the well straight leg test, the examiner raises ___________ leg


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