Standards Quiz

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1841 McGuffy's Reader

First textbooks

some sorts of standardized testing

SAT/ACT/GRE testing Professional Testing Driving Tests Literacy assessments (existed since ESEA)

Most Used Tests

SOL's- VA only SAT- high school/nationwide/college acceptance Common Core-43 states nationwide Stanford-9/10 CAT (homeschoolers)

around the world statistics

Singapore- half a million South Korea- 7.5 million U.S.- 65 million Great to get standards from them, but they are educating far fewer students

Test blueprints

detail specific standards covered by a test, reporting categories of test items, number of test items, and general information about how test questions are constructed

Horace Mann saw 3 problems/3 routes of education:

do what your dad did and have him teach you or go out in town, religious education not knowing how to add or subtract, or these run by loyalists, falling apart schools

No child Left Behind as well as other assessments....

dont do post tests

Common Core ideas from...

empirical evidence


establishing some sort of education-protesting -began beginning of what we call the educational system-public education system -this got Horace Mann in trouble (believed public education should be completely secular)

technology:21st century

even the standards-the focus is not the teacher talking at kids anymore, it is making them do it and then go, "okay what did you learn from this?" and then take it to the next step ^important skill now because can type into google (reliable .edu, .org, etc.)


every example to teach, more procedural

The Standards of Learning

expectations for student learning and achievement




(1965-Civil Rights Movement) - only purpose of the act was to educate the poor

21st century needs

-can you use technology? -anyone can solve problem without assistance? -being able to function as an adult in society (without parents)

What is the appropriate way to site the Common Core standards?

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers Title: Common Core State Standards (insert specific content area if you are using only one) Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C. Copyright Date: 2010 For more information, please visit our pages for Developers & Publishers, Terms of Use, and Public License .

Are there plans to develop common standards in other areas in the future?

CCSSO and NGA are not leading the development of standards in other academic content areas. Below is information on efforts of other organizations to develop standards in other academic subjects. Science: States have developed Next Generation Science Standards in a process managed by Achieve, with the help of the National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. More information about this effort can be found here. World languages: The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages published an alignment of the National Standards for Learning Languages with the ELA Common Core State Standards. More information about this effort can be found here. Arts: The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards is leading the revision of the National Standards for Arts Education. More information about this effort can be found here.

"highly qualified" took away education majors

since the No Child Left Behind, teachers could no longer just major in education to become a teacher, they had to actually major in their subject that they want to teach

Tea Party/Conservatives

want to put in more science readings/religious factions- one reason VA is hesitant to adopt -have to read more non-fiction

SOLs argue

we arent going to give examples, we dont want to restrict teachers *****not giving them seems lazy*****

Will common assessments be developed?

Two state-led consortia, Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (Smarter Balanced), are currently working to develop assessments that aim to provide meaningful feedback to ensure that students are progressing toward attaining the necessary skills to succeed in college, career, and life. These assessments are expected to be available in the 2014-2015 school year. Most states have chosen to participate in one of the two consortia. For more information, visit the website of your state's assessment consortium. Two additional consortia, working through the National Center and State Collaborative Partnership and the Dynamic Learning Maps Alternative Assessment System Consortium, are developing a new generation of assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Do the Common Core State Standards incorporate both content and skills?

Yes. In English language arts, the standards require certain critical content for all students, including: Classic myths and stories from around the world America's founding documents Foundational American literature Shakespeare The remaining crucial decisions about what content should be taught are made at the state and local levels. In addition to content coverage, the Common Core State Standards require that students systematically acquire knowledge in literature and other disciplines through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In mathematics, the standards lay a solid foundation in: Whole numbers Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Fractions Decimals Taken together, these elements support a student's ability to learn and apply more demanding math concepts and procedures. The middle school and high school standards call on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real-world issues and challenges. Across the English language arts and mathematics standards, skills critical to each content area are emphasized. In particular, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and critical-thinking skills are interwoven into the standards.

Were teachers involved in the creation of the standards?

Yes. Teachers have been a critical voice in the development of the standards. The Common Core State Standards drafting process relied on teachers and standards experts from across the country. Teachers were involved in the development process in four ways: They served on the Work Groups and Feedback Groups for the ELA and math standards. The National Education Association (NEA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), among other organizations were instrumental in bringing together teachers to provide specific, constructive feedback on the standards Teachers were members of teams states convened to provide regular feedback on drafts of the standards. Teachers provided input on the Common Core State Standards during the two public comment periods.

why is VA turning down $250 million and rejecting common core? (december 2010)

because are standards are just as good content was appropriate to the standards do admit in June 2010, that common core provided an enhancement

education in early America

began as in Europe, taught at home and/or apprenticeships

1840's Horace Mann

born in Massachusetts in 1796- revolutionary baby

physical standards come from international benchmarks

common core comes from international benchmarks -does it lower standards?

End of Course (EOC)

cut score: pass, assistance, fail


debatable but "First Schools"

No Child Left Behind- have to answer to US

-now have to answer to the federal government -if everyone adapts common core, everyone has to score the same and states lose their autonomy -teacher has to be highly qualified -But the ESEA- educate everyone, educate the poor

how many SOLs are required to graduate?

12 -there has been talk about reducing it to 7 or 8 but still being discussed in the General Assembly

first year of No Child Left Behind

50% of students passed & had one year to bring it ip... bring it up to 55% keep money coming, but next year to 60% and so on... until 100% a "Good School"

legislation has been re-authorized (yet adapted) how many times?

7 times from 1965-2002

what is sent to the government

percent that did better, or percent of growth -schools being measured by this -public schools dont do pre and post, private schools do

How much will it cost states to implement the Common Core State Standards?

Costs for implementing the standards will vary from state to state and territory. While states already spend significant amounts of money on professional development, curriculum materials, and assessments, there will be some additional costs associated with the Common Core, such as training teachers to teach the standards, developing and purchasing new materials, and other aspects of implementation. However, there are also opportunities for states to save considerable resources by using technology, open-source materials, and taking advantage of cross-state opportunities that come from sharing consistent standards.

What supports are being provided to teachers to help them ensure students are prepared to reach the new goals established by the Common Core?

Decisions on how to implement the standards, including the right supports to put in place, are made at the state and local levels. As such, states and localities are taking different approaches to implementing the standards and providing their teachers with the supports they need to help students successfully reach the standards. To learn how states are supporting teachers and implementing their new standards, visit the "Standards in Your State" section for a map linking to the state-specific implementation page.

Why are the Common Core State Standards only for English language arts and math?

English language arts and math were the subjects chosen for the Common Core State Standards because they are areas upon which students build skill sets that are used in other subjects. Students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, so the standards specify the literacy skills and understandings required for college and career readiness in multiple disciplines. It is important to note that the literacy standards in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects for grades 6-12 are meant to supplement content standards in those areas, not replace them. States determine how to incorporate these standards into their standards for those subjects or adopt them as content area literacy standards.

What makes this process different from other efforts to create common standards?

From the very beginning, the process of developing the Common Core has been bipartisan and state led. It also has support from educators, policymakers, and business leaders across the country, including CCSSO, the NGA Center, Achieve, Inc., ACT, the College Board, the National Association of State Boards of Education, the Alliance for Excellent Education, the Hunt Institute, the National Parent Teacher Association, the State Higher Education Executive Officers, the American Association of School Administrators, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Business Roundtable.

Myth: The Common Core State Standards are not internationally benchmarked.

Fact: Standards from top-performing countries played a significant role in the development of the math and English language arts/literacy standards. In fact, the college- and career-ready standards provide an appendix listing the evidence that was consulted in drafting the standards, including the international standards that were consulted in the development process.

Myth:Adopting common standards means bringing all states' standards down to the lowest common denominator. This means that states with high standards are actually taking a step backwards by adopting the Common Core.

Fact: The standards are designed to build upon the most advanced current thinking about preparing all students for success in college, career, and life. This will result in moving even the best state standards to the next level. In fact, since this work began, there has been an explicit agreement that no state would lower its standards. The standards were informed by the best in the country, the highest international standards, and evidence and expertise about educational outcomes. We need college- and career-ready standards because even in high‐performing states, students are graduating and passing all the required tests but still need remediation in their postsecondary work.

Myth: The standards only include skills and do not address the importance of content knowledge.

Fact: The standards recognize that both content and skills are important.The English language arts standards require certain critical content for all students, including classic myths and stories from around the world, America's founding documents, foundational American literature, and Shakespeare. Appropriately, the remaining crucial decisions about what content should be taught are made at the state and local levels. In addition to content coverage, the standards require that students systematically acquire knowledge in literature and other disciplines through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The mathematics standards lay a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. Taken together, these elements support a student's ability to learn and apply more demanding math concepts and procedures. The middle school and high school standards call on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real-world issues and challenges. They prepare students to think and reason mathematically. The standards set a rigorous definition of college and career readiness not by piling topic upon topic, but by demanding that students develop a depth of understanding and ability to apply mathematics to novel situations, as college students and employees regularly do.

why are the common core standards important?

High standards that are consistent across states provide teachers, parents, and students with a set of clear expectations to ensure that all students have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life upon graduation from high school, regardless of where they live. These standards are aligned to the expectations of colleges, workforce training programs, and employers. The standards promote equity by ensuring all students are well prepared to collaborate and compete with their peers in the United States and abroad. Unlike previous state standards, which varied widely from state to state, the Common Core enables collaboration among states on a range of tools and policies, including the: Development of textbooks, digital media, and other teaching materials Development and implementation of common comprehensive assessment systems that replace existing state testing systems in order to measure student performance annually and provide teachers with specific feedback to help ensure students are on the path to success Development of tools and other supports to help educators and schools ensure all students are able to learn the new standards

What role did international benchmarking play in the development of the standards?

International benchmarking refers to analyzing high-performing education systems and identifying ways to improve our own system based on those findings. One of the ways to analyze education systems is to compare international assessments, particularly the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Prior to the development of the Common Core State Standards, research revealed striking similarities among the standards in top-performing nations, along with stark differences between those world-class expectations and the standards adopted by most U.S. states. As a result, standards from top-performing countries were consulted during the development of the Common Core State Standards. The college- and career-ready standards appendix lists the evidence consulted.

The School House

Little house on the prairie had 2 options in 1840's: -prairies: one room school house where students could start school at 4 if ready and go to 16 with out teacher for all subjects (K-12) -cities: an elementary teacher, junior teacher, adult prep teacher

2002 Bush administration

No Child Left Behind

Are there data collection requirements associated with the Common Core State Standards?

No. Implementing the Common Core State Standards does not require data collection. Standards define expectations for what students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade. The means of assessing students and the data that result from those assessments are up to the discretion of each state and are separate and unique from the Common Core.

Do the English language arts standards include a required reading list?

No. The Common Core State Standards include sample texts that demonstrate the level of text complexity appropriate for the grade level and compatible with the learning demands set out in the standards. The exemplars of high-quality texts at each grade level provide a rich set of possibilities. This ensures teachers have the flexibility to make their own decisions about what texts to use, while providing an excellent reference point when selecting their texts.

Will CCSSO and the NGA Center be creating common instructional materials and curricula?

No. The standards are not curricula and do not mandate the use of any particular curriculum. Teachers are able to develop their own lesson plans and choose materials, as they have always done. States that have adopted the standards may choose to work together to develop instructional materials and curricula. As states work individually to implement their new standards, publishers of instructional materials and experienced educators will develop new resources around these shared standards.

Common Core

State education chiefs and governors in 48 states came together to develop this, a set of clear college- and career-ready standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts/literacy and mathematics. Today, 43 states have voluntarily adopted and are working to implement the standards, which are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to take credit bearing introductory courses in two- or four-year college programs or enter the workforce

Who was involved in the development of the Common Core standards?

States across the country collaborated with teachers, researchers, and leading experts to design and develop the Common Core State Standards. Each state independently made the decision to adopt the Common Core. Local teachers, principals, and superintendents lead the implementation of the Common Core in their states. The federal government was not involved in the development of the standards.

Myths Vs. Facts

Successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards requires parents, educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to have the facts about what the standards are and what they are not. The following myths and facts aim to address common misconceptions about the development, intent, content, and implementation of the standards.

Do the standards tell teachers what to teach?

Teachers know best about what works in the classroom. That is why these standards establish what students need to learn, but do not dictate how teachers should teach. Instead, schools and teachers decide how best to help students reach the standards.

What guidance do the Common Core standards provide to teachers?

The Common Core State Standards are a clear set of shared goals and expectations for the knowledge and skills students need in English language arts and mathematics at each grade level so they can be prepared to succeed in college, career, and life. The standards establish what students need to learn, but they do not dictate how teachers should teach. Teachers will devise their own lesson plans and curriculum, and tailor their instruction to the individual needs of the students in their classrooms.

Who will manage the Common Core State Standards in the future?

The Common Core State Standards are and will remain a state-led effort, and adoption of the standards and any potential revisions will continue to be a voluntary state decision. The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers will continue to serve as the two leading organizations with ownership of the Common Core and will make decisions about the timing and substance of future revisions to the standards in consultation with the states. Federal funds have never and will never be used to support the development or governance of the Common Core or any future revisions of the standards. Any future revisions will be made based on research and evidence. Governance of the standards will be independent of governance of related assessments.

How complex are the texts suggested by the English language arts standards?

The Common Core State Standards create a staircase of increasing text complexity, so that students are expected to both develop their skills and apply them to more and more complex texts. For example, the English language arts standards suggest "Grapes of Wrath" as a text that would be appropriate for 9th or 10th grade readers. For more information on suggested texts, please see Appendix A, the Supplement to Appendix A, and Appendix B.

What does this work mean for students with disabilities and English language learners?

The Common Core State Standards give states the opportunity to share experiences and best practices, which can lead to an improved ability to serve young people with disabilities and English language learners. Additionally, the standards include information on application for these groups of students.

What types of texts are recommended for the English language arts standards?

The Common Core State Standards require certain critical content for all students. In addition to content coverage, the standards require that students systematically acquire knowledge in literature and other disciplines through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. English teachers will still teach their students the literature and literary nonfiction texts that they choose. However, because college and career readiness overwhelmingly focuses on complex texts outside of literature, these standards also ensure students are being prepared to read, write, and research across the curriculum, including in history and science.

How do the Common Core standards compare to previous state education standards?

The Common Core was developed by building on the best state standards in the United States; examining the expectations of other high-performing countries around the world; and carefully studying the research and literature available on what students need to know and be able to do to be successful in college, career, and life. No state was asked to lower their expectations for students in adopting the Common Core. The evidence-based standards were developed in consultation with teachers and parents from across the country, so they are also realistic and practical for the classroom.

1965 LBJ administration enacted

The Elementary & Secondary Education Act

What grade levels are included in the Common Core State Standards?

The English language arts and math standards are for grades K-12. Research from the early childhood and higher education communities also informed the development of the standards.

Why is the sequence of key math topics in the math standards important?

The mathematical progressions, or sequencing of topics, presented in the Common Core State Standards are coherent and based on evidence. Part of the problem with having many different sets of state standards was that different states covered different topics at different grade levels. Coming to a consensus on the standards guarantees that, from the viewpoint of any given state, topics will move up or down in a consistent grade level sequence. What is important to keep in mind is that the progression in the Common Core is mathematically coherent and leads to college and career readiness at an internationally competitive level.

Who led the development of the Common Core standards?

The nation's governors and education commissioners, through their representative organizations, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), led the development of the Common Core State Standards and continue to lead the initiative. Teachers, parents, school administrators, and experts from across the country, together with state leaders, provided input into the development of the standards. The actual implementation of the Common Core, including how the standards are taught, the curriculum developed, and the materials used to support teachers as they help students reach the standards, is led entirely at the state and local levels

how do the common core standards impact teachers?

The standards impact teachers by: Providing them with consistent goals and benchmarks to ensure students are progressing on a path for success in college, career, and life Providing them with consistent expectations for students who move into their districts and classrooms from other states Providing them the opportunity to collaborate with teachers across the country as they develop curricula, materials, and assessments linked to high-quality standards Helping colleges and professional development programs better prepare teachers

What evidence and criteria were used to develop the standards?

The standards made careful use of a large and growing body of evidence, including: Scholarly research Surveys on the skills required of students entering college and workforce training programs Assessment data identifying college- and career-ready performance Comparisons to standards from high-performing states and nations National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) frameworks in reading and writing for English language arts Findings from Trends in International Mathematics and Science (TIMSS) and other studies, which conclude that the traditional U.S. mathematics curriculum must become substantially more coherent and focused in order to improve student achievement The following criteria guided the development of the standards: Alignment with expectations for college and career success Clarity Consistency across all states Inclusion of content and the application of knowledge through high-order skills Improvement upon current state standards and standards of top-performing nations Reality-based for effective use in the classroom Evidence- and research-based

What do the Common Core State Standards mean for students?

Today's students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are prepared for success after graduation, the Common Core establishes a set of clear, consistent guidelines for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level in math and English language arts.

english academies founded as a result of the business boom

accounting, basic book keeping, business management -want to make sure that the people buying, selling, trading, etc. could add and subtract

Brief History of Education

all had standards!!! if someone wasn't ready, then they were knocked back down to the beginning

Released tests and test items

are representative of the content and skills included in the SOL assessments and present the format of the tests and questions

problems with No Child Left Behind

assessments and standards were tied to funding

what ARE the tests?

based on VA- varies from state to state


first state for actual teacher training/education


first universities & mix of all others

The Curriculum Frameworks

for English, mathematics, science and history/social science detail the specific knowledge and skills students must possess to meet the standards for these subjects

first university

found in Europe in 13 & 14 centuries 2 part system: socratic seminar, scientific method based on what the Greek did, teach trade: big in business

LBJ goal for ESEA

get as many kids educated as possible regardless of income -goals to provide education to the impoverished

Pre-Post: every kid is given a test at the beginning of the year

grouped: pass, assistance, fail0 progress tracked all year long -at end of the year: pass, close, fail

The school calendar was built around

harvesting season, etc.


how you teach

title 1

improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged

Issues with testing

is it about learning or money? are teachers teaching or teaching to the test? are standards too low? and why? can students do anything but bubble in?

some standards....

larger areas created curriculums & divided grades -teachers were required to NOW have more formal training

Common Core (how it works)

more conceptual -more important, it matters what you teach

churches found first schools

most education based on religion

Should the government take over all of the education for the states?

no-states value autonomy yes-get rid of people with lower standards, more uniform (grading scale)

example problems

not given on the SOL (they are helpful)

Connecting Question

now that weve talked about individual education, how do standards fit in? How do you create an environment where students can learn in their own way while meeting the standards?

ancient cultures

parental/self education

Enhanced scope and sequence guide

provide sample lesson plans and instructional resources to help teachers align their classroom instruction with the standards

No Child Left Behind

replaces ESEA (more like IDEA) created more of a national type curriculum -if you dont show progress every year, then you dont get money for your school... without money, no teachers, books, etc. -if you dont do well, send in a team of people to help school do better, you have X amount of time to do better or we take away your money

By the 1940's

school was the norm & national government stepped in


showed up in 1901 so colleges could see who was not ready

First teachers were trained in

summer institutes

empirical evidence

supported by research (peer review)

middle ages

taught for trade


teacher education programs were actually established

The bottom line is to prepare teachers for 21st century needs

technology -can look for answers themselves

McGuffy's book

that was the teacher training, this was the standards -no college degree was required

Educational Standards

the learning goals for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Educational standards help teachers ensure their students have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful, while also helping parents understand what is expected of their children


when a textbook company provides workbook or worksheet templates that can be discarded afterwards at the end of the year

National standards for functioning adults to graduate-

you can pick how you want to assess it- SOLS, CAT, etc

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