Statistics Ch 1 Homework review (Vocab)

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​A(n)______________ is obtained by dividing the population into groups and selecting all individuals from within a random sample of the groups.

cluster sample


statistics consists of organizing and summarizing information​ collected, while


statistics uses methods that generalize results obtained from a sample to the population and measure the reliability of the results.

​A(n) _______________is obtained by dividing the population into homogeneous groups and randomly selecting individuals from each group.

stratified sample

Which sampling method does not require a​ frame? A. Cluster B. Systematic C. Simple random D. Stratified E. All of the above sampling methods require a frame


What does it mean when a part of the population is​ under-represented? A. A part of the population is​ under-represented when it is proportionally smaller in a sample than in its population. B. A part of the population is​ under-represented when individuals selected to be in the sample who do not respond to the survey have different opinions from those who do. C. A part of the population is​ under-represented when their answers on a survey tend not to reflect their true feelings. D. A part of the population is​ under-represented when it is proportionally smaller in its population than in a sample


Use the portion of the random number table provided below to obtain a simple random sample of size 3 from this list. If you start on the left and take the first three numbers between 1 and​ 9, what three books would be selected from the numbered​ list? 29990 32972 21607 1. As Upper I Lay Dying 2. Upper A Tale of Two Cities 3. The Sun Also Rises 4. Pride and Prejudice 5. The Jungle 6. Death of a Salesman 7. Huckleberry Finn 8. The Scarlet Letter 9. Crime and Punishment

A tale of two cities, crime and punishment, the sun also rises

Determine whether the following statement is true or false. Explain. Inferences based on voluntary response samples are generally not reliable. A. ​True, because it is often the case that the individuals who volunteer do not accurately represent the population. Your answer is correct.B. ​False, because individuals who volunteer are least likely to have personal bias. C. ​True, because the group that volunteers may not be a large enough sample size. D. ​False, because a surveyor cannot force volunteers to respond.

A. ​True, because it is often the case that the individuals who volunteer do not accurately represent the population.

A television station asks its viewers to call in their opinion regarding the desirability of programs in high definition TV. A. Convenience Your answer is correct.B. Simple random C. Stratified D. Cluster E. Systematic

A. Convenience

Determine the level of measurement of the variable below. Movie ratings of one star through five stars Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Nominal


Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of question. A. Closed questions are harder to​ analyze, because they limit the responses. Open questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are easier to analyze due to the variety of answers. B. Closed questions are easier to​ analyze, but limit the responses. Open questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible misinterpretation of answers. C. Closed questions are easier to​ analyze, because they usually gather more accurate data. Open questions limit the​ responses, but are harder to analyze since not every viewpoint will be covered. D. Closed questions allow respondents to state exactly how they​ feel, but are harder to analyze due to the variety of answers and possible misinterpretation of answers. Open questions are easier to​ analyze, but limit the responses.


A​ quality-control manager randomly selects 30 bottles of soda that were filled on November 27 to assess the calibration of the filling machine. What is the population in the​ study? A. The 30 bottles of soda selected in the plant on November27 B.The 30 bottles of soda selected in the plant. C.All bottles of soda produced in the plant in the given year. D.All bottles of soda produced in the plant on November 27 .

D.All bottles of soda produced in the plant on November 27

As part of a college literature​ course, students must select three classic works of literature from the provided list and complete critical book reviews for each selected work. Write a short description of the processes that can be used to generate a simple random sample of three books. Obtain a simple random sample of size 3 from this list. Which of the following would produce a simple random​ sample? Select all that apply. A. Ask someone their opinion on which three books are​ best, and select those three. B. Number the books from 1 to 9 and use a random number table to produce 3 different one digit numbers corresponding to the books selected. List the names in alphabetical order and take the first three on the list. D. List each book on a separate piece of​ paper, place them all in a​ hat, and pick three.

B and D

The owner of a shopping mall wishes to expand the number of shops available in the food court. She has a market researcher survey the first 120 customers who come into the food court during weekday evenings to determine what types of food the shoppers would like to see added to the food court. ​(a) The survey has bias. Determine whether the flaw is due to the sampling method or the survey itself. For biased​ surveys, identify the cause of the error. What is the cause of the​ bias? A. Response bias B. Sampling bias C. Nonresponse ​(b) Suggest a remedy to the problem. Which of the following is the best way to remedy this​ problem? A. Reword the question so that it is balanced. B. Increase the sample size so that more people respond to the question. C. Ask customers throughout the day on both weekdays and weekends.

B, C

To determine her water pressure​, Carrie divides up her day into three​ parts: morning,​ afternoon, and evening. She then measures her water pressure at 3 randomly selected times during each part of the day. What type of sampling is​ used? A. Simple random B. Stratified Your answer is correct.C. Systematic D. Cluster E. Convenience

B. Stratified

A​ quality-control manager randomly selects 20 bottles of mustard that were filled on June 3 to assess the calibration of the filling machine. What is the population in the​ study? A.The 20 bottles of mustard selected in the plant on June 3 B.All bottles of mustard produced in the plant on June 3 C.All bottles of mustard produced in the plant in the given year. D.The 20 bottles of mustard selected in the plant.

B.All bottles of mustard produced in the plant on June 3

Which of the following is not true of​ statistics? A. Statistics can be used to organize and analyze information. B. Statistics is used to answer questions with​ 100% certainty. C. Statistics involves collecting and summarizing data. D. Statistics is used to draw conclusions using data.

B.Statistics is used to answer questions with​ 100% certainty.

What is a closed​ question? What is an open​ question? A. A closed question always has yes or no​ answers, whereas an open question is a​ free-response question. B. A closed question has many correct​ answers, whereas an open question has only one correct answer. C. A closed question has fixed choices for​ answers, whereas an open question is a​ free-response question. D A closed question is a​ free-response question, whereas an open question has fixed choices for answers.


The survey has bias.​ (a) Determine the type of bias.​ (b) Suggest a remedy. Upper A pro dash free trade advocate wants to estimate the percentage of people who favor decreasing tariffs on imported goods. He conducts a nationwide survey of 1290 randomly selected adults 18 years and older. The interviewer asks the​ respondents, ​"Do you favor supporting free trade with our friendly neighbors? a) Which of these best describes the bias in the​ survey? a.Sampling bias b.Nonresponse bias c.Undercoverage bias dResponse bias (b) How can the bias be​ remedied? A. The interviewer should reword the question. Your answer is correct.B. The interviewer should survey a greater number of adults 18 and older. C. The interviewer should survey people by phone and in person. D. The interviewer should survey people under 18 as well.

D, A

To determine customer opinion of their check dash in service​, American Airlines randomly selects 50 flights during a certain week and surveys all passengers on the flights. What type of sampling is​ used? A. Systematic B. Simple random C. Stratified D. Cluster Your answer is correct.E. Convenience

D. Cluster

The survey has bias.​ (a) Determine the type of bias.​ (b) Suggest a remedy. A polling organization conducts a study to estimate the percentage of households that speak a second language. It mails a questionnaire to 1869 randomly selected households across the country and asks the head of each household if he or she speaks a second language. Of the 1869 households​ selected, 13 responded. (a) Which of these best describes the bias in the​ survey? a.Undercoverage bias b.Sampling bias c.Response bias d.Nonresponse bias ​(b) How can the bias be​ remedied? A. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to each person in the households. B. The polling organization should only select households in a single state. C. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to a greater number of households. D. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face. ​(b) How can the bias be​ remedied? A. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to each person in the households. B. The polling organization should only select households in a single state. C. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to a greater number of households. D. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.

D. D

Maytag wants to administer a satisfaction survey to its current customers. Using their customer​ database, the company randomly selects 90 customers and asks them about their level of satisfaction with the company. A. Cluster B. Systematic Your answer is not correct.C. Stratified D. Simple random This is the correct answer.E. Convenience

D. Simple random

Determine the level of measurement of the variable below. Dress color Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Nominal


Determine the level of measurement of the variable below. Nation of origin Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Nominal


Determine the level of measurement of the variable. States in a region Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Nominal


Define statistics.

Statistics is the science of​ collecting, organizing,​ summarizing, and analyzing information to draw a conclusion and answer questions. In​ addition, statistics is about providing a measure of confidence in any conclusions.

To estimate the percentage of defects in a recent manufacturing​ batch, a quality control manager at Daimler minus Chrysler selects every 18th van that comes off the assembly line starting with the third until she obtains a sample of 90 vans. What type of sampling is​ used? A. Systematic B Simple random C. Convenience D. Cluster E. Stratified


Determine whether the underlined value is a parameter or a statistic. A study of 6,076 adults in a public restrooms found that 23% did not wash their hands before exiting. Is the value a parameter or a​ statistic?

The value is a statistic because the 6,076 adults in a public restroom are a sample

Determine whether the underlined value is a parameter or a statistic. In a national survey on substance abuse, 66.4% of respondents who were full-time college students aged 18 to 22 reported using alcohol within the past month. Is the value a parameter or a​ statistic?

The value is a statistics because the respondents who were full-time college students aged 18 to 22 are a sample

Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or continuous. Running time of a music file

The variable is continuous because it is not countable

Determine whether the quantitative variable is discrete or continuous. Number of field goals attempted by a kicker. Is the variable discrete or continuous?

The variable is discrete because it is countable.

Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative. Medal won in a race Is the variable qualitative or​ quantitative?

The variable is qualitative because it is an attribute characteristic

Determine whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative. State of residence Is the variable qualitative or​ quantitative?

The variable is qualitative because it is an attribute characteristic .

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