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what was distinctive about the haitian revolution both in world history and the atlantic revolutions

-only completely successful slave revolt in world history -2nd independent republic in america -1st non european state to emerge from western colonialism -inspired other slave revolutions and furthered the abolitionist movement -ironically led to the temporary expansion of slaery elsewhere, like cuba -Napolean's defeat in haiti persudaed him into the louisiana purchase

BPQ4: Looking Back: To what extent did the Atlantic Revolutions reflect the influence of early modern historical developments?

- Enlightenment ideas influenced all of the revolutions - Enlightenment, Protestantism, Scientific Revolution contributed to skeptical and self-sufficient attitude towards ancient authority - Results of slave trade in Haiti and later in abolitionist movements - Imperial expansion of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal - Increased warfare in Europe had placed France and Britain in war debt, requiring them to increase taxes (which led to revolution!

How did the French Revolution differ from the American Revolution?

-American Revolution developed against a tense colonial relationship, whereas the French Revolution grew out of internal social conflicts--nobility didn't want to pay more taxes, middle class didn't like the aristocracy's privileges, the lower class grew immensely poor with rising unemployment and the rising price of bread -Social conflicts in the French Revolution gave rise to a more radical, far-reaching, violent situation -American sought to build on earlier freedoms and the present, whereas the French wanted to start from scratch and look to the future -French revolution raised a more explicit question of political gender equality, with women playing a more active role in the French Revolution -Influence spread differently--French influence spread through Napoleon's conquest and French dominance as a result, whereas American influence spread as an inspiration from its revolution and constitution

Seeking the Main Point: What were the most important outcomes of the Atlantic revolutions, both immediately and in the century that followed?

-Feminism -Nationalism, including the unification of Germany and Italy -Abolition of slavery -Rise of the U.S. as a powerful American nation -Spread of republican ideologies, esp. inspired by Dec. of Ind. and Constitution -General rise of the middle class -Napoleon's impact on legal systems in Europe, spread of French ideologies (popular sovereignty, religious tolerance, etc), expansion of French empire

what accounts for the growth of nationalism as a powerful political and personal identity in the nineteenth century

-atlantic revolutions forged themselves in the name of a new nation -scientific revolution promoted less religious unity and more identity with a specific nation -industrialization served as a breakaway from local communities and formed stronger ties to larger nation entities -printing/ publishing companies produced in some different languages, leading to people think of themselves as in a linguistic group -leaders re articulated cultural distinctions, making them more divisive.

in what ways did the ideas of the enlightenment contribute to the Atlantic revolutions

-ideas from the enlightenment are shared across the ocean in pamphlets, books, and newspapers -popular sovereignty -ideas that human political and social arrangements could be improved through human action led to attacks on the conventional way of life -new ideas of of liberty, equality, free trade, republicanism, religious tolerance, and human rationality also attacked conventionalism and helped ignite revolutions -these ideas were often controversial .

what were the echoes of the revolution

1. Britain's loss of its North American colonies -> Britain's growing interest and interventions in Asia -> British colonial rule in India and Opium Wars in China 2. Napoleon's brief conquest of Egypt -> modernizing regime emerged -> westernizing reforms in Ottoman empire 3. the idea of a constitution spread to Poland, Latin America, Spanish-rule Philippines, China, Ottoman Empire, and British India 4. small revolutions in Europe 1830 5. attempt to establish constitutional regime in Russia 1825 inspired by Enlightenment and French Revolution 6. American and French revolutions led sympathetic elites in Central Europe to feel they had fallen behind 7. abolitionist movements 8. nationalist movements 9. feminist movements

How were Spanish American revolutions shaped by the American, French, and Haitian revolutions that happened earlier?

1. Native born elites were already familiar with enlightenment ideas such as personal liberty, popular sovereignty, and republican government which made them more open to the concept of change and improvement 2. Spanish elites were paranoid of a slave revolt after seeing the Haitian revolution (whites were also outnumbered which added to their paranoia of being overthrown) 3. Napoleon conquered Spain and Portugal which removed the Spanish monarchs from power

What accounts for the end of Atlantic slavery?

1. enlightenment thinkers saw slavery as a violation of basic human rights 2. slavery contradicted many people's religious beliefs (Quakers were the first to be outspokenly against slavery, then protestant evangelicals) 3. people realized slavery wasn't necessary for the economy, and saw it as out of date in the rapidly advancing world 4. the slave revolutions (specifically in Haiti) called attention to the unjust treatment slaves endured, and the brutality in which they were suppressed appalled the British public 5. Britain's determination to patrol illegal slave ships across the Atlantic contributed to the international pressure to end slavery

How did the end of slavery affect the lives of former slaves?

1. illegal slave traders continued to ship millions to Cuba and Brazil 2. those who could get their own land worked as independent peasant farmers 3. others worked as indentured servants or sharecroppers with low pay or debt to their landlords 4. freed slaves enjoyed limited rights and relative freedom, but segregation laws, denial of voting rights, and racism still restricted their freedom 5. did not obtain political equality

MQ9: What were the achievements and limitations of nineteenth-century feminism?

Achievements -upper-and middle-class women gained entrance to universities in small numbers -some US states passed legislation allowing women to control their own property and wages -divorce laws were liberalized -professions such as medicine, social work, and teaching opened to women -a couple of countries allowed women the right to vote -prompted a discussion about the role of a woman in modern society -spread beyond the West Limitations -argued that too much time outside the home would cause reproductive damage and as a result, depopulate the nation (side note: what the heck???) -viewed feminism as selfish -Japan cracked down firmly on feminism, banning women from politics altogether -did not have thoroughly revolutionary consequences

MQ#2- What was revolutionary about the American Revolution, and what was not

Revolutionary- 1. Increased established democraric tendencies in the colonies 2. Widened the range of political participation 3. Initiated the break down of Europe's New World empires 4. Was the first sustained effort to put the political ideas of the Enlightenment into practice 5. The "right to revolution" proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence inspired revolutions elsewhere 6. In the century that followed the revolution, the US became the world's most democratic county Not Revolutionary- 1. The revolution only sought to preserve the already existing liberties of the colonies instead of creating new ones 2. No women or people of color shared in the revolutionary widening of political participation

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