Stress and Health

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Components of Nutrition

Carbohydrates-50-60% of diet Fat-20-30% Proteins 12-15% Micronutrients fluids - during heavy training, appox 8 oz every 15 mins


-Foods that are make up of sugar molecules -Carbs. are broken down in your body into glucose(simple sugar) -glucose is stored in your muscles as glycogen. -Simple carbs.=most fruits and refined products like cookies, cake -Complex carbs.=veggies, whole grains, peas and beans -Unrefined carbs. are good source of vitamins and minerals -1-2 hours before class, rehearsal , or performance, a small complex carbohydrate snack helps maintain energy levels -Sport drinks with 6-8% glucose are recommended during long rehearsals -Eating carbs within the first 2 hours after a strenuous without helps replenish glycogen stores in muscle


20-30% of daily caloric intake should be derived from fat 1.2 grams of fat per kg body weight Try to limit saturated fat to less than 10% total caloric intake

Protein II

Complete vs incomplete proteins Complete proteins do not have all 9 amino acids or not enough of one or more amino acids: nuts, legumes, grains, seeds 1.4-1.6 grams of protein per kg of body weight is recommended when training 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight is the RDA for adult

Irrational Beliefs

Activating event → Beliefs → Consequences Negative activating event becomes more aversive Irrational beliefs compound the effects Common irrational beliefs include high need for social approval and perfectionism Truth or Fiction? Searching for social approval or perfection is an excellent way of making yourself miserable. Research findings confirm the connections between irrational beliefs (e.g., excessive dependence on social approval and perfectionism) and feelings of anxiety and depression (Ciarrochi, 2004; Rice & Dellwo, 2001; Wiebe & McCabe, 2002).


Demand made on an organism to adapt, cope, or adjust Eustress Healthful stress Intense or prolonged stress Affects our moods, impairs our ability to experience pleasure, and harms the body ? Some stress is good for us. Some stress is healthful and necessary to keep us alert and occupied.

Life Changes

Differ from daily hassles in that life changes Are often positive and desirable Occur at irregular intervals Life changes, even positive ones, require adjustment Truth or Fiction? Because variety is the spice of life, the more changes the better. Although variety adds spice to life, too much variety might lead to physical illness. Truth or Fiction? Going on vacation is stressful. True. Although vacations can be good for your health, they are life changes, and changes require adjustment.


Feeling of being pulled in two or more directions by opposing motives Four types of conflict Approach-approach Avoidance-avoidance Approach-avoidance Multiple approach-avoidance Approach-approach conflict is the least stressful. Two goals, both desirable, both within reach. Avoidance-avoidance conflict is more stressful because you are motivated to avoid each of two negative goals. Avoiding one requires approaching the other. When avoidance-avoidance conflict is highly stressful and no resolution is in sight, some people withdraw from the conflict. Approach-avoidance conflict involves goals that produce mixed motives Multiple approach-avoidance conflict Several alternative courses of action have pluses and minuses

Models for Conflict.

Part A shows an approach-approach conflict, in which a person (P) has motives (M) to reach two goals (G) that are desirable, but approach of one requires exclusion of the other. Part B shows an avoidance-avoidance conflict in which both goals are negative, but avoiding one requires approaching the other. Part C shows an approach-avoidance conflict, in which the same goal has desirable and undesirable properties. Part D shows a double approach-avoidance conflict, which is the simplest kind of multiple approach-avoidance conflict. In a multiple approach-avoidance conflict, two or more goals have mixed properties.


Protein is required for building and repairing tissue throughout the body and for hormone production Amino Acids are building blocks of protein There are approximately 22 amino acids required in humans only 13 of which we can synthesis in our bodies We must eat the other 9 amino acids, call essential amino acids

Daily Hassles

Regularly occurring conditions and experiences that can threaten or harm our well-being Household, health, time-pressure, inner concern, environmental, financial responsibility, work and security hassles Uplifts - opposite of daily hassles Household- preparing meals Health - physical illness, medical treatment, Time-pressure -too many things to do, too little time Inner concerns -- being socially isolated, lonley Environmental hassles - crime, neighborhood deteriorationg, traffic noise Financial -- owing money e.g., mortgage payments, school loans Work -- job dissatisfactionm, not liking duties, coworkers Security -- job security, terrorism, stock market swings

Fat II

Saturated fats -animals products including meat, egg yolk, cream, milk, cheese -coconut palm oil, vegetable shortening, margarine Unsaturated Fats -Olive, canola, peanut oil(mono) -Safflower, sunflower, soybean, and corn oil - Tuna, Mackerel and herring(Omega-3)

Health Psychology

Studies relationships between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical health problems.

Psychological Moderators of Stress

Think of 2 people who deal with stress differently. What are some of their attributes and do you think these contribute to their differences in stress management?

Type A and B Behavior Patterns

Type A people are highly driven, competitive, impatient, hostile, and aggressive Type B people relax more readily and focus more on the quality of life; are less ambitious and less impatient Take self-assessment on pg. 372. Truth or Fiction? Type A people achieve more than Type B people, but they are less satisfied with themselves. It is true that Type A people achieve more than Type B people but are less satisfied with themselves. Type B people relax more readily than Type A people and focus more on the quality of life. Self Assessment: Are You Type A or Type B? See text, page 372 or for an interactive version - Type A -- cardio problems -- hostile and aggression


Very important component of diet - cell membranes - Protection for many tissues including nerves -important energy reserve Saturated Unsaturated -Saturated = increase risk for heart disease - Unsaturated = Improved cholesterol level and less of a risk for heart disease

What Are the Relationships Among Daily Hassles, Life Changes, and Physical Illness?

What Are the Relationships Among Daily Hassles, Life Changes, and Physical Illness? Do daily hassles and life events cause illness, or are people who are predisposed toward medical or psychological problems encounter or generate more hassles and amass more life-change units?

IADMS Nutrition Recommendations for Dancers

You challenge: ingest enough calories to meet the energy requirements of dancing. caloric intake estimate during heavy training -Females=40~50 calories per kilogram body wight -Males= 50-60 1kg = 2.2Ibs Example: a woman wighing 110Ibs needs 2250-2500/day during heavy training low caloric intake leaves you with not enough energy an too few micronutrients

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