Supervisory Management

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What is an example of professional contacts that would be a poor choice to include in a supervisor's recruiting network?

supervisors at competing businesses

What type of learner likes to see what they are learning?


Speakers can risk sounding insincere if they speak too


What employee characteristic is excluded from protection by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?


A supervisor's daily to-do list identifies tasks to be done each day, their priority, and

who can assist with them.

An employee is satisfied that her supervisor properly resolved her conflict with another employee. The other employee is not satisfied with the resolution. What is the type of conflict resolution outcome that would most likely cause the other employee's attitude?


What is the conflict outcome needed to resolve a personal dispute between two employees on a long-term basis?


A hotel estimates that 125 rooms will need to be cleaned on Monday. It takes a room attendant 1/2 hour to clean a room. Room attendants are paid $15.00 per hour. What will be the room attendant wage expense on Monday if 125 rooms are cleaned?


One day a supervisor forecasted the use of 120 labor hours at an average wage rate of $15.00 per hour. At the end of the day the supervisor calculated she had actually used 125 labor hours at an average rate of $15.00 per hour. What was the labor cost variance experienced by the supervisor that day?


A hospitality operation achieved a five-percent profit on revenue of $500,000. What is the dollar amount of profit this operation achieved?


A supervisor overstaffs his department, resulting in $250 of excess labor expense. The supervisor's operation makes 10% profit on its sales. What amount of sales must the operation achieve to replace the $250 in excess labor cost and thus make up for its lost profit?


An operation pays its workers an average of $15.00 per hour exclusive of fringe benefits. In four weeks, the operation used 27-hours more in labor than it had forecasted. How much money did the 27- hour labor usage variance cost the operation?


Last month a hotel achieved $45,000 in room sales. The hotel's managers assume a 10 percent increase in sales for next month. Using the base adjustment forecast method, what will be this hotel's forecasted room sales for the next month?


What must happen after an arbitrator makes a final decision regarding a dispute between a union and management?

Both the union and management must abide by the decision.

A demand driver is a factor that affects

Business volume

What is the best way for supervisors to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace?

By implementing prevention measures

What is the first step supervisors must take when revising performance standards to increase employee Productivity?

Collect and analyze information about current performance standards

What is an activity that would likely be undertaken by a tactile learner?

Communicating by touching

Who are the intended users of a hospitality company's intranet?

Company employees

What actions do supervisors take when they assume the role of a coach?

Complimenting and correcting employees

Sandy would rather work four 10 hour days than five 8 hour days. Sandy is expressing a preference for

Compressed schedules

During the negotiation process, successful negotiators know the importance of effective communication and


The three types of skills that hospitality supervisors need to be effective are technical, human relations, and


A supervisor holds a monthly safety and security meeting. What is the time management tool this supervisor should use to be reminded of this meeting?


A hotel employee looks out the window and notices someone lurking near the back entrance of the hotel late at night. What should the employee do first?

Call a supervisor or other designated individual

What tool can be useful in helping workers see how they can progress within an organization?

Career ladder

In what step of the training process do trainers ask trainees to demonstrate what has been learned?

Coach trial performances

What is the first of the four stages required for active listening?


What employee scheduling approach will result in a reduced number of full-time employees?

Job sharing

What selection tool lists the critical knowledge, skills, and experience needed to do a job properly?

Job specification

A supervisor in a hotel's sales department feels and acts like she has the hotel's most valuable employees because they directly generate room sales. What is the source of conflict displayed by this supervisor's attitude?

Organizational problems

A multi-unit hospitality organization wants to decentralize its marketing efforts. What is the type of change this represents?

Organizational structure and change

What is the first step taken when drafting a concise and well-written business document?


A time analysis is used to identify which items?

Patterns, tendencies, non-productive times, and sources of interruptions

What must supervisors utilize to identify the retraining needs of their experienced employees?

Performance evaluations

What is an example of items found in a hotel guestroom that could be an indicator of illegal drug-related activity?

Plastic baggies and scales

In which step in the training process do trainers ask, "how many trainees will be involved in the training?"

Prepare to train

Which time robbers are created by supervisors?

Procrastination, attempting too much, and lack of planning

What group can be a good source of ethical guidelines for those working in a specific industry?

Professional associations

What group would normally develop the ethical standards to be used by members of a specific profession?

Professional associations

What is an action that would be illegal for management to take during a unionizing campaign?

Promise benefits to employees who vote against the union.

What is it important for a manager to do to ensure employees are successfully handling a major change?

Provide positive reinforcement to employees during the change

What should supervisors do if they are told by a worker that another employee has violated the company's social media policy?

Refer the matter to the company's human resource department.

A supervisor uses the change model to help guide the implementation of an important change in work procedures. What is the model's final step in this change implementation?

Refreezing the situation

The three management concepts most important to supervisors are authority, delegation, and


When managers compare the costs of training to the benefits of training, they are measuring their training

Return on investment

What must supervisors do before interviewing a candidate for a vacant position?

Review the candidate's employment application

Which sentence illustrates the use of active voice?

Sally promoted the new employee.

A hotel's front desk supervisor has just communicated a coming workplace change to one of the hotel's desk agents. The desk agent's reaction about the coming change seems to be one of great confusion. How is the desk agent likely feeling about the coming change?


What should supervisors do if their cultural norms are very different from those of their employees?

Seek to understand the employees' cultural norms better

What is the first step to be taken when creating a professional development plan?

Setting objectives

Why must good supervisors delegate some tasks for which they are responsible?

Shortage of time

What is a possible concern about exclusively using social media to recruit qualified workers for job vacancies?

Some qualified job candidates may not utilize social media.

What do successful supervisors recognize about employee training?

Sometimes employee training doesn't work.

The personal qualities necessary to adequately perform a job's tasks are recorded in a job


A supervisor wants to create a daily to-do list. What should he or she put on the list?

Tasks for each day, the priority of the tasks, and who can assist

What is always true about a harasser's conduct when sexual harassment occurs?

The conduct is unwelcomed.

What is the first step supervisors should take when managing conflict between employees and guests?

Understanding who should address the problem

The easiest wrongful discharge cases for employees to win are those in which workplace rules are

Unfairly enforced

Which management principle proposed by Henri Fayol states that each employee should have only one boss?

Unity of command

A supervisor sets aside one half hour to make next week's employee schedule. During that half hour, routine employee interruptions prevent the supervisor from completing the schedule. What is the time robber this supervisor has created?

Unrealistic time estimates

What is the form of personal bias that may be present when supervisors compare one employee's performance to the performance of other employees?

contrast effect

What is an activity that can increase a supervisor's ability to substitute one worker for another when the supervisor is short on staff members?

cross training

Those hospitality supervisors managing a diverse workforce must pay special attention to communication problems that could be caused by

cultural differences.

If supervisors are to be optimally effective in their jobs, they must

get to know each team member individually.

What is another name for the rumor mill employees may use when information is given to them about a change?


What is the main way gossip would likely be shared among workers?


Who would not e considered an internal customer for a restaurant server?


The two forces in the hospitality industry that create the need for work teams are organizational demands and

guest demands.

A supervisor wants to delegate an important task to a qualified employee. To be successful, it is important that the employee the supervisor chooses to complete the task

has the time and skills required to complete the task.

A grey area in ethical decision-making is one in which supervisors will

have choices in their decision making.

Employees are more likely to implement solutions to their poor performance problems if they

helped identify or suggest the solutions.

With whom should supervisors consult as they plan their future staffing needs?

human resources department

Which is an historical event experienced by millennial employees?

iraq war

A supervisor is given a low level of decision latitude. This means that the supervisor

is limited in his or her decision making ability.

What hotel statistic must be excluded when managers are assessing the demand drivers for a hotel's housekeeping department?

number of rooms in the hotel

What type of training typically provides trainees the most amount of realism?

on the job training

What type of training most gives trainees individual attention and immediate feedback?

one on one training

What is the FIRST step in a progressive discipline program?

oral warning

If a supervisor receives a job inquiry at a time when no job is open, the supervisor should ask the person inquiring to fill out an application and

participate in a preliminary interview.

What barrier to communication is most likely present if a serious family problem prevents an employee from paying close attention when her supervisor is giving her work instructions?

poor timing

What is the type of supervisory power that results from the formal authority granted to the individual holding a specific job in an organization?


Which is an example of a personality or character shortcoming that can cause a supervisor to fail?


What is the best tool for eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace?


A hotel manager assembles a cross-functional team with members from five different hotel departments. This cross-functional team is a special type of

problem solving work team.

The quantity of work that can be done will increase, and labor expenses will be lower than budgeted if

quality expectations are set too low.

What is the type of work team in which team members serve internal or external customers in proper sequence?


When addressing social loafing in a work team, supervisors must either reform the social loafer or

remove the loafer from the team.

Work procedures and methods are examples of an organization's


Where should a writer place a paragraph's topic sentence?

at the beginning

What is the leadership style supervisors are using when they make decisions without much input from their employees?


What is an example of an internal force of change?

A new boss

What is an example of an item that could be listed on a front desk agent's skills inventory?

Ability to make group reservations

By what conflict management strategy will most conflicts between supervisors and their bosses be resolved?


What activity is performed when supervisors compare their actual results to their projected results?


What is a learning-related activity that would likely be undertaken by a kinesthetic style learner?

Copying notes more than once

What can supervisors do to engage millennial employees better?

Create balanced life and work schedule

What is the type of work team that could best address a single issue affecting members of multiple operating departments?

Cross-functional work team

When an active listener states "I know how that feels because it also happened to me," that listener is expressing


What group of employees might react most negatively if one of the group members is reprimanded by a supervisor?

Employed relatives

Providing a safe work environment is an example of supervisors fulfilling their primary responsibility to


What law requires employers to pay overtime to employees?

Fair Labor Standards Act

What is the best approach to use if a supervisor wants input from several departments to help solve a property-wide problem?

Formation of an employee task group

A supervisor gives very little direction and allows employees extensive levels of freedom. What is the leadership style this supervisor is using?


What is a symptom of unresolved conflict among employees?

Low morale

In larger hospitality organizations, who directs the work of supervisors?


The main purpose of a task list is to identify

The tasks in a position that an employee must preform

What is an example of an on-the-job learning activity?

Volunteering to serve on a cross-functional team

What is an interview question that is designed to gain information about a job candidate's personal interests?

What is your favorite type of music?

Supervisors can delegate the power to complete a task, but they cannot delegate

accountability for completing the task.

When a business's actual volume is less than what was forecasted, employee productivity generally

decreases because the business is overstaffed.

Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of acceptable behavior and

decreases the likelihood of unacceptable behavior.

When coaching and evaluating employee performance, supervisors should make their evaluations based on

job performance standards.

One example of a presentation being negatively affected by orientation is when speakers

talk while facing away from their audience.

When the actual volume of a business is greater than forecasted volume, productivity generally increases because

the business was understaffed.

A room attendant worked 8 hours per day for 5 days and during that time cleaned a total of 75 rooms. How many rooms were cleaned per hour worked?

1.5 rooms

A restaurant served 1000 guests in Week 1; 1100 guests in Week 2; 1400 guests in Week 3; and 1300 guests in Week 4. What was the restaurant's 4-Week moving average for number of guests served?


Millennial employees are those born from about

1982- 2004 (technically its 1977- 1995, but if your book/ teacher says differently go with what they/it says)

A restaurant's poor scheduling practices result in $300 of wasted labor costs. The restaurant makes a 10-percent profit on its revenue and has a check average of $15.00. How many customers must the restaurant serve to recover the $300 loss caused by poor scheduling?


What is the name for the practice of soliciting information about an individual's performance from immediate supervisors, peers, and employees?

360 degree feedback

What is the practice of soliciting feedback from your immediate supervisor, peers, and employees?

360-degree feedback

How many levels of management exist in most hospitality operations?


On Monday, an operation's actual labor hour usage was 52 hours. What was the labor usage variance if six employees had been scheduled to work 8-hour shifts on that day?

4 labor hours

At what age do individual employees gain the protections granted to them under the Age Discrimination Act of 1967?

40 or older

Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurance must be provided if an organization employs at least how many full-time workers?


What conflict resolution style is used when supervisors neglect their own needs in favor of meeting the needs of others?


What is the conflict management style likely used by supervisors who have low-levels of assertiveness and high-levels of cooperation?


What formula do supervisors use to calculate a moving average?

Activity in Previous Number of Periods / Number of Periods

What formula do supervisors use to calculate their actual to-date labor cost percentage?

Actual labor cost to-date / actual sales to date

What is probably the most commonly believed myth about employee discipline?

All discipline is punishment.

A supervisor is assigned a large budgeting project. What is the best way for the supervisor to complete this large task?

Allocate a specific time each day to work on the project

What law requires employers to modify employee work schedules to allow for required medical appointments?

Americans with Disabilities Act

In most all cases, effective supervisors

Are good communicators

A supervisor is considering some changes in how a department will be operated. What is the best time for this supervisor to involve employees in the change process?

As the changes are being considered

The best leaders adjust the approach to be used based on the needs of a situation and

Available resources

What is the main purpose of disciplinary action?

Behavior modificaton

A supervisor believes he is superior to all of his employees. What is the discipline-related myth this supervisor believes?

Being boss means people have to do what you say.

An individual's nonverbal communication largely consists of

Body language

In what way is arbitration the same as mediation?

Both involve an unbiased third party.

What is a likely result if a needed change is introduced too slowly?

Build up of anxiety

How do listeners want speakers to respond to open-ended questions?

By answering in any way they would like

Which skills are most important for an organization's upper-level managers to possess?


What must supervisors do first, before they can begin creating their professional development plans?

Conduct a self assessment

What is the first step supervisors must take as they begin to manage their time?

Conduct a time analysis

For best results when performing a time analysis, how often should a supervisor record his or her activities in a time log?

Daily for one typical week

What time management tool allows supervisors to indicate, with a check mark, whether an activity has been completed?

Daily to do list

What should a professional development plan have to be most effective?

Deadlines and methods to measure success

What is the first step in resolving negative conflict between an employee and a guest?

Deciding who should address the conflict

What must supervisors do after they have decided to implement a specific solution to a work-related problem?

Defend, justify, and sell the solution to employees

What is the leadership style that encourages employees to participate in decision making?


A supervisor understands why employees might resist specific changes that are being made. What should he or she do next?

Develop strategies to overcome employee resistance

Which approach supports the principle of making a promotion a possibility?

Develop the skills needed for the position you want

What is a communication barrier supervisors will face if their cooks work in a kitchen area that gets excessively hot during busy service periods?


When supervisors help deserving employees get ahead, the supervisors are primarily fulfilling their responsibilities to


What is an area in which supervisors must be careful that their actions do not offend those from other cultures?

Enforcing dress code

A key principle of ensuring a win-win outcome is to

Ensure that employees understand each other's needs

The best trainers identify standards work tasks prior to training employees. The do this primarily to

Ensure trainees can do tasks at desired performance levels

Social media policies developed by hospitality organizations are

Essential for properties of all sizes

What matters MOST in a professional development plan?

Excellence and movement toward excellence

What are the two forms of power that supervisors can increase to enhance their own personal power?

Expert and reference

What is the first step supervisors take when communicating change to employees?

Explaining the details of the change

If current employees regularly feel they have no opportunity to move up in the organization, their employers are most likely utilizing

External recruiting

A supervisor implements a tip-pooling arrangement for restaurant servers. What is the law that governs how the arrangement is to be legally structured?

Fair Labor Standards Act

What factor do employees identify as most important to their job satisfaction?

Full appreciation of work done

Supervisors who speak, listen, and write well are

Good communicators

What is a characteristic common to all effective supervisors?

Good communicators

What is a benefit an individual gains by becoming a mentor?

Greater self esteem

The local police arrive at a hotel's front desk without a search warrant. The police seek information about the guest that checked into room 217. What information should the hotel give the police about that guest?

Guest's automobile registration

What is the best example of a website specifically designed for posting job vacancies?


What is an initial procedure used to aid choking victims?

Heimlich maneuver

What is the first aid technique supervisors use to aid choking victims?

Heimlich maneuver

An employee is demonstrating a lack of motivation when performing his or her job tasks. What is the best solution to address this problem?

Help the employee understand he or she is part of a team

What is an advantage of holding mentor session orientations?

Helping experienced employees brush up on their own skills

What is the type of power supervisors gain as they receive promotions to higher levels of authority in an organization?


What is an example of an interview question supervisors must avoid when interviewing job applicants?

How old are your children?

Who would conduct general property orientations in a very large hotel?

Human resources department

The manager has created and prioritized a daily to-do list. What is the manager's next step?

Identify tasks that can be delegated and who can perform them

A supervisor ignores his staff's violations of company policies because he wants his staff to think of him as a friend. What discipline-related myth does this supervisor likely believe?

If you are nice to your employees, they will not need discipline.

What is the law that requires businesses to obtain a completed Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) for each of their employees?

Immigration Reform and Control Act

What law mandates the use of the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9)?

Immigration Reform and Control Act

What is the term that describes a measurable, expected result used to evaluate change?

Indicator of effective change

An employee's performance of a task was found to be unacceptable. What could be a cause of the unacceptable behavior that was completely beyond the control of the employee?

Insufficient training in how to complete the task

In which stage of active listening would listeners paraphrase or restate a speaker's message to make sure it is understood?


In what part of a conversation or speech should speakers indicate the purpose of their communication?


What is the BEST approach to minimize employee resistance when implementing a change?

Involve employees in the entire change process from brainstorming, to implementation, to evaluation.

What is true about the jargon used in the hospitality industry?

It should be avoided when training new workers.

From what training tool do supervisors develop their training lesson plans?

Job breakdowns

What document provides a written summary of he duties, responsibilities, and working conditions for a specific job?

Job description

Tom and Jerry each work 20 hours per week at the same job, in the same facility, but at different times of the day. Tom and Jerry are participating in

Job sharing

What is the type of business communication that moves information between persons at the same level in an organization?


What type of business communication will likely improve if a supervisor decides to work for a day or two in another department?


Who can best advise top-level managers developing policies for dealing with substance abuse?

Legal Counsel

Supervisors must decide how best to use available resources to reach their goals because all resources

Limited in supply

What department type directly provides products or services to guests?

Line department

What is the type of conflict outcome in which no one involved has their needs satisfied?


What is a factor indicating a work team is motivated and has high morale?

Low turnover

Hospitality organizations will likely benefit from supervisory modifications introduced by millennial supervisors because the changes will lead to

Lower employee turnover

When speakers avoid eye contact, their listeners may suspect that the speakers are


Which objectives can professional development help a supervisor achieve?

Maintain his or her current position, provide mobility, and make a promotion a possibility

1. Why is it often difficult for supervisors to receive honest feedback about their professional development progress?

Many people feel uncomfortable giving supervisors negative opinions.

What do guests most want to do when they purchase products and services?

Maximize value for prices paid

What must a team's mission statement contain if it is to be valuable?

Measurable objectives

What is the best approach when dealing with a serious conflict in the workplace?

Meet with each employee involved separately before meeting with them all together

What are listeners doing when they restate a speaker's statement to make sure they understood it?


What is the primary purpose of a disciplinary action?

Modification of improper employee behavior

What is the activity supervisors are carrying out when they assess how closely they have come to achieving their measurable professional development objectives?

Monitoring progress

A supervisor possesses high levels of assertiveness and cooperation. What style of conflict management would this supervisor utilize to obtain win-win outcomes?

Mutual problem solving

When a speaker avoids eye contact, listeners may suspect that the speaker is


What is the federal agency that enforces employee health and safety regulations?


What federal agency establishes and enforces regulations related to employee safety and security in the workplace?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

What would be an indication that a property's initial selection procedures ae inadequate?

Offering too many job sharing opportunities

What form of training offers the most authentic learning?


What are a supervisor's most important control tools?

Operating budgets

What type of information should a supervisor ignore when deciding whether a disciplinary action is required?


What management tool is most needed when experienced employees must be retrained?

Performance evaluations

A supervisor is considering investing in a personal computerized time management program. What task cannot be accomplished by the new system?

Prioritizing activities

For a hospitality business, what is a non-training cost that will likely increase as a result of improperly performed training?

Recruitment cost

Gerald is an adult learner. For Gerald, what is likely his best incentive for learning?

Self motivation

Which is an example of supervisors fulfilling responsibilities to their profession?

Serving as a mentor

Two of a supervisor's most useful scheduling tools are past experiences and knowledge of

Staff capabilities

The manager clearly defines the benefits of an anticipated change in processes to an employee. This is a key component in which stage of communicating change? Step 1, explain the details Step 2, ask for opinions and listen to feelings Step 3, solicit ideas to accomplish change Step 4, request commitment and support

Step 1, explain the details

What are supervisors guilty of if they believe all members of an ethnic group will try to avoid doing their fair share of work?


An employee complains to a supervisor that she feels she is being sexually harassed by another employee. The restaurant has no human resources department. What should the supervisor do first?

Talk to their own boss

What is an orientation-related error that can be made by a speaker giving a formal presentation?

Talking while facing away from the audience

In most cases, what is the best way to inform a work group about workplace changes that will affect them directly?

Tell the work group as a whole

What is a type of worker for whom a supervisor's use of an autocratic leadership style might be the best choice?

Temporary Worker

What is an example of an external barrier that could keep supervisors from achieving their professional development goals?

The economic environment

When does a new employee's orientation to a hospitality organization and property begin?

The first day the employee shows up for work

What is an example of training directly related to job standards?

The identification of acceptable performance levels

Who knows the most about an individual's skills, interests, and values?

The individual

What must a supervisor understand about staff members to form a motivated team?

The individual staff members' needs and interests

When should employee task groups provide input?

The issue is of property-wide interest.

the number and quality of ideas resulting from a supervisor asking a diverse, rather than a non-diverse, group of workers to provide input on improving work processes?

The number and quality will increase.

What is often true about members of ethnic groups?

They are victims of racism and stereotyping

Tasks that don't contribute to reaching objectives can be called

Time robbers

What is the law that prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

This morning a supervisor held a disciplinary meeting with an employee. Why should the supervisor make it a point to communicate again with that employee before the end of the employee's work shift?

To confirm the supervisor still values the employee's contribution to the organization.

What activities are conducive to higher morale and productivity?

Treating employees with dignity and respect

What is a question a supervisor could ask to better get to know an employee on a one-on-one personal level?

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

When is the best time in the workday to conduct employee training sessions?

When business volume is low

What is a question supervisors can avoid thinking about before discharging an employee who broke a workplace rule?

Who wrote the rule

What is a common source of conflict in hospitality organizations?

Work relationships

What is a statement that properly defines an employee's tardiness-related performance gap?

You were late for two shifts last week

What can organizations develop to help supervisors decide what is right and wrong to do when making "gray-area" decisions at work?

a code of ethics

According to the text, many staffing-related problems, such as high turnover, lack of training, and absenteeism, result from

a lack of planning

Disciplinary meetings should be held in as much privacy as possible and

a witness should be in attendance.

In a hotel, what department would be considered a staff department?


A motivation problem exists when there is a difference between a worker's expected performance and the worker's

actual performance.

A key member of a work team is promoted by her boss. What is the stage of team development immediately impacted by the boss's decision?


What is the characteristic that defines a person as a millennial?


Closed interview questions most often can be

answered with a "yes" or "no".

The types of workplace rules and policies that are especially important for a supervisor to review are those that

are frequently broken.

What employment-related variation is permitted to employees who utilize flex-time?

arrival and departure periods

An angry guest is shouting her food-related complaint in a hotel's dining room. The supervisor addressing this guest's complaint should

ask the guest to move to another nearby location.

What style of conflict management most encourages lose-lose outcomes?


For positive reinforcement to be effective, it must be done in a way an employee feels is meaningful and it must

be done in a timely manner.

Training return on investment measures training costs in relation to the

benefits of training

Supervisors must create weekly employee work schedules based on productivity standards and their

business volume forecasts.

One of the most powerful features of employee scheduling software packages used in hotels is that they

can be interfaced with a property management system.

The implementation of a needed change is made easier when supervisors

can reward their employees for implementing the change.

What is a potential result if an organization exhibits high levels of both performance and conflict?


What is the primary role that effective supervisors play when disciplining employees?


Which management principle states that the interests of the organization are more important than the interests of its individual employees?

common good

An employee is allowed to work four 10-hour days to complete her 40-hour week. This is an example of

compressed scheduling.

One thing that is true about changes in employee behavior is that these changes are

easier to achieve than changes in employee attitudes.

Supervisors become optimally effective team leaders when they

eliminate conflict among their team's members.

Because supervisors serve as a link between higher and lower levels within an organization, conflict can occur between supervisors and


Leaving notes on a day planner, making marks on a calendar, and utilizing smart device screen pop-ups are examples of actions supervisors take to

ensure they work on their development activities every day.

Which management activity considers how well an organization's objectives have been attained?


Performance gaps are defined as the difference between the employees' actual behavior and their

expected behavior.

The number of variable staff positions to be filled on a given day should be determined by the

expected volume of business.

A supervisor's first step in unfreezing a situation needing change is to

explain the reasons for the needed change.

What is an activity in a restaurant that would be a good candidate for outsourcing?

exterior window cleaning

What is the stage of team development in which team members' anxiety is high and performance tends to be low?


When supervisors get employees from different departments together to solve problems, those supervisors are

forming cross-functional teams.

Over time, having too few employees to serve guests will

increase turnover and decrease profits

The person who is ultimately the most responsible for an individual's professional development is the


What activity introduces new employees to the organization an a property as a whole?


The most accurate view of conflict is that its presence is


A supervisor prepares a document summarizing the duties, working conditions, and activities of a specific job. What document is the supervisor preparing?

job description

Enthusiastic leaders like to lead, so in most cases they

keep employee morale and motivation high.

A supervisor must make a difficult decision requiring assessment of its ethical implications. This supervisor should be MOST concerned about the decision's impact on the organization's

long term interests

The most commonly believed myth about discipline is that it is

mainly a form of punishment.

To properly evaluate change, the expected results of the change must be


When a conflict arises that a self-directed team cannot solve on its own, the team may call upon its supervisor to

mediate the conflict.

When supervisors act as objective third parties to help resolve personality conflicts among employees, the supervisors are taking on the role of a


Effective team leaders are passionate about exceeding guest expectations while

meeting organizational goals.

What type of employee orientation would best help experiences employees brush up on their own skills and knowledge?

mentor session

What active listening skill is being used when a listener repeats a speaker's key words to help increase understanding?


Fixed staff positions are those that

must be filled regardless of the volume of business.

A supervisor's choice for the best location to negotiate a conflict with an employee depends primarily on the

nature of the conflict.

If supervisors fail to exercise reasonable care in the selection of employees, the supervisors may be guilty of

negligent hiring.

A formal employee suggestion program is likely to fail when

no feedback is offered by supervisors

What is an example of feedback using nonverbal communication?

nodding your head in agreement

A supervisor visits a job applicant's Facebook page and learns that the applicant is recently divorced and has joint custody of two small children. The supervisor may

not ask the applicant about his marital status or his children.

A supervisor's work team exhibits low levels of conflict but also achieves low levels of productivity. The supervisor's likely concern about this type of work group is that it may

not improve.

A supervisor implements a change and, after a period of time, the difference between the supervisor's expected results and actual results was significant. In this case, the change was

not likely successful.

In the hospitality industry, what primarily produces and delivers the products and services?


Two of the best tools a supervisor has for increasing employee motivation and improving department morale are coaching and

performance evaluations.

What is the tool tat explains the quality of work that must be done in a hospitality operation?

performance standard

Which management activity is normally categorized as strategic or operational?


Professional development is the process of becoming proficient in one's job and, if desired,

preparing for responsibilities in potential jobs.

The serious time management roadblock that no time management system can overcome is


Supervisors use established performance expectations to develop

productivity standards.

The three basic management concepts most important to supervisors are authority, delegation, and


What is the type of power that results from a supervisor's ability to grant promotions and pay raises?


In the hospitality industry, most employee training involves standards, service, and


Most employees who are unhappy working for an unusually strict supervisor will

seek employment elsewhere.

To determine how supervisors want their professional development activities to proceed, they must write goals for each of their strengths and weaknesses and then

set priorities for the goals.

Some supervisors fail to delegate even when they know an employee can do a good job because the supervisors are unwilling to

share the credit for a job well done.

What type of work team tends to consist only of individuals from the same department or work area?


What is an action on the part of listeners that usually indicates they are depressed or sad?

slumping the shoulders

What is the team development stage in which team leaders are identified?


In a typical food service operation, who is responsible for directing the work of entry-level employees?


Self-directed work teams make many of the decisions formerly reserved for


The two major types of unacceptable employee behavior are the type resulting from a purposeful decision made by the employee and the type

the employee should have known were wrong.

Some supervisors believe their time cannot be managed because of

the nature of their jobs.

When compared to members of work teams, members of work groups tend to think of themselves as individuals, and they primarily worry about

their own jobs

How many different types of business communication does the text discuss?


How many parts does the text indicate should be contained in a well-designed spoken presentation?


To complete their required tasks in a timely manner, most supervisors need to

use a schedule or make notes.

The basic objectives of time management systems are to help supervisors increase their productivity and

use their time more efficiently.

Effective supervisors realize that members of ethnic groups are often

victims of racism and stereotyping.

The primary purpose of preparing written training objectives is to identify

what trainees should know or be able to do after the training.

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