Systems Planning: Ch. 1 Intro to Systems Analysis and Design

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waterfall model

A type of graph that depicts the result of each SDLC phase flowing down into the next phase.


These types of firms manufacture computers, routers, or microchips.

horizontal system

A basic system, such as an inventory or payroll package that is commonly used by a variety of companies.

help desk

A centralized resource staffed by IT professionals that provides users with the support they need to do their jobs.

information technology (IT)

A combination of hardware, software, and telecommunications systems that support business operations, improve productivity, and help managers make decisions.

B2C (business-to-consumer)

A commercial exchange (e.g. products or services) between businesses and consumers conducted over the Internet.

B2B (business-to-business)

A commercial exchange (e.g. products or services) between businesses, typically enabled by the Internet or electronic means.


A company that primarily offers information or services, or sells goods produced by others.

management information systems (MIS)

A computer-based information system used in business planning, control, decision making, and problem solving.


A credential an individual earns by demonstrating a certain level of knowledge and skill on a standardized test.

business process

A description of specific events, tasks, and desired results in business.

system requirements document

A document that contains the requirements for the new system, describes the alternatives that were considered, and makes a specific recommendation to management. It's the end product of the systems analysis phase.

system design specification

A document that presents the complete design for the new information system, along with detailed costs, staffing, and scheduling for completing the next SDLC phase, systems implementation.

systems request

A formal request to the IT department that describes problems or desired changes in an information system or business process.

business process model (BPM)

A graphic representation of one or more business processes.

business model

A graphical representation of business functions that consist of processes, such as sales, accounting, and purchasing.

server farm

A large concentration of servers working together.

knowledge base

A large database that allows users to find information by clicking menus, typing keywords, or entering text questions in normal phrases.

spiral model

A model that represents a series of iterations, or revisions, based on user feedback.

systems analyst

A person who plans, analyzes, and implements information systems. They may work within the company or be hired as an independent consultant.


A polished, deliverable product, suitable for its intended use.

object-oriented (O-O) analysis

A popular approach that sees a system from the viewpoint of the objects themselves as they function and interact with the system.

joint application development (JAD)

A popular systems development technique that uses a cross-matrixed task group of users, managers, and IT professionals that work together to gather information,discuss business needs, and define the new system requirements.

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

A process that establishes an enterprise-wide strategy for IT resources. It defines a specific architecture, including standards for data, processing, network, and user interface design.

electronic data interchange (EDI)

A process that involves the computer-to-computer transfer of data between companies.


A process that produces a graphical representation of a concept or process that systems developers can analyze, test, and modify.

business profile

A profile that defines a company's overall functions, processes, organization, products, services, customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints, and future direction.


A program run by computers for a specific function or task.

corporate culture

A set of beliefs, rules, traditions, values, and attitudes that define a company and influence its way of doing business.


A set of related components that produces specific results.

business process modeling notation (BPMN)

A standard set of shapes and symbols used to represent events, processes, and workflows in computer-based modeling tools.

vertical system

A system designed to meet the unique requirements of a specific business or industry, such as a Web-based retailer or video rental chain.

rapid application development (RAD)

A team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. Similar to JAD, but goes further by including all phases of the SDLC.

computer-aided software engineering (CASE)

A technique that uses powerful programs called CASE tools to provide an overall framework for systems development and support a wide variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and object-oriented analysis.

computer-aided systems engineering (CASE)

A technique that uses powerful programs called CASE tools to provide an overall framework for systems development and support a wide variety of design methodologies, including structured analysis and object-oriented analysis.


A term used in object oriented modeling to indicate a collection of similar objects.

structured analysis

A traditional systems development technique that uses phases to plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an information system. Processes and data are treated as separate components.


A trend that places more responsibility and accountability throughout all levels of an organization.

Moore's Law

Accurately predicted that computer processing power would double every 18 to 24 months.

systems development life cycle (SDLC)

Activities and functions that systems developers typically perform, regardless of how those activities and functions fit into a particular methodology. (a five-step model)


An adaptive method that typically uses a spiral developmental model, which builds on a series of iterations.


An early, rapidly constructed working version of the proposed information system.

mission-critical system

An information system that is vital to a company's operations.

preliminary investigation

An initial investigation to clearly identify the nature and scope of the business opportunity or problem. Also called a feasibility study.

feasibility study

An initial investigation to clearly identify the nature and scope of the business opportunity or problem. Also called a preliminary investigation.


Characteristics that objects inherit from their class or possess on their own.


Data that has been changed into a useful form of output.

data flow diagram (DFD)

Diagram that shows how the system stores, processes, and transforms data into useful information.

systems support and security phase

During this phase of the SDLC, the IT staff maintains, enhances, and protects the system.

enterprise applications

Examples of company-wide applications include order processing systems, payroll systems, and company communications networks.

enterprise computing

Information systems that support company-wide data management requirements, such as airline reservations, or credit card billing systems.

adaptive methods

Methods that typically use a spiral development model, which builds on a series of iterations.

requirements modeling

Modeling that is used in the systems planning phase of the SDLC. It involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identify the requirements for the new system.

transaction processing (TP) systems

Operational systems used to process day-to-day recurring business transactions, such as customer billing.


People affected by the company's performance, such as customers, employees, suppliers, stockholders, and members of the community.

CASE tools

Powerful software used in computer-aided systems engineering to help systems analysts develop and maintain information systems.


Procedure or task that users, managers, and IT staff members perform. Also, the logical rules of a system that are applied to transform data into meaningful information.


Programs that run on a company intranet that enable users to share data, collaborate on projects, and work in teams. Also called workgroup software.

business rules

Rules that determine how a system handles data and produces useful information. Also called business logic, reflects the operational requirements of the business.

inference rules

Rules that identify data patterns and relationships within a knowledge management system.

application software

Software such as e-mail, word processors, spreadsheets, and graphics packages used by employees.

system software

Software that controls the computer and includes the operating system, device drivers that communicate with hardware, and utilities.

technical support

Support that is necessary to support the wide variety of IT systems and users. Six main functions: application development, systems support, user support, database administration, network administration, and web support.

information system

System that combines information technology, people, and data to support business requirements. The five key components are: hardware, software, data, processes, and people.

agile methods

Systems development methods that attempt to develop a system incrementally, by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements. Also called adaptive method.

user productivity systems

Systems that provide employees of all levels a wide array of tools to improve job performance, including e-mail, word processing, graphics, and company intranets.

radio frequency identification (RFID)

Technology that uses high-frequency radio waves to track physical objects.

legacy systems

Term used to describe older systems that are typically less technologically advanced that currently available systems.

critical thinking skills

The ability to compare, classify, evaluate, recognize patterns, analyze cause and effect, and apply logic. Such skills are valued in the IT industry.

supply chain

The companies who provide materials, services, and functions needed to provide a product to a customer.

supply chain management (SCM)

The coordination, integration, and management of materials, information, and finances as they move from suppliers to customers, both within and between companies.

systems implementation phase

The fourth phase of SDLC, in which the new system is constructed--programs are written, tested, and documented, and the system is installed.

strategic plans

The long-range plans that define the corporate mission and goals. Typically defined by top management, with input from all levels.


The physical layer of the information system, to include computers, networks, communications equipment, and other technology-based infrastructure.

systems analysis and design

The process of developing information systems that effectively use hardware, software, data, processes, and people to support the company's business objectives.

project management

The process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, controlling, and reporting upon the development of an information system.


The raw material or basic facts used by information systems.

systems analysis phase

The second SDLC phase, the purpose of which is to build a logical model of the new system.

systems design phase

The third SDLC phase, the purpose of which is to create a blueprint for the new system that will satisfy all documented requirements, whether the system is being developed in-house or purchased as a package.

business support systems (BSS)

They provide job-related information support to users at all levels of a company.


This represents a real person, place, event, or transaction.

I-commerce (Internet commerce)

Transactions (e.g. buying and selling of goods and information) that occur on the Internet. Includes B2B and B2C.

e-commerce (electronic commerce)

Transactions (e.g. buying and selling of goods and information) that occurs on the internet. Includes both business-to-consumer and business-to-business.


When a design is able to expand to meet new business requirements and volumes.

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