4 major sources of human pollution
Industrial domestic agricultural waste, combustion of fossil fuels.(emits greenhouse gas to atmosphere)
positive or negative feedback?
Negative feedback because it is coming back to stability.
Comp. and cont. EVS of a deep ecologist and cornucopian
a deep ecologist puts nature before humans and believes in bio rights. while a cornucopian thinks that we can improve the condition of earth and can overcome any difficulty.
What is an EVS? Contexts that influence it?
a worldview that shapes the way an individual perceives and evaluates environmental issues.
costs/benefits of ddt
farmers got crop yield. but also bees, birds and humans eating foods. cost is you only build one crop in an area and using a lot of pesticides.
point vs. non point sources
non point=not from a specific site, comes from many sources like excess fertilizers. point=pollution from a singles point like a sewer
primary vs secondary pollutants
primary=directly added to air. secondary=primary's react to each other or water vapor
2 steps for pollution management
reduce and regulate the pollutants. next clean up the mess and restore the ecosystem
difference between sustainable vs. sustainable development
sustainability is having a balance of give and take. sustainable development is try to make it so there is no need for the constant input of new things and wont drain from eco resources.
Natural income? how is it sustainable
the sustainable income produce by natural capital. it is sustainable because it is the product of natural resources.
Tragedy of Commons? how can tragedy be avoided
the tragedy of the commons is the idea of if I only take one thing or leave one piece of trash behind, it will not affect anything. it can be avoided by not having the thought of me doing just one thing is ok.
what happens to ecosystem when tipping point is reached
when an ecosystem reaches its tipping point, the damage is irreversible. there is no way to recover from it.