Test 3

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Historians changed history during the Renaissance. Which statement about the new view of Humanist history IS NOT correct?

A new chronology divided historical periods into ancient world, the dark ages, and then their own ages

The diplomatic system changed during the Renaissance mainly with the use of

Ambassadors that were permanent resident agents living in a different country

In religious terms, and since Early Christianity, a heresy is

An idea or group of ideas different from the traditionally accepted views of Christianity

The doctrine that said that God had selected some people to be saved and others to be dammed came from the teachings of


In The Edict of Worms issued by Charles V. Martin Luther would be

Captured and delivered to the emperor

An intellectual movement in northern Europe in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries that combined the Italian Renaissance interest in the classics with an interest in the sources of early Christianity is called

Christian Humanism

The Anabaptist movement was formed by various groups that shared some common characteristics. Please mark an Anabaptist idea:

Christian living should be simple, with no need for theological speculations

At this meeting in southern France, the pope asked Christian knights to go out and fight the infidels in a war to recover the Holy Land. This is known as the Council of


One of the best known works of Michelangelo is a sculpture of


The Act of Supremacy passed by Parliament

Declared the kind the head on Earth of the Church of England

This work was commissioned in 1086 with the purpose of obtaining information about land ownership in England

Domesday Book

The first Renaissance life-sized bronze nude sculpture in the round was made by


Henry II's actions in reference to the royal treasury led to

Economic and social information for historians recorded in the pipe rolls

Historians changed history during the Renaissance. Which statement about the new view of Humanist history is NOT correct?

Facts and dates should be stressed as part of narrative history

For Martin Luther, the traditional Catholic role of a wife as the obedient servant whose chief duty was to please her husband and bear children was abhorrent


Martin Luther advocated that only male children should have the opportunity of an education provided by the states


The Reformation did not contribute to the spread of education because they considered it morally dangerous for most people to learn to read


The cultural center of the Early Renaissance was


Although Charles V had many adversaries, his chief concern during his reign was

Francis I of France

He founded a religious order whose members went out to the towns to preach the word of God. He and his followers reacted against the growing wealth of the medieval cities, which they considered harmful to the souls

Francis of Assai

All of the following are accomplishments of Henry II as king of England with the exception of

He conquered Scotland and then went on to conquer the Holy Roman Empire

Saladin is well-known in History for his interaction with the west before and during the Third Crusade. One of the following IS NOT TRUE of Saladin according to history and medieval records

He conquered the city of Jerusalem which had been in control of Western Europeans for about half a century and told his soldiers to rob and kill all civilians

William the Conquerer became Duke of Normandy at the death of his father. Which statement IS NOT TRUE of him?

He inherited the throne of England from his father

Thomas More represents the spirit of the Renaissance in all of the following EXCEPT

He rejected Christianity and believed that Christian values were obsolete and unnecessary

The most important religious order in the Catholic Reformation was the


During the High Middle Ages, there was only one religious minority in Western European society allowed to practice their religion, the


The Seiljuk Turks came to be significant actors in the events that led to the Crusades. What statement is true of the Selijuk Turks?

Led by their sultan on holder of power, the took command of the Abbasid Empire in 1055

Charles V issued the Edict of Worms because

Luther refused to recant his doctrines

The Peace of Augsburg marks an important turning point in the story of the Reformation. As a result of the Peace of Augsburg,

Lutheranism was acknowledged in Germany and granted equal status with Catholicism

The Reformation had an important effect on education in Europe. One of the following IS NOT true of his effect

Martin Luther and future reformers promoted public education for all male children

Elizabeth of England was faced with the need of producing an heir. Her nearest heir is she had no children was

Mary Queen of Scots

In the 15th century, Florence became a banking center due to the ..... family


Michelangelo is one of the titans of the High Renaissance. Which statement is NOT TURE of his work?

Michelangelo is well known for his paintings but he refused to accept commissions to of sculpture or architecture

The Crusades were military expeditions against the


Society's attitudes toward minority groups who did not totally conform had changed by the High Middle Ages. Which of the following statements is true?

Only the Jews were allowed to practice a non-Christian religion in Western Christian Europe

Mary Queen of Scots was the cousin of Queen Elizabeth, and next in line to the throne of England. One is true about her

Ousted from Scotland by rebellious nobles, Mary fled for her life to England where Elizabeth placed her under house arrest

A controversial decision by Martin Luther came when he sided with the German lords during the ______, ordering the lords to "smite, slay, and stab" their opponents

Peasant's War

In order to create a new Catholic dynasty in England, Mary Tudor married

Phillip of Spain

Mary Tudor chose to marry Phillip of Spain because

Phillip was Catholic and together they could establish a new Catholic dynasty in England

Humanism had a strong impact on the writing of history. Which statement is NOT true on the new approach to history in the Renaissance?

Rejection of the influence of old Roman and Greek historians

The second crusade is significant because

it was the only Crusade in which a woman was allowed to participate

The Renaissance is significant because

its characteristics are still alive, some even more so today than they were during the Renaissance

During the reign of Kind John of England

many english nobles resented the growth of the king's power and rebelled agains the king

From written records about the taking of Jerusalem, records of BOTH Muslims and Christians agree that

most men were killed, and women and children were either killed or taken prisoner

The Reformation successfully abolished from the lives of Europe's Protestant community all of the following EXCEPT


The second crusade

was a total failure due to lack of organization

In 1071, the forces of the Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine forces at Manzikert and advanced west into Antolia. Soon after this event

A new dynasty took over the Byzantine Empire and Alexius Comneus, the new emporer, stopped the Turks in Antaolia

Machiavelli wrote "The Prince," one of the most famous treatises on political power in the Western World. In The Prince, he states all of the following EXCEPT ONE

A ruler ought to behave based on Christian moral principles.

During the Third Crusade, al of the following occurred expect

After the capture of the city of Acre, King Richard the Lionhearted showed his chivialric personality allowing the defenders of the city to leave unharmed

The Fourth Crusade had dramatic effects. All of these are facts related to the Fourth Crusade EXCEPT

After the fourth crusade, the Byzantine Empire reached its peak of power and prestige.

Alexius Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor, decided to turn to the West for help because

After winning several victories against various groups, he realized that he lacked the resources to undertake additional campaigns against the Turks.

During the eleventh century, the Muslim world faced several crises. One of the following is NOT one of them:

Alexius Comnenus, the Byzantine emperor, began to expand the lands of empire, threatening Muslim power in Cairo and Baghdad

The most radical reform movement of the Reformation was the Anabaptist. The movement

All of the previous

Catherine of Aragon was the first of many wives of Henry VIII. Which statement is most accurate?

All of the previous are correct

Charles V is important in the process of the Reformation because

All of the previous are correct

Henry VIII divorced two of his wives and executed two of his wives. Why was Anne Boleyn executed?

All of the previous are correct

On Edward's death in 1553

All of the previous are correct

Phillip II decided to invade England with the Spanish Armada because

All of the previous are correct

The Church of England changed once again when Elizabeth came to the throne. Which statement best describes the Church of England under Elizabeth

All of the previous are correct

On Edward's death in 1553

All of the previous are correct (the five year changes were reversed easily people who had purchased lands taken from the monasteries felt threatened by Mary's policies Mary determined to marry her cousin Phillip Many Protestant figures escaped or were killed)

During the Renaissance, new subjects were developed in artistic output , but religious subjects continued to be used. Which one is true?

All of the previous statement are correct ( Even in religious topics, Since the pope was, the approach of the artists)

Charles V is important in the process of the Reformation because

All of the previous statements are correct

At the death of his father, young Edward took the crown as Edward VI. His reign

All of the previous statements are correct (Was short, since he died 5 years after becoming king was controlled by a council of regency since he was only nine years old saw the influence of Archbishop Cranmer saw a new liturgy elaborated in a new prayer book)

One of the first actions of Henry VIII as he became the head of the Church of England was the dissolution of the monasteries. Who benefited from the action?

All of the previous statements are correct (Henry because it brought him support gentry who bought the land for bargain prices parliament because they raised money the monks and nuns that did not resist because they got pensions)

Francis of Assisi is the most popular of all the Catholic saints. He is significant because

All of the previous statements are corrects (patron saint of animals, , revered by environmental groups, message continues to resonate, created order of monks)

Donatello is one of the pioneers of Renaissance artists. he is significant because he

All the previous are correct (produced first....., mastered the essence...., created a statue of David...., Worked mostly in Florence...)

During the Renaissance, the papacy had just returned to Rome after the decade spent in Avignon. The Renaissance popes

All the previous are correct (were great patrons...., had to wage wars...., commissioned long-lasting artistic works....relied on nepotism.)

In her foreign policy, Elizabeth was cautious and diplomatic. She

All the previous statements are correct

The conditions in Western Europe during the Middle Ages represent a cause of the Crusades because

All the previous statements are correct (popes had become powerful, strong feeling of religious revival, economic growth)

Renaissance humanism is

An intellectual movement based upon the study of Greek and Roman classics

The Mennonites originated as a branch of


The separation of England from the Catholic Church was promoted and led by

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer

The Council of Clemont is a significant event for the Crusading movement. Which statement best describes the Council of Clemont

At Clemont, Pope Urban II challenged Christian knights to take arms against the Turks.

The position that produced for the Medici family great profits as well as strong influence was

Bankers for the papacy

During the so-called "Reconquest" or "reconquista" independent kingdoms in northern Spain fought the Muslims in order take land from them. Why is the "reconquest" seen as a cause of the Crusade?

Because Western Europeans had become accustomed to launch offensives against Muslims

English Catholics believed that Mary Queen of Scots was the rightful heir of Mary Tudor since in their view the marriage of Henry VIII with Anne Boleyn had been invalid. One statement IS FALSE: Mary

Because of conflicts with the Scottish nobility, she wanted to flee England but Elizabeth I would not allow her to set foot on her land

Two examples of the new artistic interest in classical antiquity are the famous paintings called Primavera and Birth of Venus by


The division between the Catholic church of the West and the Eastern Orthodox church weakened by the Byzantine empire and was significant for the Crusades because

By responding to the pledge for help of the Byzantine empire, the pope saw an opportunity to reunite both branches of Christianity

Once Luther established his new Lutheran church. Luther needed to organize it. one of the following statements is true about his new church

He relied increasingly on the German princes and the state supervised and disciplined church members

Robert the Lionhearted was once considered one of England's greatest kinds. Historians revising his life have concluded that

He was a devote Christian who attended mass regularly, but he enjoyed and promoted the tournaments in direct opposition to the Church

Thomas Moore is a remarkable historical figure. Which statement IS NOT TRUE of Thomas Moore?

He was trained as a monk but gave up monastic life in order to fight in the English army

Eleanor of Aquitaine was queen of France by her marriage with Louis VII of France. She became queen of England when she married

Henry II

One of the causes of the Reformation in England was

Henry VIII's desire to divorce his first wife

The formal court whose job it was to find, try and punish heretics was the

Holy Office

The writing and approaches of history changed during the Renaissance. One of the following statements represent these changes

Humanist historians looked for the causes of events deemphasizing God's active involvement in human affairs

The fifteenth-century Florentine architect Leon Battista Alberti expressed that "Men can do all things if they will." This statement reflects a feature of the Renaissance called


The second crusade is different from the first one in many ways. Which of the following IS NOT a feature os the second crusade

It as a total success after which the crusaders expanded the Latin kingdoms even further into Muslim lands

After capturing the city of Acre, Richard the Lionhearted signed a deal with Saladin. Since Saladin could not keep his promise of paying a ransom and they did not agree on new terms

Richard executed more than two thousand prisoners

This king of England participated in the third crusade and was a great military leader, but spent only a few months of .....

Richard the Lionhearted

Outside of Germany, Luther's ideas were most readily accepted in


The word "Normandy" derives from the invaders who settled in the north western part of France, arriving from


These were nomadic people who had converted to Islam, became mercenaries for the Abbasid caliphate, and eventually took control of the Abbasid caliphate. They are the

Seljuk Turks

Society's attitude toward minority groups who did not totally conform had changed by the High Middle Ages. Which of the following statements is true?

Society had become more intolerant toward minorities or toward anyone who did not conform with social rules

During the Chrisitan "reconquesta"

Spanish Christians tried to conquer land from Muslims

A little taken by Turkish leaders who took command of the Abbasid Empire in 1055. The title means "holder of power"


The work by Leonardo da Vinci that deteriorated for the used of a failed "fresco" technique was

The Last Supper

During the last part of the fifteenth century, artists and scholars of Florence were supported by the city's leading citizens and rules

The Medici

What conditions in the Byzantine empire, by the end of the 11th century, led to the Crusades?

The Seljuk Turks had advanced toward Byzantine lands and had taken parts of Asia minor

During the 10th and 11th centuries, several changes occurred in the Muslim world. Which statement most accurately describes these changes?

The Seljuk Turks had conquered the area of the Holy Land and of Asia Minor

The Crusades are defined as all of the following EXCEPT ONE

The campaign by Western Christians to go to Islamic lands and convert Muslims to Christianity

All of the following refer to the Fourth Crusade EXCEPT

The conquest of Cairo led to the economic and political power of the Italian cities

One is NOT a cause of the Crusades

The desire of the Europeans, since the time of Charlemagne to take lands in the Middle East.

What conditions in the Byzantine Empire, by the end of the 11th century, led to the Crusades

The empire had suffered internal struggles for power between military leaders and aristocratic families

Parallel to the Protestant Reformation, a reform movement existed within the Catholic Church. One of the following IS NOT an element of the reformation:

The end of relics and pilgrimages, considered obsoletes and with strong elements of superstition

Normandy originated when

The king of France donated French land to the Viking leader

The land of the popes, known as the Papal States, was one of the major powers in Italy during the Renaissance. Which of the following statements best describes it?

The problems that the church had endured during the fourteenth century had caused the loss of cities and territories

One of the following IS NOT a scene depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry

The reign of William the Conquerer as king of England

One of the following represents the spirit of the Renaissance

The revival of classical antiquity and the worldliness of the Italians

Johannes Gutenberg is significant because he completed the process of printing press. One of the following is true of this process

The type of the printing press was moveable thus produced multiple printing.

All of the following EXCEPT one are reasons why Northern Christian humanism is regarded as on elf the causes of the Reformation

Their call to eliminate the Catholic Church and establish a new Fundamental Christian Church

The Muslim world experienced differently from the Western experience. Which one IS NOT a result of the crusades for the Muslim world

There was increased interest among Muslim life-style or political life

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the Anabaptist groups?

They encouraged faithful Anabaptists to join the army and fight for Christ

During the Middle Ages, the Anglo-Saxon kingdom became unified sooner than other Western European kingdoms because

They united in their long time struggle against Viking invaders

During the High Middle Ages, Jews left western Europe because

They were expelled by some kings and forced to move to Eastern Europe

Contemporary documents describe the treatment of Jews during the Middle-Ages. one of the following statements is true about Christian views of the Jews:

They were seen as the murders as Christ

Elizabeth's more active involvement in foreign affairs was in the Netherlands

This caused the acceleration of the already mounting friction between Spain and England

One of the motives for the pope to promote the crusades was

To reunite both branches of Christianity that had been separated since 1054

One of the following is NOT TURE of Utopia:

Utopians do not need to work since their land produces all they need to eat and enjoy

Catherine of Aragon was the first of many wives of Henry VIII. Which statement IS NOT accurate about her marriage?

When Henry asked the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine, Catherine willing retired to a castle and granted the annulment without the pope's agreement

The city of Florence was an important political and economic center. one of the following is NOT TRUE of Florence

When the Medici defeated the king of France, Lorenzo de medici took the crown of France as King Lorenzo the Magnificent

Francis of Assisi is famous today because of his love for nature and because of the well-known "Saint Francis Prayer" attributed to him. One of the following is not one of the components of his prayer:

Where there are enemies, please God help me wage a war.

The reformer that abolished relics, images, paintings and decorations from churched and eliminated music from services


The development of printing in the fifteenth century

ensured that literacy and new knowledge would spread rapidly in European society

One of the following is NOT a result of the Protestant Reformation

a Catholic reform movement which brought the end of corruption and redefinition of dogma

The Inquisition was

a formal court used by the church to find and try heretics

The Christian "reconquest" is an important factor in the crusading spirit. In medieval historical context, the Christian reconquest is defined as

a period of several centuries in which the Christians took land away from Muslims and established Christian kingdoms in spain

One of the interesting events in the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine was

a period spent as a prisoner for having conspired against her husband

The young age of the new king. Edward VI, resulted in

a powerful evangelical party moving quickly to establish their supremacy in the regency government

The Edict of Worms, which made Luther an outlaw within the empire

all of the previous are correct

Martin Luther's early life was characterized by

an obsession with his own sins and questions over the efficacy of the sacraments

The Reformation in England began when Henry VIII tried to

annul his marriage

The Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation opposed by Luther holds that

at communion the bread and wine are miraculously turned into the body of blood of Jesus

The city of Florence had traditionally been known for its woolen industry. However, in the fifteenth century, due to the Medici family, Florence became known as a

banking center

One of the actions of Henry VIII as he became head of the church of England, was the dissolution of the monasteries. Why did he do this?

because he would sell the land of the monasteries to increase the royal treasury

Botticelli demonstrates his humanist interest with "Primervera" and "Birth of Venus"

because they depict elements of Greco-Roman mythology

Martin Luther's attitude toward monasteries and celibacy was that

celibacy was no better than marriage and the monasteries should be abolished

The northern Christian humanists

championed study of classical and early Christian antiquity to reform the church

The period called "Renaissance" is significant because it is

considered the beginning of the modern world

William of Normandy's conquest of England in 1066

created a new England with a blending of cultures

After taking the city of Jerusalem, the soldiers of the First Crusade

created four Christian Latin kingdoms.

After taking the city of Jerusalem during the first Crusade in 1099, the Christian soldiers

created four Christian crusader states with feudal insititutions

The Act of Supremacy in England

declared the king the head of the Church of England

The Renaissance is considered a period of recover. Italian society during the Renaissance recovered from all of the following EXCEPT

decline of moral values

The Reformation changed conceptions of the family by

destroying possible career avenues for women

The Reformation had an important effect in the development of education in Europe by

expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training

Italian artists in the fifteenth century began to

experiment in the areas of perspective

Luther changed radically the position of women in the family by stating that husband and wife were equal in God's eyes, thus one should not obey the other


Thomas Moore died

for not accepting the behavior of the king

The massacres against European Jews in the High Middle Ages

frequently carried out by Christian crusaders

One of the following is NOT a result of the Protestant Reformation

friendship, unity, and tolerance among all Protestant groups

One of the following is NOT a result of the Protestant Reformation

friendship, unity, and tolerance among all Protestant groups since they felt the need to unite against the Catholic Church

Harold Godwinson is mentioned in the history of England because

he received the crown of England at the death of Edward the Confessor

Feudalism in England under William I derived from feudalism in other countries in that

he required sub vassals to swear allegiance to him

Pope Urban II is significant in the history of the Crusades because of the following reasons EXCEPT

he urged the destruction of all Jewish settlements on the crusaders' way to the Holy Land

The holding and/or preaching doctrines different from the official teachings of the church is called


Machiavelli wrote The Prince, one of the most famous treatises on political power in the Western World. His sources of knowledge and his politics came from

his preoccupation with and participation in Italy's political problems and life

The intellectual movement in Renaissance Italy based, among other things, on the study of Greek and Roman classics is


In Geneva, the Calvinists

imposed strict penalties for blasphemy and immoral behavior

Assuming that Luther posted his "Ninety-Five Theses," he did it with the purpose of

initiating a debate and for the pope to clarify the use of indulgences

The Reformation changed conceptions of family by

insisting of the superior state of marriage over celibacy

The movement called "Christian humanism" included all of the following EXCEPT ONE. Please mark the wrong statement. Christian Humanism was

interested in the writings of Calvin, one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation.

Raphael is considered one of the three artistic giants of the High Renaissance. He

is acclaimed for his numerous madonnas in which he pursued an ideal of beauty

All of the following statements are correct of Utopia EXCEPT

it recommends war as the traditional and glorious way to solve the most problems among civilized countries

Calvin established a theocratic government in Geneva, which he called the "most perfect school of christ on Earth." One of the following is true of the Ecclesiastical Ordinance of 1541

it ruled that pastors and elders need to maintain discipline and have oversight of the life of everyone

Which of the following statements IS NOT TRUE? The Renaissance, according to most historians, is a period

of rebirth during the twelfth century

In regard to the sacraments, Luther believed that

out of the seven sacraments established by the church, only two were necessary

To popularize his message of essential religious reform Luther used

pamphlets illustrated with vivid woodcuts

By the thirteenth century, a previous acceptance of homosexuality by church and society had been replaced by Christian persecution of homosexuals due to all of the following except

papal decree condemning homosexuality in the thirteenth century, although the church had never been concerned with it before.

Urban II was a


John Calvin began his protestant movement in France from where he moved to Geneve. Which of the following is a characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement?

predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God

The Marburg Colloquy of 1529 is interesting to understand how important some issues of Christian dogma were for the Protestant Reformers statement is true? The Marburg Colioquy

produced no agreement or alliance between the Lutheran and Zwinglian moments

Pope Urban II at the Council of Clemont in 1095

promised remissions of sins for joining the campaigns to recapture the Holy Land

An important result of the First Crusade

rapid economic growth and wealth for Italian commercial cities with maritime ties to crusader states.

An important result of the First Crusade was

rapid economic growth and wealth for Italian commercial cities with maritime ties to the crusader states.

Northern European humanists studiously learned Greek expressly to

read the New Testament in its original Greek version and comprehend better the early writings of Greek church fathers

The council of Trent

reaffirmed traditional Catholic beliefs against the Reformation

As queen of England, Mary Tudor intended to

restore England to the Roman Catholic fold

Erasmus and the Northern Humanists wanted to reform the church by

returning to the simplicity of the early church and understanding the teachings of Christ via new translations of the Bible

The feature of the renaissance that emerged as increasing wealth created new focus on enjoying the life here and now


Magna Carta has been considered and important historical document because it

set a precedent for legal process of accused criminals

The views on education that Renaissance humanists introduced still resonate with us today. Renaissance humanists

stressed the importance of the "liberal arts," which would produce true freedom, virtue, and wisdom

Please mark THE WRONG MEANING of the Renaissance. When descending the meaning of the term Renaissance, today's scholars agree that that the Renaissance can still be viewed as

sudden and dramatic rebirth of of Greek and Roman culture after the previous thousand years of darkness

According to contemporary documents, Thomas Becket's main preoccupation before he died was

that other people were not hurt or punished

Religious warfare in Germany ended in 1555 with

the Peace of Augsburg

Although Zwingli followed several of the ideas proposed by Luther, his influence on the reformation movement may be seen in

the Protestant rejection of pilgrimages and veneration of relics

The Catholic Reformation's ultimate refusal to compromise with Protestantism was exemplified by

the Roman Inquisition and the creation of the Index

Zwingli's influence on the reformation may be seen in

the absence of religious images in Protestant churches

Zwingli's influence on the reformation movement may be seen in

the absence of religious images in Protestant churches

The Reformation of England was completed with all of the following EXCEPT ONE

the actions of Anne Boleyn in opposition to the pope as the new cochair and leader of the new church

The results of the Spanish Armada were all of the following EXCEPT ONE

the beginning of the glory of Spain and the decline of England

Although groups generally called Anabaptists were not homogenous, they shared some ideas in common such as

the church was simply a voluntary association of believers

Richard the Lionhearted was once considered one of England's greatest kings. Historians revising his life have concluded that

the crusade that he led was the only successful military campaign

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg,

the division of Christianity was formally acknowledged, with Lutheranism granted equal legal standing with Catholicism

The Peace of Augsburg marks a significant moment in the history of the German Protestant movement. As a result of the Peach of Augsburg,

the division of Christianity was formally acknowledged, with Lutheranism granted equal legal standing with Catholicism

To Martin Luther, the question of "How can I be saved" was answered through

the doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone

To Martin Luther, the question of "How can I be saved," was answered through

the doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone

An important result of the First Crusades

the establishment of western kingdoms in the Middle East, which survived several decades

In 1071, the forces of the Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantine forces at Manzikert. Soon after this event

the forces of Alexius Comnenus fought successful battles over other groups in the Adriatic and in the Balkans

As one of the central components of the Renaissance, "individualism" means

the glorification of personal talents

Which of the following was not a result of the crusades?

the growth in power of eastern crusader states.

Thomas Moore gave up his life for not accepting the behavior of

the king

Francis of Assai is significant in history because

the order that he founded became very popular during his time and has lasted until our time

In the mid 1520s, the German peasants revolted against their abusive lords and looked to Martin Luther for support. All of the following are the causes of the revolt EXCEPT ONE

the peasants were angry because the lords of Germany suppressed Martin Luther by forbidding him to preach his ideas of rebellion against the church

One of the following was a consequence of the fourth crusade

the permeant separation of Eastern Orthodoxy from Catholic Christianity

One of the intentions of the Northern humanists was

the reform of the church

The indulgence controversy marks the beginning of the reformation with the posting of Luther's theses. One of the following IS NOT TRUE of the indulgence controversy

the selling of indulgences convinced Martin Luther that he should break with the church and join the church being initiated by John Calvin

One of the following is a long-term result of the Crusades

the taste by Western Europeans of conquering lands outside of Europe.

Luther believed that

there was a real presence of Jesus' body and blood in the bread and wine used during religious services

One of the following statements IS FALSE: the emphasis of art during the Renaissance changed because

they avoided the depiction of religious subjects

One of the most important doctrinal differences between Luther and the Catholic Church was the issue of salvation, also known as "justification." To Martin Luther, salvation was achieved

through faith alone

One of the motives for the pope to promote the Crusades

to aid the Byzantines in their fight against infidels who were abusing Christians in the Holy Land

One of the motives for the pope to promote the crusades was

to end the violence caused by constant fighting in Western Europe, sending the was far away

The inquisition was created in order to

try heretics

The Peasants' War was Luther's greatest challenge in the mid-1950s. The Peasants' War

was primarily a revolt by peasants against local lord but was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's order

The Peasants' War was Luther's greatest challenge in the mid-1520s. The Peasants' War

was primarily a revolt by peasants against local lords but was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's order

Elizabeth of England took the throne at the death of her sister. She

was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boelyn

Elizabeth of England took the throne at the death of her sister. She

was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn

During the reign of Henry VIII, the ceremonies, doctrines, and theological views of the Church of England

were virtually no different from Catholic tradition

The event that eventually led to Luther's break with the church was

widespread sale of indulgences by preaching monks

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