Test Four: PPsychology

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Bandura Attention Retention Reproduction Motivation - past, promised, and vicarious reinforcements

Albert Bandura Imagery

Bandura focused on the interaction and the image the individual was left with

Albert Bandura Self-control therapy

Behavioral charts Environmental planning Self-contracts

Albert Bandura Theory

Believed Behaviorisms emphasis on the environment was simple Believed the environment causes behavior and Behavior causes the environment Reciprocal Determinism

Albert Bandura Personality

Believed Personality was an interaction of: The Environment Behavior The individual's psychological makeup


Classical Conditioning

What is Pavlov known for? Tell me about the school of psychology he founded, his experiments and his influence on us.

Classical Conditioning The most significant figure in the history of Russian psychology

What is the difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning?

Classical Conditioning - learning through association/two stimuli are repeatedly paired Operant Conditioning - learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior

What are reinforcement schedules? Who studied them? Which reinforcement schedule is the most powerful once an operation has been learned?

Fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval Skinner VARIABLE RATIO

Little Albert

Little Albert was the clinical experiment that illustrated how phobias were created and fear generalized

Albert Bandura

Neobehaviorism Sockeroo Father of the Cognitive Movement


One of the founders of modern neurology Strongly anti-Semitic wrote the first objective psychology became the world's first behaviorist


Operant Conditioning Neobehaviorism Reinforcement schedules - Skinner Boxes: a rat could be conditioned to press a lever in order to receive a food pellet, and a cumulative record of the animal's responding could be obtained.


Sechenov Pavlov Bechterev

Successive approximation

Skinner gradually molding or training a stimuli to perform a specific response

What are the core components or assumptions of Watson's Behaviorism?

The divisions of consciousness are arbitrary Psychology is too human centered Introspection is unreliable


The fonder of American Behaviorism The divisions of consciousness are arbitrary Psychology is too human centered Introspection is unreliable

Vicarious learning

derived from indirect sources such as hearing or observation, rather than direct, hands-on, instruction

Pavlov Discrimination

differentiate between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that have not been paired with an unconditioned stimulus

Pavlov Extinction

it doesn't mean that the subject returns to their unconditioned state

Pavlov Generalization

phenomenon that can occur in both classical and operant conditioning

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