"The Contemporary World" Lesson 4 : The United Nations and Contemporary Global Governance

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Annually in _________, The UN members gather at the General Assembly Hall at the UN headquarters where the General Assembly session takes place.

UN official languages

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011)


At the United Nations Conference on International Organization held in ____, the UN flag was commissioned to a group of designers.


In the United Nations Declaration of 1942, signed by representatives of __ countries

The Hague, Netherlands

International Court of Justice headquarters is based at the Peace Palace in


International Court of Justice is composed of ___ judges, all elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council from different countries that have been approved (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).

Security Council

Its mission and main responsibility is to watch over and maintain international peace and security. It investigates and determines the occurrence of any act that may threat, initiate a conflict, or disturb international peace. Its five permanent members are China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and there are 10 other non- permanent members elected by geographical regions by the General Assembly that serve for a period of two years.

opium pandemics

League of Nations solved some territorial conflicts and battled human issues, for example, _____ ____

voluntary contributions

Most of the programs and funds are financed by ____ ____ (United Nations Department of Public Information 2008).


The General Assembly considered other cities, such as __________, but with persusasion by John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s donation of $ 8.5 million dollars, the city of New York donated the property (United Nations Department of Public Information 2008).

philanthropic organizations, NGOs, nonprofits

The United Nations has a close relationship to the work and mission of ____ ____, ____, and ________, such as the International Red Cross, CARE, and OXFAM, in the occurrence of natural or man-made catastrophes

Japan and China

The United States alone gives $8 billion each year to the United Nations, followed by ______ and _____

UN system

__ _____, commonly known as the UN family, encompasses the main organs as well as programs (World Food Programme WFP), funds (United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF), organizations (World Health Organization WHO), and specialized agencies (International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA).


______ year, a new president of the General Assembly is selected


advocates for sustainable development and supports international law


also focused on the protection of children, especially those in conflict areas, and has developed norms for their safeguard


at the present time, ____ countries are member states


the UN was created after the ____World War to prevent conflicts, help the countries at war to make peace, and support peacebuilding and peacekeeping.

International Court of Justice

the main judicial body of the United Nations established in 1946. It works according to the international laws to achieve and solve legal matters and disputes and provides consultancy and advice on legal issues. Individuals are not allowed to present cases before the court, only states.


there were ____ member states

UN Charter

this document explains the rights and duties of all countries that belong to the organization

Six main organs of the United Nations

General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, and the Secretariat (United Nations Department of Public Information 2008)

San Francisco Conference

In 1945, at the____ ____ ____ where the UN Charter was signed weeks after the president's death, the members agreed to name the new organization United Nations to pay tribute to the late president whose efforts to achieve world peace during World War II were vital.

UN Flag

It represents a world map centered on the North Pole surrounded by branches of an olive tree which symbolizes world peace. It is white in the center with a blue background.

international intergovernmental organization

On January 10th, 1920, the ____ _____ ____ was officially founded with the enforcement of a peace treaty

Global Goals

SDGs are comprised of 17 "________ _______" which have 169 targets among them to address several sustainability and development issues. These include the previously stated goals, since in many countries these have not been fulfilled, and others that have an environmental and economic impact on the worldwide population.

Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

SDGs official name is


The Charter contains __ chapters that detail the objectives, principles, criteria for member states, functions, and powers of each organ of the organization (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).

World War I

The League of Nations was dismantled in 1946 after the creation of the United Nations in 1945 and because of its failure to prevent ____ ___ _ (Habermann-Box 2014).


The League of Nations' main organs were the Assembly, the Council, and the Secretariat which was based in _____


The Security Council's presidency changes ______ (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).

Funds and specialized agencies

such as the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have provided goods, services, food, and vaccines that have benefitted over 100 million people in 80 countries (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).


The UN has in its ____ years of existence contributed to international peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and conflict resolution.

Manhattan, New York

The UN headquarters is located in

economic, social, or cultural

The UN's actions are directed to solve any ____, ____, or ____ issues

Treaty of Versailles

The current United Nations had its predecessor organization in the League of Nations, whose mandates and objectives were conceived under the ____ __ ____ by the victorious countries of World War I in 1919 (Mazower 2009).

international aid

The organization relies on _____ ___ to intervene after the occurrence of natural or man-made disasters to provide relief and assistance, especially in countries where the national governments cannot cover such efforts

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

These goals are a UN initiative approved in 2015 to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were established in 2000 to address the most pressing needs of humankind.

League of Nations

This organization's mission, as well as that of the UN, was "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security" (www.un.org)

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

U.S. president coined the term "United Nations"

Cold War

UN also played a major role during the ______ ____ period and later it has intervened in conflicts and carried out peacekeeping operations around the globe.


also assisted in the occurrence of man-made or natural disasters, as in the occurrance of the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and the earthquake that struck the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, causing the death of over 200,000 Haitians. The peacekeepers from the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) were deployed and worked for the recovery of the nation. Other examples include the aid to refugees of the Iraqi, Somalian, or Afghanistan wars (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).

Security Council

also plays an important role in the fight for respect of international law

Nobel Peace Prize

award Two Secretary- Generals have received the eleven times (United Nations Department of Public Information 2011).

Mr. António Guterres

current Secretary-General is the Portuguese and 9th to occupy such an honorable position to advocate for the rights of millions around the world

Geneva Convention of 1949

declared that "children shall be protected... and they shall be provided with the help and care they required"


encouraged the decolonization process which resulted in the independence of over 80 countries, and its relief agencies provide shelter and support to millions of displaced refugees

Security Council

has the duty to maintain international security and peace (Fasulo 2003)

provision and mobilization of humanitarian aid

is a major objective of the UN

United Nations

is an international organization founded on October 24th, 1945


is the main leader of the organization and represents the interests of all people

UN Charter

its ruling and guiding document, came into force after being signed on June, 26th, 1945, in San Francisco

General Assembly

main organ of the United Nations represents, deliberates, and makes recommendations and policies with the representation of all member states. For that reason, it is the only universally represented United Nations organ.

Goals of the United Nations

maintain international peace, security, and develop friendly relations among member states

UN Charter

mentions that it is a key objective of the UN to promote and protect such rights, and for that reason, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was approved in 1948

UN system

operates globally - thus assistance is granted where needed.

Security Council

organ can impose sanctions, and even authorize the use of force in case of a threat to world peace (Howard 1989)

Goals of the United Nations

protect human rights, or the rights inherent to all human beings; for example, the right to education and health

Security Council chamber

where the organ sits, was a gift from Norway, and its mural was designed by Norwegian artist Arnstein Arneberg.

General Assembly

which decides what country becomes a member state

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