The Gilded Age Through The Roaring Twenties

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national news

A famous debate broke out that affected American society in the form of the Scopes Monkey Trial. The State of Tennessee passed a law banning the teaching of evolution. When a teacher by the name of John Scopes taught evolution, he was fined and the trial ended up becoming what?

the races in public places

African Americans faced many challenges in the form of governmental discrimination in addition to informal discrimination. Laws were put in place to stop black people from voting and separated what?

widespread poverty

After being forced off their land, many Native Americans were forced to live in specified areas known as reservations. This land was often of poor quality leading to what?

Asia and Latin America

After most of the continental US was secured, many American looked to expand US influence beyond. Trade and foreign policy concerns would soon draw the US into where?

aggressively looking beyond it's own borders

After the Spanish-American War, the US took a much more active role in Latin American Affairs. With laws such as the Platt Amendment and executive policies like the Roosevelt Corollary, the US began doing what?

the pursuit of profit and on entertainment

After years of sacrifice to fight World War 1, America found itself in a time of pace and a time of economic boom during the 1920s. The good times would change the country in a way that would focus it's society on what?

school-aged children

As modern life became more complex with the rapid industrialization of America, both business leaders and reformers wanted the American people to get more of a formal education than in the past. States began passing mandatory attendance laws for whom?

economy and culture

By the 1920s, millions of automobiles were on American roads, spurred by Henry Ford's assembly line method of mass producing cars. Cars changed American culture in not only the distances that could be covered but in large aspects of the what built around cars?


Calls for reform came from writers known as ______________. These writers exposed corruption and abuse in both business and government.

government officials

Corruption was a common feature in city politics during this time period. The power of big business, the rapid growth of cities, and the influx of people from many different cultures created a free-wheeling city political culture where favors could be bought from whom?

the direct election of US Senators

Early Progressives pushed the idea that government should work to pragmatically solve problems in society, but to solve problems the government itself had to function better. Towards this end, political reforms were pushed including the federal income tax and what?

hiring strikebreakers

Employers struck back by forcing workers to sign agreements not to join a union, yellow dog contracts, and ___________.

Western and Northern Europe

Immigrants who arrive in the late 1800s and early 1900s included people from Eastern and Southern Europe. This differed from earlier waves of immigrants who typically came from where?

skilled workers rather than the entire working class

In 1886, the American Federation of Labor formed a different kind of large union focusing on whom?

annex Hawaii

In 1893, American traders overthrew the Queen of Hawaii. Military concerns brought President William McKinley and Congress to eventually do what?

take the lead in governing

In 1901, President McKinley was assassinated and his vice president, Theodore Roosevelt, took over. Roosevelt was different in that he became an active and forceful president where president McKinley, for the past few decades took a back seat to let Congress do what?

that a communist revolution might happen in America

In 1917, a group of radical Bolsheviks revolted in Russia and changed the very nature of that nation. Socialist political organizations formed in the US, leading to fear of what?

Wounded Knee Massacre

In a desperate attempt to hold onto hope of the return of Native lands, the buffalo, and their way of life, many Native Americans participated in the Ghost Dance. White settlers misunderstood the purpose of the Ghost Dance and this misunderstanding led to a tragedy known as the what?

Eastern and Southern Europe

In the 1920s, America experienced a time of extreme intolerance. Movements pushed to limit immigration as a response to the large numbers of people coming from where?

the Harlem Renaissance

In the late 1800s, large numbers of African Americans moved to northern cities to take industrial jobs in what was known as the Great Migration. Harlem in New York was one area where people settled in the North which led to a cultural movement known as what?

better wages, working conditions, and benefits

In the late 1800s, millions of Americans found themselves working long hours in dirty and dangerous conditions for little pay. Workers began to form labor unions as a way to fight for what?

the rural areas of the country.

In the mid to late 1800s, more and more Americans began moving to the cities attracted by jobs in factories. By the end of the 1800s, the cities were growing at a rate much faster than which areas?

ship their goods to market

In the mid-1800s, railroads were rapidly expanded throughout the US, allowing for more opportunity for people and goods to be moved for distances in a relatively fast time. By the end of the 1800s, railroad owners took advantage of their position (controlling much of commerce) to gouge people, mostly farmers, attempting to do what?

the Republican presidents of the period

In the period after the Civil War up until 1900s, the Republican Party dominated the presidency and control of Congress. Congress held the bulk of power in this time period due to corruption, political weakness, and claims of illegitimacy faced by who?

make trade more efficient

Increased trade with Asia brought about a demand for faster ocean travel between the East Coast of the US and Asia. By 1914, the Panama Canal was created (with massive amounts of American urging and money) to do what?


Many of the early strikes turned ___________.


Mass spectator sports became popular in the late 1800s. __________ established itself as the most popular sport, with large stadiums being built for the audiences.

country life

Modern technologies (for the time) attracted more people and helped define city life. Electricity, telephones, and subways all added to the allure of city life compared to what?

abused their power to take advantage of those with less power and wealth

New powerful business tycoons came to dominate their respective industries---- Rockefeller in oil, Carnegie with steel, and Morgan in finance. These men became so powerful through hard-nosed business tactics that many came to believe that they what?


Newspapers changed into a more modern form by dividing paper into sections based on interest. Chasing ever growing sales, newspaper owners pushed their writers to create ever more exciting (if not entirely true) content in what was known as what?

the circumstances that lead to WW2

On November 11, 1918, a cease-fire was agreed upon and the Central Powers were defeated. The Treaty of Versailles was signed to end the war and the details of the treaty would set up what?

National Labor Union (NLU)

Originally unions formed along occupational lines, but in 1866 a mass union known as the _________________ formed. This type of union allowed all workers from various industries to join and fight for a better situation for their members.

won the election

Populists and the Democratic party supported William Jennings Bryant in the election of 1896 in an attempt to make reforms for farmers. Even though the Populist movement seemed to have momentum, the northern states remained unconvinced by the Populist argument and Republican William McKinley did what?

the League of Nations

President Woodrow Wilson had hoped to build an international organization known as _____________________ to avoid another world war. Domestic politics got in the way of the US joining _____________________, which was a large part contributing to the organization's failure.

order out of the rapidly growing radio market

Radio became a main source of entertainment and news for millions of Americans during the 1920s. In 1927, the Federal Radio Commission was established to create what?

the progressive goal of reigning in the power of big business

Roosevelt used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed in 1890 to break up trusts that he saw as hurting the American consumer. In this way, he partially embodied what?

the overarching power of big business

Roosevelt was followed by progressive presidents- Taft (Republican) and Wilson (Democratic). While they did not have Roosevelt's brash style, they both worked in their own ways to break up trusts and reduce what?

colonial power

Tensions over Spanish treatment of it's colony in Cuba led to war between the US and Spain in 1898. The US won and took Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and other territories from Spain and became a what?

little government regulation of the economy

The 1920s saw a return to the late 1800s type of passive presidencies, and a bit of the corruption returned too. The Progressive movement slowed as Republican presidents returned to a stance of what?

materials needed by the Allies

The American military was unprepared for large-scale warfare and needed to institute a draft to build up the manpower. What the US could contribute was an army of fresh soldiers not beat down by years of warfare, and what else?


The Boxer Rebellion was an insurgency against imperialist forces in what country?

American farmers

The Populist political movement came about in the late 1800s through the support of whom?

The Allied side in 1917

The US broke its tendency towards isolationism by trading with Britain during the war. German submarine activity and a secret German deal to try to get Mexico to move against the US drew America into the war on which side?

Great Upheaval

The ___________ was the first strike in American History that involved many different workers separated by a significant amount of territory.

in July of 1941

The assassination of the heir to the Austrian-Hungary throne triggered a war between European powers that would have major consequences for the modern world. The Allied Powers went to war against the Central Powers staring when?

serve people who hoped to strike it rich searching for gold or silver

The discovery of valuable minerals in western territories brought thousands of fortune seekers to the West in the mid to late 1800s. Towns would spring up nearly overnight to do what?

the closing of the frontier

The end of the 1800s brought about the end of the settling of "wild" areas of the continental United States. This became known as what?

a large underground economy for illicit alcohol

The temperance movement scored a major victory with the 18th Amendment in 1919 which prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. The prohibition led to what?

a US Socialist Party

The wealth disparity in America and the union struggle led to the growth of a relatively small socialist movement in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Rail worker union leader Eugene V. Debs became a socialist after his experience with the Pullman Strike and helped form what?

those on the east coast

The wide-open spaces of the West proved to be great land for raising cattle. Much of the American image of the cowboy was formed in the late 1800s as cattle ranchers made their living in a way very different from whom?

the right to vote

The women's suffrage movement struggled to gain universal voting rights with limited success with some states throughout the mid to late 1800s. It wasn't until Americans came to see the contribution made to the war effort in World War 1 that a Constitutional Amendment (1920, the 19th Amendment) was put in place granting women what?

millions of acres of land set aside as national parks

US policy on natural resources had been to exploit the land for as much profit as possible. When Roosevelt came into office, the policy changed, resulting in what?

inevitably losing

Various Native American groups occupied the land and many weren't willing to let it go without a fight. Vicious wars between settlers/the US government and the Native Tribes were fought with the Native groups doing what?


What Amendment required the direct election of senators?

It became a media circus

What best describes the Scopes Monkey Trial?

Workers faced resistance from company leaders and bosses. Workers came from diverse backgrounds and were often hostile to each other in the workplace. Some of the leaders in the labor union were Marxists and had ideas related to the workplace that many government officials considered extreme and anti-American.

What challenges did workers face in unionizing?


What early education tradition in America was inspired by German immigrants?

Poor working conditions, including unsafe working conditions in mills and mines, led workers to demand better conditions and labor leaders to start new unions. Long hours, low pay, lack of retirement benefits and medical coverage also drove workers to join unions.

What factors led to more workers joining existing and newly founded unions during the Gilded Age?

The president giving a televised speech to support a tax cut law

What is an example of the president using the Bully Pulpit?


What name was given to a collection of companies all legally controlled by the same person or group of people?


What name was given to newly independent women who broke away from conventions during the 1920s?


What nickname was given to US troops as they first arrived in Europe during WW1?


What popular form of entertainment in the late 1800s featured a variety of live entertainers in the same show?

A lockout

What tactic used by the management of a company could be considered the opposite of a strike?

The growth of concentrated poverty

What was one negative effect of the growth of cities in the late 1800s?

Closing of the frontier

What was the name given to the ending of settlement of wild areas in the continental US?

It helped push the US towards war with Germany

What was the significance of the Zimmerman note?


Which of the following economic situations did farmers want to see in the late 1800s?


Which of the following technologies was a reason for the increasing urban population in the late 1800s? Electricity, Television, Radio, or Shipping

Without competition there might be little incentive to improve product quality and to develop new products.

Why might a monopoly or a trust in a certain industry be bad for both consumers and workers?

They were given many acres of government-owned land for every mile created

Why were railroad companies in a hurry to complete many miles of track-laying in the mid-1800s?

the way the US government worked

With the dramatic change and rampant corruption of the late 1800s, many Americans came to see a need for reform in the way the government operated. In the late 1800s and early 1900s a reform movement known as the Progressive movement came to be a political force that would change what?

fabulously wealthy

With the end of the Civil War, the industrial might built in the North of the nation was turned to private use. In this time until the end of the 1800s, the nation's wealth grew rapidly with a small number of people becoming what?

suffrage movement

Women jumped into public life by engaging in social work to benefit new immigrants to the nation and by getting involved in the temperance movement. Although women still didn't have the right to vote, these steps would eventually help form a later what?

stop production or work from getting done

Workers began to strike-refuse to work-as a way to negotiate better pay and conditions. Sometimes these disagreements broke out into violence as strikers attempted to do what?

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