the other wes moore

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author: Explain what happens when Wes and Dalio walk to town for stromboli.

A car full of drunk boys, including Colonel Bose's son, tried to run he and Dalio over with their car. Wes and Dalio hid until they disappeared. When they began walking again, the car came back, and someone threw a bottle or rock at West and chipped his tooth. They yelled, "Go home, n*****!"

Who helped James Thomas when he first arrived in the United States from Jamaica? What did that man become?

A man at the Lincoln University where James attended college helped him. The man's name was Kwame Nkrumah, and he because the president of Ghana, the first black African President of an independent African nation.

other: Explain what happened to Wes and all of his friends. Wes was put in juvenile detention.

After he got out, he went to Lake Clifton High School, but was so far behind that he quit. Daemon stayed home to care for his mother who had sickle cell and was unable to graduate. "White Boy" decided that working was a better option than going to school and got a job at a restaurant.

author: What did Wes do after graduating from college?

After receiving the Rhodes Scholarship, he spent 2 1⁄2 years completing his masters in international relations at Oxford. When he returned home, he interned in Washington, D.C. and focused on homeland security issues. He then began to work on Wall Street. In 2005, he was deployed to Khost, on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan and served with the 82nd Airborne division. When he returned to the U.S. a year later, he was accepted into the White House Fellow Program and worked under Condoleezza Rice. During that same year, he was married.

Why is the other Wes in prison?

He was involved in an armed robbery.

author: Describe how Wes has changed since attending Valley Forge. Explain what is responsible for the change.

He was now a platoon sergeant and in charge of the troublemakers (what he used to be). He is now gaining "real respect." Ty Hill, others in command, and the faculty had supported him.

other: Explain what happens to Wes after getting out of the Baltimore County Detention Center.

He went back to school for a while, and then dropped out. His baby had been born, and he needed a source of income, so he began his own "crew" who were selling drugs. While on the street one day, he sells to a suspicious man who ends up being a policeman, and Wes is arrested.

author: What dream does Wes realize isn't going to happen for him and what causes him to come to this realization?

His dream of becoming a player in the NBA is taken away when he realizes that there were so many players that were naturally good and much better than him, and that he had put forth more effort to keep up with them.

author: Why does Wes's uncle give him a lecture?

His uncle wants him to finish school and get an education so that he has many other options besides playing pro basketball. The odds of him making an NBA team are slim.

author: Explain the quote, "Knowing when to fight and when to seek peace is wisdom" (168).

Many times, we react before we think about the effects or consequences of our actions. A wise person stops to consider all choices before reacting in order to create the most positive and productive outcome.

other: What did Mary Moore see on TV that shocked her?

Mary was watching the news and listening to a report about two suspects who were "armed and dangerous." The faces that she saw on TV were that of Wes and Tony.

Explain why Mary, the other Wes's mother, has to quit college and how this affects her.

Mary, Inmate Wes's mother, had to quit college because her Pell grant was terminated, and she can no longer afford tuition. She has to quit her lifelong dream of graduating from college and her part-time job at Bayview Medical Center becomes her full-time job.

other: Describe what Mary found when she searched Wes's room and what she did with it.

Mary, Wes's (Inmate) mom, found pills, marijuana, cocaine, and crack that he was selling to make money. She flushed the drugs down the toilet.

author: What agreement does Wes have with Mrs. Downs?

Mrs. Downs and Wes (Author) have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. She did not care if he showed up for class or not. Class seemed to run smoother without him present.

author: Explain where Wes is and what conflict he is experiencing.

Wes (Author) is at Valley Forge Military School. He was being told to get up at 5:30 AM, and he refused.

author: Explain why Wes is failing school.

Wes (Author) is failing school because he is not going to class.

author: Explain what Wes learns about poverty while studying abroad and his feeling about this knowledge.

Wes (Author) learns that living in the Bronx and Baltimore had given him a false impression of what poverty looked like. In South Africa, people lived in makeshift shacks. Compared to this, Wes had lived like a king. He stated that he was embarrassed and prideful of his environment after seeing true poverty.

On page 67, explain what Wes (author) means when he says, "I guess it's hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances."

Wes (Author) means that a second chance might be your only chance. You need to not waste any opportunity to change.

What does Wes (Author) say made him feel like a man?

Wes (Author) said he felt like a man when he stopped focusing on himself and began caring about other people.

Author: What was one of the first things that Wes saw as they entered the Bronx?

Wes (Author) saw a drug deal taking place (pg. 38).

author: Where does Wes study abroad and what history does he learn?

Wes (Author) studies abroad in South Africa and learns the historical context surrounding Cecil Rhodes and the scholarship. He also studied culture and reconciliation, and South Africa's history was rich based on the apartheid (racial segregation).

author: Who does Wes go to see and why?

Wes (Author) visits the mayor of Baltimore, Kurt Schmoke. Wes was serving an internship under the mayor, and Mayor Schmoke wanted Wes to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship. The mayor had received this scholarship and wanted to help Wes attain it.

author: Explain why Wes was suspended. What was the story Wes told his friends about his suspension?

Wes (Author) was playfully fighting with another student and threw him over his shoulder on to the ground. The student suffered a cut to his head. Wes told his friends that the boy was disrespecting him and that he slammed him to the ground and stood over him taunting him.

author: Explain why Wes says that many kids don't have the "luck" like his on page 160.

Wes (Author) was thinking about Paul White, who had helped encourage him to go to Johns Hopkins. Most underprivileged kids did not have an advocate who could help them succeed. Usually the privileged kids were the ones who had help. Paul White had taken the time to get to know Wes and helped him reach his goals, and Wes decided that he was going to do the same for others with the same background.

other: What does Wes find in his mother's closet?

Wes (Inmate) finds marijuana in his mother's closet.

other: Explain what "trouble" Wes has.

Wes (Inmate) gets Alicia pregnant.

Explain what happens to Wes during the football game.

Wes (Inmate) gets in a fight with a smaller boy, and the boy punches him and draws blood.

other: Explain why Tony is questioning Wes on page 70.

Wes (Inmate) has many new shoes and Tony knows where he is getting the money to buy them.

12.Explain how Wes feels about Tony.

Wes (Inmate) idolizes his big brother, who is the closest thing he has to a father.

other: Describe Wes's new job and predict what impact it will have on his family.

Wes (Inmate) is now a "lookout" for the drug dealers. He warns them and lets them know that the Police are around.

Explain the significance of the quote, "Rule number one: If someone disrespects you, you send a message so fierce that they won't have the chance to do it again" (32). Predict how this will impact Wes as he gets older.

Wes (Inmate) is taught that violence is always the answer while we are taught that is never the answer. When Wes did not get his way, he lost his temper. This will lead to getting into trouble with the law.

other wes: Who does Wes meet at the end of chapter 1 and how does he react?

Wes (Inmate) meets his father while he is at his grandmothers' house. Wes was confused and felt the tension from his mother. He was also afraid of this "man" that he had never met.

other: Explain what Wes learned on pages 61/62.

Wes (Inmate) realized how powerful drugs were, because he also felt that he had become more mature because of this experience. The drugs had made him forget his poverty, loneliness, and lack of self-esteem.

other: Who does Wes see at his aunt's house and how does he react?

Wes (Inmate) sees his father who is asleep on the couch. When he awakens him his dad doesn't know who he is so he didn't know how to feel. Wes thinks about hitting him but realizes it isn't worth it.

other: Describe what Wes did to make himself feel sick.

Wes (Inmate) smoked the marijuana he found and mixed it with alcohol.

other: Explain what happened when Wes got home.

Wes (Inmate) was angry with his mom for flushing $4,000 worth of drugs down the toilet. She told him to stop selling, but he wanted to be able to pay back the people he owed, so he devised a plan to sell more! He did not take advantage of the change to stop (2nd chances)! He went to his girlfriend's house, and she offered to let him to sell drugs from her house.

other: Why is Wes jealous of Tony?

Wes (Inmate) was jealous of Tony because he wore nice clothes and jewelry.

author: Explain what Wes does after being told, "Go home, n******!" (120-121). Explain how he handled this incident and what it reveals about his character?

Wes and Dalio hid in the bushes until they were gone and then ran back to the school. He let this go even though he was embarrassed and wanted to fight back. He knew that a fight would only bring negative consequences. He is able to control his temper and is motivated to be a better person and succeed in life. He doesn't want to solve his problems with violence.

author: Explain the irony and significance of the last paragraph on page 122.

Wes was now running towards the school where he now felt security. When he first got to Valley Forge, he wanted to run away because it felt like a prison. He now knows that his freedom lies in attending this school.

author: What role was Wes selected for at Valley Forge and why was it an important position?

Wes was the regimental commander for the 70th Corps of Cadets. He was the highest ranking cadet in the entire corps of over 700 people! He was responsible for their training, health, welfare, moral, and success.

other: Explain how Wes's thoughts contradicted his actions.

Wes was tired of watching those around him being destroyed by drugs. He was tired of being in constant danger and at risk of being arrested. Wes was part of the problem because he was the one selling drugs to those who were addicted.

author: Explain what sacrifice Wes's mother and family made for him and why.

Wes's (Author) family members gave money, and his grandparents took the money they had in their home to pay for his first year. They felt this was his only chance to change.

author: Explain why Wes blames his roommate for his current situation.

Wes's (Author) grandmother told his mother about Valley Forge. His roommate's uncle had graduated from there.

author: Why did Wes's mom slap him?

Wes's (Author) mom slapped him because he hit his sister, Shani, in the mouth. Also, she had just gotten a phone call from school, and Wes is on probation.

author: Explain where Wes's mother moves the family and why.

Wes's (Author) mother, Joy, moves them to the Bronx because she needs help with the kids, and her parents live there and can provide that help.

When did Wes's mother find out about Wes being arrested?

Wes's (Inmate) mother finds out about Wes being arrested many years later.

Author: Where did Wes's mother live before coming to the United States?

Wes's mom, Joy, lived in Jamaica before coming to the US.

other wes: Who watches Wes most of the time when he is little?

Wes, inmate, is watched by his grandmother and other family members, as well as Mary's friends while he is little.

What faith has the other Wes converted to?

Wes, the inmate, has converted to an Islamic faith.

other: What percentage of kids graduated from high school in Baltimore City in 1994?


Author: Explain what happens to Wes's father at the end of chapter 1.

Author Wes's father died at the end of Ch. 1, due to a misdiagnosis from the hospital. He was sent home, told to rest, and later suffocated and died. He was mistreated by the hospital due to his awful appearance and assumptions made by the staff at the hospital.

other: Explain who Cheryl is and what happened to Wes and Cheryl.

Cheryl is Wes's girlfriend, who he had two children with. She is older than Wes, and he met her when he lived in Dundee Village. She was addicted to heroin.

author: Whose autobiography made an impact on Wes and why?

Colin Powell's autobiography enable Wes to look at the history of America and his role as a soldier who would serve his country.

other: What was Wes proud to earn?

He earned his GED and finished near the top of his class. He was reading at the level of a sophomore in college.

other wes: Describe Tony.

He is Wes's (Inmate) older half-brother who spends most of his time with his maternal grandmother (on his mother's side) or his dad at Murphy Homes Projects.

author: Explain the quote, ". . .the written word isn't necessarily a chore but can be a window into new worlds" (131).

He realized that words could come to life and teach deep lessons about life and a person's destiny. He knew that books could teach him many different things and widen his perspective.

author: What famous person attended the school (riverdale)?

John F. Kennedy

Author: What was the deeper reason why Joy, Wes's mother, was upset that Wes hit Nikki when he was three years old? How will this shape his future?

Joy, Wes's mom, was abused by Nikki's dad and the situation with Wes hitting Nikki brought up all of those negative memories of mom's struggle through that difficult time. Joy did not want Wes to follow in Nikki's dad, her first husband's footsteps.

other: Explain the advice that Levy gives Wes and what happened after that.

Levy advises Wes to join the Job Corps where he could learn skills that would get him a legitimate job. Wes attending Job Corps and other students looked up to him and asked him for help with their GED prep, advice with personal issues, and friendship.

author: Explain what happened during apartheid to Wes's host family and how the mother was able to forgive and move on with her life.

Mama's husband was a freedom fighter during the apartheid. He and his fellow soldiers had been intimidated, arrested, and beaten because they did not follow the rule of the government which required them to carry personal identification cards. The host mother was able to forgive because Nelson Mandela had told the people to forgive and remain peaceful.

other: Explain what happened between Wes and Ray. Explain how the incident ends.

Ray catches his "girl" with Wes (Inmate). Ray beats up Wes and Wes gets a 9mm Beretta and chases after Ray. He wanted to "send a message". One of Wes's drug partners joins Wes in chasing down Ray. He also has a gun, and when they spot Ray, they begin to fire at him. They shot Ray and assumed he was dead. Wes runs home and hides the gun in an aquarium. The police show up and take Wes to jail.

author: Describe what Sergeant Austin gives to Wes and what happened because of this "gift."

Sergeant Austin gives Wes (Author) a guide with a map to the train station. It is fake and causes him to get lost.

author: What does Shani do for Wes in regards to school?

Shani keeps the fact that he is skipping school a secret.

Explain why Wes calls the basketball court in the Bronx the "neutral ground."

The "neutral ground" is a place where all types of young men from the neighborhood meet. Everyone puts aside their differences and accepts one another form an alliance - a brotherhood (pgs. 44-45)

author: Explain the quote, "The Army, therefore, made it easier for me to love my country, with all its flaws, and to serve her with all my heart" (131).

The Army was ahead of its time with issues concerning discrimination. They created an even playing field where everyone had an equal chance at success. Soldiers were rewarded based on their merit.

other: What two things prompted Mary to move to Baltimore County?

The first thing was that Tony was shot in the chest during a drug deal that had gone wrong. The second thing was that Wes (Inmate) failed 6th grade at Chinquapin and had to repeat.

author: Explain what happened between Shani and Lateshia. Explain what happened after and why.

The girls got into a fight and Lateshia punched Shani in the nose. Shani did not fight back, so Wes and his godmother Aunt BB, threatened Lateshia.

After 3 years of visiting the other Wes Moore in prison, what is the author annoyed about him saying? What does the author want Wes to do?

The other Wes Moore still denies that he was there on the day of the armed robbery. He wants Wes to take responsibility for his past actions and stop making excuses for his mistakes.

other: Explain what happened at J. Browns Jewelers.

There was an armed robbery and $438,000 worth of watches and jewels were stolen. The two masked robbers held the security guard, Sergeant Bruce Prothero, at gun point until they could escape. Prothero was forced to the ground but immediately got up and ran after them once they left the store. While ducking behind cars in the parking lot, Prothero was shot twice in the chest and once in the head by one of the men who were hiding in one of the two getaway cars. Sergeant Prothero lost his life that day.

author: "Aside from family and friends, what did all the men Wes trust have in common?

They all wore the uniform of the United States of America.

author: Explain why Wes thinks, "This uniform had become a force field that kept the craziness of the world outside from getting too close to me, but I wondered if it was just an illusion" (118).

Things that were going on at home with his family and friends still affected him, but he couldn't be there to help. The uniform protected him from the reality back home and in any environment outside the walls of the school.

author: Describe why Shea and Wes are picked up by the police and what effect it had on Wes.

Wes (Author) and Shay are picked up for "tagging" (spraying graffiti) on a building. Wes realized that getting in trouble with the law would take away his freedom and his destiny to become a better person.

author: What college does Wes attend after leaving Valley Forge?

Wes (Author) attends Johns Hopkins University after attending Valley Forge Junior College for two years.

author: Who does Wes call and why?

Wes (Author) calls his mom because he wants to go home.

author: Explain where Wes goes to school and why.

Wes (Author) goes to Riverdale Country School. His mother wanted him to have more opportunities (educational) and to have a safe place to go to school.

other: What hurt Wes more than the beating that his brother gave him?

Wes (Inmate) knew that he was disappointing his brother. However, the more he tried to be like his brother, the more Tony rejected him. Tony did not want Wes to follow in his footsteps.

Explain the circumstances under which the two Wes Moore's meet.

Author Wes was in South Africa when a newspaper showed his name and that Inmate Wes killed a man in an armed robbery. The Author wrote the other Wes a letter in prison. The Author's mom told him about the other Wes and that the police were searching for him.

Explain the significance of the quote, "Your father wasn't there because he couldn't be, my father wasn't there because he chose not to be" (3). Predict what impact this difference will have on each of the characters.

Author Wes's dad died when he was at a young age, while the Inmate Wes's dad chose to walk away from his responsibility of being a father to his children. By both of them not having fathers at home, this negatively impacted both of their lives.

author: Explain what changed Wes into a lover of reading. He read a book that his mother bought for him entitled Fab Five by Mitch Album.

He was able to make a connection with the book because it was about a basketball team who resembled people from his Bronx neighborhood. He realized that words could "be a window into new worlds" (Moore, 131).

author: Explain who said the following and why: "When it is time for you to leave this school, leave your job, or even leave this earth, you make sure you have worked hard to make sure it mattered you were here" (133).

Colonel Billy Murphy, who was in command of all cadets said this. He wanted the cadets to realize that every day is important and that each person must live each day to the fullest. Life is fleeting and can come and go quickly and unexpectedly, and we do not need to waste a moment.

author: What honors/awards did Wes earn upon returning from his study abroad?

He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and also the first Rhodes Scholar in thirteen years at Johns Hopkins, as well as the first African-American Rhodes Scholar in school history.

Explain the term "ice grille" and its application in the story (28).

Grille is slang for face and ice is for coldness. It was the look on the face of kids who were out on the streets and in danger. IT was their way of looking tough while being depressed on the inside.

other: Explain what bad decision Wes made one year after completing his training and why he made the decision.

He decided to start selling cocaine again because when he got home, his problems were still there. He had three women depending on him: Alicia, Cheryl, and his mother. He had children who needed financial support. The jobs that he was getting were not paying enough money for him to help his family with their problems.

16.Describe what Wes does after running home from the football game and why it is significant.

He runs home and gets a long-bladed knife. He is taking Tony's advice which is, "Rule number one: If someone disrespects you, you send a message so fierce that they won't have a chance to do it again," (Moore 33).

other: What career area does Wes select for his training?

He selected carpentry.

author: "With no intervention - or the wrong intervention - they can be lost forever" (95). Explain how his quote refers to Wes.

If Wes (Author) continued to be around his friends in the Bronx, he would end up in trouble - on the wrong "road".

Explain the quote, "I was taught to remember, but never question. Wes was taught to forget, and never ask why" (4).

Inmate Wes was told to move on and forget about his father (almost an "oh well, if he doesn't want you...move on and forget about it"). The Author Wes was taught to remember his father for the great man he was, but don't question the reasoning behind why he passed on so young.

author: What does Wes learn about respect by watching Ty Hill?

Ty gains respect by being a leader, not by scaring people. Leaders are respected - not "class clowns" or "tough guys". He knows what "real respect" is from observing Ty.

other: Explain what Tony finds so amusing at his brother's first birthday party.

Tony finds it amusing that he has a one year old brother, he has a new baby, and Wes (Inmate) and Alicia are pregnant.

Describe where Tony lives.

Tony spends most of his time in Murphy Homes (aka "Murder Homes"). It is dirty, covered in graffiti and dard. Drugs were sold here, and many teenagers had guns.

other: Describe what is happening in Tony's life.

Tony was on the street selling drugs full-time. He now had people working for him.

author: Describe Ty Hill.

Ty Hill is a black male, 5'10" tall, 210 pounds, teenager, neatly dressed with a serious look on his face.

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