The Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb

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articular facets

-2 shallow depressions on distal end of radius -articulate with the scaphoid and lunate bones of the wrist

styloid process

-a bony point -can be palpated proximal to the thumb -on distal end of radius

conoid tubercle

-a ligament attachment that faces toward the rear and slightly downward


-arm proper -extends from shoulder to elbow -contains only one bone (humerus)

carpal bones

-arranged in rows of 4 bones each -collectively called wrist bones -short bones -allow movements of the wrist from side to side and anterior to posterior

ulnar notch

-articulates with the end of the ulna -on distal end of the radius

styloid process

-at distal end of ulna -bony lumps you can palpate on each side of your wrist

trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

-bones of distal row (carpal)


-bones of the palm

subscapula fossa

-broad anterior surface of the scapula -slightly concave -relatively featureless


-can be recognized by a prominent hook called the hamulus on the palmar side

trochlear notch

-deep C shaped -wraps around the trochlea of the humerus -at proximal end of the ulna


-distal to the head -narrower part

upper limb

-divided into 4 segments containing a total of 30 bones per limb 4 segments: brachium antebrachium carpus manus


-feature of humerus -hemispherical -articulates with the glenoid cavity

surgical neck

-feature of humerus -common fracture site -narrowing of the bone just distal to the tubercles, at the transition from the head to the shaft


-forearm -extends from elbow to wrist -2 bones: radius and ulna


-forms the posterior side of the trochlear notch -bony point where you rest your elbow on a table

suprascapular notch

-found in the superior border of scapula -provides passage for for a nerve


-hand -contains 19 bones in 2 groups: metacarpals (5) phalanges (14)

posterior surface of scapula

-has a transverse ridge (spine) -a deep indentation superior to the spine (supraspinous fossa) -a broad surface inferior to it called (infraspinous fossa)

inferior surface

-is flatter than the superior surface - marked by grooves and ridges for muscle attachment


-lateral condyle of humerus -shaped like wide tire -articulates with the radius

acromial end

-lateral part of clavicle -markedly flattened

radial fossa

-lateral pit -named for the nearby head of the radius

radial notch

-less conspicuous than the trochlear notch -accommodates the edge of the head of the radius

interosseous membrane (IM)

-ligaments that attaches the radius and ulna along their shafts -enable 2 elbow joints (humeroradial and humeroulnar) to share the load and reduces the wear ad tear that one joint would otherwise have to bear alone. -attachment for several forearm muscles


-medial condyle of humerus -pulley like -articulates with the ulna

sternal end

-medial part of clavicle -has a rounded hammer like head

coracoid process

-named for a vague resemblance to a crow's beak -shaped more like a bent finger -provides attachment for the tendons of the biceps brachii and other muscles of the arm


-named for its resemblance to a spade or shovel -triangular plate that posteriorly overlies ribs 2-7 -only direct attachment to the thorax is by muscles -glides across rib cage as the arm and shoulder move -has superior medial, and lateral borders -has superior, inferior, and lateral angles

radial tuberosity

-neck of radius widens into this -rough prominence -the distal tendon of the biceps muscle terminates on this tuberosity


-not like other carpal bones -sesamoid bone (not present at birth) -develops around the age of 9-12 within the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

coronoid fossa

-on anterior surface of the humerus -medial pit -accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna when the arm is flexed


-platelike extension of the scapular spine that forms the apex of the shoulder. -articulates with the clavicle

olecranon fossa

-posterior pit of the distal end of the humerus -accommodates a process of the ulna called the olecranon where the elbow is extended.


-prominent hook of hamate attachment for the flexor retinaculum

medial epicondyles

-protects the ulnar nerve (passes close to the surface across the back of the elbow.) -funny bone

lateral and medial supracondylar ridges

-proximal to the epicondyles -margins of the humerus -attachments for certain forearm muscles

deltoid tuberosity

-rough area of shaft on anterior on its lateral surface -insertion for the deltoid muscle of the shoulder

glenoid cavity

-shallow socket that articulates with the head of the humerus, forming the glenohumeral joint.


-slightly S-shaped, somewhat flattened from the upper to lower surface, and easily seen and palpated on the upper thorax. -most commonly fractured bone in the body

pectoral girdle

-supports the arm and links it to the axial skeleton -consists of the clavicle and scapula


-wrist -contains 8 small carpal bones arranged in 2 rows

flexor retinaculum

a fibrous sheet in the wrist that covers the carpal tunnel

greater and lesser tubercles / intertubercular sulcus

accommodates a tendon of the biceps muscle

interosseous margin

angular ridge attached to the interosseous membrane


bones of fingers

scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform

carpal bones




distal end of metacarpal bone form knuckles when you clench your fist


distinctive discoidal ___ at the proximal end of the radius

coronoid process

forms the anterior side of the trochlear notch


has a head, neck, and radial tuberosity

lateral and medial epicondyles

humerus flares out to form 2 bony processes ___ and ____ ____

acromioclavicular joint

lateral end of the clavicle articulates with the scapula at the __-

sternoclavicular joint

medial end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum at the ___


proximal end of the metacarpal bone

superior surface of clavicle

relatively smooth and rounded

glenohumeral joint

scapula articulates with the humerus at the ___


shaft of metacarpal bone


shoulder blade

anatomical neck

smooth surface of the head is bordered by a groove called the ___ -feature of humerus



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