Theology Chapter 4

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What does "analogy of faith" mean, and why is it important in interpreting the Bible?

Analogy of Faith means that each truth helps us to understand the other truths and the total plan of Revelation. This is important in interpreting the Bible because using truths contained in one part of the Bible to understand truths contained in other parts of the Bible.

What is another name for the Book of Revelation?

Another name for the Book of Revelation is the Book of Revelation to St. John.

What does the name "Exodus" mean in Greek, and what does this book of the Bible tell us about?

Exodus means going out in Greek and Exodus tells us the story of the Israelites' escape from Egypt and their wandering in the desert on the way to Canaan, the Promised Land.

What does the name "Genesis" mean in Greek, and what does this book of the Bible tell us about?

Genesis means origins in Greek and Genesis tells us the story of the creation of the world and the beginning of the nation of Israel.

If Christ is the fullness of Revelation, then why is it important to study the Old Testament?

If Christ is the fullness of Revelation, it is important to study the Old Testament because the New Testament fulfills the promises of the Old Testament.

Why is it good to have four different Gospels to tell us the same story?

It is good to have four different Gospels to tell the same story because they tell us what Jesus said and did but also who he was.

Why might one argue that the Vulgate is the purest translation of Scripture?

One might argue that the Vulgate is the purest translation of Scripture because the Church proclaimed that it is so.

To whom was St. John likely addressing his Gospel?

St. John was likely addressing his Gospel to everyone.

Which is the most theologically sophisticated Gospel?

St. John's Gospel is the most theologically sophisticated Gospel.

Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?

St. Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles.

Which is the shortest Gospel?

St. Mark's Gospel is the shortest Gospel.

Who wrote the majority of Epistles contained in the New Testament?

St. Paul wrote the majority of Epistles contained in the New Testament.

How does the Book of Revelation conclude the Bible?

The Book of Revelation concludes the Bible by offering hope that God will be faithful to his promises of salvation, that our sins will be washed away with the Blood of Christ, and that man will once again dwell in the Heavenly Eden.

Which sections of the New Testament were written first?

The Epistles were the sections of the New Testament that were written first.

Which Gospel includes stories that must have come from Mary, the mother of Jesus?

The Gospel of Luke includes stories that must have come from Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Which Gospel provides the most historical context for Jesus' life?

The Gospel of Luke provides the most historical context for Jesus' life.

Which Gospel has the most direct quotations of Jesus?

The Gospel of Matthew has the most direct quotations of Jesus.

What was contained in the Septuagint that was later removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture? What does the Catholic Church teach about these books?

The Septuagint contains the deuterocanonical books, which include Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and 1 and 2 Maccabees and parts of Esther and Daniel, which were later removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture. The Catholic Church teaches that the deuterocanocial books have the same authority as the rest of the books of the Bible and are a part of Scripture.

What is the Septuagint, and why is it important in the Christian tradition?

The Septuagint is a Greek version of the Old Testament made in Alexandra in the second century BC. The Septuagint is important in the Christian tradition because it is the version that the Apostles and the early Christians used.

What translation was used as the basis for the Douay-Rheims translation?

The Vulgate was used as the basis for the Douay-Rhemis translation.

What languages were used in writing the books of the Old Testament? The New Testament?

The books of the Old Testament were written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. The books of the New Testament were written in Hebrew or Aramaic and koiné Greek.

What did the encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu encourage?

The encyclical Divino Afflante Spiritu encouraged new translations from the original Hebrew and Greek.

What are the names of the four evangelists?

The four evangelists are: -St. Matthew -St. Mark -St. Luke -St. John

What are the four names for the collection of the first five books of the Old Testament?

The four names for the collection of the first five books of the Old Testament are: -The Books of the Law -The Torah -The five Books of Moses -The Pentateuch

What are the four types of books found in the Old Testament?

The four types of books found in the Old Testament are: -law -history -wisdom -prophecy

What are the four types of literature in the New Testament?

The four types of literature in the New Testament are: -law (The Four Gospels) -history (The Acts of the Apostles) -wisdom (The Epistles) -prophecy (The Revelation to St. John)

What is the meaning of "figure" or "type"? Give one example.

The meaning of figure or type is a person or event in the Old Testament that becomes reality in the New Testament. An example of this is the manna from the Old Testament is a figure to the Eucharist in the New Testament and today.

What is the meaning of the word "canon" in relation to Scripture?

The meaning of the word "canon" in relation to Scripture is the list of books that are divinely inspired.

What are the names of the six Bibles that have received the ecclesiastical approval of the Catholic Church?

The names of the six Bibles that have received the ecclesiastical approval of the Catholic Church are: -the Douay-Rheims translation -the Confraternity Edition -the Knox Version -the Jerusalem Bible -the New American Bible -the Revised Standard Version (Catholic edition)

What is the official translation of Scripture in the Latin rite Catholic Church?

The official translation of Scripture in the Latin rite Catholic Church is the Vulgate Bible.

How does the opening of St. Matthew's Gospel differ from St. John's Gospel?

The opening of St. Matthew's Gospel differs from St. John's Gospel because St. Matthew begins his Gospel with the genealogy of Jesus.

What period of history is related in the historical books of the Old Testament?

The period of history related to the historical books of the Old Testament is the history of the people of Israel, from the conquest of Canaan through the end of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and on to the restoration of Jerusalem.

What did the prophets foretell in these books of the Bible? How were these prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament?

The prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah in the Prophecy books of the Bible. These prophecies were fulfilled in the New Testament because Jesus, the Messiah, came. Destruction that will come if they didn't repent.

What is the purpose of the Wisdom books of the Bible?

The purpose of the Wisdom books of the Bible is to praise God or help us with our everyday problems.

How is unity of Sacred Scripture reflected in the word "Bible"?

The unity of Sacred Scripture is reflected in the word "Bible" because Bible in Latin is biblia, which is treated in the singular so the Bible is one book.

What are two Catholic (and Jewish) beliefs that can be found in the deuterocanocial books of the Bible?

Two Catholic and Jewish beliefs that can be found in the deuterocanonical books of the Bible are praying for the souls of the dead and the existence and actions of guardian angels.

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