TLS 356 Final Exam

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Which of the following are associated with "play"? Check all that apply. - free choice/ voluntary - intrinsically gratifying - results do not matter - extrinsically motivated

- free choice/ voluntary - intrinsically gratifying - results do not matter

What are some of the costs associated with football, according to Ripley?

-Monetary (equipment, maintenance, officials coaches, etc.) -Time (planning, practice, etc.) -Distraction (mental energy, hiring consideration for teachers who can coach, etc.)

When the Premont Independent School District suspended almost all of its athletic program in 2012, what were some of the results? Check all that apple

-Sports-free pep rallies were instituted on Fridays at the high school. -Many students started playing club sports. -80% of students passed their classes, versus 50% of the year before. -Far more people attended parent-teacher night. -The district had a healthy budget and no debt for the first time in years.

What are some of the different meaning and interpretations of "gay", based on the study cited by Duncan in 1999? Check all that apply. a. Low-status male b. Male homosexual c. Failing to meet basic standards of "laddishness" (AKA manliness) d. Someone who could be legitimately beaten up e. Being nice to girls f. Someone un-athletic or bad at sports

-all of them a. Low-status male b. Male homosexual c. Failing to meet basic standards of "laddishness" (AKA manliness) d. Someone who could be legitimately beaten up e. Being nice to girls f. Someone un-athletic or bad at sports

Using the definition from Coakley, which of the following characteristics are necessary for an activity to qualify as a "sport", as traditionally defined? Check all that apply.

-involves physical activity -participants are motivates by internal and external rewards -"well-established" -officially governed (ie rules)

Civil Rights Restoration Act (clarified that title IX was INTENDED to apply to sports programs in schools)


Supreme Court ruling that a person could be awarded monetary damages if she (or he) proved that a school intentionally violates Title IX


Supreme Court ruling that protected "whistle blowers" who identified inequities in a school


Which factors have contributed to an increasing amount of children's after-school time and physical activity taking place in adult controlled organized sport programs? Check all that apply A. Increases number of families with two working parents outside of the home. B. "Good" parents have increasingly been expected to account for what their children are doing 24/7. C. Informal, child-controlled activities have been associates with "trouble" more and more. D. Many parents believe the world has become increasingly dangerous for children. E.The media attention and visibility of athletes has increase people's awareness or organized competitive sports as a valued part of society. F. Cost to participate have gradually decreased. G. Coaches are more available and better prepared/equipped.

A, B, C, D, E

Researchers who study sports "as sites at which people collectives create and learn stories, which they use to give meaning to and make sense of the world and their lives, would likely focus on which of the following? A. Discourse B. Economics C.Physical Environments D. Health & Wellness

A. Discourse

What are some of the reasons Native American sport participation has been limited? Check all that apply. A. Poverty B. Lack of understanding by those who control sport C. Lack of resources D. Poor health E. Religious objections

A. Poverty B. Lack of understanding by those who control sport C. Lack of resources D. Poor health

Students who participate in official, school-sponsored activities tend to be different from other students. What is this phenomenon called? a. Selection-in process b. Survival of the fittest c. Biased Selection d. Advantage participation

A. Selection-in process

Match the typical focus of attention on athletes (based on racial ideologies) with the corresponding skin color. A. Social B. Cultural C. Biological D. Genetic

A. Social -- White B. Cultural -- White C. Biological -- Black D. Genetic -- Black

Which of the following is NOT one of the social and cultural conditions at the root of sociological hypothesis that explains the achievement of black male athletes? A. The slight biological edge of black athletes, is just enough advantage at the highest and most competitive levels of sport. B. The history of racial segregation and discrimination, which has limited the opportunities for black men to achieve success and respect in society. C. A long history of racial ideology that has highlighted "black male physicality" and innate, physical abilities among blacks. D. The existence of widespread opportunities and encouragement to develop physical skills and excel in a few sports.

A. The slight biological edge of black athletes, is just enough advantage at the highest and most competitive levels of sport.

The closing of neighborhood recreation centers due to loss of funding


Societal factors

African Americans athletic achievement is due to the encouragement they receive from others and promise of rewards and (better) opportunities (eg college education) that can come through athletic achievement.

The author writes on page 85. "... athletes are quite deliberately led to accept the value and naturalness of an adversarial relationship in place of solidarity and collective effort." In what context is this statement made? A. sports exacerbates international hostiilities B. Sports function as a socializing agents that perpetuate the hierarchical, capitalist system (to benefit the wealthy). C. sports teach the obvious benefits of competition in society.


What percentage of participants in the Harrison and Lawerence study believe that Black athletes have a physical advantage? A. 50% B. 25% C. 100% D. 9%

B. 25%

When company executives try to maintain corporate power through "ideological outposts" that discourage people from objecting to corporate policies and profits, they often connect to sports because of their exciting/pleasurable nature. What is this process or concept called? A. Marketing B. Hegemony C. Greed D. Socialization

B. Hegemony

Which is the fastest growing ethnic population in the United States? A. European Americans B. Latinos and Latinas C. Asian Pacific Americans D. African Americans

B. Latinos and Latinas

Why are men's sports like wrestling, gymnastics and diving often cut from college athletics departments, according to Coakley? A. They are victims of Title IX in that athletic departments have to offer the same number of men's and women's sport programs. B. Most football programs result in significant financial losses every year, making it impossible for athletic departments to subsidize other non-revenue generating men's sports. C. There are not enough athletes or interest to justify the costs of those programs. D. All of the above.

B. Most football programs result in significant financial losses every year, making it impossible for athletic departments to subsidize other non-revenue generating men's sports.

What is the most significant form of racial and ethnic exclusion in sport today? A. Explicit Racism B. Prohibitive fees and issues of geographic access C. Implicit bias against minorities

B. Prohibitive fees and issues of geographic access

Which of the following was NOT one of the organizations mentined in chapter 2 of Lessons of the Locker room that brought sports to the young masses (not just inelite private schools)? A. YMCA's B. YWCA's C. City Playgrounds D. Public School Athletic League (PSAL)


Football relies on the "most extreme possibilities of the male body" to be a "world apart from women" and gives men the opportunity to identify "with all men as superior and separate caste." Why is football's role in perpetuating gender differences and male dominance perhaps more important than ever? A. Because there is a declining relevance of pure physical strength in general work (the service-oriented economy) and even warfare. B. Because the TV and media coverage of college football and the NFL is so much more persuasive than ever before. C. Both A and B D. Because the popularity of other sports is declining.

C. Both A and B

Why does the author reject the notion that competition is the most rationale or appropriate economic system? A. if scarcity is a function of expanding human desire, the situation is created by the very system recommended to is as its solution. B. If scarcity is a situation of objective insufficiency, then the real problem turns out to be the one of distribution - something that competition is more likely to exacerbate than remedy. C. Both A and B D. Neither A or B

C. Both A and B

What is revealed by the fact that we have a "Women's World Cup" soccer tournament, but not a "Man's World Cup" soccer tournament? A. The male-dominated nature of sport B. The male-identified nature of sport C. The male-centered nature of sport D. None of the above

C. The male-centered nature of sport

Competition has been associated with which of the following? A. decreased levels of artistry and creativity B. higher levels of anxiety C. less accuracy and more mistakes D. All of the above

D. All of the above

In the Sea Monster vs. Barbie Girls story, what role do the parents play in creating/perpetuation gender roles? A. The affirm differences between girls and boys as "natural" B. They unintentionally communicate that boys are superior athletes. C. They coddle the girls and encourage them to be "gentle" D. All of the above

D. All of the above

In youth sport programs that emphasize the "Performance Ethic", how is "fun" defined? A. getting better as an athlete B. becoming more competitive C. being promoted to a higher level of training D. all of the above

D. All of the above

Sports are socially significant activities that help perpetuate ideologies favored by people with the most powerful and influence. Which of the following ideologies are influenced by (and reflect) the power of sport? A. gender B. race C. class D. all of the above

D. All of the above

What consideration(s) would Coakley point out if asked the question, "Do Sports Build Character?" A. sports participation can over both positive and negative experiences, so you cannot make unqualified general statements about the consequences of sports. B. People who play sports are often different from those who do not choose (or are not selected) to play sports, so it may be less about sports "building" character and more about sports being organized to select individuals with certain existing traits. C. The socializing processes that happens in sports also may occur in other activities, so developmental outcomes may not be unique or different in athletic contexts. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Why are boys usually teased for being a "sissy", when girls are often praised for being "tomboys"? A. Males have more tightly defined and restrictive normative boundaries associated with masculinity. B. Males benefit from higher levels of privilege, power, and influence than females, so they are expected to work harder to maintain the legitimacy of gender distinction. C. Men are more likely to strictly police their gender boundaries and punish those who push or move outside them. D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What British movement laid the philosophical foundations of worldwide amateur sport as we know it? A. Colonialization B. The Enlightenment C. The YMCA D. Muscular Christianity

D. Muscular Christianity

Of the three levels of analysis in "Center Snap...", which is the most, important, according to the author? A. Interactional B. Structural C. Cultural D. They are intertwined of equal importance

D. They are intertwined of equal importance

Besides cutting athletic programs when facing budget cuts, which of the following strategies is NOT explored in the Reeve's article? a. Sponorships b. Boosters c. Pay-to-Play d. Work-Study-like arrangements for athletes

D. Work-study-like arrangements for athletes

Burnout and dropout of youth athletes


Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations the author makes to improve organized sports? A. Increase the amount of action and movement B. Make things as exciting as possible by avoiding "blow-outs" C. Allow children to be creative D. Foster and affirm friendships E. Ensure children are appropriately separated by age, gender, and skill level

E. Ensure children are appropriately separated by age, gender, and skill level

True/False: "Coming out" as gay/lesbian brings possibilities for liberation, because it definitely decreases the levels of oppression associated with surveillance and discipline.


True/False: A study at the University of Oregon showed that the general student population (non-student athletes) studied more when the football team performed well.


True/False: Although many complicated factors play a role in whether someone will become involves in a sport, if they stay involves, their reasons for participating largely do not change over time.


True/False: By 1920, many Americans were resisting the idea that sports had moral or political implications.


True/False: Coakley would argue that knowing many CEO's of large corporations played sports in high school, tell us something very important about the role of sport participation in the complicated process of climbing the corporate ladder.


True/False: Coakley would probably argue that the privatization of organized youth sports is positive overall because the quality of experience is better.


True/False: Determining what constitutes any kind of "harassment" can always be objectively identified through specific behaviors, words, and feelings.


True/False: In female body building, the contestants are judged according to how well-muscled they are, just like their male counterparts.


True/False: The author choose to explore the specific extracurricular context of football because of their passion for the sport.


True/False: The author suggests that students in the classroom need to be exposed to, and try, something new everyday so that they don't get bored.


True/False: The concept of socialization implies that humans are passive learners with litter control over how we develop.


True/False: The evidence overwhelmingly shows that competition promotes higher achievement than cooperation in both schools and the workplace.


True/False: The increased participation of women in sports will undoubtedly continue into the future.


Losing out on things like traditional vacations and nightly dinners together

Family Dynamic

True/False: The author suggests that class periods are too short and need to be expanded to at least 90 minutes for each meeting to be able to fully explore material.


Match the problem/issue identified and discussed by Coakley with either High School or Collegiate Athletics: a. Overemphasis on "Sports Development" b. Limited Participation Access c. Athletes are Privileged over other students d. Commercialization e. Lack of Athletes' Rights f. Gender Inequlities g. Distorted Racial and Ethnic Priorities

High School: a. Overemphasis on "Sports Development" b. Limited Participation Access c. Athletes are Privileged over other students College: d. Commercialization e. Lack of Athletes' Rights f. Gender Inequlities g. Distorted Racial and Ethnic Priorities

Black limited opportunity

Historically, African Americans were restricted from certain activities. They were allowed to participate in such things as boxing in order to be entertaining for the majority group in society. Blacks were not allowed to play many sports for several years because of the discrimination in the American society. It was necessary for those who wanted to play to show that they were extremely good at the sport. This high standard has continued throughout history into today.

Black physical advantage

I agree that many African Americans are blessed with the ability to play sports and have a number of skills. If people being genetics into this situation-- African Americans may be taller or bigger and have an advantage in the sports category.

Race disregard

I don' think that it's correct to label a particular race as 'natural' athletes. There are no specific reasons for African Americans athletic achievement in certain sports. That is like asking, 'Why is Julie so smart?' It's a dumb question. Certain people are blessed with certain talents.


I don't know why they succeed in certain sports-- maybe we just see them more because of media coverage.

Black work ethic

I think the reasons for African American athletic achievement are: drive, commitment and interest.

Social Constructions

Parts of the social world that are created by people as they interact with one another under particular social, political, and economical conditions.

Social Interaction

People taking each other into account and, in the process, influencing each other's feelings, thoughts, and actions.

Social Structure

The established patterns of relationships and social arrangements that take shape as people live, work, and play with each other.


The shared ways of life and shared understandings that people develop as they live together.


The study of the social worlds that people create, organize, maintain, and change through their relationships with each other.

True/ False: In comparison with Britain, American school sports emphasize the importance of winning more.


True/False: African Americans are still grossly underrepresented in an overwhelming majority of sports (at all levels) in the United States today.


True/False: As sports cultures are organized more strongly around dedication, sacrifice, paying the price, and giving it up for the game and the team, and as coaches must develop winning teams to keep their jobs... it becomes difficult to balance athletics and academics, even in Division III sports.


True/False: Coakley would argue that sports should be viewed as a social phenomena and studied by looking at who creates them, plays them, and supports them.


True/False: Despite all the media attention and focus, FBS Universities make up less than five percent of all insititutions of higher education with intercollegiate sports.


True/False: Evidence suggests that homophobic bullying is especially prevalent in sporting contexts and may act as a deterrent for both males and females to participate in sports.


True/False: Extrinsic motivators tend to undermine intrinsic motivation... and adversely affect performance in the long run.


True/False: Homophobic bullying is used as a weapon to encourage conformity to a hyper masculine sporting ideal and to vilify those who deviate from it, even if they are NOT gay.


True/False: Initially organized youth sports were intended to teach young boys from working class families to obey rules and work together productively so that they would develop into competitive men.


True/False: It is impossible to conclude there is a positive correlation between sports participation and improves health or weight.


True/False: It is racism and social environments, not genes, explain the domination of Black athletes.


True/False: It is very difficult for researchers to "prove" positive causative effects of sport participation because of necessary considerations for social class, family background, support from friends, identity issues, and other factors related to educational attitudes and achievements.


True/False: More women than men were team managers in the AYSO league discussed in "Center Snap..."


True/False: Often times, individuals who believe black athletes have an innate physical advantage also conclude African Americans are intellectually inferior.


True/False: Psychologists are more likely than sociologists to look at factors that exits inside/within the athletes, rather than environmental considerations.


True/False: The author argues that in Britain, organized school sports were seen as functions to prepare boys to develop character that could be used in the country's imperialist domination.


True/False: The author would argue that students in classrooms need to be encouraged to excel and contribute (like athletes). rather than be passive recipients of information.


True/False: The basic question this author and researcher has is: Why are so many smart children who show skill and ambition outside of school failing to engage in the classroom?


True/False: The percentage of NCAA women's sports teams with female head coaches declined from 1977 to 2008.


True/False: Thera is overwhelming evidence based on research since the 1950's that race is not biologically valid.


True/FalseL Sports are embedded in American schools in a way they are not almost anywhere else in the world.


Black cultural factors

We label certain sports as 'White sports', 'Black sports', 'wealthy/elitist sports' and 'common sports'. For each race, I think there is a designated 'coolness' attributed to each sport... it all effects the decision.

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