TO - Rectilinear Propagation of Light

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Rectilinear Propagation of Light

"In a honogenous and isotropic medium, light travels in a straight line"

Rectilinear Propagation of Light

"Light travels in a stright line as long as it is not reflected, refracted or absorbed."

Pinhole camera

A lensless devicd consists of a light tight box of adjustable length and dark interior


A point source blocked by an opaque object will produce a shadow called -

Camera Obscura or Porta's camera

Also known as Pinhole camera (Darkened room/Chamber)

Umbra and Penumbra

An extended source blocked by an opaque object will form a shadow of 2 regions

Total shadow / Absolute shadow / Geometric shadow

Another name for umbra


Dark image formed by intercepting light rays


Derived from the word " Paene" which means "nearly"


It is the central uniform dark region of the shadow with sharp boarder.


It is the outer annular region of the shadow with partial illumination


Latin word which means "Shade"


Natueal phenomenon which further demonstrates the law of Rectilinear propagation of light

Giambattista Della Porta

Perfected the pinhole camera

Partial Illumination

The outer annular region of illumination with darkness

Full illumination

The uniform central region of illumination

Solar and Lunar eclipse

Two types of eclipse


invented the pinhole camera and failed

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