Topic 4 Lessons 1-4

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a classless society in which wealth and power were equally shared

According to Karl Marx, what would be the main characteristic of communism?

As production increased, the supply of goods would also increase and prices would drop so more people could afford goods.

According to laissez-faire economists, what is the benefit of a free market?

the market functions with little or no government interference.

Adam Smith defined the free market as an economic system in which

Mine owners hired children because boys could fit where men could not. And did things men couldn't do.

Before child labor laws, working-class children like these boys in Pennsylvania worked long hours on hazardous jobs. Many of these mineworkers were aged 10 or even younger. Why did mine owners hire children for certain jobs?


By 1900, women in Britain (1928) and the United States (1920) had not yet won the right to

It tells us the mines were dirty and the air was poor if ventilation shafts were needed. The mines were hot, and dark.

Coal miners in West Virginia prepare to work. The boy in the center is a trapper, who opens and shuts ventilation shafts. What does the image tell you about conditions in mines? Explain.

If the business did well the stockholders made a lot of money. You only lose the money you put in if the business doesn't work.

Corporations offered business people several advantages. What advantages did stockholders gain from the formation of corporations?

The growing middle class demanded more democracy, so voting rights gradually expanded.

During the Industrial Revolution, how did the economics drive political change?

The invention of the internal combustion engine changed life and industry to run automobiles, motorized threshers and reapers boosted farm production, even more dramatically, the internal combustion engine made possible sustained, pilot-controlled flight. The invention helped the western nations produce more products, improved transportation, could produce more food faster.

How did Nikolaus Otto's invention of the internal combustion engine affect the Industrial Revolution? What can you infer about its impact on Western nations?

Electric lights made it possible for factories to run after dark.

How did Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb affect industry?

The Agricultural Revolution contributed to the population growth by producing more food to stop starvation, so less people were dying and life especially went up.

How did an agricultural revolution contribute to population growth?

Industrialization changed the face of cities because city sizes gew very quickly, a sewer system was created, more pollution, fire departments and police stations were created. Installed street lights, to cut down on crime. Streets were paved and became more modern. Produced more goods for people to use in the cities, live expectancy grew, from improvements in medicine, and sanitization.

How did industrialization change the face of cities?

The members of the working class experienced bad/ terrible working and living conditions.

How did members of the working class react to their new experiences in industrial cities?

They worked for reform and social services.

How did religious groups respond to the challenges of industrialization?

Researchers advanced startling theories about the natural world. Their new ideas challenged long-held beliefs. Also, science challenged religion.

How did science begin to challenge existing beliefs in the late 1800s?

Men- went from farming jobs (seasonal) to factory jobs. Women- had to work in factories, and keep up with the house and children. Children- also worked long hours in dangerous conditions because the family need more income.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of men, women, and children?

The Industrial Revolution lead to social and economic changes in Europe by people used to live in rural areas and made own clothes, equipment, and tools. They always traded different things they had with one another. During the Industrial Revolution work was done by machines instead of by hand, made life easier and goods affordable. Prices lower for goods.

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to social and economic changes in Europe?

The Trans-Atlantic cable reduced communication times between Europe and The United States. Made communication faster.

How did the Trans-Atlantic cable affect communications.

It affected manufacturing by making it faster and work was less harsh on workers. Forced workers to specialize on one certain task. Made workers more efficient. Prices went down so more people could afford, so more money was made.

How did the assembly line and division of labor affect manufacturing?

Railroads advanced the Industrial Revolution by allowing to transport resources and good where there were no water ways. Also, was cheaper and faster to transport goods over land.

How did the development of railroads advance the Industrial Revolution?

Smith said that a free market would be beneficial to everyone and that if the government would stay out of the system, and that the business would create money and goods on own.

How did the ideas that Adam Smith discussed in The Wealth of Nations support the Free Enterprise system? ( Free market system, capitalism)

They spent more time buying items than producing them.

How did the lives of middle-class women change during the Industrial Revolution?

The middle class grew, earned more money, dressed better, ideal for men to work and women to stay at home and take care of children. Women spent more time buying products the producing them. They also, directed servants such as cooks and maids.

How did the roles of men and women in middle-class households change as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

other nations wanted to have the same economic opportunities that the Britain enjoyed.

Industrialization spread because

I think the people on the horses are law enforcement or soldiers that are trying to control the people on strike.

Miners and steelworkers go on strike in Belgium. Who do you think the men on horseback are? Why are they there?

the means of production should be shared by everyone in society.

Socialism is based on the belief that

Before the cotton gin slaves had to pick out seeds and debris from cotton by hand. This change affected cotton farming by making it more profitable, and farmers produced more cotton, and helped the factories.

The cotton gin easily removed debris from fresh-picked cotton, which greatly reduced the amount of labor needed for the job. Identify Cause and Effect How did this change affect cotton farming?

1. An abundant supply of natural resources, and geography. Such as coal, iron, and copper. Had rivers and harbors. 2. Labor - had huge labor force, had lots of people to do work. 3. Capital- money used to invest in enterprises. (Big business) 4. Entrepreneurs and Inventors- manages and assumes financial risks of starting a new businesses.

What conditions in Britain paved the way for the Industrial Revolution?

He predicted that the proletariat would get upset with the upper class and start a revolution, to overthrow the upper class. Would control means of production so everyone would have there share.

What did Marx predict was the future of the proletariat?

The Darby family contributed to the Industrial Revolution by pioneering new methods to produce iron.

What did the Darby family contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

He perfected a new source of energy. (The steam engine- used for transportation- locomotives and steamboats.)

What important contribution did James Watt make to the Industrial Revolution?

1. Changes in farming(enclosure system, raised crop yields, new inventions) 2. Population growth( more food was produced so less people starved so people were living longer) 3. demand for workers in cities( factory jobs).

What led to the massive migration of people from farms to cities?

Social services provided shelter, food, employment, and education to many new people.

What social services did religious organizations provide?

Some nations learned about the new technology and had more resources than Britain so they could advance quickly.

What statement best describes the industrialization of other western nations after Britain?

They worked 12 hours or more a day for half the pay of men, and they tended to the family and household when at home.

What statement best describes the lives of women who worked during the Industrial Revolution?

New machines sped up the process of spinning and weaving.

What technology brought about advances in the British textile industry?

In industrial countries, the overall standard of living improved.

What was one long-term benefit from the Industrial Revolution?

Standards of living for workers rose. Working-class people began to benefit from higher wages and better working conditions. They, too, were able to afford a larger variety of goods and services. Many benefited from the growing movement to provide public education. Some were able to get access to health care. They wanted better working conditions and higher wages.

What were some ways that life improved for workers?

Among men, some liberals and socialists supported women's suffrage. In general, though, suffragists faced intense opposition. Some critics claimed that women were too emotional to be allowed to vote. Others argued that women needed to be "protected" from grubby politics or that a woman's place was in the home, not in government.

What were the arguments against women's suffrage?

Believed that all people should own the means of produce not owned by private individuals.

What were the characteristic beliefs of early socialists?

Medicine advanced, and the death rate fell.

Which factors caused the population of Europe to soar between 1800 and 1900?

Many of its members owned and operated businesses that hired urban workers.

Which of the following best describes the new middle class that emerged as a result of industrialization?

installing street lights

Which of the following changes to city life would be most likely to reduce the crime rate?

the internal combustion engine (gasoline engine)

Which of the following had the greatest impact on transportation during the second Industrial Revolution?

The traditional rural lifestyle ended for most people.

Which of the following is one main reason the Industrial Revolution was a turning point in world history?

Demand for labor in factories was one cause of the population shift toward urban areas.

Which of the following statements about population trends during the Industrial Revolution is most accurate?

Entrepreneurs earned enough wealth to rise above the working class.

Which of the following support the idea that the Industrial Revolution led to the social change in Europe.

Demand for cotton cloth grew, cottage industry developed, machines replaced cottage industry, and early shed factories developed.

Which sequence of events best describes the role of textile manufacturing in initiating industrialization?

Mines and textile factories employed large numbers of children.

Which statement best describes child labor during the early years of the Industrial Revolution?

Transportation spurred industry because rivers, ports, canals, and railroads aided the shipment of goods to many places.

Which statement best explains how transportation technology advanced the Industrial Revolution?

investors willing to take risks

Who supplied the capital that helped Britain industrialize?

More children attended because by the late 1800s, reformers persuaded many governments to set up public schools and require basic education for all children. In addition, industrialized societies recognized the need for a literate workforce. Schools taught punctuality, obedience to authority, disciplined work habits, and patriotism. In European schools, children also received basic religious education.

Why did more children attend school in the late 1800s than before?

to raise money to expand into different areas

Why did some business owners form corporations?

to improve their working conditions

Why did some workers organize unions?

Better farming led to a food surplus, so fewer people died of starvation.

Why did the population of Britain increase in the mid-1700s?

More people were working in industries that require science and engineering skills.

Why had colleges and universities changed their curriculum by the late 1800s?

It contradicted the biblical view of creation.

Why was Darwin's theory controversial in the 1800s?

Pollution, factories were dangerous, people worked long hours, living conditions were dirty, overcrowded, and unsanitary were reasons why it was a curse. Evidence that is was a blessing was it opened up new opportunities and helped people climb social ladder. New things were produced which provided a lot of goods. So prices went down and everyone started to afford them.

Why was the Industrial Revolution seen as both a blessing and a curse?

It was important to the poor because they had a better chance of surviving if admitted to the hospital. Wealthy people could be treated in sanitized homes, and poor had to go to hospitals. The improvement helped sanitization, and more people survived.

Why was the improvement in hospital care especially important to the poor?

There was a move towards monopolies because owners wanted to dominate entire industries, so they could make more money.

Why was there a move toward developing monopolies?

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