Translation (30)

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communicative translation

attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original

What is TL?

Target language, the language to be translated into or arrived at.

What is literal translation?

The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents but the lexical items are again translated out of context. As pre-translate process, it indicates problems to be solved.

What is word for word translation?

The SL word order is preserved and the words translated by their most common meanings. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of this method is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as pre-translation process.

Free translation

The attempt to keep the ideas without concern for the exact words of the original


The freest form of translation mainly used for plays and poetry

Where is the need for translation? (Reader)

The need for translation arises when a person wishes to know something written in a language which he or she doesn't understand.

What is translation according to Foster (1958)

A mental activity in which a meaning of given linguistic discourse is rendered from one language to another. It's the act of transferring the linguistic entities from one language into their equivalents in to another language. Translation is an act through which the content of a text is transferred from the sourse language into the target language.

Where is the need for translation (writer)

A writer might like to communicate something to persons who don't know his/her language.

What are the two main aims of translation and what approaches fulfill them?

Accuracy and economy. Semantic and communicative

What are the basic characteristics of a good translation?

1. Accuracy 2. Clarity 3. Naturalness 4. Acceptability

A translator has to make several adjustments in content, form and style of the original text for what reason?

1. Conveying the writer's message in the original faithfully. 2. Communicating with the reading according to his/her needs.

What are the methods for TL emphasis?

1. Free translation 2. Idiomatic translation 3. Communicative translation 4. Adaptation

What are the requirements of a good translation according to Nida (1964)

1. It must make sense 2. It must convey the spirit and manner of the original. 3. It must have a natural and easy form of expression. 4. It must produce a similar response.

How do we differ from a good and bad translation?

1. It's almost impossible, except in extreme cases, to know what counts as a good or bad translation. 2. Every translation has points of strength and points of weakness and every translation is open to improvements. 3. A good translation, therefore is complete, grammatically correct and natural-sounding while a bad translation doesn't sound right, doesn't communicate the same information or is riddled with spelling or other errors.

What are the required skilled for a translator?

1. Reasonable knowledge of a foreign language. 2. Long and varied experience in the languages he/she is dealing with. 3. Wittiness to adopt the appropriate approach of translation.

What are the two main approaches for translation?

1. SL emphasis 2. TL emphasis

What are the differences between a semantic and communicative translation?

1. Semantic is more likely to be economical, unless the communicative is poorly written. 2. Semantic is written at the author's linguistic level, communicative at the readerships. 3. Semantic is used for expressive texts, communicative for informative and vocative. 4. Semantic is personal and individual, communicative is social, simple and clear. 5. Semantic has to interpret, communicative has to explain.

What are the suggested methods for translation?

1. Word for word translation. 2. Literal translation. 3. Faithful translation. 4. Semantic translation. 5. Communicative translation. 6. Idiomatic translation. 7. Free translation. 8. Adaptation.

What are the methods for SL emphasis?

1. Word-for-word translation 2. Literal translation 3. Faithful translation 4. Semantic translation

The translated needs to have a good knowledge of what?

Both the source and target language, in addition to a high linguistic sensitivity as he should transmit the writers intention, original thoughts and opinions in the translated version as precisely and faithfully as possible.

What is ghazala's defenition of translation? (1995)

Focusing on the notion of meaning as an essential element.

What is SL?

Source language, the language to be translated.

What is faithful translation?

It attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realization of the SL writer.

What is translation according to Yowell and Mutfah (1999)

It can be done also from one language into another different language. It is, on the other hand, a product since it provides us with other different cultures, to ancient societies and civilization life when the translated texts reach us.

Semantic translation

It differs from faithful translation only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text, compromising on the meaning where appropriate so that no assonance, word play or repetition jars in the finished version.

What is generally believed what an ideal translation is?

It must produce the full sense of the original text. Omitting nothing, adding nothing.

idiomatic translation (natural translation)

It reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialism and idioms.

What is catford's definition of translation? (1995) (rewording and paraphrasing)

Translation is a process and product. It's the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textural material in another language (TL). This definition shows that translation is a process in the sense that's an activity. Performed by people through time, expressions are translated into simpler ones in the same language.

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