Types of Authority
What are two ways that authority can be transferred in charismatic authority?
1. Appoint someone 2. Build a legal-rational system (Routinization of charisma)
Can charismatic authority threaten traditional and legal-rational authority?
Yes. Revolutions are mostly led by charismatic leaders
Characteristics of Traditional
1. Kings rules without question 2. Claim is birthright 3. Seemingly unlimited power but social norms can set boundaries
Rules are found in what and how are laws agreed upon?
A written constitution and laws are socially agreed upon
What is Charismatic authority?
Based on exceptional or supernatural character. Becomes authority figure from outstanding traits
What is spontaneous and irrational?
John F. Kennedy had a combination of types of leadership. Although he was the president of the United States, he also inspired people to get involved with their country's programs through his inspirational speeches. President Kennedy combined which two sources of authority?
Charismatic and Legal-Rational
Cheney wanted to expand the power of what branch of government?
Legal-Rational is government of what, not what?
Gov. of laws, not of people
Why is charismatic authority unstable?
Has no rules or traditions to guide it, mostly dies with leader
Cheney video was watched on this. How did Cheney fit with this?
He wanted president to have more power
What is a signing statement?
It means the president has signed a law but he can have a signing statement saying that the executive branch will not follow what he signed
Examples of Charismatic authority leaders
MLK. Jr, Hitler, Ghandi
Do modern societies follow traditional authority?
Mostly have abandoned it
What is Legal-Rational Authority?
Power based on explicit rules that define the rights and obligations of rulers (Found in most modern societies)
What is traditional authority?
Power is based on ancient custom (Ruler/Kings Authority)
If someone exercises power outside of legally defined limits, what can happen?
Removal from office (Ex. Nixon and Watergate)
Chieftainships and monarchies are always based on what authority?
What is the most common kind of authority throughout history?
Traditional you know who is next in line Legal-rational you don't know but know who can be elected
Max Weber defined what three types of authority?
Traditional, Legal-Rational, and Charismatic
Ruler's authority based on what?
Unwritten laws that have sacred quality
What did Cheney say?
We need a nation ruled not by laws, but by men (Basically said to throw Legal-Rational Authority away)