Types of Networks: Tutorial

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Advantages of Phone-line network

-It is easy and affordable to install. -It is standardized and reliable. -It does not require routers and hubs while creating the network. -It is compatible with other networking technologies.

Match the type of network with its explanation. Pairs 1. a network of storage devices 2. covers small distances, such as in a building 3. provides a network within 10 meters 4. spreads across a wide geographical area

1. SAN 2. LAN 3. PAN 4. WAN

Hybrid topology:

A hybrid topology is a combination of two or more basic topologies. The resulting topology does not resemble any of the basic ones. For example, you get a hybrid topology if you connect a ring topology and a star topology. The advantages of this topology are that it is flexible and error detection is easy. However, it is a complex design and it is expensive to set up.

Metropolitan area network:

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network of computer users that covers a city or a country. This network is larger than a LAN, but smaller than a WAN. You can connect many LANs to form a MAN.

Personal area network:

A personal area network (PAN) is a small network of devices built around a person, typically within a range of 10 meters. The PAN usually involves a connection between a person's printer, laptop, cell phone, desktop computer, and other such devices. The connection requires the use of Bluetooth, infrared, or a universal serial bus (USB).

Physical topology:

A physical topology describes the physical arrangement, installation, and connection of cables, computers, and other devices.

Storage area network:

A storage area network (SAN) is a network of storage devices that are available to multiple LAN users. The SAN allows you to access hard drives as if they were directly connected to the computer. This benefits large companies with hundreds of terabytes of data that multiple users need to access.

Tree topology:

A tree topology is a combination of the star and bus topologies. Here, the hub of every star configured network connects to a central cable called the bus backbone. It is an ideal topology if the computers are to be located in groups. The advantages of this topology are that it has point-to-point wiring for each computer, more devices can be added easily, and an error in a connection is easy to detect. However, it is difficult to assemble such a topology. In addition, if the backbone breaks at a point, the network will shut down.

Virtual private network:

A virtual private network (VPN) allows authorized personnel to privately and securely access a company's network. This is done through a public communications network (usually the Internet). For example, a traveling employee can access the company's network through a private and secure path using a VPN connection. A VPN connection involves tunneling in order to carry data safely over the Internet. Tunneling is the process of sending information from one private network to another via a secure link. This link passes through a public network, usually the Internet. An encryption technology converts data into code to protect it from being understood. The encrypted data transmits through the link, and the recipient's computer decodes at the other end. This method is helpful for ensuring the security of data transfers.

Wide area network:

A wide area network (WAN) forms when multiple LANs or individual computers connect across wide geographical areas. WANs use routers to direct signals to the destination network. Telephone companies and Internet service providers can connect LANs into a wide area network. Organizations that have branches in multiple locations use this type of network. The Internet is an example of a WAN.

Which type of computer network ensures high security?


Client-server Network Architecture

Client-server architecture is a computer network in which many clients request and receive services from a centralized server. Let's explore what the terms clients and servers mean.


Clients are computers (and other devices) that request services and network resources from the server.

Network Topologies

Computer networks can have a variety of topologies. Network topology is the arrangement of various devices of a computer network. These devices include computers, servers, printers, wires, cables, and other devices. Network topologies are of two types: logical and physical. Let's learn about each of these topologies.

Network Architecture

Computer networks may be set up with different architecture. Network architecture is the pattern in which computers and other devices are set up to communicate. It specifies rules for data to move from one computer to other computers across a medium. The two most popular types of network architecture are Client-server and peer-to-peer. Let's study these architectures.

Peer-to-peer (P2P)Network Architecture

In a P2P network, there is no central server. In this architectural setup, all the computers on the network are at the same level. The users have direct access to all the computer devices connected to the network. For example, when two computers are connected to each other, either of them can access the files stored on the other computer. In a P2P network, each computer plays the role of a client and a server at the same time. Each computer can send requests to, and, at the same time respond to requests from other computers. The performance of a P2P network improves as the number of computers on the network increases. Each computer can upload and download data at the same time. New computers can join the network, and computers on the network can leave at any time. If any computer on the network faces functional issues, it does not affect the performance of the other computers. A P2P network is useful in a home, as well as in small organizations, because it is cheaper and easier to set up compared to a client-server network. However, you may find it difficult to track files or impose high security measures on P2P networks.

Bus topology:

In a bus topology, a single cable is the backbone for communication with all other devices on the network. If a computer wants to send data to another computer on the network, all other devices on the network receive the data but only the targeted device accepts it. Sometimes the signal reaches the end of the network and bounces back. This causes an echo and creates interference. A device called a terminator, which is at the end of a bus network, can suppress the echo. A bus topology is flexible, expandable, and moderately reliable. It is cheap and easy to set up because it requires less cable. However, only one computer can send data at a time. Consequently, the speed of the network declines as the number of computers increase. Another drawback in this topology is that if the connection is broken at one point, the entire network will crash. It is also difficult to isolate a problem if there is a network issue.

Mesh topology:

In a mesh topology, all the computers and network devices are connected to each other. The advantages of this topology are that connection errors are easily detectable and it provides security and privacy to users. Adding more devices to the network does not cause disruption. The disadvantage is that the wiring is complex and expensive. Therefore, troubleshooting a fault on a cable can become very difficult.

Ring topology:

In a ring topology, the data travels in a circular pattern from one computer to another. A computer on the ring transmits the data at the same speed with which it received the data. Data transmission takes place only in one direction. This topology simplifies troubleshooting because you can easily locate cable faults on it. However, if you add more computers to the network it can cause disruption. A single break in the cable can also disrupt the network.

Shared media:

In a shared media network, all systems can access the physical media whenever they require it. Two systems can send data at the same time, although this may lead to collisions. Ethernet is an example of shared media. Ethernet is the most common type of network protocol, and it generally uses a star topology. It has a data transmission speed of 10 Mbps and uses a media access control (MAC) method for collision prevention called the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD). In this system, the transmitting device checks whether other devices are transmitting signals and proceeds to transmit its data when the path is clear. This process helps to avoid collisions and distortions of the data. Ethernet also supports the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) used by the Internet. This gives it an edge over the token-based system.

Star topology:

In a star topology, each computer in the network connects to a central node (called the hub) through two point-to-point links. One link is for data transmission and the other is for data reception. Data transfer from one computer to the other takes place at a very high speed when the hub is in the switch mode. The star topology is the most preferred topology. It is easy to set up and modify, and it delivers fast performance. In addition, the hub is upgradable, troubleshooting is easy, and if one link fails it does not affect all the other computers. However, the disadvantages of this topology are that it is expensive to set up, and if the hub fails, the network will shut down.

Logical topology:

Logical topology is the arrangement of devices on a computer network and how they communicate with one another. It describes the direction of the data flow. For example, in a virtual local area network (VLAN) data transfer between devices takes place without any restraints on the network. These devices communicate with each other as if they were on the same wire, although they may be located on different physical LAN segments. VLANs are very flexible because they are configured through software and not hardware.

Phone- Line Networking

Phone-line networking is one of the ways to connect various computers within your house. Phone-line networks require each device to have a compatible Phone-line network adapter. The phone wires are connected to this adapter. When connecting multiple computers with Phone-line networking, one central computer gateway should be established. This gateway represents the network's primary device for connecting to the network. You can do data networking over your existing phone lines in your house. These protocols share the existing wiring in your house and do not cause any disturbances with the current use of the wiring.


Servers are computers dedicated to the task of processing service requests from clients.

Token Ring:

The Wireless Token Ring Protocol (WTRP) is a new MAC system that supports many WLAN topologies. This evolving technology may go on to replace its wired counterpart. In a token-based network, a device requires an electronic token to receive access to physical media. By now, Ethernet has completely replaced Token Ring technology, but at its peak, a Token Ring could operate at speeds of 4 to 16 Mbps. Token Ring networks in use now have speeds of up to 100 Mbps, but their hardware is expensive. The Token Ring network eliminated the problem of data collision within a network. In this system, only one message can transmit at a time. In the Token Ring system, an empty token circulates around the network until one computer needs to send a message to another computer on the network. The source computer records its message and destination onto the token, which then moves in sequential order in the network until it reaches the destination computer. The destination computer copies the data sent from the source computer and then sends the token back to the source computer with an acknowledgment of receipt. The source computer then clears the token, and the token starts circulating again.

Computer Network and Telephone Network

The telephone network uses a circuit switching technology. In this technology, a path or a circuit is reserved for a call from one caller to another. This circuit is reserved for the entire duration of the call. Until the call is disconnected, no other call can share the end-to-end dedicated circuit. There is a separate signaling protocol for setting up and tearing down the dedicated circuit during call establishment and call disconnection. The different types of telephone networks are landline, wireless, and private networks. A landline network consists of a normal telephone connected to a telephone exchange. A wireless network consists of a cell phone that you can move around within the coverage area. A private network is one where a closed group of telephones are connected to each other and use a gateway to reach the outside world. The intercom system is an example of a private network.

Types of Networks

There are different types of networks. The choice of a network depends on its area, scope, and purpose. Devices on a network may connect and communicate in either wired or wireless mode. Let's examine some common types of networks.

Local area network (LAN):

This type of network covers short distances and generally is within a room, building, or neighboring buildings. Usually LANs use data cables for connection. Smaller LANs can connect to form a large LAN, which you can observe in many workplaces.


are systems (with low processing power) that use the server to run applications and manage peripherals such as printers, scanners, and so on. Input and output are done on the client, whereas all processing is done on the server. client-server architecture is effective when the client and the server perform distinct tasks. However, if you increase the number of clients on the network, the performance of the server will degrade because the server has to process many requests and perform a number of tasks. The server performs many tasks, such as managing network traffic, sharing files, servicing web requests, and sending emails. If the server goes down, none of the clients will be able to access the files stored in it. The client-server network gives you the option to download and upload data to the client. When you download data, you are using the client to retrieve data from the server. However, when you upload data, you are using the client to transfer data to the server, and all the other clients on the network can access and retrieve the same data. It is expensive to set up a client-server network. However, it is useful in large organizations and universities because it ensures a high level of security and files are easy to locate.

Which two network topologies combine to form a tree topology?

bus topology and star topology

A wireless local area network (WLAN):

is a type of LAN in which the devices do not physically connect with cables. They communicate using Wi-Fi connections, radio signals, and infrared signals. WLANs allow greater mobility to the connected devices because these don't require a physical connection to a network outlet.

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