UN Sustainability Goals (SDG's)

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SDG #3 - Description and Aims

Description: - Aims to promote physical and mental wellbeing. - Reduce maternal mortality, U5MR and deaths from non-communicable diseases and communicable diseases such as AIDS, malaria & tuberculosis. - Achieve universal health coverage including access to quality, affordable essential healthcare services, medications and vaccines. - Address substance abuse. - Reduce deaths from road trauma. - Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services

SDG #1 - Description and Aims

Description: - Poverty relates to the deprivation of resources, often as a result of lack of money. - This goal aims to ensure that no person is living on less than US$1.25 per day by 2030. - Create social security systems for all people ensuring equal rights and access to essential resources, services, natural resources. - Building the resilience of those in vulnerable situations and reducing exposure to environmental disasters that result in poverty.

SDG #4 - Description and Aims

Description: - This goal aims for all boys and girls to have access to high quality and equitable, free education for primary and secondary. - Ensure all adults have equal access to further study. - Ensure adequate literacy and numeracy for all. - Build and upgrade education facilities to provide inclusive and effective learning environments for all (including children, disabled and females) - Expand the number of scholarships available to developing countries for essential skills training - Increase supply of qualified teachers - Eliminate gender disparities in education - Increase literacy and numeracy rates

People (area of importance SDGs)

End poverty and hunger in all forms and dimensions, and ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment

Prosperity (area of importance SDGs)

Ensure all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.

Peace (area of importance SDGs)

Foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies that are free from free and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.

SDG #5

Gender Equality (seeks to end discrimination and violence against women and girls by addressing the barriers that exist to gender equality. Gender equality is not only a social issue but also an economic one.)

Social protection measures

Measures that are put in place to prevent individuals and families from suffering from poverty as a result of a crisis or other unexpected event. They include healthcare, income security for children, those who become sick or disabled and the elderly.

SDG #1

No Poverty (seeks to remove poverty and inequality within and among nations. The aim is to end poverty in all its forms by 2030)

SDG #16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (is about building peaceful and inclusive societies that respect human rights. It is about reducing all forms of violence, strengthening laws, promoting human rights and working with governments and communities to find sustainable solutions to conflict.) (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable institutions at all level)

Extreme poverty

People who live on less than US$1.25 per day

5 areas of importance to the SDGs

People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership

Planet (area of importance SDGs)

Protect the planet from degradation through sustainable consumption and production, management of natural resources and taking action on climate change to support needs of present and future generations.

SDG #4

Quality Education (Addresses the need for girls and boys to have equal access to high quality education at all levels, from pre-primary through to tertiary and to develop the vocational skills needed for employment.) (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all)

SDG #3 - Reasons and Importance

Reasons why it's important - Maternal mortality rates are high in developing countries. - If mothers are in good health, they can take better care of their families. - Children often die from easily preventable diseases. - Children are the future of the society and economy - Deaths from HIV are largely preventable. - Many children are orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS. - Mortality is often easily preventable (through nutrition, safe water, hygiene and sanitation, immunisation, skilled birth attendants, lifestyle changes, etc.)

SDG #16 - Reasons and Importance

- 4 billion people live outside the protection of law. - Human rights are often abused for these people. - Many people die as a result of terrorism and violence. - When society is peaceful, children can attend school, adults can work, people can access basic resources such as food, water and health care. - Violence and abuse increases mortality, morbidity and mental health issues - Corruption prevents the poor from accessing basic needs like education, healthcare, social security and employment - Corruption, violence and dictatorships can lead to conflict (which can destroy infrastructure and crops and increase BOD from injury) - Stable productive governments promote trade and economic growth and provide stability, education, infrastructure and healthcare

SDG #6 - Description and Aims

- Achieve equitable and affordable access to safe drinking water for all - Achieve equitable access to adequate sanitation for all (especially females and vulnerable) - End open defecation - Improve water quality (reduce/ eliminate pollution and dumping of hazardous materials) - Water is vital for survival and is a basic human right. - This goals aims to ensure access to safe and affordable water for all people. - Sanitation relates to the removal of wastes from the immediate environment (commonly in relation to urine and faeces). - Manage water effectively to promote sustainability. - Support the participation of local communities in water and sanitation management.

SDG #4 - Reasons and Importance

- Education promotes greater employment prospects, which in turn decreases levels of poverty experienced and allows children to be educated which helps to break the poverty cycle. - Health promoting behaviours are also enhanced with literacy. - Millions of school-aged children are not in school. - Educated people are able to gain knowledge about health-promoting behaviours (e.g. condoms, nutrition, accessing healthcare) - Educated girls are likely to have fewer children later, reducing maternal and infant mortality - Educated girls are likely to seek prenatal care, immunise their children, use sanitation and hygiene, and feed their infants better, reducing under-five mortality - Many people in developing countries, especially girls, can't access primary, secondary and/or tertiary education and training

SDG #2 - Reasons and Importance

- Hunger reduces immune function and increases mortality rates from preventable diseases, particularly infectious diseases. - Millions of people experience hunger and malnutrition. - Children are especially affected - 45% of child deaths (U5MR) are caused by hunger and its impacts. - Malnourished people are less able to go to school, develop to their full potential and lead productive/creative lives

SDG # 1 - Reasons and Importance

- Lack of income leads to a lack of resources and infrastructure (such as food, shelter, clothing, health care) which leads to high rates of mortality and morbidity. - Lack of income reduces the capacity for a country to develop its economy which reduces levels of human development experienced. - Globally, more than 800 people still struggle to access basic resources.

SDG #8 - Reasons and Importance

- Low GDP means the government can't spend money on providing healthcare, education, social security, safe water and sanitation - Those without full decent employment can't afford healthcare, education, safe water, sanitation and adequate nutrition - People can earn an income and provide basic resources and boost their country's economy. - Millions of employed people still live in poverty. - The rate of job creation is not growing fast enough to provide universal employment. - Many children are forced to work in industries that do not protect their health and well being. - Millions of girls are trafficked for their labour.

SDG #6 - Reasons and Importance

- Poor sanitation and unsafe water increases waterborne diseases, increasing/is responsible mortality rates (especially under five) - Hundreds of millions of people lack access to clean water. - 2.4 million people lack access to safe sanitation. - Fewer people will get sick which promotes productivity and strengthens the economy of countries. - People with waterborne diseases can't go to school or work, decreasing income, standard of living, and ability to lead productive and creative lives - Limited water reduces crop output, leading to malnutrition and related mortality, and reducing income

SDG #16 - Description and Aims

- Reduce all forms of violent and related deaths. - End abuse, exploitation and trafficking of children - Ensure equal access to justice for all - Reduce corruption - Develop effective institutions at all levels. - Protect fundamental freedoms. - Promote the rule of law at national and international levels. - Promote responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making - Provide legal identity and birth registration for all - Strengthen institutions to combat violence, terrorism and crime

SDG #8 - Description and Aims

- Relates to achieving full and productive employment (decent work) for all people, including women, those with disabilities and youth. - Enable sustained economic growth. - Increase productivity whilst preventing environmental degradation. - Eradicate slavery, human trafficking and child labour - Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries

SDG #2 - Description and Aims

- This goal aims to ensure all people have access to adequate food and to end all forms of malnutrition; especially among children under 5, girls, pregnant women, and older people. - Improve farming practices to increase yield. - Ensure farming practices are sustainable. - Address trade restrictions that disadvantage vulnerable farmers. - Develop sustainable agricultural practices that increase productivity, improve soil quality, and help adapt to climate change and natural disasters

SDG #5 - Description and Aims

- This goal relates to ensuring that females have the same opportunities as males - End all discrimination, violence and harmful practices (e.g. early/forced marriage, female genital mutation) against all females - Give women equal rights to economic and natural resources, property ownership and inheritance, and financial services - Ensure universal access to sexual/reproductive health and reproductive rights - Strengthen policies/legislation at all levels to promote gender equality and empower women - Ensure females have the same/equal access and participation to all aspects of political, economic and public life.

SDG #5 - Reasons and Importance

- Women in developing countries may have limited access to education, equality, community participation, and choice - Women may be dis-empowered and trapped in a poverty cycle as they don't have necessary skills to find paid employment this decreases their earning capacity (less economic growth, families unable to access healthcare, nutrition and education) - Female literacy increases likelihood of understanding health promotion messages (like immunisation, nutrition and sanitation), reducing maternal/infant/U5 mortality rates - Increases the level of human development experienced by women and allows them to care for their families better. - Women often don't have access to meaningful employment - Increased education leads to increased SES for individuals and the wider community. This contributes to better health and human development for women and all of society.

SDG #6

Clean Water and Sanitation (is about ensuring that all people are able to enjoy clean water and adequate sanitation.)

SDG #8

Decent Work and Economic Growth (is to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men. ) (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all)

SDG #3

Good Health and Well-Being (aims to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and extend life expectancy by addressing the major causes of morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries.)

Partnership (area of importance SDGs)

Implement the SDGs through a global partnership for sustainable development, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.

Sustainable agriculture

The capacity of agricultural practices over time to provide sufficient food in ways that are economically efficient and profitable, socially responsible and environmentally sound.


The deterioration of the environment through the depletion of resources such as clean air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.

Global health

The health of populations in a worldwide context that go beyond the perspectives and concerns of individual countries. Global health is about an international collaborative approach to achieving equality in health for all


The time frame for the SDGs

Food security

When all people can obtain nutritionally adequate, culturally appropriate, safe food regularly through non-emergency sources.


When people become poor as a result of a crisis such as illness, loss of a job or natural disaster.

Chronic poverty

Where people spend most of their lifetime in poverty and it is passed on to their children.

SDG #2

Zero Hunger (aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition, making sure all people — especially children and the more vulnerable — have access to nutritious food all year round [food security] by promoting sustainable agriculture. )

Sustainable development

development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

3 major objectives of SDGs

end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, tackle climate change

United Nations

organisation responsible for development of SDGs


relate to the rules, laws and government entities, as well as the informal rules of social interactions that exist within countries. Examples include the judicial and police institutions.

Sustainable development goals

the Sustainable development goal initiative was developed by the united nation in 2015. it details 17 goals that aim to eliminate poverty and promote well being for people worldwide without depleting resources for future generations. The three main objectives of the SDG initiative is to end extreme poverty; fight inequality and injustice; and tackle climate change


the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work

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