Understanding Religion Estrads: Final

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The Council of Trent's understanding of salvation was most closely aligned to which of the following perspectives?


The medieval practice of indulgences was mostly connected to which of the following four perspectives in early Christianity?


which group preferred the language of faith alone as describing the minimal requirements for salvation for Catholic Christians after baptism?


Martin Luther initially objected to Pope Leo X and Johannes Tetzel on which grounds?

ECPS Catholic

During which period of Church history did the Mercy Debate occur?

Early Christianity (ca. 40-500 AD)

Which of the following people coined the phrase "treasury of merit"?

Hugh of Saint-Cher

Origen is important for the history of scholasticism because he authored a book systematizing Christian theology (i.e., thinking about the Life Questions) titled _________________________.

On the first principles

merciful Christianity, according to Augustine, constituted a majority within the Catholic Church.


Please identify the philosophical schools of ancient Greece.

-Plato's School -Aristotle's School

Some people mistakenly believe that Christians were ignorant about India until the sixteenth-century _____________ missionary Francis Xavier made his way into South India.


in which Christian community did the mercy debate take place?

Catholic church

Which of the following authors testify to the existence of Persian Christians on the island of Sri Lanka?

Cosmas Indocupleustes

Which of the following groups affirmed traditional medieval Catholic piety (e.g., number of masses said, works of satisfaction etc.), although with certain minor reforms?

Council Of Trent

Of the four perspectives below, which most shaped the ways the average lay medieval Christian thought about their piety and overall religious commitments?


Overall the Medieval Catholicism was committed to which of the four perspectives?


Which of the following statements would Peter Abelard most likely have made?

-"There were some serious disagreements among early Catholic leaders on important questions" -"There are many unresolved questions in the writings of the early Church Fathers." -"I prefer to leave disputed questions unanswered."

What were not some of the benefits of penance for medieval Catholicism as an institution?

-Allows every Catholic Christian to do as they please -Denigrates justice in church and society -Allows laity to to not care about their daily choices

Which of the following eras are known to have had activities that later characterized medieval universities?

-Ancient Greece / Rome (4th c. BC onwards) -Early Christianity (ca 100-600) -Early Middle Ages (ca. 600-1000 AD)

From the list below, which were not reasons for the great significance of the indulgences controversy?

-Angered Martin Luther -Led to the construction of St. Peter's Basilica -Created a scandal among Catholics around Europe

Which of the following were not Christian communities that utilized scholastic methods in their academic institutions of higher learning?

-Aristotle's followers -Plato's followers

According to medieval Catholic Christians, who was not the founder of the Catholic Church?

-Augustine of Hippo -Peter -Constantine -Pope Innocent III

Which of the following were Anabaptist leaders / theologians?

-Balthasar Hubmeier -Conrad Grebel

According to Luther, papal indulgences encourage which of the following?:

-Belief in assurance of salvation -Laziness in piety

Please identify the schools of early Christianity.

-Cassiodorus' School -Justin's School -Origen's School

Which of the following Christian communities utilized scholastic methods in their academic institutions of higher learning?

-Catholic -Protestant -Orthodox

Early Christian schools did not demonstrate which of the following to the ancient Greek and Roman world?

-Christianity could not stand test of careful scrutiny -Christianity was unable to create parallel academic institutions to Greeks and Romans -Christianity was unable to utilize similar pedagogical methods to their Greek and Roman predecessors

Early Christian schools demonstrated which of the following to the ancient Greek and Roman world?

-Christianity could stand test of careful scrutiny -Christianity could create parallel academic institutions to Greeks and Romans -Christianity could utilize similar pedagogical methods to their Greek and Roman predecessors

In the medieval Catholic mind, which of the follow do not constitute the place in which the Church is located?

-Church militant: on crusade -Church suffering: in hell -Church triumphant: in battle

In the medieval Catholic mind, which of the follow constitute the Church?

-Church militant: on earth -Church suffering: in purgatory -Church triumphant: in heaven

Which of the following groups were not the first Christians to conduct missions in the East Asia?

-Coptic Christians -Baptist Christians -Indian Christians -Catholic Christians -Byzantine Christians

Which of the following historians had something to say about Christian missions in Asia?

-Cosmas Indocupleustes -Luke, author of Acts of the Apostles

Which of the following points were not the main issue under debate at Marburg (1529)?

-Divinity of Christ -Historical Existence of Christ -Matter Not a Conduit of Grace

scholars from which of the following perspectives left statements about salvation that appear to be concession to the MCFAPS?


Which of the following statements would Peter Abelard most likely not have made?

-Early Christian authors mostly agreed on important questions -"I have all the answers to Life's Questions."

Please select the missions to South Asia that occurred during the late antique period (i.e., ca 100-600 AD).

-Egyptian mission -Assyrian mission

Which of the following historians had nothing to say about Christian missions in Asia?

-Eusebius of Caesarea -Pliny

During his work of explaining the meaning of palsa pissels, Marius victorinus adhered to which of the following perspectives on the meaning of scripture?


Despite the overall commitment to the Medieval Catholicism to one particular perspective, key medieval Catholic thinkers left concessions to which two of the four perspectives?


According to Luther, papal indulgences discourage which of the following?:

-Genuine Christian repentance for sin (i.e., satisfaction) -Charitable works -Contrition (sadness) for sin

On which grounds did medieval popes and bishops not establish their claims to grant indulgences?

-Good character of Church leaders -Popular vote of the people -State's approval of the Catholic Church

What were the responsibilities medieval Catholic Christians attributed to the pope?

-Help all Christians complete journey to eternal life -Preserve Catholic faith without heresy -Give final word in Christendom -Approve or reject ecumenical councils

What were some of the benefits of penance for medieval Catholicism as an institution?

-Holds every Catholic Christian accountable -Upholds justice in church and society -Compels laity to care about their daily choices

Which of the following people have been seen as sources for medieval Catholic understanding of merit?

-Jesus -Paul -Israelite religion -Second Temple Judaism

Which of the following Christian authors created schools in early Christianity?

-Justin Martyr -Valentinus -Origen

On which grounds did medieval popes and bishops establish their claims to grant indulgences?

-Keys of Kingdom given to Peter and his successors -Authority to bind and loose sins given to Apostles and successors -Church's authority to govern the remission of sins

Medieval ECPS biblical scholars left few but significant concessions to which two early Catholic perspectives during this era (ca. 600-1500 AD)?


The medieval practice of indulgences was least connected to which of the following three perspectives in early Christianity?


Which of the following were not Anabaptist leaders / theologians?

-Martin Luther -Ulrich Zwingli -John Calvin

Which of the following people did not coin the phrase "treasury of merit"?

-Martin luther -Jesus -Paul -Judas -Thomas Aquinas

Which of the following people have not been seen as sources for medieval Catholic understanding of merit?

-Martin luther -Judas

Early Christian authors did not associate the founding of the Christian community in India with which of the following apostles?

-Matthew -James -Paul

Origen is important for the history of scholasticism because he authored a book systematizing Christian theology (i.e., thinking about the Life Questions). The title for this book is not which of the following?

-On Christian Doctrine -On ecclesiastical dogmas -On the soul

Which of the following leaders in the Greater Church discussed the Life Questions in schools of Christian learning?

-Origen of Alexandria -Justin Martyr

Which of the following sectors in medieval Catholicism did not have leaders who left concessions to the MCFAPS and FACPS?

-Papal Courts -ecumenical councils

Luther perceived a contradiction between the following two Christian authors

-Paul -James

Which of the following authors do not testify to the existence of Persian Christians on the island of Sri Lanka?

-Pliny -Eusebius of Caesarea -Ibn Battuta -Marco Polo

Please identify some of the risks connected to indulgences?

-Potential destruction of the penance (i.e., satisfaction) -misuse of money -simony (i.e., selling of Church goods for money) -turning the granting of indulgence to the selling of indulgences

Which of the following were not the responsibilities that medieval Catholic Christians attributed to the pope?

-Preserve the peace and not upset anyone -Be popular with the most political leaders -Acquiesce to the dictates of the ecumenical council

Before his break from Rome in 1521, the young Catholic Luther defended which of the following ECPS ideas?:

-Purgatory -Necessity of satisfaction for sin -Lifelong commitment to penance

Pliny's accounts relate information about trade between which regions of the world?

-Roman Empire -South Asia

Christians from which places did not plant a church on the island of Sri Lanka by the mid 550s A.D.

-Roman Palestine -Roman Egypt -Asia Minor -Armenia

The Treasury of merit, according to medieval Catholic theology, can be accessed in which of the following ways?

-Sacraments -charitable donations -indulgences

What sorts of ideas did Medieval Catholic leaders not concede to the MCFAPS?

-Salvation comes through penance in cases of post-baptismal mortal sin -Church has the authority to regulate the forgiveness of sins -Pope has the power to issue indulgences

What sorts of ideas did Medieval Catholic leaders concede to the MCFAPS?

-Salvation/justification is by faith alone -Nature of imputed righteousness through faith is alien -Nature of imputed righteousness through faith is extrinsic

In medieval theology, which are the two basic problems facing human beings with regard to their ability to achieve their most important goal in this life?

-Sin -Gulf between God and human beings

Early Christian authors associated the founding of the Christian community in India with which of the following apostles?

-Thomas -Bartholomew

Why was the indulgences controversy significant?

-Triggered the Reformations of the sixteenth century -Leads to the founding of the Protestant Perspectives on Scripture -Leads to the founding of Catholic Perspectives on Scripture -Begins the rending of medieval Catholic unity

In our lesson we did not argue that attention must be given to universities because such academic institutions do which of the following?

-Universities address many disputed questions -Stimulate good conversations for the benefit of society -Universities give people something to do with their time -Universities allow people the opportunity to express some ideas

In our lesson we argued that attention must be given to universities because such academic institutions do which of the following?

-Universities are catalysts of gradual and immediate change in society -Stimulate new developments in human behavior and thinking

What was not the central question of the Mercy Debate?

-Why do bad things happen to good people? -Why do bad things happen to bad people? -what must baptized Catholic Christians do to be saved from the temporal consequences of their mortal sins? -what must baptized Catholic Christians do to earn their salvation?

Funds gained from indulgences were typically used for which of the following activities?

-cathedrals -monasteries -orphanages

An indulgence was not meant to remedy partly or completely which of the following parts of the sacrament of penance?

-confession -absolution

From the list below, please identify the effects that medieval Catholic Christians attributed to the Seven Sacraments (e.g., Baptism, Eucharist, Penance etc.).

-connect one to the divine -save the soul -sustain the Christian on the journey

Which of the following phrases best describes the Reformations of the sixteenth century in relation to the Mercy Debate?

-continuation of -precedents in

On the theological level, Teztel did not cause scandal to people such as Luther because Tetzel:

-encouraged Catholic to do good works -promoted satisfaction for making up for the wrongs done -encouraged Christians to obtain indulgences and do their penance as well

Which options below, according to medieval theology, were not the two of the main problems facing human beings and their desire to obtain unity with God.

-human impatience -human temperments -culture -competing truth claims of other forms of Christianity (e.g., Eastern Orthodoxy) -competing truth claims of other religions (e.g., Judaism, Hinduism etc.)

In medieval theology, which are not the two basic problems facing human beings with regard to their ability to achieve their most important goal in this life?

-illiteracy -Mercy -Divisions in society -Access to books -Corruption in the clergy

What were some of the central MCFAPS/FACPS elements that Luther integrated into his theology?

-language of faith alone -Language of imputation of righteousness

What were, according to medieval theology, the two of the main problems facing human beings and their desire to obtain unity with God.

-limits of human nature -sin

Key ECPS leader appear to have made concessions to the MCFAPS in which of the following areas?

-membership in the catholic church is sufficient for salvation -Baptism in the catholic church is enough to remain saved for life

Which of the following sectors in medieval Catholicism had leaders who left concessions to the MCFAPS and FACPS?

-monasteries -Bishops -Universities

The early Middle Ages had which of the following two academic institutions?

-monasteries -cathedral schools

Which of the following were not elements of MCFAPS/FACPS that Luther integrated into his theology?

-necessity of penitential satisfaction -benefit of papal indulgences

From the list below, please identify the effects that medieval Catholic Christians did not attribute to the Seven Sacraments (e.g., baptism, Eucharist, Penance etc.).

-only signify a connection with the divine -do not save the soul -hinders the Christian on the journey

Church leaders used indulgences in order inspire Christians to do good works for:

-other members of the Catholic Church -themselves

For Luther, which of the following was/were not the main goal of the Christian life?

-performing works of satisfaction till death -receiving an indulgence before death -resisting mortal sin till death

which of the following were subscripts in the MCFAPS?

-radical -Progressives -moderates

which of the following were sub groups in the ECPS?

-radical -moderates

which of the following were subgroups among the MCFAPS?

-radicals -progressives -moderates

Why were the Anabaptists so opposed to infant baptism?

-regarded infant baptism as not an entrance to Christianity -infant baptism violates basic premise of Christian existence / identity (i.e., choice, personal faith) -infant baptism has no explicit basis in Scripture

Most medieval Catholic Christians regarded the Church in which of the following ways?

-reliable as a spiritual guide -correct in her teachings -the vehicle to salvation -like a mother

For Luther, which of the following was the main goal of the Christian life?

-retaining faith alone till death -trusting in God alone till death

The idea of justification by faith alone has not been referred to as which of the following?

-the material cause of the Reformation -the true cause of the Reformation -the underlying cause of the Reformation

The early Middle Ages did not have which of the following two academic institutions?

-universities -mini-satellite campuses connected to university

Most medieval Catholic Christians did not regard the Church in which of the following ways?

-unreliable as a spiritual guide -wrong in her teachings -not the vehicle to salvation -not like a mother

Please identify those outcomes that were not regarded as risks connected to indulgences during the Middle Ages?

-use of money for construction of a monastery -use of money for construction of a church -use of money for construction of an orphanage

please identify the answers below that we're not this under question of the mercy debate

-what most baptized Catholic Christian do to be saved from the temporal consequences of their mortal sins -what must baptized Catholic Christians do to be saved from the temporal consequences of their venial sins -what must Christians do to be saved from the eternal consequences of their mortal sins -what most baptized Catholic Christians do to be saved from the eternal consequences of their venial sins

Since which century did the papacy use indulgences?


The practice of indulgences dates back to which century? This was a period when Christians used the so-called "booklets of peace."


how many major perspectives on scripture emerged during the mercy debate


When did the Mercy Debate reach its apex?

400 AD

How long did the Council of Trent take to render its decisions on questions concerning salvation?

6 months

Which of the following texts provided the grounds for later reconstructions of Thomas' life and work in India?

Acts of Thomas

Which of the following definitions best describes a Christian mission?

An attempt to raise humanitarian funds in a financially challenged region

About 50 years ago, which of the following groups were typically omitted when historians used to talk about the Protestant Reformation?

Anabaptist Christians

When did the Mercy Debate begin?

Around 40-50s AD

Which of the following Christian Churches was the first to establish a church of immigrants on the island of Sri Lanka?

Assyrian (Nestorian)

The building of St. Peter's basilica is a testimony to the immense belief of 16th-century Catholics in the spiritual authority of the _______________.


from the list below identify the most important book of the New Testament for the adherence of the ECPS

Epistle James

Which of the following documents provided the key for the way the Council of Trent interpreted Paul's statements about salvation/justification by faith?

Epistle of James

Luther's understanding of salvation was most closely aligned to which of the following perspectives?


Which of the four perspectives listed below did not greatly shape the ways the average lay medieval Christian thought about their piety and overall religious commitments?


Marius victorinus is one of the major founders of the______

Faith alone Catholic perspectives on scripture

Merit is an action deserving of reward from which of the following ?


Luther wanted to remove which of the following authors from his German translation of the Bible.


The Council of Trent interpreted the Pauline Epistles and their statements on justification by faith most especially in light of which author(s)?


Which of the following New Testament authors provided the Council of Trent its overall framework for its understanding of justification by faith and good works.


Which of the following authors leaves an explicit affirmation of justification by good works?


Which of the following authors proved to be the most problematic for Luther's understanding of justification by faith alone?


Which of the following authors was understood by Luther as affirming justification by good works?


Which of the following authors, according to Luther, could easily lead someone to have a false understanding of salvation/justification?


According to medieval Catholic Christians, who founded the Catholic Church?


Which of the following groups defended justification by faith alone and not by good works?

Lutheran Christians

Because they agreed to the terms of the debate (i.e., authority of scripture above authority of Church), at the early stages of the Protestant Reformation the Anabaptists posed the greatest challenge to which of the following groups?

Lutheran and Reformed

The Council of Trent saw Luther as an adherent of which of the following perspectives?


Which groups used the language of faith alone as a description of the minimal requirement for salvation for Catholic Christians after baptism despite post-baptismal mortal sin?


In this lesson, the professor argued that which of the following conflicts was most important for understanding the debates of the sixteenth century over justification by faith alone.

Mercy Debate

Medieval theology (i.e., conversation and thinking about the Life Questions) was most indebted to which of the following events or persons from early Christianity?

Mercy Debate

Of the various factors discussed in this lesson, which has exerted the most influence on the ways sixteenth-century Christians discussed the problem of justification by faith alone?

Mercy Debate

One can differentiate the various perspectives in the mercy debate over which of the following issues?

Necessity of membership in the catholic church

For Luther, which of the following authors was normative for the Christian faith? In other words, what this author said, Luther believed, should govern how Christians think about salvation.


Which of the following authors was understood by Luther as affirming justification by faith alone?


Which of the following authors, according to Luther, was the most important for understanding the Christian message of salvation/justification?


On which corpus (i.e., body) of letters did Martin Luther lecture on during his years in the Order of the Hermits of St. Augustine?

Paul's Letters

From the following list of Sacraments, which was the most common means for the forgiveness of post-baptismal sin in the medieval Christian experience?


An indulgence was meant to replace (partially or completely) which part of the Sacrament of Penance?

Penance (i.e., reparation for the wrong done)

Christians from ________ had already planted a church on the island of Sri Lanka by at least the mid 550s A.D.


________ is by far the most powerful illustration of the idea of a shared heritage among Christians. This book contained reasons for and against various questions of theology.

Peter Abelard's Sic et Non (Yes and No)

This person wrote the most popular manual systematic theology in the Middle Ages. He was the Bishop of Paris and taught in a cathedral school. He was by far the most famous scholastic theologian because every teacher of theology used his book as a point of departure for further theological reflection, debate and innovation.

Peter Lombard

Who wanted to rebuild the Constantinian basilica and construct the largest basilica in Christendom for the benefit of all Christian people?

Pope Leo X

What was the main issue under debate at Marburg (1529)?

Presence of Christ in Eucharist

Medieval Catholic trust in the Church is comparable to ____________________.

Protestant Christian's trust in the Bible

_________ was a method of teaching and learning used in the universities, the schools of theology and the papal court.


_________ was a pedagogical (i.e., teaching and learning) method used in the universities, the schools of theology and the papal court.


The Treasury of merit, according to medieval Catholic theology, cannot be accessed in which of the following ways?

Sinful Behavior

Pope Leo X sought to rebuild which of the following Christian edifices?

St. Peter's Basilica

Which of the following religio-philosophical perspectives has had the most acceptance among the Chinese people over large swaths of time?

Taoism (or Daoism)

According to the early Christian sources such as the Acts of Thomas and (Pseudo-)Ephrem, who is regarded as the founder of South Asian Christianity?

Thomas the Apostle

Martin Luther taught at which Catholic university?

University of Wittenberg

What was the central question of the Mercy Debate?

What must baptized Catholic Christians do to be saved from the eternal consequences of their mortal sins?

From the following list, which is the most important source for the first arrival of Christianity in China?

Xi'an (Nestorian) Stele

Which is the most famous early Christian monument in East Asia? This monument was discovered in 1623/1625 and was buried for many years.

Xi'an (aka Nestorian) Stele

On the theological level, Teztel caused scandal to people such as Luther because Tetzel:

argued that indulgences could compensate for the worst of sins

When did Luther begin developing his theology of faith alone?

before the 1517 indulgences controversy

Luther began his public critique of the practice of preaching indulgences on which basis?

difficulty of obtaining salvation

from the list below identify the most important book of the New Testament for the adherence of the MCFAPS

epistle to the Romans

Pelagius is one of the major founders of______

ethical Catholic perfectives on scripture

Augustine is one of the major founders of the_____

ethical Catholics perspectives on scripture

Adherents to the merciful Catholic faith alone perspective on scripture defended the idea that after death bad Catholics would be purged through______.


The following definition "The free offer of the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ mediated through faith (i.e., trust) in God's Word (Promise) and the 2(3) Sacraments of the Church" goes with which term?


The ultimate goal of life for medieval Christians was which of the following?


Christians since the sixteenth century have been divided and united by a shared __________ of various sources (i.e., biblical, post-biblical, artistic, liturgical, theological, architectural etc.), which were in themselves at times divided.


What was the major strategy of the the Church of the East (i.e., Assyrian Church), according to the Xi'an stele, that led to massive Assyrian Christian success in seventh through tenth-century China?


The _____________ of the artifacts / sources of Christianity has played a tremendous role in how various Christian leaders have shaped their respective communities (e.g., Catholic, Lutheran, Anabaptist, Reformed, Anglican, etc.)


What was the major religious issue that separated Europe during the sixteenth century?

justification by faith alone

Which idea is Martin Luther most known for?

justification by faith alone

From a theological perspective, wat was the greatest danger to the ethical emphasis in medieval Catholicism?


Which of the following people/groups did the records of the Mercy Debate affect?


Throughout his work as a Christian commentator, Marius Victorinus believe that faith alone prevents_______

mortal sin

What is the single greatest threat to the primary goals of the Christian life?

mortal sin

An indulgence was meant to remedy partly or completely which of the following parts of the sacrament of penance?

penance (i.e., satisfaction for sin)

From the following list of adjectives, which would best describe medieval piety?:


The _________ model of the Christian life essentially tries to make up for the wrongs one has done in this life. The central idea is that one is attempting to lessen the time of one's suffering in purgatory and to make reparation for one's post-baptismal sins.


The term "Anabaptist" means _____________.


Medieval culture was shaped by _____________ via students.


The idea of justification by faith alone has been referred to as which of the following?

the formal cause of the Reformation

please identify the central question of the Mercy Debate

what must baptized Catholic Christians do to be saved from the eternal consequences of their moral sins?

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