Unit 1 Quiz Questions

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Rules of law are one example of which purpose of government? a. Providing public goods b. Maintaining order c. Maximizing individual freedom d. Protecting private property


The challenge of democracy in Europe was evident when Germany voted to exit the European Union in 2016. a. True b. False


The elastic clause is used as a basis to justify which kind of powers? a. Federal b. Implied c. Executive d. State


The framers of the government were not sure it could be sustained. One reason for this, is that it was believed that a republican government was suitable for a. only the larger colonies. b. only small territories. c. monarchy-run states. d. single-branch governments.


The main difference between today's liberals and conservatives hinges on their attitudes toward the a. level of government spending. b. purpose of government. c. established order of the government. d. government's role in providing public goods.


What belief was commonly shared by the Antifederalists? a. The Articles of Confederation should be abolished. b. The Constitution should not be ratified. c. State powers should be limited in scope. d. Political power should be more centralized.


What country represents the world's largest democracy, though it still has its problems? a. Canada b. India c. United States d. United Kingdom


What was created with the decision in Marbury v. Madison? a. Lemon laws b. Judicial review c. Miranda rights d. Supremacy clause


What was the original purpose of government? a. To validate and educate citizens b. To protect life and property c. To establish borders and territory d. To encourage business and commerce


When comparing majoritarian and pluralist models of democracy, the pluralist model relies most on the vast majority of citizens possessing political knowledge. a. True b. False


When the electoral college was created as the nation's official voting system, what fear related to the federal government was eliminated? a. Fear of checks and balances on the chief executive b. Fear of a popular vote controlled by the people c. Fear of implied powers in the Constitution d. Fear of a strong central government or monarchy


Where does governmental power lie in a republic? a. With the individual political parties b. With the elected representatives c. With the monarch d. Within individual states


Which form of government is designed so that power resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives? a. Direct democracy b. Republicanism c. Aristocracy d. Monarchy


Which model of democracy is based on the idea of what is fair, essentially forcing government officials to respond to public opinion? a. Pluralist b. Majoritarian c. Open d. Representative


Which of these situations demonstrates the concept of majority rule? a. Cecil was told that his opinion didn't matter because the government makes all of the decisions. b. Mallory said more than half of the group members would need to come to an agreement before a decision is made. c. Kent was told that a democracy promotes more equality than does a totalitarian government. d. Heidi and Edwin disagreed on the time to start the meeting so they left that decision up to another member of the group.


Which principle is in evidence when two or more governments exercise power and authority over the same people and the same territory? a. Confederation b. Federalism c. Utilitarianism d. Sovereignty


Which type of power does Congress rely on in order to take action and execute its enumerated powers? a. Veto powers b. Implied powers c. Supreme powers d. Necessary and proper powers


Why is the brevity of the U.S. Constitution considered to be one of its greatest strengths? a. It is less costly to print and produce. b. It allows for interpretation that keeps with changing times. c. It is easier for students to understand. d. It makes it easier for other nations to use as a model.


Why were the Sons of Liberty formed in the colonies? a. The group consisted of farmers who were protesting the merchants' policy to charge higher prices for their produce. b. The group was formed to protest and destroy items being taxed by the British. c. The Sons of Liberty were representatives of the British government formed to maintain loyalty to Britain. d. The Sons of Liberty drafted the first Constitution.


According to elite theory, the United States is not a democracy but a(n) a. dictatorship. b. imperial power. c. oligarchy. d. theocracy.


According to the text, why are most citizens willing to surrender their freedom to the control of the government? a. To prevent dissent and rebellion b. To regulate the central economy c. To obtain the benefits of government d. To demonstrate support for their leaders


Americans tend to think of freedom and equality as a. negative concepts. b. unimportant issues. c. complementary values. d. conflicting standards.


Based on Greek political thought concerning democracies, what type of government exists when one individual has the power to make all the important political decisions? a. Democracy b. Oligarchy c. Autocracy d. Dictatorship


By recognizing the legitimacy of the states as political divisions, the federal system also recognizes the importance of diversity, which is the foundation of a. sovereignty. b. preclearance. c. pluralism. d. autonomy.


Caroline plans to march with other female pilots as they protest higher salaries paid to male airline pilots. Which dilemma is their protest based on? a. Freedom b. Anarchy c. Equality d. Order


Presidential approval is a required step in the amendment process. a. True b. False


What compact among the thirteen original colonies established the first government of the United States? a. The Articles of Confederation b. The Reform Treaty c. The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts d. The Declaration of Independence


According to political scientist Robert Dahl, "instead of a single center of sovereign power there must be multiple centers of power . . ." Which form of government was he referring to? a. Pluralist democracy b. Majority rule c. Federalist d. Majoritarian


At one point in history, landowners had a strong hold on government power. What type of government existed at that time? a. Oligarchy b. Democracy c. Autocracy d. Anarchy


Charlotte is the superintendent of a disadvantaged school district that is funded by a federal grant. The funds allocated to Charlotte's district are determined by a set of specific rules and calculations, such as the number of students in the district or the rate of poverty. Which type of federal grant does this best describe? a. Formula b. Mandated c. Block d. Categorical


Franco tends to have a similar opinion about government policies, because he organizes his opinions into a consistent set of values and beliefs about the proper purpose and scope of government. In other words, Franco has a political ideology. a. True b. False


In recent years, the political parties in the United States have become a. more sharply divided along conservative and liberal dimensions. b. more progressive and less elitist. c. more representative of libertarian and communitarian ideologies. d. more heterogeneous and indistinguishable.


In the most well-known Federalist Paper, Federalist No. 10, James Madison famously argued that the new Constitution would a. break and control factions. b. keep the republic small and contained. c. obliterate the states and destroy liberty. d. promote the tyranny of mob rule.


James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 10 that the federal Constitution forms a happy combination of "great and aggregate" interests as well as "local and particular" interests, meaning that power a. was meant to be either exclusive or shared. b. was to be held strictly by the states. c. should be in the hands of the central government. d. can be clearly and equally divided between all forms of government.


National sovereignty can best be described as a political entity's right to a. exercise final authority over its affairs. b. right to disregard international law if it sees fit. c. overtake or control other national governments. d. take active part in the larger international community.


One big reason why democratization is very difficult for struggling nations is that things are complicated on an epidemic level by a. ethnic and religious conflicts. b. political and economic stability. c. market economies. d. capitalist elites.


President Lyndon B. Johnson believed that government should have policies that redistribute wealth and status so that equality can be achieved. Which idea does this demonstrate? a. Equality of outcome b. Political equality c. Social equality d. Equality of opportunity


Town meetings and neighborhood councils are examples of a participatory democracy at work. a. True b. False


What best describes the concept of home rule? a. It gives cities a measure of self-government and freedom of action. b. It defines the grants awarded only to states that follow prescribed rules. c. It refers to the administrative duties that restrict the governing power of counties. d. It allows the national government to dictate what states must do.


What is a main reason for why Antifederalist states agreed to ratify the Constitution? a. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. b. Amendments were added to more clearly define the branches of government. c. Components of the Articles of Confederation were incorporated. d. Amendments were added that reintroduced principles of the British government.


What is the division of power between a central government and regional governments, one that essentially creates two bodies of law? a. Federalism b. Ultimate sovereignty c. Unitary rule d. Checks and balances


What is the simplest way to define political equality? a. Each citizen receives one vote. b. Governments provide public services for all citizens. c. An individual is innocent until proven guilty. d. Every citizen is capable of running for political office.


What level of government do liberals believe to be in the best position to provide support for health care, housing, and other essential needs? a. Federal b. International c. Local d. State


What occurs when a preemption is put into place? a. The national government becomes responsible for a state government function. b. The voting public is allowed to determine the fate of an issue. c. The individual states are required to undertake an activity that follows national standards. d. State governments must shoulder the load of a national government activity.


What term is used for a country that has defined and recognized boundaries and its citizens have common characteristics regarding race, religion, customs, and language? a. Nation-state b. Direct democracy c. National federation d. Global village


What type of area would be overseen by a municipal government? a. City or town b. School or other "special" area c. County d. State


When conservatives argue for limiting the scope of the national government relative to the states, what are they making a case for? a. Dual federalism b. Implied consent c. Cooperative federalism d. Implied powers


Whether they intended to or not, the framers created a government that reflects which model of governing? a. Pluralist b. Monarchy c. Majoritarian d. Totalitarian


Which form (or forms) of government does the U.S. Constitution specifically recognize? a. The national government and state governments b. The national government, state governments, and local governments c. The national government, state governments, local governments, and international governments d. The national government


Which government dilemma does anarchism focus on? a. Freedom b. Order c. Equality d. Democracy


Which is an example of public goods? a. National parks b. Automobiles c. Online shopping d. Grocery stores


Which theory holds the view that a stable minority, often marked by vast wealth and business connections, should make most important government decisions? a. Elite theory b. Oligarchy theory c. Majoritarian theory d. Pluralist theory


Which theory sums up the relationship between the national government and the states by giving the national government limited functions and only enumerated powers, while empowering states as separate and sovereign spheres, building a solid wall between the two? a. Dual federalism b. Sovereignty c. Global interdependence d. Elastic clause


Which two ideologies oppose government activities such as affirmative action because they interfere with the market? a. Libertarians and conservatives b. Liberals and communitarians c. Liberals and conservatives d. Libertarians and communitarians


Why did the U.S. national government sue the state of Arizona over a law known as SB1070 adopted in 2010? a. Arizona was attempting to control and criminalize immigration behaviors. b. Arizona refused to pay the federal government employment taxes. c. Arizona implemented a handgun law that didn't require owner documentation. d. Arizona was lax in supporting Homeland Security measures.


By implementing mandates and restraints, what type of federalism has the national government created? a. Conciliatory b. Coercive c. Cooperative d. Laissez faire


Certain kinds of grants are earmarked for broadly-defined areas, such as education or health, allowing the recipient a lot of flexibility in spending the grant money within these areas. What are these grants called? a. Competitive b. Block c. Formula d. Categorical


Freedom of religion, speech, and press represent which form of freedom? a. The immunity from fear and want b. The absence of constraints on behavior c. The equal chance for success d. The preservation of life and property


Pluralist democracy makes a virtue of the struggle between competing interest groups, with each group having equal influence on government decisions. a. True b. False


How are votes viewed under the principle of political equality? a. Government decisions are not based on votes. b. There is one vote per person and each vote counts equally. c. A simple majority vote makes the ruling decision. d. Only the votes of the majority are considered valid.


In the creation of policy, most proponents of substantive democratic theory would agree that governments should guarantee a. responsiveness and universal participation. b. civil liberties and civil rights. c. social rights and economic rights. d. majority rule and political equality.


In the pluralist model of democracy, "government by the people" means government by people who a. are members of the elite. b. operate through competing interest groups. c. are eligible and qualified to vote. d. have been elected to public office.


In their analysis of various approaches to democracy, the authors argue that across all levels of government, the political system in the United States adheres most closely to the majoritarian model. a. True b. False


Economist Milton Friedman believed that free enterprise is necessary for free politics. Which ideology does his view represent? a. Libertarianism b. Totalitarianism c. Capitalism d. Socialism


Governments that employ democratic socialism will a. control social as well as political life and allow no private ownership. b. ban all government intervention in basic industries and other aspects of the economy. c. guarantee civil liberties and allow citizens to decide on the extent of government activity. d. reduce all services and controls until there is a withering away of the state.


How are competitive grants distributed? a. The recipient must meet the specific rules that define who is eligible for the grant. b. The money from this grant is distributed from one level of government to another. c. Potential recipients submit an application and the grant is awarded to the winner. d. These grants are distributed to promote a specific activity such as to teachers to learn a new science activity.


How was the new government to be organized under the Virginia Plan? a. Divided equally among the thirteen colonies with independent legislatures b. Recognition of the British monarchy and legislative branches that reported to the monarchy c. Separated into three branches and two houses in the legislature d. An executive branch for interpreting the law set by the legislative branch


If the federal government declares that no individual state is allowed to dump manufacturing waste into any open waterway, what type of intervention is in place? a. Mandate b. Preemption c. Restraint d. Referendum


In general, liberals are much more likely than conservatives to a. value swift and severe punishment for criminals. b. approve of the use of power to maintain order. c. approve of the use of power to promote equality. d. value the preservation of tradition patterns in social relations.


In which system of government do rank and file citizens rule themselves rather than electing representatives to govern on their behalf? a. Majoritarian government b. Representative democracy c. Participatory democracy d. Pluralist government


One of the main ideas behind the New Jersey Plan was to a. create a national judiciary and one or more supreme courts. b. preserve the spirit of the Declaration of Independence. c. give states with large and small populations equal representation. d. replace the Articles of Confederation.


Sebastian is an official who is responsible for drawing the district lines in his state. Through the preclearance process, the U.S. Department of Justice approved of Sebastian's redistricting. This means that the districts Sebastian created do not weaken the voting strength of a. the elderly. b. the wealthy. c. minority voters. d. small business owners.


The Chicago Sanitation District as well as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey are examples of government units created to perform particular functions, those that usually spill across ordinary jurisdictional boundaries. What are these units called? a. County governments b. Sovereign states c. Special districts d. Redistricted units


The Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were similar in that they all expanded a. the reliance of the democracy on majority rule rather than majority consent. b. the power to set progressive taxation and collect income tax. c. the right to vote to populations previously denied. d. the authority and responsibility of the chief executive.


The U.S. Constitution was written in a. 1776. b. 1879. c. 1787. d. 1679.


The idea of consent on the part of those who are governed is derived from which concept? a. Majoritarian model b. Separation of powers ideology c. Social contract theory d. Pluralist model


What is one of the questions addressed by the procedural democratic theory? a. Why are citizens an integral part of government? b. When should government make decisions for citizens? c. Who should participate in decision making? d. Where should government be centralized?


What version of democracy did the framers institute as they shaped the American system? a. Participatory democracy b. Majoritarian democracy c. Representative democracy d. Substantive democracy


Which 1780s event demonstrated that the "league of friendship" under the Articles was incapable of suppressing insurrection and keeping order, creating a sense of urgency at the Philadelphia convention to strengthen the national government? a. Second Continental Congress b. the War of Independence c. Shays's Rebellion d. The Boston Tea Party


Which method related to the constitutional amendment process is legally allowed but has never been used in U.S. history? a. Ratifying amendments via state convention b. Proposing amendments via two-thirds vote in the House and Senate c. Proposing amendments via national convention d. Ratifying amendments via three-fourths vote of the states


Which type of government deliberately chooses strict social order as its top priority as evidenced by the government eavesdropping on phone conversations and opening mail of private citizens? a. Capitalist b. Socialist c. Communist d. Democratic


The key difference between elite and pluralist theory lies in a. the financial resources government requires. b. the size of the voting population. c. the definition of "rule by the people." d. the durability of the ruling minority.


Alton, a recently elected senator, plans to adhere to the decision-making principles outlined by the procedural democratic theory during his time in office. Most importantly, Alton intends to vote how the majority of his constituents wants him to. Which decision-making principle does this demonstrate? a. Universal participation b. Political equality c. Majority rule d. Responsiveness


As a group, communitarians tend to believe that the government should a. leave individuals alone to pursue their own choices, rights, and self-interests. b. have no role in helping the disadvantaged or promoting moral values. c. value and promote freedom much more than equality or order. d. value both equality and order more than freedom.


In some countries the government has unlimited power—controlling all sectors of society and every aspect of individual behavior. Which ideology does this represent? a. Socialism b. Liberalism c. Laissez faire d. Totalitarianism


Michelle feels that she plays a role in the democratic process because she votes in every election. Which model of democracy does Michelle's vote represent? a. Elite b. Pluralist c. Libertarian d. Majoritarian


Nations around the world have police and judicial systems that use firearms and imprisonment to help control erratic human behavior. What term is used to denote this legitimate use of force? a. Authoritarianism b. Politics c. Nationalism d. Government


Political scientists use the metaphor of a marble cake, with intermingled swirls and random mixtures, to visually represent a. enumerated powers. b. dual federalism. c. implied powers. d. cooperative federalism.


Redistricting is the process of redrawing boundaries for electoral jurisdictions in order to reflect changes in a. financial need. b. income tax. c. geography. d. population.


Terrell is a vocal advocate of a hands-off government; he recognizes the need for a government, but believes that the implementation of social programs and the regulation of the economy are outside of its scope. Which political ideology do Terrell's views most align with? a. Totalitarianism b. Anarchism c. Socialism d. Libertarianism


The Articles of Confederation failed for several reasons, including the fact that the new national government a. was directed solely by the president. b. took too much power from the states. c. did not get the approval of all thirteen colonies. d. lacked the power to tax.


The main "compromise" represented in the Great Compromise settled an ongoing debate by creating the House and Senate, and then a. having all members chosen by an extraordinary majority of the public. b. requiring that they answer to the chief executive. c. allowing each state to decide how many delegates to designate. d. using a different form of representation in each.


The principles underlying the Declaration of Independence were rooted in the writings of which philosopher? a. Alexis de Tocqueville. b. Daniel Shays. c. Charles A. Beard. d. John Locke.


The text discusses the revolutions of the "Arab Spring" as examples of which process? a. Stealth democracy b. Divided authority c. Anarchy d. Democratization


Today, we think of globalization as a. a reliance on the free enterprise system among all countries. b. an expansion of industrialization throughout developed nations. c. a worldwide conflict between individual freedom and government control. d. the increasing interdependence of citizens and nations across the world.


What did John Locke believe was the basic purpose of government? a. To promote economic and religious prosperity b. To maintain control of land, minerals, waters, and forests c. To limit access to public goods d. To protect life, liberty, and property


Which 1819 Supreme Court case expanded the national government's role, through interpretation of the elastic clause, when it ruled that the government could establish a national bank? a. Printz v. United States b. United States v. Lopez c. Gibbons v. Ogden d. McCulloch v. Maryland


Which of these terms means "rule by the people"? a. Aristocracy b. Oligarchy c. Tyranny d. Democracy


Which two models of democratic government are used to evaluate the American governmental process? a. Conservative and liberal b. Republican and progressive c. Activist and popularist d. Majoritarian and pluralist


Which type of government grant might be used to train technology instructors on how to teach coding? a. Formula grants b. Project grants c. Block grants d. Categorical grants


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