Unit 1 Study Guide

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The religious revival that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s was called__________________.

Great Awakening

What are the unalienable rights Thomas Jefferson mentions in the Declaration of Independence?

In the Declaration of Independence, the unalienable rights that Thomas Jefferson mentions are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

What tradition did Jefferson draw upon as he wrote the Declaration of Independence?

In the Declaration, Jefferson draw upon the traditional English political rights. Jefferson and many Americans believed that these political rights were universal principles.

The idea that all people have natural rights could be traced back to what person?

John Locke

The ideas of ________ _________ influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

John Locke

When they signed the Mayflower Compact, the Pilgrims promised to _________.

Obey`` the laws passed "for the general good of the colony"

What do people in a representative government such as the British parliament elect people to do?

People in a representative government such as the British parliament elect people to make laws and conduct government affairs for them

The "Triangle Trade" and "Columbian Exchange" are terms used to describe the movement of goods between Western Europe, West Africa, and what other region?

The "Triangle Trade" and "Columbian Exchange" are terms used to describe the movement of good between Western Europe, West Africa, and North America.

What effect did the American Revolution have on France?

The American Revolution influenced the French Revolution. The French fought for "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity".

The American Revolution inspired what other country in the Americas to revolt in 1804?

The American Revolution inspired present day Haiti in the Americas to revolt in 1804.

The Declaration of Independence drew on the ideas found in the Magna Carta and what other document?

The Declaration of Independence drew on the ideas found in the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights.

The Declaration of Independence was influenced by which document that established the idea that governments must treat its citizens fairly?

The Declaration of Indpendence was influenced by the "Magna Carta" and the "English Bill of Rights" which established the idea that governments must treat its citizens fairly.

The English idea of representative government was realized in Virginia with establishment of what institute?

The English idea of representative government was realizedin Virginia after the Virginia House of Burgesses was established.

How did the Great Awakening of the mid-1700s affect the British colonies?

The Great Awakening of the mid-1700s brought political independence and brought together colonists from the north and south.

Which effects of the Great Awakening had a later impact on the rise of revolutionary fervor?

The Great Awakening united colonists from north to south in a common cause. This effect had a later impact on the rise of revolutionary fervor because there was a rapid spread of political ideas and there were many struggles for independence.

What were both the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights designed to do?

The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were specifically designed for limiting the power of the government.

Which document helped the pilgrims govern their new colony in Massachusetts?

The Mayflower Compact helped the pilgrims govern their new colony in Massachusetts.

Virginia's House of Burgesses was patterned after what English institution?

The Virginia's House of Burgesses was patterned after the English Parliament.

Which colony created the first written constitution?

The colony of Connecticut created the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This was the first written constitution.

What were the goals of the Declaration of Independence?

The goal of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonists felt the need to break from British rule.

Why was the House of Burgesses significant?

The house of Burgesses was significant because it set an example for a representative government. Then, other colonies began to set up their own legislatures.

What are the natural rights John Locke says all people have?

The natural rights John Locke says all people have are Life, Liberty, and Property.

The preamble of the Declaration of Independence states that people who wish to forma new country must do what?

The preamble of the Declaration states that people who wish to form a new country must explain their reason for doing so.

What were the two principles of government that the English colonists brought with them to America?

The two principles of government that the English colonists brought with them to America were limited government and representative government.

What did Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence believe people should do when their government takes away their rights?

Thomas Jefferson, being the writer of the Declaration of Independence, believed that people should alter or abolish the government when their rights are taken away.

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