Unit 2 Review Federal Government

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Which of the following executive officers is not legally independent of the governor?

Commissioner of education

The Internet was started in

1969, with support from the U.S. Department of Defense

The members of the Texas legislature must be provided with a list of registered lobbyists and their clients by

February 1 of each legislative session

The __________ Amendment to the Constitution prohibits states from denying the right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."


Which of the following is not a primary function of the Texas attorney general?

Prosecuting the most criminal cases in Texas

Which is a violation of open meeting laws in Texas?

Unannounced meetings

In the discipline of political science, party identification refers to

a sense of psychological attachment to a party

Legally mandated term limits reflect the

frustration of voters toward government officials controlled by special interests.

When a citizen contributes money to a candidate's campaign, he or she is engaging in

influencing behavior

A story that contains no policy content and is not related to the day's events but that commonly discusses popular personalities and is designed to draw greater viewer interest is called


"Iron triangles" are composed of which of the following?

interest groups, legislators, and bureaucrats

The power of the legislature to monitor and police itself is referred to as

legislative redress

The most influential bargaining tools of the governor are his or he

legislative tools of persuasion.

The salary of the governor is determined by the


Interest groups can be classified as economic, noneconomic, and


Interest groups pursuing both social equality and economic goals are classified as what type of group?

mixed groups

A centralized organization that dominated local politics by controlling elections, sometimes by illegal means, is known as a

party machine.

What theory takes the view that, in a free society, public policy should be made by a multitude of competing interest groups, ensuring that policies will not benefit a single elite at the expense of the many?

pluralist theory

The Texas governor has never been allowed to use the

pocket veto

A mass alliance of like-minded groups and individuals seeking broad changes in the direction of government policies is called a(n)

political movement.

The text defines __________ as the actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics.

political participation

Which group of legislators have extensive appointment power over boards, commissions, and legislative committees?

presiding officers

The system by which legislative seats are awarded to a party in proportion to the vote that party wins in an election is called _____ representation.


The main focus of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was to

relax the rules governing media ownership

A line-item veto allows the governor to do which of the following?

remove funds for specific items or projects without killing an entire bill

The ________ practices of special interest groups help them gain influence over public policy.

revolving door

By executive order, Governor Rick Perry directed the __________ to serve as his liaison for Texas border and Mexican affairs

secretary of state

Suspension of the rule refers to

setting aside the rule that puts bills in chronological order so that other bills can be considered

If the House and Senate wanted to change its rules and procedures or honor someone in the state, it would do so through the passage of a(n)

simple resolution

If someone formed the "Second Amendment Party, " a political party to run on a platform of removing regulations on gun ownership, that would be an example of a _________ party


All Texas legislators are elected using

single-member districts

The Republican Party was established in response to the issue of


Most democratic theorists agree that a modern nation-state cannot practice democracy without

at least two political parties regularly contesting elections

Constitutionally, a State of the State message must be given by the governor

at the beginning of each legislative session.

The Texas Department of Agriculture is responsible for

coordination of pesticide management policies and programs for the Department of Agriculture and several other state agencies.

In modern elections, candidates _______________ to learn about voters' interests.

commission public opinion polls

The process of transmitting information from one individual to another is called


A resolution requiring the House and the Senate to agree by simple majority and usually requiring approval by the governor is called a(n)

concurrent resolution.

Which of the following has occurred when a public official makes a decision that might result in a personal economic advantage?

conflict of interest

A(n) _____ campaign committee is an organization maintained by a political party to raise funds to support its own candidates in congressional elections.


Lobbyists influence the courts in Texas in all of the following ways EXCEPT

directly lobbying judges at all court levels.

When an organization decides to endorse and recommend that its members vote for the candidate more disposed to support their values, this is an example of


Members of the Legislative Redistricting Board are made up of


Defenders of interest groups argue that it is difficult for any one special interest group to dominate Texas state politics due to

the structure of the Texas government itself

One of the most persuasive tools the governor has is the

threat of vet

Which veto gives the governor the opportunity to shape legislation?

threat to veto

The 1876 Texas Constitution granted the governor clemency powers. These powers allow the governor

to pardon, parole, and grant reprieves to convicted criminals.

The majoritarian model of democracy favors

voting as the primary means of participation.

Which of the following can be said of interest groups in Texas?

Business and professional groups are the most powerful interests in the state and they are frequently aligned with the Republican Party.

______ is the process in which members slow the legislative process on a bill in such a way that the session ends before the bill can reach the floor for a vote.


Which of the following statements about interest groups is incorrect?

Interest groups nominate candidates for office.

All of the following are duties of the lieutenant governor EXCEPT

appoint members to conference and joint committees.

In general today, women politically participate

at about the same rate as men

The groups most affected by a government agency's regulations and programs are

clientele groups.

The blurring of lines between the state and a special interest group is called


The media executives, news editors, and prominent reporters who decide which events to report and how to report them are known as


Which of the following is NOT a formal qualification to become a member of the Texas House of Representatives?

having lived in Texas for five years prior to being elected

According to your text, a governor's ability to influence the making and executing of government policy depends largely on

his or her ability to utilize the tools of persuasion

Which of the following is NOT a power of the presiding officers of the legislature?

interpreting laws and giving advisory opinions

Available evidence seems to indicate that there are _________ among journalists and reporters.

liberal leaning

The line of succession places which official next in line, should the governor vacate the office?

lieutenant governor

Direct contact between an interest group representative and an officer of government is an example of


All of the following are appointed by the governor except

members of the State Board of Education.

Which of the following is NOT a tactic used by interest groups to influence decision makers?

nominate candidates for office

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as an important function of the news media in our political system?

polarizing the news

A direct primary is a

preliminary election to choose party candidates.

Fees charged by lawyer-legislators for services to clients, including those who have business with state agencies are referred to as

retainer fees

Which committee acts as screening mechanisms for bills by holding hearings, debating and marking up bills before allowing them to be considered by the whole House or Senate?


Subcommittees are divisions of

standing committees

The text defines suffrage and franchise as the right to


The percentage of eligible voters who actually vote in a given election is called

voter turnout.

Texas law states that ex-legislators

can become lobbyists with no restrictions.

Differences in the House and Senate version of a bill are resolved in

conference committees.

How long may a member of the House debate a bill?

10 minutes

____________ was the first candidate elected as a Republican.

Abraham Lincoln

The South still casts many votes for Democrats because of the high proportion of

African Americans

Who was the leader of the Federalists?

Alexander Hamilton

According to state law, which of the following statements about lobbying is incorrect?

All lobbyists must file financial reports with the secretary of state.

The attorney general is the lawyer for which of the following?

All of the above

Which characteristic of the structure of government in Texas makes it difficult for one interest to dominate the whole government?

All of these choices are true.

Which of the following is correct about compensation for Texas legislators?

Although the Texas Ethics Commission can increase per diem allowances, the voters must approve salary increases for legislators.

In the history of Texas, the only other female governor other than Miriam Ferguson was

Ann Richards.

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the impeachment and removal from power of officials in Texas?

An impeachment session may be called by the legislature without the governor's approval.

______ is the fabrication of public support for issues supported by industry and special interest groups, but which give the impression of widespread public support

Astroturf lobbying

Content analysis of the 2012 presidential campaign, suggests that more "good press" focused on

Barack Obama

Which of the following was the first known act of unconventional participation in America?

Boston Tea Party

Which of the following is a unique aspect of the speaker of the house of the Texas legislature?

Candidates must campaign to be elected speaker of the house

What is the most important constitutional duty for the comptroller of public accounts?

Certifying the approximate biennial revenue for the state

A country where the government heavily censors Internet news and search engines is


Which event helped to shape the partisan patterns of the North and South for nearly a century?

Civil War

_________ is/are most concerned with the laws and policies being administered by a government agency

Clientele interest groups

Which of the following is not a responsibility of the Texas commissioner of agriculture?

Coordinating pesticide management policies and programs

Black Americans shifted significantly to the Democratic Party in the 1960s largely in response to

Democratic Party support for civil rights legislation.

People who have lower incomes and less education are more likely to consider themselves


Because of a history of discrimination, Texas was one of nine states required to receive preclearance of any changes to their voting laws from the

Department of Justice

Which statement about Texas's executive branch is NOT true?

Elected officials are directly responsible to the governor

Which of the following statements best describes a Texas governor's term in office?

Four years per term, with no limit on the number of terms

Which of the following is NOT correct about gerrymandering?

Gerrymandering is not possible if the population of every district is equal

Which of the following statements about the Texas attorney general's advisory opinions is incorrect?

Government officials usually do not follow these opinions as they are not binding.

The _________ provides bill analyses, floor reports, issue focus reports, and interim news to legislators and the public

House Research Organization

What was the purpose of the Twelfth Amendment?

It required the electoral college to vote separately for president and vice president.

Which group is underrepresented in the Texas legislature relative to their percentages in the general population?


The ______ is a joint legislative committee that provides research support, information, and bill-drafting assistance to legislators

Legislative Council

_________ serve as a liaison between the office of the governor and the legislature.

Legislative assistants

The amendment granting women's suffrage is the

Nineteenth Amendment.

During the decades from the economic depression of the 1890s until the stock market crash in 1929, presidential elections were dominated by the __________ Party.


The governor may be removed from office only by impeachment with conviction by the


____________ is the tradition of allowing a senator to reject the governor's appointment of a political enemy from the senator's district.

Senatorial courtesy

The term Solid South refers to the

South's consistent Democratic voting record for much of the twentieth century.

Which of the following concerning campaign contributions for state house and senate candidates in Texas is correct?

State law forbids giving and accepting campaign contributions 30 days before the start of a legislative session

______ standing committees consider the content of bills that have been introduced and specialize in various types of public policy, such as taxation, education, or agriculture.


The _____ Party is not considered a political party


Which state agency has the responsibility to establish standards of conduct for lobbyists?

Texas Ethics Commission

Those who are against short-term biennial sessions in Texas would argue that

Texas legislators cannot possibly acquaint themselves with the immense volume of legislation presented to them.

What are the terms for office for members of the legislature?

Texas senators are elected for four-year staggered terms; representatives are elected for two-year terms.

__________ makes recommendations as to the alteration, termination, or continuation of about 130 state boards, commissions, and agencies

The Sunset Advisory Commission

Which two individuals are the presiding officers of the state legislature?

The lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house

Which statement about the legislature's power to override bills vetoed by the governor is incorrect?

The vast majority of bills are passed and sent to the governor during the early days of the session so that he or she has plenty of time to veto them.

The early Republicans (also known as the Democratic Republicans) were led by

Thomas Jefferson.

A practice where politicians award contracts to their political supporters in the business community is called

a contract spoils.

In the early days of America, the president was chosen by

a group of political elites in the Electoral College.

The Texas Register is used by state agencies to provide

a notice of the agencies' intent to make a rule

Final passage of a bill requires a vote of

a simple majority in both houses.

Bringing formal charges of impeachment against a Texas governor requires

a simple majority vote of the House of Representatives

The ability to "get in the door" to sit down and talk to public officials is called


What type of committee is designed to address one specific task in the legislative process and then is disbanded when its function is complete?

an ad hoc committee

When citizens join together in a voluntary organization in order to influence public policy, they act as

an interest group

In Texas, when the agriculture industry forms a relationship with the commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture as well as with members of the house and senate agriculture committee, this is an example of

an iron triangle.

In order to be a successful lobbyist, which personality trait would be most helpful?

being extroverted

The literacy tests that were used in the southern states after 1870 worked primarily against


The fairness doctrine required

broadcast stations to provide fair coverage of all views on public issues

Which profession is the most frequently represented in the Texas legislature?

business owners or executives

The legislature has the constitutional power to override the governor's veto

by a two-thirds vote.

Which of the following is NOT a way that interest groups educate the public?

by the use of print and broadcast advertising

A system that allows the chief executive to appoint and remove top-level administrators, thereby giving the chief executive more control over the administration is called

cabinet system.

The fact that legislators in Texas meet for only 140 days every other year and receive only a small income for the work they do helps to characterize the legislature in Texas as a ______ legislature


What is the name of the gerrymandering technique that divides up a minority party's voters into so many geographical districts that their voting power in any one district is negligible?


The category of bills known as special bills

create exceptions to laws already enacted

When an election elicits a sharp change in the existing patterns of party loyalty among groups of voters, it is called a(n) _____ election.


Legislators who interpret their role as being in the legislature to represent a majority of voters' interest would be described as what type of representative?


The idea that elected bodies should accurately represent not only constituents' political views but also the ethnic and social characteristics that affect their political perspectives is termed ______ representation.


Of all the social and economic variables affecting political participation, _________ is the strongest single factor


What theory takes the view that the state is ruled by a small number of participants who exercise power to further their own self-interest?

elitist theory

Business and agriculture interest groups are interested in all of the following EXCEPT

encouraging government regulations

Which industry group(s) in Texas had the largest number and maximum value of contracts signed with lobbyists?

energy and natural resources

The__________ required any broadcast station that gave or sold time to a candidate for a public office to make an equal amount of time available under the same conditions to all other candidates for that office.

equal opportunities rule

As an economic interest group, labor unions seek all of the following EXCEPT

fighting social injustice in the workplace.

Which method can be used only in the Senate to delay and maybe kill a legislative measure?


The first newspapers in the United States were

financed by political parties that advocated party causes

The entire senate or house acting as a whole to debate, amend, and vote on legislation defines

floor action

The House Calendars Committee controls the

flow of legislation from the committees to the House floor.

The informal powers of the governor are largely derived from the _______ that are stated in the law or the constitution..

formal (legal) powers

Which term best describes the executive branch in Texas?


Drawing district lines in such a way as to give an advantage to candidates from a certain party, ethnic group, or faction at the expense of other groups is a practice known as


Before a legislative session begins, a lobbyist must have successfully completed all of the following EXCEPT

getting to know the family members of legislators because through them the member can be influenced.

Communication in a democracy must move from government to citizens and from citizens to


Once a special session of the legislature has been called, the agenda is determined by the


Which of these groups could be viewed as a mixed or hybrid organization?

groups fighting discrimination on the basis of disability

During a presidential election, the tendency of journalists to limit coverage of campaigns to the candidate who is leading or behind in the polls at the time, rather than chiefly covering the issues, is known as

horse race journalism

The Federal Communications Commission is a(n) _____ that is insulated from political control by the Congress or president.

independent regulatory commission

The primary goal of interest groups is to

influence government policy makers

Dynamic alliances among a wide range of individuals and groups activated by broad public policy questions are

issue networks.

If the legislature is in session and the governor refuses to sign a bill,

it becomes law in 10 days.

Political scientists know less about unconventional forms of political participation because

it is easier to collect data on conventional practices.

Which of the following is employed to express the values of interest groups?


Characteristics frequently associated with nonvoters are

low education, low income, and being relatively young.

The short-term biennial sessions in Texas

necessitate the need for more 30-day special sessions.

The most distinctive characteristic of the Texas administration is

no one is officially in charge of the administrative apparatus

The four most important functions of a political party are structuring the voting choice in elections, proposing alternative government programs, coordinating the actions of government officials and

nominating candidates for election to public office

Which is NOT a tool used by interest groups to influence state decision makers?

nominating candidates for office

What type of interest group seeks the betterment of society as a whole or the reform of the political, social, or economic system in ways that do not directly affect their member's pocketbooks?

noneconomic interest groups

__________primaries weaken parties more because it allows voters to float between parties rather than require the voters to participate in the party in which they are registered


Which of the following are LEAST likely to subscribe to the Texas Register?

ordinary citizens

When legislators monitor state agencies to see that the agencies are carrying out public policies as intended, they are engaged in


Placing the minority party into as few districts as possible to minimize the number of legislators it can elect is a practice known as


In his or her role as Chief of State, the Texas governor

performs various ceremonial duties

When a committee refuses to release a bill, this is referred to as a(n)


"Pairing" involves

placing two incumbent officeholders in the same elective district through redistricting

The ability of groups to make government respond to their special problems is best related to ________ theory.


A __________ election is a preliminary election conducted within a political party to select candidates who will run for office.


The traditional division of mass media into _________ has been made problematic by the Internet

print and broadcast

A conflict of interest is problematic for the public because a

public officer may choose personal interest over the interests and welfare of the public.

The revenues from the management of public lands are dedicated to the Permanent School Fund, which benefit

public schools

The first media technology to make broadcast journalists into household names was


The redrawing of district and precinct lines following the national census to reflect population changes defines


The principle of legislative accountability has been implemented by all of the following except

redistricting board

In Texas, the right of people to join an interest group is a fundamental right

spelled out in both the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution

Which party of ideological protest is best known for arguing against government action in society?

the Libertarian Party

Lobbyists are able to have influence on the policy-making process after a law leaves the legislature because

the Texas legislature gives the bureaucracy a great deal of administrative discretion in enforcing the law.

The system of officials and their employees administering or managing government policies and programs is called

the bureaucracy.

The march from Selma demonstrated to the nation the seriousness of

the civil rights problem.

The Iron Texas Star is composed of a coalition of interests that include all of the following except

the comptroller

By law, the U.S. presidential election occurs

the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

What is a blocking bill?

the first bill placed on the senate calendar each session

Texas has a plural executive, which means that

the governor shares executive power with several other independently elected executives and boards.

Mass media refers to

the means of communicating to audiences.

All of the following must be reported by lobbyists EXCEPT

the number of times they meet with members of Congress

The "revolving door" refers to

the practice of ex-legislators becoming lobbyists.

As a lobbyist you would rather have the support of

the presiding officers of the legislator

Mike Toomey's career is an example of

the revolving door.

When it was first ratified, the Constitution provided that the vice president would be

the runner-up in the electoral college

The framers of the Constitution left the issue of voter enfranchisement to

the states.

Where in the Constitution are political parties discussed?

they are not discussed in the Constitution

Why would a governor appoint a blue-ribbon commission?

to serve as a trial balloon to measure public acceptance of various proposals

Late train contributions are campaign funds given

to the winning legislative candidate.

An organization created by smaller interest groups to promote common goals is identified as what type of organization?


When journalists consider it their job to be critical of politicians, searching for inaccuracies in fact and weaknesses in argument, this is called

watchdog journalism.

Compared to those of other states, the governor of Texas has

weaker normal administrative powers.

Government employees who expose bureaucratic excesses, blunders, corruption, or favoritism are called


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