unit 2 topic 3 Navigation Rules...Traffic Laws of the Waterways

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A vessel is coming upon another vessel from behind or nearly behind the other vessel

meeting head-on

A vessel operator sees another vessel ahead or nearly ahead

give-way vessel

The vessel that is required to take early and substantial action to keep well away from other vessels by stopping, slowing down, or changing course. Avoid crossing in front of other vessels. Any change of course and/or speed should be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel. (A series of small changes should be avoided.)

stand-on vessel

The vessel that must maintain its course and speed unless it becomes apparent that the give-way boat is not taking appropriate action; if you must take action, do not turn toward the give-way boat or cross in front of it

stand-on vessel

The vessel that must maintain its course and speed unless it becomes apparent that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action. If you must take action, do not turn toward the give-way vessel or cross in front of it.


The vessel that is overtaking another vessel is the give-way vessel, regardless of whether it is a sailing vessel or a power-driven vessel. The vessel being overtaken is always the stand-on vessel.


The vessel that is overtaking another vessel is the give-way vessel. The vessel being overtaken is the stand-on vessel.

give- way vessel

The vessel that is required to take early and substantial action to keep well away from other vessels by stopping, slowing down or changing course


All operators should navigate with extreme caution if visibility is ____

risk of collision

Any situation when an approaching vessel continues on a collision course (the bearing of the approaching vessel does not change), or anytime you are approaching a very large vessel

risk of collision

Any situation when an approaching vessel continues on a collision course (the bearing of the approaching vessel does not change), or when you are approaching a very large vessel

engaged in commercial fishing

Any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls, or other fishing equipment that restricts maneuverability; however, does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing equipment that do not restrict maneuverability

vessel engaged in fishing

Any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls, or other fishing equipment that restricts maneuverability; however, this does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing equipment that does not restrict maneuverability

power-driven vessel

Any vessel propelled by machinery, including a sailboat using an engine

sailing vessel

Any vessel under sail and with no engine in use

paths that cross

The vessel on the operator's port (left) side is the give-way vessel. The vessel on the operator's starboard (right) side is the stand-on vessel

1. Practice good seamanship. 2. Keep a proper lookout. 3. Maintain a safe speed.

Collisions can be prevented easily if every vessel operator fulfills three major responsibilities:


Direction from which the wind is blowing, or upwind.


Direction toward which the wind is blowing, or downwind.


Due to the lack of protection, PWC collisions are more likely to be ____ for the operator and any passengers.


Every ______ is responsible for avoiding a collision. In complying with the navigation rules, operators must consider all dangers of navigation; risk of collisions; and any special conditions, including the limitations of the boats involved. These considerations may make a departure from the navigation rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.


Every kind of watercraft capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, including seaplanes

restricted; power-driven

Every vessel must proceed at a safe speed given the conditions of ______ visibility. A _______ vessel must have its engines ready to maneuver immediately.

keeping a proper lookout

Failing to keep a sharp lookout is the most common cause of collisions. Every operator must keep a proper lookout, using both sight and hearing, at all times. Watch and listen for other vessels, radio communications, navigational hazards, and others involved in water activities. This is:


The rules that follow cover most of the situations you will encounter as a recreational boater. However, be aware that there are exceptions to the rules. For example if, you approach a vessel that has less maneuverability than your vessel, the other vessel will usually be the _____ vessel

give way

If a sailing vessel with the wind on its port (left) side cannot determine whether a windward sailing vessel has the wind on the left or the right, it should _______to the windward vessel.


If operating a power-driven vessel, you must always give way to a sailing vessel unless the sailing vessel is _____ your vessel.

1. Any vessel not under command, such as an anchored or disabled vessel 2. Any vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver, such as a vessel towing, laying cable, or picking up navigation markers, or a vessel constrained by its draft, such as a large ship in a channel 3.A vessel engaged in commercial fishing 4.A sailing vessel, unless it is overtaking

If operating a power-driven vessel, you must give way to:

Any vessel not under command Any vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver A vessel engaged in commercial fishing

If operating a sailing vessel, you must give way to:

stand on vessel

The vessel on the operator's port (left) is the give-way vessel. The vessel on the operator's starboard (right) is the stand-on vessel.

the same

It is extremely important that a PWC encountering another PWC follow______ navigation rules that apply to motorboats or any other power-driven vessel.

good seamanship

It is the responsibility of every boat or personal watercraft (PWC) operator to take all necessary action to avoid a collision, taking into account the weather, vessel traffic, and limits of other vessels. Such action should be taken in ample time to avoid a collision and at a safe distance from other vessels. This is :


Most fatalities involving PWCs result from injuries caused by ____ and not from drowning.

meeting head on

Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel. Both vessels should turn to starboard (the right)

meeting head on

Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel. Both vessels should turn to starboard (the right).


The navigation rules contained in this course summarize the basic navigation responsibilities for a boat operator on inland waterways. Additional and more in-depth rules apply to various types of waterways, such as International Waters and Western Rivers, and to operation regarding commercial vessels and other watercraft. It is the responsibility of an operator to know and follow all the navigation rules. For a complete listing of the navigation rules, refer to the U.S. Coast Guard publication, Navigation Rules (COMDTINST 16672.2 Series) available online. For state-specific navigation requirements, refer to the laws of the state where you intend to boat.


Not anchored, tied to shore, or aground

maintaining a safe speed

Safe speed is the speed that ensures you will have ample time to avoid a collision and can stop within an appropriate distance. Safe speed will vary depending on conditions such as wind, water conditions, navigational hazards, visibility, surrounding vessel traffic density, and the maneuverability of your boat or PWC. Always reduce speed and navigate with extreme caution at night and when visibility is restricted. This is:

1. How are the two vessels propelled? 2. How are the two vessels approaching one another?

The action a vessel operator should take when encountering another vessel depends on the answers to two questions:


The navigation rules also require operators to stop and render ____to a vessel in distress unless doing so would endanger their own vessel or passengers.

restricted visibilty

The navigation rules also require operators to stop and render assistance to a vessel in distress unless doing so would endanger their own vessel or passengers.


The operator and passengers ride on top of the PWC instead of down inside it. There are no hulls or other enclosures to provide protection from the impact of a ______.

meeting head on paths that cross

The power-driven vessel is the give-way vessel. The sailing vessel is the stand-on vessel

how are the two vessels propelled?

Two power-driven vessels Two sailing vessels A power-driven vessel and a sailing vessel

paths that cross

Two vessels are on crossing paths so as to involve risk of collision

reduce speed to the minimum

Unless a risk of collision does not exist, an operator who hears the fog signal of another vessel ahead, is in a close-quarters situation with another vessel ahead, or detects the presence of another vessel by radar must ______ at which the vessel can be kept on course. If necessary, the operator should reduce speed to "idle speed.


When two sailing vessels are approaching one another with the wind on different sides, the sailing vessel with the wind on its _____ side is the stand-on vessel.


When two sailing vessels are approaching one another with the wind on the same side, the ______ sailing vessel is the stand-on vessel.

leeward vessel

refers to the vessel that is downwind of the other

windward vessel

refers to the vessel that is upwind of the other

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