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Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the role of context effects in memory?

Amy studied for a vocabulary test in the same classroom and at the same time of day as the normal class, and she performed better on the test than students who studied in different classrooms under different conditions.

Which of the following scenarios is an example of retroactive interference?

Carl tries to remember the name of his first boss, but he cannot because he keeps thinking of the name of his current boss.

According to research by Fergus I. M. Craik and Endel Tulving on levels of processing, which of the following would most improve the ability to recall the word "umbrella"?

Deciding whether an umbrella would be useful to pack for a trip

When Gustavo goes through lists of inventory items and thinks about whether each one is a fruit or not, he remembers more of the items on those lists later than when he goes through lists of inventory items and does not think about what each item is. Which of the following concepts best explains Gustavo's performance?

Elaborative encoding, because engaging in deeper processing improves memory.

Which of the following psychologists is most strongly associated with research on false memories?

Elizabeth Loftus

Dr. Rudolph's class has a big test coming up next week. Which of the following students is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation?

Elizabeth studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.

Which of the following is an example of the tip-of-the-tongue effect?

Emma is telling her friend what she did over summer vacation when she discovers she cannot think of a specific word that she would like to say. She stops telling the story, because she has the distinct feeling that she is about to be able to think of the word if she waits just a moment.

Which of the following best illustrates Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve?

Erik studied Italian in college. After he graduated, he went backpacking in Europe, where he realized he had forgotten a lot of Italian. Years later, he went on another trip to Italy and was surprised to discover that he remembered about the same amount of Italian as during his first trip.

Which of the following statements is true of Hermann Ebbinghaus and his research?

He memorized and later recalled hundreds of nonsense syllables to document memory decay.

After Doug witnessed two cars involved in a car accident, a police officer asked Doug how fast the cars were going when the accident happened. According to research by Elizabeth Loftus, which of the following questions could the officer ask that would make Doug most susceptible to the misinformation effect?

How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?

Which of the following describes one of the functions of the temporal lobe of the brain?

It is where declarative memories are stored.

Which of the following statements is true of insight problem solving?

It requires an incubation period in which the problem solver can start fresh on the problem.

Janie is successful with word games that require her to create words out of a series of letters. Which of the following combinations most likely contributes to her success?

Linguistic intelligence and heuristics

When studying for a vocabulary test, Catherine read one of her vocabulary words and its definition aloud several times. About twenty seconds later, she still remembered the word's meaning, but then she moved on to the next word in the list without engaging in any further strategies to enhance her memory. The next day, she tested herself on the same vocabulary word at the same time, in the same mood, and in the same location as when she had first studied the word, but she could not remember its definition. It is most likely that Catherine could not remember the word because she failed to engage which of the following memory functions?

Long-term memory, because Catherine failed to encode the word; therefore, the word did not become a part of her long-term memory.

Which of the following occurs during long-term potentiation?

Memory improves because neural pathways are strengthened.

Which of the following is true of analogies in supporting problem solving?

Relevant analogies usually help people solve problems, but people often do not spontaneously think of relevant analogies.

Which of the following scenarios involves using cued recall?

Steven studies a list of word pairs and is later given the first word of each pair and asked to recall the second word in the pair.

Achariya is lost. She quickly scans the crowd and decides to ask an elderly woman for directions because she believes the woman will be kind. Which method of problem solving did Achariya most likely use

The representativeness heuristic

When rehearsal of incoming information is prevented, which of the following will most likely occur?

There will be no transfer of the information to long-term memory.

Which of the following best describes the primacy effect?

When people have better recall of things that occur at the beginning of a sequence

When Cory is given a logic problem to solve, he systematically tries every possible solution until he finds the correct answer. Cory's strategy is to use


Using a mathematical formula to find the solution to a problem is an example of

an algorithm

Professor Belvedere wants to help her anatomy students memorize the names of different parts of the body. Which of the following techniques will best help her students?

asking them questions about the meaning of each word.

Creativity is most closely associated with which of the following?

divergent thinking

During English class, Caleb is worried about an unfinished history project he needs to turn in later in the day. While the English teacher and other students discuss a short story the class just read, Caleb's attention is focused on how to finish the history project. The next day he is unable to recall the short story details presented in English class.

encoding failure

A childhood friend asked Jeffrey whether he remembered where they went on summer vacation when they were eight years old. Jeffrey's ability to recall correctly will rely on which of the following?

eposiodic memory

Denny does not have wrapping paper to use to wrap a birthday present, and so he decides to use colorful newspaper comics instead. Denny's solution demonstrates that he has overcome

functional fixedness

Martine needs a hammer but cannot find one. As she looks around her apartment, her gaze passes over a metal paperweight and some other objects that could potentially serve as a makeshift hammer. However, she is so focused on these objects' typical uses that she does not think to use any of them as a hammer. Martine is experiencing which of the following?

functional fixedness

When Joe arrives at the library, he can choose from any of several strategies that might help him find the book he needs. He could examine all the books on every shelf, and be certain that he would eventually find the book he wants, but this strategy would take too long. Joe decides instead to ask a librarian to direct him to the appropriate section of the library. Joe is using


A group of friends watched a recent episode of a crime investigation show and concluded that they would have been able to figure out who was responsible for a crime more proficiently than did the television investigators. The friends' overestimation of their ability to determine who committed the crime is most likely due to a reasoning error known as

hindsight bias

Bailey and Marcus packed everything they thought they would need for a weekend camping trip. When it rained and they realized they had not brought rain gear, Bailey said, "I knew we should have packed raincoats!" Bailey's thinking illustrates which of the following concepts?

hindsight bias

Which area of the brain is not well developed until after three years of age, offering a possible explanation for infantile amnesia?


Hillary glances at a graph and then turns her head away less than a second later. When she tries to immediately remember what she saw, which of the following types of memory does Hillary use?


When Amy was seven years of age, she had a babysitter from France. During this time Amy learned to speak a little French. Years later, when Amy got to college, she signed up for a beginning French class. Amy learned the material in her French class much more quickly than her classmates did. Amy's rapid learning was most likely due to

implicit memory

Although she has not sustained any injuries, Riley cannot remember anything before the age of three. She is most likely experiencing

infantile amnesia

The difficulty many people have recalling the details of common objects such as pennies can best be explained by

lack of encoding

A person uses the availability heuristic to

make a decision quickly by using the first information that comes to mind

Which of the following activities most directly relies on the hippocampus?

memorizing the layout of an neighborhood

Raj, a four-year-old child, learned to open the door to a classroom by pulling on the handle. Now whenever he approaches any door he pulls on the handle and is confused when that does not work. This is best explained by Raj's having developed which of the following for door opening?

mental set

When a list of words is learned in order, the words most likely to be forgotten are those that are

middle of the list

The cerebellum is most directly involved in

motor learning

A man sustains a head injury. After the injury, he is able to tie his shoes, but he does not recall where he lives. Which aspect of the man's memory is intact and which aspect is dysfunctional, respectively?

procedual and semantic

Matthew learned to play the violin at a very early age. He is able to play several songs from memory, but he does not remember learning to play them. Matthew's ability to play the violin depends on which of the following types of memory?


The difference between divided attention and selective attention is that divided attention

requires more automatic processing than selective attention does

When Lois looks at her wedding pictures, she has vivid memories of the early years of her marriage. The pictures serve as

retrieval cues

Jordan learns a trick to solve one particular type of math problem. He then uses the same trick to solve other types of math problems, even though it does not work and he keeps getting the wrong answer. Jordan's use of the trick is an example of


After visiting her professor's office, Rachel writes down everything she remembers seeing there. She correctly remembers many details, but she falsely remembers seeing books even though there were no books in the office. Additionally, she did not remember seeing a skull that was in the office. Which memory concept best explains why Rachel falsely encoded the books and failed to encode the skull?


Dr. Roberts conducts a study in which one group of participants counts the number of syllables in each member of a list of twenty words, and the second group creates stories from the same set of words. When later asked to write down as many of the previously seen words as possible, the second group of participants recalls more words than the first group. This study shows the importance of

semantic encoding

To help himself remember the name of his new colleague, Hope, Jose thinks about the meaning of her name—the feeling of hopefulness. Which of the following concepts best corresponds to Jose's strategy?

semantic encoding

In an experiment, either a sad video or a happy video was shown to participants to influence their moods. The participants were then asked to memorize a list of words. Later, the participants were again shown either the same video they had seen before memorizing the words or they were shown the other video, and they were then asked to recall the words they had memorized previously. The results of the experiment, summarized in the chart above, best illustrate which psychological concept?

state dependent memory

In legal cases, Elizabeth Loftus' research on the misinformation effect is most often used to cast doubt on which of the following?

the memory of eyewitness

A few people witness an assault. Before the police arrive, one witness confidently tells the others that the assailant was wearing a green shirt, though in fact the shirt was blue. Later, when the police interview each witness individually, almost all of them state that they remember a green shirt. The memory error is referred to as

the misinformation effect

Piper reads about someone described as adventurous and extroverted. She then judges that this person is more likely to be a lawyer who enjoys hiking than a lawyer who does not. The best explanation for Piper's error is that she is basing her judgment on

the representativeness heuristic

The feeling that you know someone's name, but cannot quite recall it, is an example of

the tip-of-the-tounge phenemon

If mice lack an enzyme essential to the process of long-term potentiation, which of the following will be the most likely consequence?

they are unable to learn a maze

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