Unit Test: Toward a More Perfect Union

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A difference between the inaugural addresses of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln was that

Davis described the form of government his nation would take.

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln lost the Senate seat to Stephen Douglas because

Democrats won the majority in the legislature.

Which best describes President Lincoln's reaction to the formation of the Confederate States of America?

He refused to accept the act of secession.

Why was George McClellan's leadership a disadvantage during the Civil War?

He was too cautious.

In addition to voting for seccession, what else did South Carolina propose at its state convention held following the election of 1860?

It called for a confederacy of the Southern states.

Why was Fort Sumter's location important?

It protected commercial areas of the southern coast.

Which best states why the Confederacy wanted control of Fort Sumter?

It was located within the Confederacy, and it protected coastal commercial areas.

How would the early Republican Party have felt about the Dred Scott decision?

It would have opposed it because it weakened free labor.

Who became president of the Confederacy in 1861?

Jefferson Davis

Who became the nominee of the Constitutional Union Party in the presidential election of 1860?

John Bell

A major difference between Lincoln's and Douglas's views on slavery was that

Lincoln believed slavery should not spread, while Douglas believed each state should decide the matter for itself.

Which best compares the attitudes of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis about Fort Sumter?

Lincoln did not want armed conflict at Fort Sumter, but Davis acted quickly to cripple Union forces.

When he became president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis believed that

Lincoln would force states that seceded back into the Union.

Delegates from which state took part in the meeting to form a new Confederate government in February 1861?


During the Southern secession of 1861, which state voted last to leave the Union?


During the Civil War, which leader often had fewer troops available for battle?

Robert E. Lee

Who commanded the Confederate army during the Civil War?

Robert E. Lee

Who supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?

Senator Stephen Douglas

A result of the Confederacy's creation in early 1861 was that

Southern states declared themselves independent from the US.

Which best describes the reaction of other Southern states to South Carolina's secession?

They voted to secede from the Union.

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act anger many members of the Free-Soil Party?

They were afraid the territories would be filled with slaveholders.

Abraham Lincoln become a nationally known political figure based on

a series of public debates with Stephen Douglas.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was written to gain support for

a transcontinental railroad

Which was an advantage for the South at the start of the Civil War?

a well-led army

During the Civil War, cotton diplomacy was

an attempt to force the British to recognize the Confederacy.

Robert E. Lee was promoted to Confederate general because

another officer was killed in battle.

By choosing to resupply Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln risked

armed conflict with Southern soldiers.

How did Lincoln attempt to peacefully resolve the question of whether to resupply Fort Sumter?

by sending unarmed supply ships to the fort

The goal of the Anaconda Plan was to

cut off the South's supply routes.

A similarity between the views of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas was that both

did not support abolition.

A connection between Northern Democrats, Free-Soilers, and Conscience Whigs in 1854 was that they

formed the Republican Party.

Lincoln worried about resupplying Fort Sumter because

he did not want to appear to give in to the Confederacy.

A reason that Lincoln wanted to capture Richmond during the Civil War was because

it was the Confederate capital.

The North saw the Mississippi River as important because

it was the South's major transportation link.

Lincoln reentered politics in 1856 by

joining the Republican Party.

During a state convention in December of 1860, South Carolina voted to

leave the Union and establish a confederacy.

Compared to the South during the Civil War, the North had more

miles of railroad.

When it first formed, the Republican Party supported

modernizing the nation.

After Confederate troops opened fire on Fort Sumter, approximately how long did it take for the Union surrender?

one day

A similarity between George McClellan and Robert E. Lee was

past experience in the military.

In his inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln

reached out to Southern states.

In his inaugural address, Lincoln refused to compromise on which of the following issues?

secession of Southern states

As a senator, Lincoln feared that the eventual result of the Dred Scott decision would be that

slavery would become legal everywhere.

The North's control of railroads gave it an advantage during the Civil War because

supplies and men could move more easily.

Following the election of 1860, many in the South believed

that the institution of slavery was in jeopardy.

Abraham Lincoln first ran as a Republican in

the 1858 Senate election.

Which event marked the beginning of the Civil War?

the Battle of Fort Sumter in 1861

During the presidential election of 1860, which political party was divided on the issue of slavery?

the Democratic Party

In the years leading up to the 1860 presidential election, which of the following included a provision that people of African descent were not US citizens?

the Dred Scott decision

Abraham Lincoln ended his law career when

the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed.

Which groups opposed the spread of slavery during the 1860 presidential election?

the Republican Party

An effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was that

the Republican Party was formed.

The Lincoln-Douglas debates occurred during

the Senate election of 1858.

Which two political parties did Abraham Lincoln belong to?

the Whigs and Republicans

Which would most likely have been supported by states' rights advocates during the 1860 presidential election?

the idea of popular sovereignty

As a result of the Democratic convention in 1860

the party split and two candidates were nominated.

As a military leader, George McClellan was known for

training soldiers how to fight.

When Lincoln finally sent supplies to Fort Sumter, he used

unarmed ships.

The Crittenden Compromise proposed

using the Missouri Compromise to decide about slavery.

On which issue did Lincoln and Davis most strongly disagree?

whether the South had the right to secede

When the Republican Party formed in the 1850s, its support for free labor meant that

white men did not have to compete for jobs.

By February of 1861, how many states seceded from the Union?


Which of these states were part of the Confederacy?

Alabama and Georgia

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