Upper Extremity Review Quiz- Muscle Movements

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What are the actions of the Supraspinatus muscle?

Abduction of the glenohumeral joint and stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa

What are the actions of the Pectoralis Minor Muscle?

Abduction, Downward rotation, and Depression

What is the action of the Serratus Anterior Muscle?

Abduction/Protraction and upward rotation

What is the action of the Latissimus Dorsi?

Adduction,Extension, Internal Rotation, and Horizontal Abduction of the glenohumeral joint

What is the actions of the rhomboid major and minor muscles?

Adduction/retraction, downward rotation, and elevation

What muscle is very powerful in flexing the elbow when the radioulnar joint is supinated?

Biceps Brachii

List the elbow flexors.

Biceps brachii, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis

What muscle pulls on the ulna, which does not rotate, thus making this muscle the onlu pure flexor of the elbow joint


The __ muscle acts as a flexor best in the midposition or neutral position between pronation and supination (thumb-up position).


The __ muscle is not a powerful muscle, but it does assist in flexion and adduction and is most functional in moving the arm horizontally toward and across the chest


Any movement of the humerus on the scapula will involve part or all of the ___ muscle


Lifting the humerus from the side to the position of abduction is a typical action of the


The ___ muscle is used in any lifting movement


The trapezius stabilizes the scapula as the __ muscle pulls in the humerus


List the intrinsic muscles of the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint).

Deltoid, Coracobrachialis, teres major, subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and the teres minor.

What is the action of the Trapezius Lower Fibers?

Depression, Adduction/Retraction, and upward rotation of the scapula

what is the action of the triceps brachii?

Extension of the elbow in all heads and extension, adduction, and horizontal abduction of the shoulder joint in the long head

What is the action of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle?

Extension of the wrist, adduction of the wrist together with the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, and weak extension of the elbow

What are the wrist extensors?

Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris

Besides being a powerful wrist extensor, the __ muscle is the only muscle other than the flexor carpi ulnaris involved in wrist adduction or ulnar deviation.

Extensor carpi ulnaris

what muscle is developed by performing wrist extension against a handheld resistance.

Extensor carpi ulnaris

What three muscles are the most powerful of wrist extensors? These muscles act as antagonist to wrist flexion to allow the finger flexors to functon more effecitvely in gripping.

Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi radialis longus

what muscles primary function is to assist the extensor digitorum in extending the little finger

Extensor digiti minimi

Working on each side of the abdomen, the __ muscles aid in rotating the trunk when working independently of each other.

External Oblique Abdominal Muscles

What are the actions of the Infraspinatus?

External rotation, horizontal abduction, and extension of the glenohumeral joint and stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa

What are the actions of the teres minor?

External rotation, horizontal abduction, and extension of the glenohumeral joint and stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa

What is the action of the flexor carpi radialis muscle?

Flexion and abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow, and weak pronation of the forearm

What is the action of the Brachioradialis muscle?

Flexion of the elbow, Pronation of the forearm from supinated postition to neutral, and supination of the forearm from pronated position to neutral

What is the action of the Biceps Brachii?

Flexion of the elbow, Supination of the forearm, weak flexion of the shoulder joint, and weak abduction of the shoulder joint when the shoulder joint is in external rotation

What is the action of the flexor digitorum profundes muscle?

Flexion of the four fingers at the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interohalngeal joints and flexion of the wrist

what is the action of the flexor digitorum longus muscle?

Flexion of the thumb carpometacarpal, metacarpophalngeal and interphalngeal joints, and flexion and abduction of the wrist

What is the action of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle?

Flexion of the wrist, adduction of the wrist together with the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, and wrist flexion of the elbow

What are the actions of the Coracobrachialis muscle?

Flexion, Adduction, and Horizontal adduction of the glenohumeral joint

What are the three wrist flexors?

Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus

What three muscles are the most powerful of the wrist flexors? These muscles are brought into play during any activity that requires wrist curling or stabilization of the wrist against resistance, particularly if the forearm is supinated.

Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus

What are the only muscles involved in flexion of the four fingers?

Flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundes

What two muscles are vital in any type of gripping activity?

Flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundes

what two muscles are effective when the rhomboid muscles stabilize the scapula?

Infraspinatus and Teres minor

What are the actions of the Subscapularis muscle?

Internal rotation, adduction, and extension of the glenohumeral joint, and stabilization of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa

What are the actions of the Levator Scapulae Muscle?

It elevates the medial margin of the scapula, weak downward rotation, and weak adduction.

Exercises in which the arms are pulled down bring the __ muscle into powerful contraction.

Latissimus Dori

Due to the upward rotation of the scapula that accompanies glenohumeral abduction, the __ effectively downwardly rotates the scapula by way of its action in pulling the entire shoulder girdle downward in active glenohumeral adduction.

Latissimus Dorsi

The Trapezius and Rhomboid muscles work together in producing adduction with slight elevation of the scapula. To prevent this elevation, the __ muscle is called into play.

Latissimus Dorsi

What muscle is one of the most important extensor muscles of the humerus and contracts powerfully in chinning?

Latissimus Dorsi

List the extrinsic muscles of the glenohumeral/shoulder joint.

Latissimus Dorsi and pectoralis major

Shrugging the shoulders calls the __ muscle into play, along with the upper trapezius muscle.

Levator Scapulae

The LEFT side Internal Oblique Abdominal muscles action is what?

Lumbar lateral flexion to the left and rotation to the left, and lateral pelvic rotation to the right

The LEFT side External Oblique Abdominal muscles action is what?

Lumbar lateral flexion to the left and rotation to the right, and lateral pelvic rotation to the right

The RIGHT side External Oblique Abdominal muscles action is what?

Lumbar lateral flexion to the right and rotation to the left and lateral pelvic rotation to the left

The RIGHT side Internal Oblique Abdominal muscles action is what?

Lumbar lateral flexion to the right and rotation to the right, and lateral pelvic rotation to the left

What muscle is absent in either one or both forearms in some people?

Palmaris longus

Bench pressing is widely used for what muscles development?

Pectoralis Major

The Serratus Anterior muscle works along with the ___ muscle in typical asction, such as throwing a baseball.

Pectoralis Major

What muscle aids the serratus anterior muscle in drawing the scapula forward as it moves the humerus in flexion and internal rotation

Pectoralis Major

What muscle is used powerfully in push-ups, pull-ups, throwing, and tennis serves?

Pectoralis Major

The __ muscle is used, along with the serratus anterior muscle, in true abduction/protraction without rotation. This is seen particulary in movements such as push-ups, in which true abduction of the scapula is neccessary.

Pectoralis Minor

What muscle is most used in depressing and rotating the scapula downward from an upwardly rotated position, as in pushing the body upward on dip bars or in body dips?

Pectoralis Minor

The ___ extend and externally rotate the humerus.

Posterior fibers of the Deltoid

What muscle is commonly used in turning a screwdriver, as in taking out a screw with the right hand?

Pronator Quadratus

The __ muscle fix the scapula in adduction/retraction when the muscles of the shoulder joint adduct or extend the arm. These muscles are used powerfully in chin ups.


When pulling your hand away from the back, the __ muscles come into action.


When you are beginning a chin up, which muscle rotates the medial border of the scapula down and back towards the spinal column.


The __ muscle is used commonly in movements drawing the scapula forward with slight upward rotation, such as throwing a baseball, punching in boxing, shooting and guarding in basketball, and tackling in football.

Serratus Anterior

What is the actions of the subclavius muscle?

Stabilization and protection of the sternoclavicular joint, depression, and abduction/protraction

The __ muscle holds the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa from in front and below.


What muscles require the help of the rhomboid in stabilizing the scapula to make it effective in its movements


what is the action of the supinator muscle?

Supination of the forearm

In throwing movements, what muscle provides dynamic stability by maintaining the proper relationship between the humeral head and the glenoid fossa?


What muscle holds the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa?


What muscle is called into play whenever the middle fibers of the deltoid muscle are used?


The Latissimus Dorsi is assisted in all of its actions by the __ and is sometimes referred to as the swimmers muscle because of its function in pulling the body forward in the water during internal rotation , adduction, and extension.

Teres Major

The __ muscle is effective only when the rhomboid muscles stabilize the scapula or move the scapula in downward rotation.

Teres Major

What muscle works effectively with the Latissimus Dorsi and is said to be the Latissimus Dorsi's "little helper"? It also assist the Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis major, and subscapularis in adducting, internally rotating, and extending the humerus.

Teres Major

What two bones are primarily involved in movements of the shoulder girdle?

The Scapula and Clavicle

What muscle is used strongly in doing pushups, especially in the last 5 to 10 degrees of motion?

The Serratus Anterior Muscle

What two muscles will be seen with both movements of pushing with the hands?

The Serratus Anterior and Pectoralis Minor

The __ pulls the clavicle anteriorly and inferiorly toward the sternum. In addition to assisting in abducting and depressing the clavicle and the shoulder girdle, it has a significant role in protecting and stabilizing the sternoclavicular joint during upper-extremity movements.

The Subclavius

How do the anterior and posterior fibers of the Deltoid work together?

The anterior fibers horizontally adduct the humerus, while the posterior fibers horizontally abduct it.

The __ muscle flex and internally rotate the humerus

The anterior fibers of the Deltoid

The __ assist in extension and horizontal abduction of the shoulder.

The long head of the Triceps Brachii

What are the five muscles involved shoulder girdle movements?

The pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, trapezius, rhomboid, and levator scapulae

What muscle prevents the scapula from being pulled downward?

The trapezius

What two muscles work together in producing adduction with slight elevation of the scapula?

The trapezius and rhomboids

Shoulder girdle muscles do NOT attach to the humerus, nor do they cause actions of the shoulder joint. True or False


When is the supinator muscle called into play?

When movements of extension and supination are required, as when turning a screw driver. The curve in throwing a baseball calls this muscle into playas the elbow is extended just before the ball is released.

both the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus are involved in __ of the wrist


what is the primary function of the of abductor pollicis longus?

abduction of the thumb

The long head of the triceps brachii is

an important extensor of the shoulder joint

Curling is an excellant exercise to develop the

biceps brachii

The __ assist in flexing anf horizontally adducting the shoulder

biceps brachii

The shoulder girdle muscles are essential in providing

dynamic stability of the scapula, so it can serve as a base of support for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, backing, and blocking

What is the action of the Trapezius Upper Fibers?

elevation of the scapula, upward rotation, and extension and rotation of the head at the neck

What is the action of the Trapezius Middle Fibers?

elevation, upward rotation, and adduction/retraction of the scapula

what is the action of the extensor carpi radialis brevis?

extension and abduction of the wrist and weak flexion of the elbow

what is the action of the extensor carpi radialis longus

extension and abduction of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow, and weak pronation to neutral from a fully supinated position

stretching the __ and __ requires the elbow to be extended with the forearm pronated while the wrist is passively flexed and slightly adducted

extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus

what is the only muscle involved in extension of all four fingers?

extensor digitrorum muscle

what muscle is responsible for extending the index finger?

extensor indicis

what muscle assist the extensor pollicis longus in extending the thumb?

extensor pollicis brevis

what muscles primary function is extension of the thumb, although it does provide weak assistance in wrist extension

extensor pollicis longus

Muscles that orginate on the trunk and insert on the humerus are considered __ to the glenohumeral joint.


What is the action of the palmaris longus

flexion of the wrist and weak flexion of the elbow

The Triceps Brachii is used in

hand balancing and any pushing movement involved in the upper extremity

The __ muscle is vital in maintaining the posterior stability of the glenohumeral joint


What muscles eccentrically slow down the arm from high velocity internal rotation activities such as baseball pitching and service in tennis

infraspinatus and teres minor

Muscles that orginate on the scapula and clavicle and insert on the humerus may be thought of as muscles __ to the glenohumeral joint.


Unlike the flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris, which are not only wrist flexors but also abductors and adductors, the ___ muscle is involved only in wrist flexion.

palmaris longus

maximal wrist and elbow extension stretch the

palmaris longus

Fixation of the scapula by the __ muscle allows the levator scapulae muscles on both sides to extend the neck or to flex laterally if used on one side only.

pectoralis minor

what is the action of the pronator quadratus

pronation of the forearm

what is the action of the pronator teres?

pronation of the forearm and weak flexion of the elbow

When all of the trapezius muscles work together, they tend to __ and __ at the same time. This may be seen in lifting the handles of a wheelbarrow.

pull upward and adduct

The brachioradialis assist with supination, which is mainly controlled by the

supinator muscle and biceps brachii

The __ functions very similalarly to the infraspinatus in providing dynamic posterior stability to the glenohumeral joint

teres minor

What is a typical action of the Pectoralis Major?

throwing a baseball

When you're holding your arm up horizontally, the fixation of the scapula is by the __ muscle, while the __ muscle holds the arm in that position.

trapezius; deltoid

The typical action of the __ muscle is shown in push ups when there is powerfull extension of the elbow

triceps brachii

What muscle is the primary elbow extensor?

triceps brachii

What is the action of the Brachialis Muscle?

true flexion of the elbow

When is the Pectoralis Major work as a helper of the Latissimus Dorsi muscle?

when extending and adducting the humerus from a raised position

What is the typical movement of the pronator teres muscle?

when the forearm pronates as the elbow flexes

When is the brachialis called into action?

whenever the elbow flexes

The flexor carpi ulnaris is one of only two muscles involved in

wrist adduction and ulnar flexion

The flexor carpi ulnaris is very important in

wrist flexion and curling activities

Do the rhomboid major and minor muscles work together?


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