US History Unit 12: Modern Presidents

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Rachel Carson

- American conservationist whose 1962 book "Silent Spring" galvanized the modern environmental movement that gained significant traction in the 1970s. - Earth day: April 22nd

Affordable Care Act

- An expansion of Medicaid, most of employers must provide health insurance, have insurance or face surtax, prevents rejection based on pre-existing condition. Also referred to as "Obamacare", signed into law in 2010. - under Obama Presidency

Earth Day

- International day of celebration and awareness of global environmental issues launched by conservationists on April 22, 1970.

Stonewall Riots

- New York city @ a bar called Stonewall Inn - Triggered activist protests among gays and lesbians - police raided gay bar - people fought back - became symbol of oppression of gays, began the gay pride movement

Great Society

- President Johnson - In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. It meant to solve large social problems like hunger and poverty.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

- Under Nixon - an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment.

Bakke vs. Regents

1978, reverse discrimination. US court case in which Bakke was denied to University of California Medical School twice to people less qualified based on race. Case determined that affirmative action is legal as long as filling quotas is not used.


Announced by Reagan in March 1983 intention to pursue a high-technology missile defense system called the Strategic Defense Initiative. Called for orbiting battle stations in space that could fire laser beams or other forms of concentrated energy to vaporize intercontinental missiles on lift off. Offered potential salvation from a nuclear nightmare.

Reaganomics (supply-side economics)

Far reaching tax reforms that lowered individual tax rates, reduced federal estate taxes, and created new tax-free savings plans for small investors. Goal was to stimulate new investment, boost productivity, foster dramatic economic growth, and reduce the federal deficit.

Barry Goldwater

In 1964, LBJ was opposed by this Republican Arizona senator who attacked the federal income tax, the Social Security system, the Tennessee Valley Authority, civil rights legislation, the nuclear test-ban treaty, and the Great Society

Roe vs. Wade

Landmark Supreme Court decision that forbade states from barring abortion by citing a woman's constitutional right to privacy. Seen as a victory for feminism and civil liberties by some, the decision provoked a strong counter-reaction by opponents to abortion, galvanizing the Pro-Life movement.


1965; health care for the aged, a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over. Created by LBJ

1994 Congressional Election

-1994, Clinton's popularity and the popularity of the Democratic Party had sagged. His inability to pass healthcare reform, as well as a perception that he was a typical "big government" Democrat, caused his popularity to steadily decline; by the fall of 1994, his approval rating was mired at 42%. -Several conservative groups, still powerful from the Reagan years, began to lead Republicans to a philosophical swing to the right. Conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh continually railed against liberals and Democrats. -Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich led the Republican push toward more conservative values. In September 1994, nearly 300 GOP congressional candidates signed what became known as the "Contract for America," a document created by Gingrich in which Republicans pledged to support tax cuts, term limits, tougher crime laws, and a balanced budget amendment. -Many Americans felt that while the nation could boast a high level of prosperity, they personally didn't have a feeling that they were sharing in it. As a result, they voted GOP candidates into both houses, giving Republicans control of both the House and Senate for the first time since the mid-1950s. More Republican governors were elected, and established Democrats, such as New York's Mario Cuomo and Texas's Ann Richards, were defeated in their bids for reelection. Gingrich was elected Speaker of the House, and ultra-conservative senators such as Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond gained powerful committee chair positions.

AIDS crisis

Product of the HIV virus, an STD, which makes patients more susceptible to other diseases. The first affected group was gay men, then it spread to druggies, the idea of safe sex was widely promoted. People around the world struggle with the virus, especially Africa. An expensive drug cocktail was found to treat it.

Clinton Impeachment

Result of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. December 19, 1998 in the House two count of impeachment were approved, lying to the grand jury and obstructing justice, voting along partisan lines. Moved to the Senate and a trial of the president began, it ended with a decisive acquittal of Clinton.

Iran-Contra Scandal

Secretly, American President Reagan authorized the off-the-books sale of stolen weapons from the Pentagon to Iran in order to fund the Nicaraguan Contras; Congress had forbidden him to use government funds to support the Contras; helped keep Iraq from winning the Iraq-Iran War (did not want a Middle Eastern superpower); very illegal (Iran was considered a terrorist state) and almost caused Reagan to be impeached.


Series of scandals that resulted in President Richard Nixon's resignation amid calls for his impeachment. The episode sprang from a failed burglary attempt at Democratic party headquarters in Washington's Watergate Hotel during the 1972 election.

Equal Rights Amendment

Supported by the National Organization for Women, this amendment would prevent all gender-based discrimination practices. However, it never passed the ratification process.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

The 444 days in which American embassy workers were held captive by Iranian revolutionaries after young Muslim fundamentalists overthrew the oppressive regime of the American-backed shah, forcing him into exile. These revolutionaries triggered an energy crisis by cutting off Iranian oil. The crisis began when revolutionaries stormed the American embassy, demanding that the United States return the shah to Iran for trial. The episode was marked by botched diplomacy and failed rescue attempts by the Carter Administration. After permanently damaging relations between the two countries, the crisis ended with the hostage's release the day Ronald Reagan became president

Camp David Accords

The first signed agreement between Israel and an Arab country, in which Egyptian president Anwar Sadat recognized Israel as a legitimate state and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.

Ford's Pardon of Nixon

The pardon of Richard Nixon, which occurred in 1974, was US history's most significant presidential pardon. Given by Gerald Ford, the President at that point in time, the pardon of Richard Nixon removed all punishment towards Richard Nixon as a result of Nixon's attempt to steal information from the Democratic Party at Watergate. Richard Nixon was impeached as a result of the Watergate incident, although he did not have to serve any time in prison as a result of this pardon. This is significant as this was the first and only pardon of a presidential impeachment.


This was supported by Clinton, and it created a free-trade zone between Mexico, America and Canada.

Election of 2000

W. Bush v. Al Gore. Gore won the popular vote. Bush won Florida and the election.Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate was evenly divided by the parties.


a federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them (low-income families)

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