US Presidents 25-44

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William McKinley

25th president, responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, and a booming economy. Was assassinated by an anarchist, Leon Czolgosz. Mount McKinley named after, portrait on $500 bill.

Theodore Roosevelt

26th president, nicknamed "Teddy" and "The Rough Rider." Doubled the number of National Parks, face carved on Mount Rushmore. Won Nobel Peace prize for ending Russo-Japanese War. Inspiration behind the teddy bear, a hunting fanatic (except for bear cubs)

William Howard Taft

27th president, heavyweight wrestling champion, nicknamed "Big Bill." Established the federal income tax. Became a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after leaving office.

Woodrow Wilson

28th president, president during the Great War (WWI), 19th amendment gave women the right to vote, won Nobel Peace Prize for founding the League of Nations.

Warren G Harding

29th president, known as the worst president ever, played poker and golf. Died of a heart attack while in office.

Calvin Coolidge

30th president, nicknamed "Silent Cal." President during the roaring 20's.

Herbert Hoover

31st president, 1929-1933, nicknames "The Grand Old Man" and "The Great Humanitarian." Boulder Dam was renamed Hoover Dam after him. Stock market crash of 1929 brought on the Great Depression.

Franklin D Roosevelt

32nd president, 1933-1945, "FDR" and "The New Dealer", served 12 years in office, won 4 consecutive elections, cousin to Theodore Roosevelt, paralyzed by polio at age 39, confined to a wheelchair, president during the Great Depression and WWII, created the Social Security System, portrait on dime.

Harry S Truman

33rd president, 1945-1953, "The Buck Stops Here", ordered use of atomic bombs to end WWII, joined NATO, ordered troops into Korean War.

Dwight D Eisenhower

34th president, 1953-1961, "Ike", first president for all 50 states

John F Kennedy

35th president, 1961-1963, "JFK", youngest to win a Presidential election (age 43), established the Peace Corps, promoted space exploration and supported civil right movement, assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald, portrait on the 50-cent coin

Lyndon B Johnson

36th president, 1963-1969, waged a war on poverty, oversaw escalation of the Vietnam War, US astronauts orbited the moon, "Great Society", signed Civil Rights Act into law, Voting Rights acts, health care programs for the poor and elderly.

Richard Nixon

37th president, 1969-1974, president at the time of the first man on the moon, pulled US troops out of Vietnam, improved relations with China and USSR, faced impeachment after the Watergate scandal, first president to resign

Gerald Ford

38th president, 1974-1977, turned down NFL contract, only president never elected, survived 2 assassination attempts both by women

Jimmy Carter

39th president, 1977-1981, negotiated Camp David peace accord between Egypt and Israel, founded the Carter Center to promote global health, democracy, and human rights, won Nobel Peace Prize for advancing peace and human rights

Ronald Reagan

40th president, 1981-1989, actor in 53 films, wounded in assassination attempt, appointed first woman to the Supreme Court, helped end the Cold War

George H.W. Bush

41st president, 1989-1993, father of George W Bush, US Ambassador to the UN, President during the collapse of the Soviet Union, President during the first Gulf War

Bill Clinton

42nd president, 1993-2001, appointed first woman Secretary of State, impeached by Congress (acquitted by the Senate)

George W Bush

43rd president, 2001-2009, son of George H.W. Bush, won 2000 election with the closest election results in history, president during 9/11 attacks and the War on Terror

Barack Obama

44th president, 2009-2017, first African-American president, won Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to strengthen international dimplomacy

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