U.S. Presidents: ALL

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Abraham Lincoln

16th (1861-1865) Republican from IL; presided over the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation; assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Andrew Johnson

17th (1865-1869) Democrat from TN; opposed Radical Republicans and vetoed Reconstruction Acts that eventually overrode his veto; was impeached and one vote away from being removed [first president to be impeached]

Grover Cleveland

22nd (1885-1889) Democrat from NY; vetoed many bills, including one for Civil War veterans' pensions; supported a merit system for the civil service and repealed the Tenure of Office Act; [only president to be married at the White House]

Rutherford B. Hayes

19th (1877-1881) Republican from OH; elected in the most controversial presidential election in U.S. history; ended Reconstruction; [minority president]

Gerald Ford

38th (1974-1977) Republican from MI ; criticized by many for pardoning his predecessor; president at the end of the Vietnam War; [only president to have not been elected as either president or vice president]

William Henry Harrison

9th (1841) Whig from OH; died from pneumonia after just 30 days as president; [shortest presidency; first president to die in office]

John Tyler

10th (1841-1845) Whig from VA; most of his cabinet resigned and he was expelled from the Whig Party because he vetoed many of their bills; [known as "His Accidency" because he was the first Vice President to assume the Presidency]

James K. Polk

11th (1845-1849) Democrat from TN; presided over the Mexican War and oversaw the greatest territorial expansion of the United States; [first "dark horse" president; first president not to seek reelection]

Zachary Taylor

12th (1849-1850) Whig from Kentucky; died from bacterial disease or gastroenteritis; [hero in the Mexican War; known as "Old Rough and Ready"]

Millard Fillmore

13th (1850-1853) Whig from NY; approved the Compromise of 1850 and opened Japan to trade with the U.S.

Franklin Pierce

14th (1853-1857) Democrat from NH; signed the Gadsden Purchase and supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act

James Buchanan

15th (1857-1861) Democrat from PA; unable to deal effectively with southern secession [only President to remain a bachelor]

Ulysses S. Grant

18th (1869-1877) Republican from IL; presided over Reconstruction and admitted the last of the Confederate states back into the Union; [General of the Union Army in the Civil War]

George Washington

1st (1789-1797) from VA; shaped the duties of the President and refused to run for a third term; [general of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War]

James A. Garfield

20th (1881) Republican from OH; assassinated six to eight months into his presidency by Charles Guiteau; his death led to a reform of the spoils system

Chester A. Arthur

21st (1881-1885) Republican from NY; strong stalwart who surprisingly supported the Pendleton Act, which reformed the civil service; built up the U.S. Navy

Benjamin Harrison

23rd (1889-1893) Republican from IN; supported the Silver Purchase Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, and the McKinley Tariff; [minority president]

Grover Cleveland

24th (1893-1897) Democrat from New York; used federal troops to put down the Pullman Strike; recognized the American government established in Hawaii but opposed its annexation; reformed the tariff and reinstated the gold standard; [only president to serve non-consecutive terms]

William McKinley

25th (1897-1901) Republican from OH; increased tariffs and supported the Gold Standard Act; presided over the Spanish-American War, leading to the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines; assassinated by an anarchist

Theodore Roosevelt

26th (1901-1909) Republican from NY; began construction on the Panama Canal, built up the U.S. Navy, and stated that the U.S. had exclusive policing power over Latin America; his "Square Deal" program included the creation of national parks, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and trust busting; [hero in the Spanish-American War as leader of the Rough Riders; first president to win a Nobel Peace Prize]

William Howard Taft

27th (1909-1913) Republican from OH; embraced "Dollar Diplomacy," encouraging U.S. banks and businesses to invest abroad; broke up nearly twice as many trusts as his predecessor; [only president to serve as U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice; largest president]

Woodrow Wilson

28th (1913-1921) Democrat from NJ; his "New Freedom" program included the Federal Reserve System and the Clayton Antitrust Act; presided over World War I and pushed for the creation of the League of Nations

Warren G. Harding

29th (1921-1923) Republican from OH; campaigned on a "Return to Normalcy" following WWI; raised tariffs and lowered taxes; established the Veterans Bureau and Bureau of the Budget; died of a heart attack; [best known for the scandals that plagued his administration]

John Adams

2nd (1797-1801) Federalist from MA; support of Alien and Sedition Acts made him unpopular; lost reelection to Thomas Jefferson; [first president to live in the White House]

Calvin Coolidge

30th (1923-1929) Republican from MA; cut taxes and decreased government regulation of business; granted U.S. citizenship to American Indians; opted not to seek a second re-election; [known for his quiet, cool demeanor]

Herbert Hoover

31st (1929-1933) Republican from CA; presided over the 1929 Wall Street Crash and Great Depression; increased tariffs and taxes on top earners

Franklin D. Roosevelt

32nd (1933-1945) Democrat from NY; his New Deal program included the Works Progress Administration, Social Security, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; presided over most of the Great Depression and World War II; [won four elections making him the longest serving president]

Harry S. Truman

33rd (1945-1953) Democrat from MO; dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII; embraced a policy of containment at the start of the Cold War; presided over the majority of the Korean War

Dwight D. Eisenhower

34th (1953-1961) Republican from KS; launched the Interstate Highway System and NASA; signed civil rights legislation and sent troops to integrate Little Rock high school; [Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during WWII]

John F. Kennedy

35th (1961-1963) Democrat from MA; endured the Cuban Missile Crisis ; assassinated in Dallas, TX, by Lee Harvey Oswald; [the first Catholic president; the youngest president elected to office; in the first televised presidential debates]

Lyndon B. Johnson

36th (1963-1969) Democrat from TX; his domestic program, "The Great Society," included the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, Medicare, and the War on Poverty

Richard Nixon

37th (1969-1974) Republican from CA; opened communication and trade with China and negotiated a nuclear arms agreement (S.A.L.T.) with the Soviets; resigned after being impeached for the Watergate scandal; [won the largest landslide victory in a contested presidential election; only president to resign from office]

Jimmy Carter

39th (1977-1981) Democrat from GA; negotiated the Camp David peace accords between Israel and Egypt; led U.S. boycott of 1980 Olympics in Moscow; president during the Iran Hostage Crisis

Thomas Jefferson

3rd (1801-1809) Democratic-Republican from VA; approved the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; [farmer, scientist, architect, and author of the Declaration of Independence]

Ronald Reagan

40th (1981-1989) Republican from CA; expanded space-based missile defense called "Star Wars"; told Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall; [former Hollywood actor; called the "Great Communicator"; shot by John Hinckley in an assassination attempt]

George H. W. Bush

41st (1989-1993) Republican from TX; presided over the First Gulf War; lost some support after going back on his campaign promise of "No New Taxes"

Bill Clinton

42nd (1993-2001) Democrat from AR; negotiated North American Fair Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada; supported welfare reform; signed the Defense of Marriage Act and implemented Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the armed service; impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice

George W. Bush

43rd (2001-2009) Republican from TX; president during the 9/11 attacks and presided over the invasion of Iraq and the Iraq War; supported No Child Left Behind; presided over the Great Recession caused by a housing bubble; [son of the 41st president]

Barack Obama

44th (2009-) Democrat from IL; pushed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) through Congress; supported same-sex marriage and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell; pulled U.S. combat troops out of Iraq; [first African-American president]

James Madison

4th (1809-1817) Democratic-Republican from VA; presided over the War of 1812, during which the White House was burned; [the "Father of the Constitution"]

James Monroe

5th (1817-1825) Democratic-Republican from VA; presided over the so-called "Era of Good Feelings;" warned European powers to discontinue colonizations in the Americas

John Quincy Adams

6th (1825-1829) Democratic-Republican for MA; accused of winning the White House through a "corrupt-bargain;" [first minority president; son of the 2nd U.S. president]

Andrew Jackson

7th (1829-1837) Democrat from TN; considered a man of the people despite being a rich planter; removed Indians via the "Trail of Tears," killed the Second Bank of the United States, and ended the Nullification Crisis; [hero of the Battle of New Orleans; called "Old Hickory" because of his toughness]

Martin Van Buren

8th (1837-1841) Democrat from NY; presided over an economic depression that led to bank failures and food riots

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