Vocab Unit 10 Completing the Sentence

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We look _______ at any program that makes it harder for city dwellers to get out and enjoy the beauties of nature.


Though my childhood recollections have been _________ by the passage of time, they have not been totally effaced from my memory.


I was relieved to learn that the officials were ________ and that I would only have to pay a small fine.


Though critics ________ at minor faults in the new Broadway show, the general public loved it.


Any "investment counselor" who promises to double your money overnight must be regarded as a(n) ________ or a crook.


During the fourteenth century, the Black Death suddenly swept across Europe, ________ the population and paralyzing everyday life.


The man's personality was a strange mixture of strengths and weaknesses, fores and _______.


Unless the title Special Aide to the Assistant Section Manager involves a salary increase, I would just as soon _________ it.


Ina typical James Bond movie, Agent 007 has a series of adventures that are _________ with tongue-in-cheek peril.


Life on the family farm has ________ me to hard physical labor and long hours of unremitting toil.


Although the moon appease to be a(n) ___________ body, the fact is that it only reflects light from the sun.


During imperial times, the Roman Senate was little more than a collection of ____________ yes-man, intent upon preserving their own lives by gratifying the emperor's every whim.


His statements have been so uniformly ___________ that I get the impression that he is wearing a permanent pair of mental blinders.


As all kinds of wild rumors ran rampant through the besieged city, the mood of the populace _______ between hope and despair.


No doubt he's very sorry he got caught, but that does not mean that he's at all ________ about what he did.


Good supervisors know that they can get more cooperation from their staff by making polite requests than by issuing ____________ orders.


I was totally taken aback when they ________ my kind offers of assistance so rudely and nastily.


The general sent scouts on ahead of the army to ________ the area for a suitable site to pitch camp.


The riot converted the quiet streets of that suburban community into a ghastly ________.


Although there had been some ______ fighting earlier, the real battles of the Civil War did not begin until Bull Run in July 1861.


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