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about how many college students have eating disorders?


As defined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), what is the approximate prevalence of adult overweight plus obesity combined for US adults


Many health experts describe our environment here in the U.S. as "obesogenic." Why?

Because everywhere you go there is FOOD. Whether it is sight or smell or efficiency it has become a serious problem in our environment. Demand for physical activity has decreased and abundance of food has increased.

Describe the four components of a healthy weight maintenance or weight loss program. Now list factors identified as important when developing eating plans for weight loss and maintenance of a healthy weight. What is a reasonable reduction is kcals/day (either from food or exercise) for a healthy weight loss diet?

Diet, Physical activity, Behavior modification, Social Support. Eat low energy dense foods, small portions, avoid empty calories, drink water. Eat high volume low calorie foods, include a source of protein and healthy fat at each meal.

How would you explain the concept of internal regulation of eating and mindful eating to someone interested in losing weight with these principles?

Do not eat when you are starving and do not eat until you are stuffed Listen to what your body is telling you, eating slower can help to identify this You personally need to be aware of your own eating patterns and how you can lose weight in a healthy way.

disordered eating

clinical evidence of eating disorder misuse of eating funtion


peptide in the brain related to carbohydrate cravings

some disordered eating habits

restrained eating overeat when "let guard down"


signals the brain to decrease level of hunger and food intake

types of eating disorders

Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia nervosa Binge-Eating Disorder Female Athlete Triad

List the benefits of physical activity for managing body weight.

Increases lean body mass, 3 increases BMR, improves cardiovascular fitness, decreases blood pressure, decreases insulin resistance, increases feelings of well being and self esteem.

List the components of behavior modification strategies that can be used to assist in sustained behavior change in order to lose weight or maintain a healthy body weight.

Keep a food log Identify trigger foods stop mindless eating Goal is to increase energy expenditure and decrease energy intake. Become aware of behaviors, change behaviors, cognitive skills, personal attitude, and support groups.

What is lean body mass and what is its role in weight management?

Lean body mass = amount of muscle mass a person has Having more lean body mass increases your BMR Increased BMR= ability to consume more calories

What are the health risks associated with obesity?

Premature death, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, quality of life (mobility & discrimination), increased costs

Sonia has struggled with overweight throughout her childhood and adult life. Zoom ahead 20 years and Sarah becomes obese in her 30's. Explain the differences between fat cell development between Sonia and Sarah. Explain why Sonia will likely have more difficulty losing weight than Sarah will. Once Sonia loses her weight, how will her energy needs be different than someone of the same weight and height who never had a weight problem? What strategies could help Sonia to maintain weight loss have been utilized by other successful weight loss maintainers?

Sarah has more fat cells and they are larger in size, whereas Sonia just has a greater number of fat cells because she developed them during childhood whereas Sarah developed them in adulthood. Sonia will have a more difficult time losing weight because she has more&larger fat cells, so although she can decrease the size of the cells the amount she has will not decrease so it will be harder for her to maintain. Sarah on the other hand has less fat cells but larger size so it will be easier for her to lose weight because she will just decrease the size of the fat cells and have a healthy amount of fat cells (same as she began with). She is battling against an enzyme that wants to store fat. Diet, physical activity, behavior modification, and social support can help be successful in losing weight. Emphasize low energy dense foods, eat small portions, avoid empty calories, drink water! High-volume, low-calorie foods. Include a protein at every meal to make you feel more full.

Explain how the concept of plate management could be used to help with weight loss. What food group is emphasized in this particular plan?

Smaller plates= smaller portions ( less food eaten) It will increase your intake of nutrient-dense foods and decrease your intake of energy-dense foods. Vegetables are emphasized.

What is the misconception in this student quote? "The less dietary fat I take in, the less body fat I will have."

Some dietary fats are essential. Also, not just fat goes towards body fat.

What weight would health experts set as a safe and reasonable goal for Sonia to attain from a weight loss diet? (Sonia should lose about ___ % of her body weight over a 6 month period or ____ lbs/week. See pg. 283)

Sonia should lose about 5-10% of her body weight of a 6 month period or 1-2 pounds per week

What fat distribution pattern is associated with less risk of chronic disease and what fat distribution pattern is related to higher risks?

The "apple" fat distribution is associated with higher risk of chronic disease, "pear" fat distribution is associated with lower risk of chronic disease.

Describe the Set-Point Theory. Does this mean that no one can ever lose weight and keep it off?

The body fights to remain at a specific body weight with mechanisms that oppose weight loss or weight gain This does not mean that you can not lose or gain weight, it just means that the body will try to hold on to your current body weight For example your body may tell you you are hungrier when you start losing weight, to get back to your normal weight

Explain how the energy density concept could be useful in weight management and how to use it to change the energy density of a meal.

The less energy-dense meal you have the more nutrient-dense meal you have. It will still make you feel full providing you with more nutrients and less calories. Decrease the amount of ham & cheese in your sandwich and replace it with lettuce and tomatoes - providing more nutrients.


Visceral fat More dangerous and associated with chronic diseases Measure waist circumference Females < 35 inches Males < 40 inches

Sonia wants to lose weight and David has decided he wants to gain weight. Both have decided to throw caution to the wind and are going to get drugs from the black-market "they" say impact the regulation of food intake via known hormones and proteins. They have heard about leptin, neuropeptide Y, and cholecystokinin (CCK). From a purely speculative point of view, which of these might help each to either reduce or increase their appetite and food intake, as wished?

Weight loss: Leptin, CCK Weight gain: Neuropeptide Y


an enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides passing by in the bloodstream and directs their parts into the cells, where they an be metabolized or reassembled for storage

what is normal eating?

attention of hunger and satiety may limit energy to restore weight to a health level


inhibits food intake and is stimulated in the small intestine by dietary fat

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