WHAP 4.4-4.7

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Different treatment of groups in society, politics, and the economy:

-Expulsion of jews from Spain and Portugal; the acceptance of Jews in the Ottoman Empire (reconquista and Spanish Inquistion: movement to persecute and deport all non-catholics from Spain.) -Restrictive policies against Han Chinese in Qing China(Manchu were given highest positions within Manchu, Marriage between Manchu and Han was illegal) -Varying Status of different classes of women within the Ottoman Empire(Relative to other societies of the era, Ottoman women enjoyed much freedom, were allowed to inherit money, divorce and take injustices to court, lower class women were often allowed the independence to work outside the home, higher class women were educated, but often remained at home and couldn't leave without a male escort, higher class women may also be taken as part of royal harem, but were married to high class men with no shame or reduction in status.

Trans-Atlantic slave trade led to demographic changes in Africa

-Population decrease -10 million slaves sent to Americas -6 million slaves sent to Asia -More women than men in West Africa

Forms of coerced labor used for agriculture in the Americas

-Spanish adaptation of the Inca's Mit'a system- requiring Native Americans to temporarily serve on public service projects -Chattel slavery- Most restrictive form of coerced labor chattel slaves rarely achieved freedom, Most born and died as slaves -Indentured servitude- People signed a contract to serve another for a limited amount of time often in exchange for passage to the new world -Encomienda system- The Spanish Crown granted a Spaniard in the Americas the right to collect tribute from the Native Americans living within a certain plot of land the tribute could be money Goods or labor

Slave resistance:

-The establishment of Maroon societies in the Caribbean and Brazil communities of former slaves(escaped during the revolt, oldest societies in the Dutch colony of Suriname, often intermarried with indigenous people) -North American slave resistance Nat Turner Revolt: Virginia, 1831 (only sustained slave revolt in the U.S, Group of 75 killed 60, stopped by state militia) -John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry: Virginia 1859 (captured arsenal to begin armed slave revolt, stopped by marines)

Examples of increased peasant and artisan labor

-western Europe- wool and linen -India- cotton -China- silk

Casta systems in the Americas

A new social hierarchy develops as Europeans and Africans arrived in the Americas and eventually intermarry with Native Americans. Those with more European blood were considered higher class than those with more Native American or African blood. (Peninsular: born in Spain(the main connection between colonies and the Spanish crown) -(Creoles: Spaniards born in the new world become new elite in Spanish America, considered superior to Native Americans and those mixed blood, owned ecomiendas)

The extension of Maritime trading networks fostered the growth of states in Africa including the Asante (Ashanti) and the Kingdom of the Congo whose participation in trading networks led to an increase in their influence

Both states were located in Western Africa and participated in the transatlantic slave trade

Russian boyars

Boyars= Russian nobles (loster power as Ivan the 4th centralized government power and stripped boyars of their positions, making them submissive to the Tsars(Czars) Tsar= Russian term for "Caesar")

Interactions between Africans and European leads to some syncretism

EX: Verdun(Voodoo) blend of native African beliefs and Catholicism

Thirty Years War

Fought mainly in Central Europe from 1618 to 1648 began as protestant vs. catholic conflict in Holy Roman empire; became a fight for power between many European powers "Last great religious war in Europe"

Hacienda systems

Haciendas large 8 estates/farms, Haciendas were worked by Native Americans who were supposed to be free and earn a wage, hacienda owners typically forced Native Americans to remain on the Hacienda and work for free

European nobility

Lost power and influence as the European country gained wealth and Status old money vs. new money Gentry those who had earned wealth rather than inheriting it most were merchants. Also lost influence as Royals regain power in Europe became more nationalistic after the Medieval era Prior to the early modern are European Royals rely heavily on wealth nobody eme, royals found ways to access new wealth, making medieval times. Prior to the early modern era, the European Royals relied heavily on wealth from nobles. Throughout EME, royals found ways to access new wealth making nobles' wealth unneeded. (Spanish used silver from America's French sold new positions of nobility to raise revenue)

Asian states that adopted restrictive or isolationist trade policies: Ming China

Ming China -Was originally interested in trade and exploration (Used Chinese junk ships) -Became isolated after the death of emperor Yongle -Wanted to resist any cultural influence from Europe (Qing Dynasty also limits foreign influence)

Many states, such as the ___________________ empires, adopted practices to accommodate the ethnic-religious diversity of their subjects or to utilize the economic, political, and military contributions of different ethnic or religious groups.

Mughal and Ottoman

Voyages to the new world funded by JSC's were most efficient than those sponsored by royals

No religious concerns streamlined to produce as much profit as possible (got to please investors) showed potential benefits of a capitalist society

Joint-Stock Companies

Pooling resources for business ventures(most ventures were too expensive for just one entrepreneur to fund EX: British East India Co. and Dutch East India Co.(VOC)), offered limited liability(if the JSC failed the loss was shared), an investor could never lose more than he/she put in, No one would be completely financially devastated. Potential for profit was still high, forerunner to the stock market

Muslim- European rivalry in the Indian Ocean

Port city of Muscat sits at the mouth of the Persian Gulf (Portuguese feuded with the Omanis for control)

European states establishing trading post empires in Africa and Asia (around and throughout the Indian Ocean)

Portugal The Netherlands (The Dutch) Spain Britain France

Local resistance

Pueblo Revolts Fronde Cossack revolts Maratha conflict with Mughals Ana Nzinga's resistance (as ruler of Ndongo and Matamba) Metacom's War (King Philip's war)

Mughals and Ottomans benefited from the use of non-muslims in their empires.

Religious tolerance during the early years of Mughal empire(no religious tax for non-muslims, Hindus given government positions) Ottoman practice of Devshirme (using christians in elite Janissary corp)

Indian Ocean Asia merchants:

Swahili Arabs- east coast of Africa Omanis- southern Arabian Peninsula Gujaratis- western India Javanese- Indonesia

The Atlantic system involved the exchange between Africa Europe and the Americas

The Americas primarily exported raw materials Europe primarily exported manufactured good Africa primarily exported slaves

Ming and Qing dynasties tried to limit European power in Asia by demanding Chinese Goods be paid for in silver or gold

The Spanish then used Native Americans and eventually African slave labor to mine Mass amounts of silver in the Americas to use as payment for Asian Goods

European used protectionism

The state was very active in trade (regulating and imposing taxes/tariffs)

Ottoman timars

Timar=land and position granted to ottoman soldiers in exchange for military services similar to European Knights

Asian states that adopted restrictive or isolationist trade policies: Tokugawa Japan

Tokugawa Japan -Sakoku: policies that limited Japenese with foreign powers (Foreigners weren't into Japan; Japanese commoners weren't allowed out) -Eventually passed laws outlawing in order to further resist European influence -Japan remained isolated until the 19th century

The Spaniards Were Meant to protect, care for, and educate Native Americans

Typically Spaniards instead abused Native Americans and use them as slaves


Used by European Empires emphasized stockpiling precious metals Empires attempted self-sufficiency meaning they try to produce all of their own Goods rather than importing them(Trying to become self-sufficient encourage Empires to expand overseas colonies could produce resources that the mother country couldn't Empires wanted to maintain a favorable balance of trade mini they wanted to export more than they imported)

Moroccan conflict with the Songhai empire

Victory over the Songhai led to Morocco gaining control over profitable West African trading cities like Timbuktu

Indian ocean trade thrived as Asian and Europeans traded with one another, but there was some

conflict over control of trade routes

slaves has been exported from the __________ of Africa for centuries

east coast

People can earn wealth and Status

royalty, nobility, and clergy are no longer the only Elites

artisan= consumer good=

skilled worker who creates goods often by hand final good purchased directly by the consumer

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